
Ratski Game profile


Sep 26th 2022, 1:28:08

I had fun set , I got busy yesterday, and forgot Time and when't to bed. I expected to be dead this morning... lol Close but not dead. Don't like spy attacks on your banks ? Build spy's like do ! Look if spy attacks are Tabo , why are in they game on Express ? Think about that one guy's So when I am in the set and you don't have spy's, its not my problem.:) I like making 3500.000.00 a turn, it buy's lot of turrets. No Bot sets change tactic's, It's hard not to bruise Eggo's in this game lol.

Ratski Game profile


Sep 23rd 2022, 1:55:30

Oh so now we have a real war game, you have to buy or build a defense, or get smacked.

Ratski Game profile


Sep 20th 2022, 20:39:20

Ratski Game profile


Sep 20th 2022, 20:38:42

Noticed Fascist gouging on oil like Exxon oil,I paid $499, a barrel and that was cheap at one point. I had no Farms or oil rigs, so I had to pay to move.
And not much tech was for sale.

Ratski Game profile


Sep 19th 2022, 1:46:25

John 3-16

Ratski Game profile


Sep 15th 2022, 21:47:15

Got no choice have to hit live ones, key don't double tap.

Ratski Game profile


Sep 15th 2022, 17:51:24

Heart broken

Ratski Game profile


Sep 14th 2022, 20:53:25

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't see him....
Just because you don't see me dose not mean I am not here in Express.

Ratski Game profile


May 30th 2022, 3:23:13

See what I am talking about Prime took out all my country's, in Alliances, and Tournament B, that's not evolved in Express politics that's just not justified. especially with out proof. Can't believe your being such a jerk and not even will to listen to me.

Ratski Game profile


May 30th 2022, 2:58:59

Originally posted by Primeval:
Both accounts are disabled from playing any game server until further notice. I've warned repeatedly this would happen. Plus, I'm not totally convinced yet the accounts aren't being run by the same person. Play by the rules or lose the ability to play at all.

Prime so you have no proof of collusion, and again you have it out for me when I play the game and other players don't like it so you take out my account? I am seeing a personal byes here by you. Deleting me because you suspect collusion? That's BS if you have no proof ! And Spy attacks are part of the game, there is no rule violation, that's posted. And with out proof of collusion., you proving exactly what I said It's a Big club and I ain't in it, so you screw me every time someone whines about my play ! In any case you have it out for me you never even talk to me about what I am doing , you just delete that it ? Seems like your making it personal to me.

Ratski Game profile


May 30th 2022, 1:16:22

When you fascism clowns trying selling oil @ 999 a barrel I will just steal it ! Same for your bushels and cash I will take what the game gives per turn. Don't like too bad ! Butter build spy's and CYA. Their is no proof of collusion and yet I because my record, I get deleted, I have no control what other players do with their spies,it's Non of my business, I just kill their spies, when they come knocking on my door. How many spies, and turns did you lose trying to look at my country SF Bob? I don't know how #93 got a spy op, on me when he only had 140.000 spires to my 1.200.000 spies, I got them I use them. I like spy weak fat targets, Its part of the game. So when I do something you don't like, you go whine to admin crying collusion! I discovered there is no difference between bots and live players, when it comes to taking bushel's cash, or oil. you have a low spy count, I will tax you ! As for today deletion. It didn't matter , its Free fall Sunday. How my country takes a nose dive every Sunday, even when I have 23000 acres of land, making three million a turn cashing! and losing 12.000 bushels a turn, and I drop from 12 place to 72nd in the last 4hrs of the set. Someone put the hex on my countries or what? Or its a big club and I ain't in it. You think spy attacks are dirty ? Its part of the game, remember its a war game there is no dirty in war!

Ratski Game profile


May 23rd 2022, 21:26:22

Originally posted by farmer:
Hey Ratski sorry to hear about your wife, Hope she is doing better
Thank my friends, for your prayers. I got a up date this morning , Kathy was taken off the ventilator on Sunday, hopefully, she can stay off of it, fingers crossed, I have called her room several times to let her know I am missing her , I want to to get better soon as she can.

Ratski Game profile


May 21st 2022, 22:26:27


Ratski Game profile


May 11th 2022, 3:57:04

Crash !

Ratski Game profile


May 6th 2022, 15:44:00

I got some good news from Kat's doctors, my wife is going to recover, she has a thyroid issue, that's treatable. She may come off the ventilator in the next day or so. Hopefully she will live past our 30 anniversary 6-20-22.
On Monday I was so up set when I took her to the ER, and watcher her start to fade away from me. I thought I was going to lose her at that point. I felt powerless, there was nothing I could do anymore to help her except let go and let the doctors do there jobs, so I put my faith in God and her doctors. One day at a time.

Ratski Game profile


May 4th 2022, 22:08:03

Thank you all :(

Ratski Game profile


May 4th 2022, 17:04:11

I am sitting this one out, My wife in a hospital bed in ICU. I have a lot to deal with ATM, see you all next round.

Ratski Game profile


May 4th 2022, 16:32:22

Kathy, is in a ICU bed in UW, Montlake, on a ventilator. I am going to sit out Express I just need to deal with my emotions, I am a wreck right now. My house feels so lonely with out her. I am hold back the tears.

Edited By: Ratski on May 4th 2022, 16:36:11
See Original Post

Ratski Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 18:15:38

Spies are very important to this game, up until the last day, I build the up to a million spies, this keep most aggressors at bay, when turns are a premium, and if a aggressor loses 3 or 4 thousand spies and three turns just trying to assess a target, more than likely they will move on to someone else. I sell off all my spies in express on Sundays because they are chow hounds that devour bushels and are useless after GDI kicks in . They can be sold off, on the last day. Spies, $120, ea X 1,347,774 =161,732,880.

Ratski Game profile


May 2nd 2022, 17:41:20

Well the #23 burger Queen, flattened my country with 3 days to go, and I never hit him. so rather rebuild I just self deleted, and waited to the end of the set and restarted the next set in the B server this time.

Ratski Game profile


May 1st 2022, 1:56:12

LoL :)

Ratski Game profile


Apr 29th 2022, 20:03:14

I quit Tournament C this round after I played a Tyranny. Spied on #23 and never hit him all I wanted to see what he was doing. He turned my country into a parking lot, at this point why bother to rebuild I had no reason to rebuild. Am I butt hurt? No. Next set. I won't play a Tyranny any more I just haven't figured out how to play it and not end up in negative numbers because I can't make enough money to build it.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 21st 2022, 18:23:22

post deleted

Edited By: Ratski on Apr 21st 2022, 21:21:04
See Original Post

Ratski Game profile


Apr 19th 2022, 23:42:46

Say what ? Are you promoting live targets ? War mongering :0 :):)There will be blood this set !

Edited By: Ratski on Apr 20th 2022, 3:03:50
See Original Post

Ratski Game profile


Apr 18th 2022, 0:26:55

Join a clan and tag up and I wont hit you ! Because un tagged players are Targets like bots, Bots don't have clan taggs

Ratski Game profile


Apr 18th 2022, 0:12:11

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Ratski:
Structure Owned 20,328 acres Construct build 60pt
Enterprise Zones 9100
Residences 9180
Industrial Complexes 20
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 324 Gained by Land grabs.
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 1056
Construction Sites 152
Unused Land Area 496 Acres
Final build
Enterprise Zones 10440
Residences 10500
Industrial Complexes 0
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 152 Cashing @ 9.859.600 may have been higher.

