
Scott Game profile


Feb 12th 2016, 22:05:40

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Scott:
Perhaps you should advertise on a forum for kids with down syndrome or retarded animals.


Canadians are people too...even Braden.

Scott Game profile


Feb 12th 2016, 0:02:07

Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by Scott:

If you kill all the sheep, how is akula supposed to get laid? Asshole.

Don't worry, he still has your mom on speed dial.

Horrible troll...once again.

I don't pride myself on trolling, so you win.... "The Horrible Troll" is born!

Don't bother responding, if I wanted your lip I'd simply unzip my zipper....

Yup, projecting my homosexuality into your homophobia... Or is it just my fluff in your mouth? Either way... I win!

In the end we all pissed off the sheep are dead.... Sex with a sheep is most likely way better than sex with Scott....

Did you ever graduate grade school? My money is on no.

Scott Game profile


Feb 10th 2016, 3:16:18

Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by Scott:

If you kill all the sheep, how is akula supposed to get laid? Asshole.

Don't worry, he still has your mom on speed dial.

Horrible troll...once again.

Scott Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 23:23:48

If you kill all the sheep, how is akula supposed to get laid? Asshole.

Scott Game profile


Feb 9th 2016, 23:21:21

I am not sure anyone wants to play your fluffty game. Perhaps you should advertise on a forum for kids with down syndrome or retarded animals.

Scott Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 3:26:56

Originally posted by Jayr:
Started 1 country...fluff this game. Not even worth my time to beat yalls dumb asses anymore...have fun retards

Headed back to jail again?

Scott Game profile


Feb 7th 2016, 4:26:31

Originally posted by Ratski:
So who are they Merge ring with ?

Jesus and his disciples.

Scott Game profile


Feb 6th 2016, 5:58:56

Who cares. You are a waste of good carbon.

Scott Game profile


Feb 6th 2016, 3:36:10

Originally posted by Jayr:
U didnt address the part where ur mom said u like butt stuff u big fat queer boy...

Considering you were the source, didn't seem necessary. Promise to try harder next time?

Scott Game profile


Feb 6th 2016, 3:18:49

Originally posted by ssewellusmcWIFE:
Just cause we pretend you are bigger then a Tictac doesn't mean it's true

You are just as terrible at trolling as you are at staying sober...

Scott Game profile


Feb 6th 2016, 2:28:15

Originally posted by ssewellusmcWIFE:
Jayr can pound me any time. Scotts small dict isn't cutting it anymore. Kind of a turn off also since Scott likes his ass played with.

Nice try kid. I didn't get the nickname tripod for no reason.

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2016, 1:50:47


Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 23:29:51

Originally posted by coohwip:
Are you sure? I have been asking, including posting on the boards, messaging players and mods, and the only answer I got, even from Marshal was that only the devs had them.

You asked Marshall... this was your first mistake.

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 4:33:39

Originally posted by galleri:
4. Better yet, have you worked with the kids that have recently graduated??
Now I really end my statement

Don't feed the troll... you know better.

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 2:01:09

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Apparently you're too dense to understand
So move along lil Scotty

You are right, I don't think understand the logic and reasoning of retards...please explain.

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 1:12:51

Eat fluff

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 1:09:33

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Only an insult if it's true ,lil Scotty

Are you trying to assert that you never claimed Ford was inbred? Are you retarded (seriously, that is a valid question)?

Edited By: Scott on Feb 4th 2016, 1:11:42
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Feb 3rd 2016, 3:06:52

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Oh lil Scotty what do yo know of values ? Don't talk about what you lack ,dipstick.

Probably know more about values than someone who called someone inbred and then claimed to not insult that persons family. Still trying to figure out if you are really that dumb or if you just have zero intergrity.

Scott Game profile


Feb 2nd 2016, 3:31:43

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Shewell and Ford tend to fluff up every post on AT....they should really get a life.....or, at least, a sense of humor

Yeah. Posting from my phone impedes my life so much! And if you don't think I laugh everytime I read a blade post then you are delusional.

He still hasn't told me if he finished grade school either.

Yes ford , I wasn't home schooled like yourself.

Is there a problem with homeschooling?

Clearly! Don't you trust Blade's values?

Scott Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 3:15:31

Originally posted by Heston:
That cords gonna make a small mess of the fertilizer. Someone should market a hungy hungry hippos style Huma Hillary game.

Braden will finally be able to afford rye nor sold in a plastic bottle!

Scott Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 2:09:26

I saw her buying fertilizer, det cord, and an alarm clock...

Scott Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 2:08:04

Originally posted by Link:
At one point, I hated scode way more than I dislike dealing with celphie

He plays solo in alliance because he is a complete tard.

Scott Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 0:58:55

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
this time my PM window is empty.

Must be mods abusing their powers.

Scott Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 0:58:13

Originally posted by Celphi:
I'm sure all the ones you listed weren't hated by 70% of the server.

Most of them were hated. iScode was like you, hated by 90%+ of people with whom he came into contact.

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 21:48:22

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade runner.

You been hanging out with Rats For Your Ass? Seem pretty radicalized...

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 20:03:24

Originally posted by Heston:
Why do you try to cut me devil dog?


Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 20:03:12

Originally posted by Heston:
If i had a thing for teeth i would deploy my underpants navy to scour her chompers.

But i dont.


Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 19:53:16

Originally posted by Heston:
Huma will be on my jock now.

Keeping the bar really low?

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 19:47:00

Originally posted by Heston:
I have always said blade talks like a sheltered pissed off old, fat single bitter man hating feminist.
More of an anne of green gables type though.

Bingo....we have a weinerrrrrr!

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 17:56:38

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Never called out his family dipstick.
That's your SOP. Along with the usual , tard,gay, etc..

But now lil Scotty ,go play in traffic, this threads not about you even tho you try so hard to make it so. Not to worry,I'm sure everyone knows how hard you try.

Perhaps inbred doesn't mean what you think it means... invest in a dictionary.

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 15:09:51

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Not banned. Your mom did try to ban you from life when she tried to abort you with a rusty coat hanger (shocking - she failed too).

Here we are!!!! Mr identity crisis Shewell aka lil Scotty shows his true colors again.
First prize winner for bringing in family,class act.

Lol you wanna talk about Ford family then make a lame attempt to call me out? HA!

Scott Game profile


Jan 31st 2016, 0:29:54

Originally posted by mrford:
You still didn't address my bet questions. Or if you even finished grade school. If you did your teachers should be fired.

You are dumber than a sack of taters. And a fluff. And a fluff. YOU said "considering where you are from." It isn't my fault you are so full of fluff you can't keep your desperate insults straight.

If I'm inbred, then you were a failed abortion.

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 23:28:39

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by mrford:
Oh, and the 2nd grade level syntax of your posts is giving me eye cancer. Did you finish grade school?

One can only hope right?

Hope and reality appear to be two different situations in this case....

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 21:51:54

Originally posted by Ratski:
Think this is a lot of hits ? Look at the Alliance server News. Its carnage ! Every day and Its tough if your not in a clan. The more Spy tech , if you don't buy tech your a target to the clans, Spy tech, and spies slows them down.

On 1a if you are not in a clan you are farmland...period.

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 19:49:25

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Awwww lil Scotty . We are so proud of you!! You caught an auto correct!!
Good job!
Here's the pat on your pointy little head you strive for.

Y u no troll no good?

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 17:00:15

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by mrford:
It must be really frustrating to be that stupid.

You are the only one bringing up where I was raised. You are the one wandering off topic to detract from how much of a fluff ass fluff you are. Saying that I hate and beat women because I said the word fluff. You are scratching and clawing to gain traction on an ice cliff you are rapidly sliding off of.

The reason I brought up the fact that fluff isn't a bad word everywhere is to show you that you arnt a special little snowflake. Just because your ass is so tight you could turn charcoal into diamonds doesn't mean everyone else is. No one cares that you are offended by the word fluff. Your logic that everyone that says the word fluff is a woman hater is as stupid as everything else that diharrias out of your mouth. I was hoping in vain that you were atleast smart enough to see that.

That is an advanced level of stupid.


I will bet you $100 that the panthers win. Stop being a fluff and back up your idiotic mouth or walk out the door.

You are still an arse. Just seems to take you longer and longer to write more to prove the point.
No bet because you won't give the points. Why would I? You're no friend and I only make fun bets,even Steven with them. The the points.

Embarrassed to explain the "heritage" angle? After all big boy, you played that card.
Let's hear it , mouth.

A www lil Scotty, you try so ,so hard but go play in your room now.
The grown ups are talking.

Says the fluff who backed out of a bet he made...

A www Gordy,now yo have lil Scotty using bad words. Shame on you!
Now lil Scotty ,have someone read the threads to you and they can explain you can back out of a bet if you don't make one.
I offered ,your idol fordy choose not to accept the terms. That's how it goes.

Is Gordy your imaginary friend or are your fingers just that fat?

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 5:33:22

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by galleri:
They are. They are also little mischievous bastards that steal my vegetables and strawberries. And they literally mock me when I come out there to chase them. Sit there staring at me holding my strawberries in their little paws. Little fluffs. But at the same damn time they are so cute.

