
QM Diver Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 19:31:41

Allies, yes?
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 19:31:07

Can't see the lake, for the trees!!
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:51:52

"Fraz contact TKO plz..."

Woah, that sounded weird.. fer a sec...

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:48:51

LaE is still kicking.


Like kicking dirt into the grave....

of the the sinking ship?

Okay, I know.. That's just wrong..

But so is having yer dog lick your balls! <---<< Seen any of Louis CK lately? Pants pissing funny!

Ahhh, that's fluff happened to Juggs! Quite the communicator, rat there, Juggs.. :P.. Quaaack

That is all!

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 4:31:10

One might not be as harsh, to kill the countries, but retal in a progressive way.. In one way or another, being sure that the owner sees that trip tapping countries will not be a very neat thing to fluffinue..

FFA has always a pretty harsh policy on untags IMO, but this is where the question of returning players enter. If we kill em, they will be dead, possibly leaving them thinking, 'Oh, I've been killed! Gee! What fluff heads they have around FFA! fluff this game!'

Then, if.. #1451 hits you, then #1452 hits you, then #1456.. And you retal up to 5:3 or something on all involved, you may be fluffent with the land, and happy to send him/her an ingame message verbally spanking the guy, and make sure he knows why he was farmingly flogged..

Frankly, if it's untagged, the percentage of them being new and not even knowing what 'farming' is, should be the case, but are prolly slim.

Where are the days when, if one used a missile/missiles, only to have the recipeint, sabotage' every single missile in every single country? This type of hand slapping worked really well...
Well, at least it did when that sumfluff disabled mine...


I'd like to think Dragon's thought is too high, re. 90% being up to no good..

Policy isn't easy, as the changing aspects of the game and fewer players fluffinue to play into the mix.....

I miss nOObs and their fresh meat!.. The looks on their face, when you enlighten them in some things, is just mahvelous!
No.... REALLY!

Just ask Gambit!


Edited By: QM Diver on Jun 18th 2012, 4:36:40
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 3:47:38

It is difficult, to get a group to collectively agree to the various alliance possibilities.

Then, for the "FA" to actually come through, and pact the same as a crews' final consensus dictates, remains a minor miracle.

Congratz to those this happens for! :o)

Then, there are the other ways clans do bidness.. For example, Dictatorships. In this case, the "Dictator" can fluff it up, all by himself!

Rocket science is fun, isn't it?

As if I knew the first thing about getting off the ground...
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 9th 2012, 18:43:36

He's trying to determin if the FFA server's Forum, Free For All Talk, you are posting to, is the correct forum/server.. Where we play up to 16 countries..

As compared to Alliance server's forum, (Alliance Talk) where people post things regarding the Alliance, or 1a server, where there is just 1 country allowed...

So, KoH was just making sure you had posted this info on the right forum..

I hope I said this right...


Would be fun to know how your nick came about... ;o)

Edited By: QM Diver on Jun 9th 2012, 18:47:51
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 9th 2012, 18:33:27

Originally posted by Bigwiggle:
Also QM any set with > 6 cymbals has to be fun to play

Yes, it's great fun to play.. The only problem I'm faced with now, is the destruction of the hearing I have from playin', shootin guns and running heavy equipment.. I can't hear the harmonics as well as before. I'm not sure how much is lost... Cymbals are another instrument, imo.

I want your setup! BADLY!

Is there anything that could be similar to your kit, without giving up too much? I assume you have to have a mixer? Is that included in your Roland? Do you have to buy an amp separately, or will it plug in to the PA, and need only monitors? I'm wondering if headphones are the answer for all these questions..

guitar to communicate with my band mates but can't play for fluff...
I can relate. I've been accused of "Beating" on mine.. (it's true though, I do hit those strings pretty hard) I might get away with playing rhythm guitar, but only in a pinch and I'm turned way down.. lol

I actually jam over skype with my guitarist from college and he can mix everything on his end.
This sounds like a killer time! :O) You jam in real time, eh? I think that would be the toughest part, to sync more than 2 instruments.. But then, I hear there's software that easily does this for you.. I bought Pro Audio, at one point, for over $250.00, but it was WAY beyond my sophistication level. We did very little recording.. A few times on a Teac 4 track cassette recorder during a few jobs, but none of us owned the damn thing. I'd like to know what your pal is using to record.

You still have your old kit, in a closet or somewhere? I've jammed on something at Guitar Center similar to your set up.. They had to kick me off of it, if I recall. Some bullfluff about how a guy can't sit there and jam all day... ;o)

Yes, I'm envious...

Edited By: QM Diver on Jun 9th 2012, 18:37:32
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 22:18:49

pienjo/orion/knupple's <--<< That's a mouthful, right there.. lol
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 22:01:54

Originally posted by Bigwiggle:
Count me in for the internet band .. I recently bought my first electronic drum kit for apartment use. Roland TD-9KX2-G V-Series. Things are amazing if anyone ever gets a chance to play one.

You must be doing well, BigWiggle! Good on ya! I'd love to have a drum set up like that.. But if I spent $2600.00 I'm sure I'd wake up missing my left nut... or worse!..

I played drums for about 12 years professionally. Our band was called '2nd Time Around'. We played our versions of many songs in San Diego county. Our brand of music and performances were called "Concert Rock". At many clubs civilian, and for the base club systems. And tons of parties, from the mid 70's through the 80's.. (The parties were the most fun) Having to manage a band takes more than half the fun out of it. :O(

After 2 of my guys went to LA to work as studio musicians, I've jammed with other bands, Borderline and The Bashers. Cover bands but they were fun to jam with too.

I had to learn guitar to be able to communicate with the guitar players when we were creating. I have a blue Fender strat and a Yamaha accoustic/electric. I run them through a Rolond DC-30 Chorus/Echo unit, into a Gallien Krueger amp. Sounds sweet, at times. Need the DC-30 for voice.. Also learned flute, to play tunes by Jethro Tull. Ian Anderson was my mentor. They still play, though Ian's voice is nearly shot! My voice still does his tunes well, as does a few others. We've played originals too. Great fun when the audiences stood applauding and later asked for autographs. :O) Haven't signed any of those for an awfull long time. ;o)

I still have and play my drums. They are called "Fibes". Fibes was a spin off from Martin Guitars.. I bought them in 1974. Drum Works double kick and remote high hat. I run 2 high hats, the second is played on Tamma hardware.. The other Stands are Tamma, with nothing but Zildjian cymbals. (I'd gone through other brands of about everything. lol (DW and Tamma are the best hardware out there) 5 of those and 2 sox set ups, totals 9 cymbals and tons of money, to finally get a set up that is nearly in destructable.

Since the good old days we've played on Saturday nights in the garage, known as "Amateur Hour". My pals come by, and we jam.. Not so much anymore though.. At times it sounds great! Other times, it's SO bad the cops come, to shut our sorry asses down! LMAO

I'd love to have an electronic kit, Someday...

It would be great to jam with y'all! That is, if we all had the know how and software to make it possible. Recording has always been a fluff, imo.. To have a tune or 2 recorded to say we've done it, I'd be willing to obtain the software needed if others would, also?..

Hey Gambit, speaking of the 80's.... Wasn't Shredder a rat? No wait, he was the bad guy.. Splinter was the rat.. Love them TMNT's.. Cowabunga!! mmm pizza!

Edited By: QM Diver on Jun 8th 2012, 22:08:23
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 21:11:27

Originally posted by Dragon:
Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
i rode my unicycle in the rain today, does that count as shredding?

No, but the good news is that it counts towards your nomination for a Darwin Award. Congrats!


Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 8th 2012, 20:59:13

Name change?
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 6th 2012, 7:09:27

Originally posted by galleri:
your sister hot?

I thought Galleri might enjoy women too..

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 3rd 2012, 17:27:26

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 3rd 2012, 17:24:41

The map has NBK in a delightful place, imo.. ;o)

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 2nd 2012, 16:23:55

Explores the 'hyperthetical'. 7:^)

biased? I only have 1 ass Twiz.. A smart ass! But then, who wouldn't already know that?

Anyone feelin kinda.... ass backwards? Hmmm...
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Jun 2nd 2012, 16:09:27

down the fluffter again and again

Been there done that...

I've learned, at times, to welcome the stench!

Take care Bsnake..
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 28th 2012, 13:15:50

Originally posted by Pain:
dont listen to DD hes drunk again. i heard he got demoted to head fluffer recently.

Make that promoted to head fluffer! :O)
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 25th 2012, 7:32:46

ahh, one of a lot of... little people...

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 25th 2012, 7:30:20

Woah! BMB appearance... Bows*
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 24th 2012, 20:41:00

1. No FA. If you send FA to one another -- you will get deleted.
2. No pacts. If you have pacts with one another -- you will get deleted.
3. No market aid. If you sell goods to one another through the market outside of normal prices, or sell an excessive number of goods through the market to one another -- you will get deleted.
4. No joint attacks. If you jointly attack (landgrab or otherwise) a country -- you will get deleted.*
5. No assisted spy ops. If you attack a country based upon an op made by the other player in your household -- you will get deleted.*
6. No attacking one another. if you launch attacks against one another -- you will get deleted.**
7. No ops against one another. If you launch spy ops against one another -- you will get deleted.
8. If you get deleted for any of the reasons stated above, you may be a redneck!

Will post these to our members' boardc.
Thank, Foog..

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 24th 2012, 20:12:33

Humms the 'Final Jeopardy' theme song.. doo doo doo doo.. doo doo doo... Etc.
Remember to answer, in the form of a question!

^^ Lotz of 'doo doo' above, eh?

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 22nd 2012, 15:43:13

Originally posted by EViL:
You, Billi, and Lilly can all throw a pity party after reinstatements

sounds about right to me.. ;o)

a temp safelist...
hmm, 1st I heard of those..

granted, vacations happen.....
Someday, I might enjoy one of those...

I guess I haven't paid attention, as this is the first I heard of any countries deleted from NBK...

I've played from my phone, also, (SUX X infinity) but I believe the IP may have been the same, as I think it connected to my gateway.. Not sure if I would have been deleted if I was too far away from my gateway, and and to get in from a hotspot someplace else..

I believe Poppy was trying to say Whiney fluffes

I love how we had a deletion and you hassled us for it..
You just had one? fluff! I didn't get a chance to hassle you!

why you mad
Who knows, why people go insane..? Though Popcom may be a tad disturbed, I think you were referring to an angered Poppy..
Is there 2 billi's? One Billy and one Billi? I can see it now... The encore, Willy and brother from anotha mutha, Willi! lol


Jeepers, Beaver!
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 21st 2012, 1:12:17

who is... The Stand??
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 18th 2012, 4:26:51

someone pictured with a certain sex orientation is a negative image.

ummmm... yup..
Made me wanna blow chunks, which is another sexual orientation I'm just, not into...

Agrees with the Snaws...

Edited By: QM Diver on May 18th 2012, 4:28:55
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 11th 2012, 3:40:08

LMAO @ Subby

The mind is a wonderful thing to waste!

or not..
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 11th 2012, 3:37:35

humanitarians are gay.....

I killed both, in my countries.

*for those deflowered flamers, just kidding....*
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 5th 2012, 0:51:38

Originally posted by ROb YoUr LaNd:
we're pacted with you
ROb YoUr LaNd

oooh, this looks exciting...

Good point Tin Man..

*runs to take a look at NBK Embassy*

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 9:50:30

Oh, I don't care, Warster.. It's all good. I was just giving him a hard time..

And only because he deserves it!

Ketchup, your naming, of certain countries last set was nearly hilarious!
Some, at the least, were very funny...
That said, even still, you were a bad boy and needed to be severely thrashed about the bum.

After reading my last post, (above) it nearly went over my own head! It's not often, I mind fluff myself! LMFAO


That is all...

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


May 1st 2012, 15:54:18

bc, still won't go!

Game play, snail slow...
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 30th 2012, 13:14:48

Ketchup! How can you confirm? Don't ya have to run countries and be in TKO, to confirm stuff ??

I mean we all appreciate you bringing in all the new meat from the 1a server. Too bad they like you so little... I promise not to name a country "Ketchup.." ;o)



Should you ever be put in the pokey, due to an "I didn't know" reasoning...

"Ignorance is no excuse."
A judge told me that once..

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 30th 2012, 10:50:32

Yup... Either/Both are bad, fer us!

Was I dreaming this up?
I have been warring, awhile....


This must be bullfluff, gossip!
Pang would never leave us....
Must have been more than a dream...
Like a freaking nightmare,
is more like it...!

Edited By: QM Diver on Apr 30th 2012, 13:05:34
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:46:44

I thought that the FaceBook implementation would be what would pump up the player base.

But I think the coding is all wrong and would need to be completely reworked, to become compatible.

If correct = sad news..
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:43:07

Originally posted by Dizology:
I don't get a mention? SCREW YOU DONNY!


It's true, Dizz deserved the mention WAY more than the QM mention.. Glad to know I have again, fooled some ignorance. ;o)
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:37:33

Originally posted by Pain:
QM maybe retarded wasnt the proper word. i think not right in the head is more appropriate, and for that i appologize.

Apology accepted..

Being not right in the head would mean one is wrong.

*makes note to defend my butt!* And change appearance to resemble anyone other than

he thought you had drowned!! :P

Now, that's funny, rat der!

God Save the Ketchup!

Kill4Free should soon make an appearance in NBK warchat..

We wait, with baited breath....

Edited By: QM Diver on Apr 29th 2012, 21:40:36
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Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:29:31

*Points to patriotffa*

Check your Private messages, nub!
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:27:12

Originally posted by elvesrus:
learn to read announcements :p

I'm hooked on phonics, myself..

Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:24:22

s it an issue if it hasn't happened yet?

will it be an issue in the future?
This is why I ask.

have you made an offer for it?

can you disclose how much you offered for it?

are you sad that you can't post in multiple colors?

is the sky purple?
At times, but it's mostly it's the mountains' majesty..
Lucy may be seen there, with diamonds. Just have to ask Paul and Lord Elton..

(trolling must be kinda slow in 1a forums)
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:10:55

to sell his ownership of EE..
Was this an issue, or was it BS?
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 21:09:32

I guess I can hit on the women, and they don't even know I'm doin it? LMAO

Thanks, for your post, Ali...

wheres mdevol's pot though ..??

In his pot box?
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 20:45:46

Itty bitty titty committee, are also well sucked.. ermm, served..
Natural Born Killers

QM Diver Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 20:43:32

Someone said. "Payback's a fluff!"

It's good to see CC suckin it up, and taking the medicine they asked for, without bringing Focus in...
I lost the bet, in this regard. This is a good one to lose... ;o)

Natural Born Killers