Demolish those labs. More useful as empty, still provides food. Max tech?
And I still had 567 un-built land I finely finished 24th this set, I haven seen the top 25 for about 6 months. Noticed the Bots are not cash cows. and none ended in the top 25, good adjustments.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 17th 2022, 0:46:40

Structure Owned 20,328 acres Construct build 60pt
Enterprise Zones 9100
Residences 9180
Industrial Complexes 20
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 324 Gained by Land grabs.
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 1056
Construction Sites 152
Unused Land Area 496 Acres

Ratski Game profile


Apr 15th 2022, 21:50:44

Looking at the Express market today.:D :The market takes a 6% commission on all purchases
Item Best Price Asking Available You can buy no jet, no troops, no turrets.
Troops $0 - 0 0
Jets 5 $0 $99 0 0
Turrets 0 $0 $115 0 0
Tanks 0 $0 - 0 0
Bushels 456,212 $75 $39 2,999,999 30,764
Oil Barrels 95,934 $0 $205 0 0 Some one getting greedy selling $75.00 bushel's,I will steal it first. :)

Edited By: Ratski on Apr 16th 2022, 5:36:36
See Original Post

Ratski Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 4:44:22

The Difference between fat, and ugly, and stupid people?
#1Fat people can go on a diet.
#2 Ugly is to da bone, but fixable. #3 Stupidity there is no fix, I checked Ace Hardware, they don’t have the parts.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 12th 2022, 4:25:15


Ratski Game profile


Apr 8th 2022, 16:50:41

No! I am RatZilla everyone here knows me, and I have decided to not play under cover. and use the same name every set.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 8th 2022, 15:26:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Ratski:
Rainbows do have some advantages, like we don't buy $500. barrels of oil or $45. bushels. Like the clown in express last set, selling oil at that price, I bought mine off my private market first.

You also don't top 10 🙇‍♂️
Last set I finished 7th in B, I could have been higher ,but I forgot to play my last turns, that day. And when set up this country I was told I would be in A, but I ended up in C , oh well and I am leading C with a Tyranny atm.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 6th 2022, 5:29:28

Rainbows do have some advantages, like we don't buy $500. barrels of oil or $45. bushels. Like the clown in express last set, selling oil at that price, I bought mine off my private market first.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 2nd 2022, 5:20:13

Well at least I finished in the top ten in B, and then get dropped to C for the next set :( I forgot to play out my turns in the set, I forgot it was ending I had like 32 missiles I never deployed, and 14.5 million bushels I never sold.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 2nd 2022, 1:02:26

Who was in the top ten in B ?

Ratski Game profile


Mar 30th 2022, 19:23:15

Chris Rock is making bank now thanks to the slap, his concert shows tickets sales have increased in the 48 hours. He should thank Will he is making really good money now.:)

Ratski Game profile


Mar 28th 2022, 3:43:03

I looked up attack stats of some of the top ten players with l noticed he made 27 PS, this set I only made 4 PS's because I don't like locking up my forces for 4Hrs.

Ratski Game profile


Mar 28th 2022, 2:02:21

My apologies maybe I should have posted in Express. I played a republic Casher, as the set ended I was Cashing over 5.5 million pt, and buying everything else. I grabbed 20.000 acres too.

Edited By: Ratski on Mar 28th 2022, 12:46:10
See Original Post

Ratski Game profile


Mar 28th 2022, 0:35:10

Why are bots able to keep growing on Sundays? And the living player are only able to Cash or Tech, or war after the GDI kicks in and the live players country do a free fall, and the bots keep right on moving up in the standing ??? Seriously the currant setting really screw the live players, like it's pay back for them not hitting back or something.

Ratski Game profile


Mar 26th 2022, 0:26:18


Ratski Game profile


Mar 21st 2022, 18:19:51

I just took the #1 spot on B, atm.

Ratski Game profile


Mar 21st 2022, 18:06:48

I dropped like rock on Sunday again? and I was teching at 5000 a turn. It like this server hates me on Sundays. Well from what I learned this set, I applied to my tournament country in the B server where I am in the #1 spot where I am teching 1755, a turn.

Ratski Game profile


Mar 19th 2022, 16:32:10

I can pay $314 for oil on my private market I am getting gouged at the real gas stations today. $500 for oil I say no , its not happening.

Edited By: Ratski on Mar 19th 2022, 16:36:12
See Original Post