
Scott Game profile


Feb 25th 2016, 23:08:59

Turn save?

Scott Game profile


Feb 24th 2016, 3:15:55

Originally posted by Mr Ford:
Originally posted by Crippler ICD:
ICD lubs CC long time!

Truth be told CC & ICD trade members set to set with that said They are the same clan . Who knows who cares the truth is out there:)

Who cares if they do?

Scott Game profile


Feb 24th 2016, 3:14:53

Watch out ford...she is unbannable.

Scott Game profile


Feb 24th 2016, 2:18:57


Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 23:06:36

Originally posted by Celphi:
I'll explore FFA and see how that server works. Why do you rush to challenge me on FFA when I told you I know nothing of the server? Are you trying to gain your wins while in my infancy stage of that server?

FFA is better for 1 v 1 because you each have 16 countries. Stop being a tard.

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 23:04:22

Originally posted by SuperFly:
is celphi in actofwar?

If so... gang bang

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 5:22:30

Originally posted by Celphi:
I still get wins with sub math skills--

My error was a programming error. It didn't matter how many times you attempted you explain it ford., bc your cries were equivalent to the boy crying wolf. That's what happens when you tell people they are wrong all the time. They begin to ignore even the occasional legit stuff.

You can certainly do better than this piss poor

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 5:21:31

Originally posted by Vamps:
1:1 in express is a bit of a joke. I imagine he'd get a few contestants in FFA though. I'd certainly 1:1 him in FFA. Maybe whoever loses can't post on the boards for a month?

What do you think Celphi? Wouldn't it be nice to get me to stop posting?

As soon as you beat him he will be on the boards ranting about it being a conspiracy....

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 5:11:06

Originally posted by Celphi:
They got suicided by 1 & so did Rybka. Villians killed theirs and we killed our own. Sorry--- I don't count DHs as suicides.

No one expected you to count anything. Ford already proved you had subpar math skills.

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 5:08:44

Originally posted by Atryn:

The amendment grew out of the political tumult surrounding the drafting of the Constitution, which was done in secret by a group of mostly young men, many of whom had served together in the Continental Army. Having seen the chaos and mob violence that followed the Revolution, these “Federalists” feared the consequences of a weak central authority. They produced a charter that shifted power—at the time in the hands of the states—to a new national government.

“Anti-Federalists” opposed this new Constitution. The foes worried, among other things, that the new government would establish a “standing army” of professional soldiers and would disarm the 13 state militias, made up of part-time citizen-soldiers and revered as bulwarks against tyranny. These militias were the product of a world of civic duty and governmental compulsion utterly alien to us today. Every white man age 16 to 60 was enrolled. He was actually required to own—and bring—a musket or other military weapon.

On June 8, 1789, James Madison—an ardent Federalist who had won election to Congress only after agreeing to push for changes to the newly ratified Constitution—proposed 17 amendments on topics ranging from the size of congressional districts to legislative pay to the right to religious freedom. One addressed the “well regulated militia” and the right “to keep and bear arms.” We don’t really know what he meant by it. At the time, Americans expected to be able to own guns, a legacy of English common law and rights. But the overwhelming use of the phrase “bear arms” in those days referred to military activities.

There is not a single word about an individual’s right to a gun for self-defense or recreation in Madison’s notes from the Constitutional Convention. Nor was it mentioned, with a few scattered exceptions, in the records of the ratification debates in the states. Nor did the U.S. House of Representatives discuss the topic as it marked up the Bill of Rights. In fact, the original version passed by the House included a conscientious objector provision. “A well regulated militia,” it explained, “composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.”

Quality research they must have done over at politico. In federalist Number 46, James Madison wrote:

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes."

I am not sure how he could have been any blunter. "Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation"

He I saying Anericans will be armed. I am glad your research concluded he never had any mention of self defense related to the constitutional convention. Ferlist paper 46 was published...

I suppose the "arms" we're just for show.

Where did you learn to research fluff? Cerb? Alin? Perhaps choose a better source next time.

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 4:48:29

Originally posted by Celphi:
3x net? Shrug. I guess they need help with making a balanced country. We both start at 0. Same number of turns.

They got suicided for a good majority of set. Also, they were lazily netting and being a bunch of tryhards. Did you even read the part about a couple people on actual vacations? Lol

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 4:37:20

Originally posted by Celphi:
Why keep referring to a war Rybka won?

Just referencing the worst FS I have ever seen on team server. You are complaining about people people ganging up on you, yet you try and brag about a beating a team who was netting and had 2 members on vacation(the real world variety). You turds took the FS and didn't even get the first kill with a 3x NW advantage as well. You lost that war the moment you couldn't get even 1 kill on the FS (although you tried to kill).

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 3:47:41

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Oh man heston you going to sexualize the world of undecima and then they will overpopulate!!!

They need to overpopulate ... only about 50 players.

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 3:46:47

Originally posted by mrford:
yepper, it has started already. and my boy Denny is already tearing it up with the unlimited and 500 win

suck it Jr nation.

bring on the redneck bullfluff comments from the less cultured!

Turn left...left again...another left....

Scott Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 3:35:26

Originally posted by Celphi:
1v1 ford anytime you want.

I remember the FS Rybka had on xBADX... not a single kill and 2 of them were out of the country....

Good joke Celphi.

Scott Game profile


Feb 21st 2016, 20:27:32

Originally posted by Dissident:
Technically this is our third date. :)

Drunksex should bring the lube. Looks like Elders are planning to use the rear entrance.

Scott Game profile


Feb 21st 2016, 18:12:03

Sell tech @ $700

Scott Game profile


Feb 21st 2016, 5:16:30

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by clintonista:
all of mrford's responses, every single one for fifteen years has been an ad hominem attack totally unrelated to the issue at hand.


LOL I now know that I'm not the only one who see this. LOL

Looks like retards think alike.

Scott Game profile


Feb 21st 2016, 1:17:59

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
I declare war on Crippler because he sucks at being human!

Lol moron

Scott Game profile


Feb 21st 2016, 1:17:41

Originally posted by mrford:
Wait, what?

I think he is pissed you turned him down when he asked you if you would like a Panamanian petting zoo...

Scott Game profile


Feb 20th 2016, 19:49:02

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by mrford:
there is a lot less benefit to being kicked in the nuts as opposed to having a kid....

Too simplistic.

If you could have a child by letting your wife kick you in the nuts, would you?

I rest Mossad's case..


His words of power card was revoked.

Scott Game profile


Feb 20th 2016, 15:45:08

Let's kill them all

Scott Game profile


Feb 20th 2016, 3:04:24

Originally posted by raz:
has ares ever won a war when the opponent fought back?


Scott Game profile


Feb 19th 2016, 13:23:37


Scott Game profile


Feb 19th 2016, 1:16:19

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Scott:
Still sucks...

I challenge you to an art contest using the previous gif you posted. Here is one of my entries:

You have perked my interest. Take notes MKvag.

Scott Game profile


Feb 19th 2016, 1:14:11

Originally posted by galleri:
Weezy a baby scares you......

Weezy has a baby fluff... what?????,

Scott Game profile


Feb 18th 2016, 22:26:03

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
Just wanted to start a debate which might be short lived.

What would happen to the game if server like Alliance which are dwindling below 400 allowed each active player to play 2 countries (No more then 2 period). Tags could instantly double. Maybe add a caveat were no two countries may be tagged different tags to stop some blatant abuses but, Would change wars drastically again. Wars were always more fun with 50+ tags going at it. Would make it more challenging in some ways. People would only technically need 3 people on to get a kill run going with full turns....

I know this is not FFA and no not supporting FFA alliance. How much longer would two countries take to play versus one. Would be very interesting to see Alliance numbers back up to 800 or so. I Know it goes against the spirit of the 1 country per person but, really wonder how much difference 2 countries per person would be. I think it would possibly change the effects of netgaining cause could become like FFA with one country feeding another but, maybe add a rule that no person could inter ally (which stops FA) and adds another dimension to the game.

Just a crazy idea that hoping to hear some real feed back on. Just think of the dimensions would add to the dwindling game.....

Let the flaming begin....(P.s. Bored at work today)

KC has a mangina!

Scott Game profile


Feb 18th 2016, 14:08:53

We should...

Scott Game profile


Feb 17th 2016, 3:36:02

Missles dump ba donka donks. He loves it.

Scott Game profile


Feb 17th 2016, 0:01:41

Still sucks...

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 13:38:20

Something around 9998 seems fair

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 2:44:28

Originally posted by farmer:
great Scott, Batman It looks like Robin just found his voice

Let me know when stones wins a war and I will rescind my statement about stones being target practice for the server.

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 2:26:31

Originally posted by mrford:
Bullfluff. I piss in empties like a man.

Well...excuse meeeeee

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 2:15:47

Originally posted by Celphi:
It is not my burden to prove your silly accusations are false. I can however mock you by replying 'wrong' randomly to your posts.

You acting like an antisocial retard is a proven fact.

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 2:12:38

Originally posted by farmer:
just join "stones" we love all, any nationality, or LGBT and religion, what ever floats you boat you will find it at

Join stones. The server needs more target practice.

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 2:11:44

Originally posted by mrford:
I have an adult sized bladder.

Don't lie...

Scott Game profile


Feb 16th 2016, 1:56:55

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by MKerogazov:
... Almost forgot that I'm ignoring all this buzzing ;)

That buzzing is your wife's pleasure max 9000. If she pays me a subscription fee, I will show her a real man...

Surely not yourself, so who will it be from a picture magazine? Maybe I can show him to her myself :D

Boys, it's all about how you feel yourself about yourself, and I feel great ;) So, relax and take it easy

By any chance did you repeat the 3rd grade more than 5 times?

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 23:27:09

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Just move to Canada, we drink and smoke so much weed we don't care about fighting or killing each other, also we are very tired after work to give a what about anything but our beds.

Flappy headed woman? Gross...

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 18:13:53

Originally posted by drkprinc:
I need mil strat just remember the cheaper you make it the more of it I can buy, but still 3500 base is a nice price ya know you wanna tech it for me ;)

I'm buy it all up @5500. Sell @ 5500 to make the profit you techers deserve.

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 15:03:01

Originally posted by MKerogazov:
... Almost forgot that I'm ignoring all this buzzing ;)

That buzzing is your wife's pleasure max 9000. If she pays me a subscription fee, I will show her a real man...

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 7:14:38

At least earth has Muslim lesbians (Rats For Your Ass) to keep things interesting.

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 7:01:22

Originally posted by justtaint:
I will be leading the combined alliance, we're going to call it SMoFD.

Suncrusher will be along shortly to confirm.

Wait a second, wasn't iScode going to lead post merger?

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 6:05:37

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Atryn:

A concealed carry permit is only a short 5-hour training away.

Nice to see NC infringed gun owners rights so easily. They should also enact a mandatory 5 hour training on how to vote and see how well that goes over.

You clearly don't know your history very well. Read up on why we have that amendment and then come back.

I am aware of the history of the amendment. If you would actually learn the history you would understand the second amendment was so the government couldn't disarm the people (and take power).

Nice try with the holier than though bullfluff.

Incorrect. The constitution had granted to the Federal government the power to run the military. When the Bill of Rights was being debated, the issue was the STATES power against the federal government. Specifically, the State militias were dependent on the federal government for arms. The power that was granted in the 2nd amendment was to allow citizens to own/retain firearms so that when serving in the militia they could come armed without relying on the federal government to supply the arms.

That was the role of the police (local/state, not federal).

In reality, the people never maintained enough arms to supply the state militias when called and thus they were still dependent on the federal government. The state militias as they were known at that time have long since gone away. The closest thing to that today is the National Guard, which is, in effect, a captive force of the federal government. Have you ever known someone to join the Guard and be told "show up with your gun ready"? No. That entire concept, on which the 2nd amendment was based, is now defunct.

Are you retarded? Where did I say anything about self defense? The British baned the ownership of firearms and it was viewed as an act of tyranny. The drafters of the declaration of independence wanted to make sure the government was prohibited from doing the same.

Let's break this down barney style for the legally retarded.

What the 2nd amendment actually says:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The statement above, talks about a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. No where does it say anything about being reliant on the federal government or granting the power of forming militias to the federal government. The second independent statement says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". No where does it say if the government allows you, you can be armed. No where does it say where you can keep and bear arms.

The colonial people viewed the right to arming themselves and bear arms as part of a "state militia" as important because:

1. Enabling the people to organize a militia system.
2. Participating in law enforcement;
3. Deterring tyrannical government
4. Repelling invasion;
5. Suppressing insurrection
6. Facilitating a natural right of self-defense.(this even links back to English common law)

You are clearly wrong. You and Trife can get back to smelling each others farts and masterbating to your Barrack Hussein Obama porn.

Of course there is nothing about granting the powers to form the militia to the federal government. I said that. try reading.

What it does say is "being necessary to the security of a free State". Now, go read the history. The militias were the balance of the STATE against the FEDERAL government. The 2nd amendment was created so that the STATE militia did NOT rely on the FEDERAL government to be armed.

God, why do I have to spell this out for you.

I have read the whole history. You are the one putting forth an argument based soley on a fraction of the 2nd amendment.

Also, you are claiming this "The 2nd amendment was never about crime prevention or self defense in the sense you hear it used today. " you may want to actually read up on the viewpoints and state constitutions that were drafted before you make this argument. Again. Wrong.

As far as the federal govt is concerned, you were the one who brought up the federal govt being granted the power to form a military. I am merely pointing out that you are trying to rely on the dependant clause about the state militia while ignoring the whole "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". It is you whom cannot read. It is YOU who needs to read up before running your suck.

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 2:40:34

Originally posted by John-John:
I got my countries deleted last set because I did not get them safe-listed and then had to go the rest of the set doing restarts . An man did that suck then I kept getting killed due to a war I wanted no parts in . I am trying to run a legit clan with no cheating in it . I you do not think so then I guess we agree to disagree .

Or we could just kill you.

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 2:39:30

Originally posted by victor victoria:
thats funny considering you walk around with your pedantry stick up your ass

Sounds more like your fantasy than it does reality.

Scott Game profile


Feb 14th 2016, 2:17:40

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Atryn:

A concealed carry permit is only a short 5-hour training away.

Nice to see NC infringed gun owners rights so easily. They should also enact a mandatory 5 hour training on how to vote and see how well that goes over.

You clearly don't know your history very well. Read up on why we have that amendment and then come back.

I am aware of the history of the amendment. If you would actually learn the history you would understand the second amendment was so the government couldn't disarm the people (and take power).

Nice try with the holier than though bullfluff.

Incorrect. The constitution had granted to the Federal government the power to run the military. When the Bill of Rights was being debated, the issue was the STATES power against the federal government. Specifically, the State militias were dependent on the federal government for arms. The power that was granted in the 2nd amendment was to allow citizens to own/retain firearms so that when serving in the militia they could come armed without relying on the federal government to supply the arms.

The 2nd amendment was never about crime prevention or self defense in the sense you hear it used today. That was the role of the police (local/state, not federal).

In reality, the people never maintained enough arms to supply the state militias when called and thus they were still dependent on the federal government. The state militias as they were known at that time have long since gone away. The closest thing to that today is the National Guard, which is, in effect, a captive force of the federal government. Have you ever known someone to join the Guard and be told "show up with your gun ready"? No. That entire concept, on which the 2nd amendment was based, is now defunct.

Are you retarded? Where did I say anything about self defense? The British baned the ownership of firearms and it was viewed as an act of tyranny. The drafters of the declaration of independence wanted to make sure the government was prohibited from doing the same.

Let's break this down barney style for the legally retarded.

What the 2nd amendment actually says:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The statement above, talks about a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. No where does it say anything about being reliant on the federal government or granting the power of forming militias to the federal government. The second independent statement says "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". No where does it say if the government allows you, you can be armed. No where does it say where you can keep and bear arms.

The colonial people viewed the right to arming themselves and bear arms as part of a "state militia" as important because:

1. Enabling the people to organize a militia system.
2. Participating in law enforcement;
3. Deterring tyrannical government
4. Repelling invasion;
5. Suppressing insurrection
6. Facilitating a natural right of self-defense.(this even links back to English common law)

You are clearly wrong. You and Trife can get back to smelling each others farts and masterbating to your Barrack Hussein Obama porn.

Scott Game profile


Feb 13th 2016, 21:55:20

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Atryn:

A concealed carry permit is only a short 5-hour training away.

Nice to see NC infringed gun owners rights so easily. They should also enact a mandatory 5 hour training on how to vote and see how well that goes over.

You clearly don't know your history very well. Read up on why we have that amendment and then come back.

I am aware of the history of the amendment. If you would actually learn the history you would understand the second amendment was so the government couldn't disarm the people (and take power).

Nice try with the holier than though bullfluff.

Scott Game profile


Feb 13th 2016, 18:46:00

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Scott:
Perhaps you should advertise on a forum for kids with down syndrome or retarded animals.


!!!! LMFAO that is so true look at any UKEN game, the creator got a bachelors in computer programming and started up a company that rips people off world wide with games just like undecima.

This asshole at Undecima wants to advertise here to get you to pay for a subscription to his fluffty game.

Scott Game profile


Feb 13th 2016, 0:02:36

Please safe list my daughter, dog, and pet rock!

Scott Game profile


Feb 12th 2016, 22:11:18

Originally posted by Atryn:

A concealed carry permit is only a short 5-hour training away.

Nice to see NC infringed gun owners rights so easily. They should also enact a mandatory 5 hour training on how to vote and see how well that goes over.