
RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 12:56:55

Colo first off, we were winning vs nbk and ares.
Second off, nice that you are posting up doctored logs, said to someone else.
Third off, nowhere anywhere is their a log of me or anyone else that was leadership in ICD saying we were planning on hitting anyone.
4th off you post way to many times in a row.
5th Have a good day.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 12:49:32

Cable be whining hard last night
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 0:29:37

Originally posted by Cable:
Rats is an illiterate clowm and makes all kinds of false statements here.

Rats you no idea what my retal policy is, and when my country comes up this week you will eat your words again.

Unlike you and the other server trash I DONT go 7 million jets just to make a retal just for the sake of pissing off people.

Lastly your a coward, run your mouth about how easy it is to net and still screw that up when I called you out. Your opinion on here means less then Iscodes.

So in your opinion, retalling anyone is just for the sake of pissing people off? Or is it only when they think they got a clean bottomfeed, and your attempt to outrun the retal didn't work?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:53:11

Ebert, 8 purples nuff said
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:48:45

When you have 8 purples, all your other top finishes are suspect. Most likely you cheated for all of them, they just didn't delete all of them cause their wasn't enough proof.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:44:17

Ebert poor baby, maybe you should go back to cheating, cause it seems to be the only way you can win :)
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:32:34

2500 each I believe
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:28:08

I have no plans to get revenge, seems like a waste of time to me.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:24:36

I'm content knowing that your top 3 finish went to fluff, because you thought having no defense and buying 5 mil jets to retal me was a good idea. How did that work out for you?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 23:20:18

You actually did say that.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:59:12

3 mins ago
6FeetUnder (#11) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 4998 enemy spies.

3 mins ago
6FeetUnder (#11) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5095 enemy spies.

3.1 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused 24,450 troops to leave your army!

3.1 mins ago
6FeetUnder (#11) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 5189 enemy spies.

3.8 mins ago
A chemical missile from 6FeetUnder (#11) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
3112 Civilians
350 Buildings

3.8 mins ago
A nuclear missile from 6FeetUnder (#11) was launched at your lands, destroying:
You destroyed:
540 Acres

Lol keep doing it, I'm sure you wil still hit top 10 with that kind of hit
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:58:29

I forgot they never changed the clocks so still got 2 minutes to launch missiles
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:56:24

Most servers have a certain time period at the end were spyops and attacks are disabled. We have hit that window for this server
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:43:51

It is to late to launch your missiles
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:43:10

Blid should join Omega or Evo
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:42:41

If your going off private its almost always that order, if your trying to figure it out on your own, you can take and divide prices of the military by their worth.

Troops / 5
Jets / 6
Turrets /6
Tanks / 20

Whichever is the cheapest buy it, when destocking.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:39:42

The short answer is because some people have huge egos and think they are entitled to everything, if they play their turns before someone else, or run a strat that gets strong faster.

The long answer is, because anyone can retal anyone else on this server, with Planned strikes giving you 50% more attack power. So when someone retals you 2 or 3 days later, aka 600+ turns later for multiple times what you took from them, by running a country with almost no defense compared to what they had when you retalled. it upsets some people.

Now most people only apply this too people that hit days later, with 3-5x more jets then turrets where the land taken difference is monstrous. Now cable on the other hand, decides that even if you hit him within an hour of him hitting, he believes he is such a great player that no one should ever dare to retal him.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:25:46

Bigboi, doesn't listen well at all. He liked to topfeed clans, then cries when they take it out of his butt.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:21:13

But he does, but instead of just doing it once, he hits them 6+x so they have no shot at fighting back. I am usually still asleep so rarely finish a set, so I like to give people a chance to fight back.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:19:04

Originally posted by ebert00:
Mar 17th 2014, 1:28:24
Amusing thread. I respect cable for roring an all jetter but don't need to post so often. You responding to trash makes you look trashy....let them talk their stupid smack...when you end up on top all you need to say is my country speaks for itself. I kicked your butt. It does appear as if you whine in this thread by stooping to name calling.

See he respects cable's retal policy.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:17:11

cables retal policy is hilarious, all the people that think its funny, hate when it is applied to them.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:09:44

Retal on a Retal.

Blid it wasn't a topfeed.
I decided to use the cable retal policy, of not accepting a guy with more then double the jets then defense retalling me. Then he ran his mouth on how he would still make top 10 and own me.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:06:03

Originally posted by Home Turf:
That was so incorrect it aint funny. U thought that you would "show" NBK what badasses you "used" to be.