Deer ate my fluff this year. Tomatoes, jalapenos, cucumbers, all of it.

And im not allowed to shoot them in my back yard! might have to get a knife kill next year.

Any restriction on strapping dynamite to tree and blasting them when they walk by?

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 3:02:00

Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by Dissident:
suiciders don't usually self delete. only celphi does that

I thought there was a cool down time needed to self delete after making attacks?

Retard destroys all acres... thus self deleting. She thinks she is a genious.

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 2:35:48

Originally posted by galleri:
Well if that is the case, then how does Blade feel about the 'Bama Tide team he likes? :/

Don't worry, the gay blade is a complete retard.

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 2:34:53

Originally posted by galleri:
Well if that is the case, then how does Blade feel about the 'Bama Tide team he likes? :/

Band wagon Bama fan?

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 2:34:03

Originally posted by galleri:
galleri here. I am curious how Blade decided mrford was inbred?

I heard it was because he was a Braves fan...

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 2:31:42

Originally posted by Steeps:
always is :o

More like sloth rape...

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 2:24:50

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by mrford:
It must be really frustrating to be that stupid.

You are the only one bringing up where I was raised. You are the one wandering off topic to detract from how much of a fluff ass fluff you are. Saying that I hate and beat women because I said the word fluff. You are scratching and clawing to gain traction on an ice cliff you are rapidly sliding off of.

The reason I brought up the fact that fluff isn't a bad word everywhere is to show you that you arnt a special little snowflake. Just because your ass is so tight you could turn charcoal into diamonds doesn't mean everyone else is. No one cares that you are offended by the word fluff. Your logic that everyone that says the word fluff is a woman hater is as stupid as everything else that diharrias out of your mouth. I was hoping in vain that you were atleast smart enough to see that.

That is an advanced level of stupid.


I will bet you $100 that the panthers win. Stop being a fluff and back up your idiotic mouth or walk out the door.

You are still an arse. Just seems to take you longer and longer to write more to prove the point.
No bet because you won't give the points. Why would I? You're no friend and I only make fun bets,even Steven with them. The the points.

Embarrassed to explain the "heritage" angle? After all big boy, you played that card.
Let's hear it , mouth.

A www lil Scotty, you try so ,so hard but go play in your room now.
The grown ups are talking.

Says the fluff who backed out of a bet he made...

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 1:43:53

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
I think I know what this is about...


Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 1:30:29

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And we are having a good day ladies and germs!
Lil Scotty has once again graced us all with his presence. All it took was a little teasing of his butt buddy fordy to bring him out.
Let's all give him a big hand , he'll be back soon since he has to see his shadow soon.

Now fordy, explain how your " heritage" allows you to be a blowhard arse?
And the "other countries" use the word? Gave me a good laugh. Some countries drive on the left also. What does that have to do with anything? You just can't control the drivel can you?
What next ? Petition for reparations for the harm of your " heritage"?

Also, you are a retarded fluff who enjoys giving and getting cold lunches to/from the other members/patrons/fellow short bus riders of stones.

Scott Game profile


Jan 30th 2016, 1:23:39

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And we are having a good day ladies and germs!
Lil Scotty has once again graced us all with his presence. All it took was a little teasing of his butt buddy fordy to bring him out.
Let's all give him a big hand , he'll be back soon since he has to see his shadow soon.

Now fordy, explain how your " heritage" allows you to be a blowhard arse?
And the "other countries" use the word? Gave me a good laugh. Some countries drive on the left also. What does that have to do with anything? You just can't control the drivel can you?
What next ? Petition for reparations for the harm of your " heritage"?

I was at work, earning money to pay taxes to support slobs like you.

Scott Game profile


Jan 29th 2016, 19:57:45

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Heritage? Oh your inbreeding? Well yes!!

And yes, if you use such derogatory phrases here studies have shown you would do so in normal conversations. I shouldn't have to tell you about studies,that's all you ever cite from.

You seem to be quite hung up on money fordy, maybe you need to find another job.

Bet him and make it payable on the first of the month Ford. That is when welfare checks are sent.

Blade cant win at anything : ( Not at this actual game, not on trolling, and certainly not betting. Pretty sure God hates him.

Edited By: Scott on Jan 29th 2016, 20:53:20
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Jan 29th 2016, 2:38:05

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
My money's on Denver, Vegas with points. But you want to wager when it only favors you and not take a gamble.
Gutless wonder.

Oh lil Scotty came back to be your butt buddy again! So nice.
You two should get a room

You should try growing more than 1 brain cell.