You brought in enemies from clan we had just warred.

You threatened NBK on forums and did a bunch of chest thumping.

You thought we would b a easy war.

You had told everyone how you had the top 20 fighters of all Earthdom, and they were going to kick our ass.

You got your fluffy, whiny asses whooped.

Yes I am hilarious.

Show one post where I threatened NBK.

We talked to NBK before taking in CC, and they said they had no hard feelings if we did, and they wouldn't try to kill CC people if they where in the ICD tag.

Show anywhere that I said I'm going to beat down nbk because they are easy.

All in All you are ignorant, and ignorance is never funny except when you are laughing at someone for it.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 22:02:07

Ebert, you didn't finish top 10. What happened, thought you were still going to do super well.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 13:49:41

Home turf, you are hilarious dude. Only people that planned or did a gang bang was you all. You often get people leaving, when you convince retired players to come back, and a week into a set you get gang banged, then a week later, you get gang banged even harder. Alot of people just said fluff it, earth is exactly how I remember it and went right back into the world of retirement.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 13:30:55

Originally posted by Home Turf:
Pretty sad yall cant own up to your own countries. Dropping countries from tag at end of set is pretty cheesy. Good enuff to b part of alliance. Just not when it comes time to account for them hunh. Ill bet yall throw your friends under the bus too, when it suits you. Oh yeah I know the answer to that statement already. What friends? The vanity of yall is rather sickening and disgusting. What pathetic little people are you anyway?

If they haven't played a turn since the war ended or even before that, they aren't really in the clan now are they?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 8:40:46

Bigboy humanitarians are the only reason your still alive
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 3:21:10

bigboi, as you are killing 300k net countries, that we would probably drop from tag at end anyways, your not doing so well
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 23rd 2014, 3:18:12

Oversending actually makes gains smaller
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 18:04:02

People are still getting offended by silly crap like that?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 3:07:02

But he is in the men seeking men postings
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 1:15:00

He also cries if you hit him, begs you to stop, then comes back days later acting like a badass when your already done playing your country
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 22:14:22

Twiz, I have been using that line since the days of babelfish.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 21:23:30

Cable, still hasn't understood that if you grab them then jump your defense, then their only viable method of grabbing is playing their turns grabbbing equal amount of ps jet strength to his turret jump and retal.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 17:26:36

I'm glad you died ICEY!. No one cheats on me!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 17:22:56

If you got that mcuh food, why aren't you tagged ICD! Who you cheating on me with!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 17:17:01

Who died where?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 5:44:59

<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 4:33:46

You got san diego to take the entire thing? Because its happening
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 4:15:36

That seems unfair, he should be able to target whoever he wants
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 3:49:11

He has nothing on sphexi!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 21st 2014, 3:15:10

What happened to banning marshal galleri/?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 23:12:46

I would give no craps, let Russia expand its empire again, the last time they had one it failed pretty spectacularly, wait for them to crumble again, come in with promises of massive FA, if they were to go to war with China. 2 birds 1 stone, leaving America as the top player in the game for 50 + more years.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 21:55:24

if your a full tmbr, you go indy to get enough to start reselling, then you only play turns when your selling
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 21:53:01

Galleri has no balls
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 21:21:03

TIE is a LIE!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 19:02:21

So I just picked a random set, and looked for the first 1 man tag in your guys news.

You seem to have killed him for absolutely no reason. I bet if I spent anytime at all looking, there are plenty more. So please don't bring your nonsense in here. You all play your way, and we don't tell you how to play, we play our way.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 18:45:59

Bigboi I feel like your trying to insult us, but I honestly can't tell, because your posts are full of stupid, and google translate still doens't have a stupid to english function. Maybe Twiz or Donny will translate for me.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 18:40:01

4 Cut Throat (#51) 8,109 1,474,780 H
5 Shinto (#46) 8,417 1,415,391 HG
6 Rush (#63) 7,553 1,358,627 H
7 cheeseburger (#101) 7,408 1,346,332 H
8 Gummy Bear Soldiers (#42) 7,819 1,341,690 H
9 Reality is a Myth (#89) 7,484 1,341,455 H

6 theos all within 130k net of each other and 1k acres seperating them. Another 6 in the top 30.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 16:47:18

Galleri got called you!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars