
Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 12th 2024, 20:58:59

I'm very disappointed I didn't cross 4b NW. I messed up a few things in the last couple weeks

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 10th 2024, 15:56:14

Guys, there's a really good chance that JW and Cath are just continuously trolling you. I personally don't think that they are so oblivious to game culture that they are honestly defending their recent decisions. They are either posting a narrative that suits them in an attempt to re-write actual facts or they are just 100% messing with you. But it seems unlikely to me that they are somehow confused or feel truly victimized for how things have gone down on this game server.

Clarification on some comments above: new accounts are still being created and we are seeing growth of countries in some game servers. I don't often see that new players are being picked on, at least not moreso than they have been in prior years of existence. Typically new players join because they know someone already playing and join up in clan-based servers. Given that neither of you are new (nor is Gerdler, who was randomly mentioned in an earlier comment), I don't understand the comparison. That said, new players generally don't join and declare forever suiciding war on established alliances and veteran players.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 8th 2024, 0:14:25

Multi-ing is bad mmkay

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 4th 2024, 20:59:44

Originally posted by g0nz0:

Forum moderators delete or edit posts that contains in-game stats.
An earlier post was removed for violation.
Removing the details and only listing names seems to have passed the mod standards.
If the information was fabrication there would be no deletion.

Forum mods are not game mods

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 18th 2024, 22:41:37

Defense in turrets sort is the only one that stands out to me. While still not having the exact break, it's still information that somewhat circumvents a spy-op.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 11th 2024, 16:15:34

I answered this via PM just now

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 11th 2024, 16:07:28

Originally posted by allbymyself87:
Primeval, can pm me info for deletion of Faithful Sinner (#11)?

This country was restored last night. PM me if you need further details

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 10th 2024, 20:21:27

Originally posted by allbymyself87:
When players get purpled in the game, they always face the same issue:

1) No clues which rules they have broken or violated.
2) No clues who should they contact to reinstate their country.
3) Sometimes it takes forever to appeal as not all game mods are around 24/7. So, might end up losing quite some valuable time/turns while waiting for mods to check/reply/reinstate.


1) Can we enforce for game mod who handles on the country deletion to at least send a private message to the player to inform/explain which rules he has violated and results in deletion?? It's better than let the player himself to have a wild guess on his own?

2) Add an "Appeal" button or link for player to click and fill up proof or reasons to speed up the entire reinstate progress? Better than having to let players to find game mods on their own and sometimes they might find the wrong mod for the server which end up have to look again for the correct mod for the server. And sometimes all the mods not responding, that's the most frustrating part. =/

1a) I agree with the issue but we are challenged by the method of communication.

1b) Not all players have their game profiles linked to their forum handle and the linked accounts are not displayed in a way to make it easy for moderators to easily make a connection for direct contact. Further, not everyone has information in their game account that might identify who they are. Some players do not use their known game/forum handle in their username, email, country name, etc.

I have previously requested that the general reason for the deletion be available for the moderator to select to be viewed by the player and I still think that is a good change for the admins to make. Something general for a moderator to select and be displayed for the player like coordination on solo non-clan game server, multiple accounts, game bug abuse, etc. The current system gives a player that feels they were incorrectly deleted to submit an appeal but often the appeal notes are simply them asking why they were deleted. There is no way for a moderator to reply to their appeal other than approve/deny and players often do not give contact details for correspondence. Even if we were to use the email listed on the account, players rarely check this in my experience (assuming the email is still even in use). A reason given upon deletion would eliminate the extra step and give the player the opportunity to respond to that reason initially. Admins could even force the appeal to include a preferred method of contact.

2a) There is a link to appeal when there is any deletion and a section for the player to provide feedback. The appeal will be viewed the next time a moderator is available. Contacting them outside of this method is not necessary for the appeal to be processed and reviewed.

2b)The person they could contact is typically not just 1 person, but there isn't anyone that a player "should" contact directly. A player can contact any person listed as a moderator for that game server if they choose but immediate reply is not guaranteed or expected from the moderator team. Game mods have access to different areas and I believe these are listed on each forum section. Players can also escalate things to me or Martian as needed if they aren't happy with an appeal decision - Martian and I have access to all game servers as Mod Boss. Admins should generally not be contacted for these matters and will usually defer to the moderator team (should you be lucky enough to get a timely reply from an admin.)

3a) This is relative and the definition can vary from person to person. A moderator replying to an appeal in 8-12 hours might seem to take "forever" to some players, but I might say that is a reasonable amount of time for a reply in most cases. However, this has more impact on game servers like Express so the expectation would likely change. On the flip side, the consequence of the some lost turns in non-Express game servers is not as critical for me personally since players, contrary to claims, are often not deleted for absolutely no reason. An appeal may determine that a deletion should be overturned in some circumstances, but generally something was done by the player to put themselves at risk.

Edited By: Primeval on May 10th 2024, 20:36:26

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 6th 2024, 2:54:28

This thread has derailed and is now done. Have a swirvey day

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2024, 0:24:23

I can only say it happens on FFA but I've noticed it only happens after a turn event is still on the screen. Can't declare peace after an attack but if you leave war room and return without that news, it works fine.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 24th 2024, 0:10:14

I removed your recruitment threads in non-clan game boards. Also, you may want to include the server you're recruiting for in any future efforts.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 23rd 2024, 23:49:43

This would also add an additional risk of inappropriate country names being created since I'm not sure how multilingual the current moderator team might be. There is already the challenge present of attempting to translate some reported ingame messages

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 11th 2024, 0:51:03

Originally posted by Leto:
There's a huge block of players that are boycotting the game due to clan GDI being removed. I don't know how we get them back ...

Not as many as you might think. And for the small handful that might be, it's only been one round so far.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 5th 2024, 5:18:09

It started with the clangdi changeset. It still tags you but gives the error each time.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 4th 2024, 1:39:48

Originally posted by Leto:

We just need advertising and less ads.

Linking Premium/Credits announcement for your convenience:

Originally posted by Pang:

Being an Earth Empires Premium member will give all of your countries several bonuses. To start with, we’ll be launching with the following items:
- Ad-free game and forum experience
- Automatically receive 9 bonus points daily just for logging in (replaces daily voting bonuses AND 1 extra bonus point)
- Provides estimated chance for spyop success
- Daily bonus point reset time is 22 hours
- Change country names while in protection
- No more captchas
- Access to Alpha servers (test servers)

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 27th 2024, 2:14:42

Originally posted by Leto:
I agree with Coalie, and we need to go back to basics where relationships are the building blocks of the alliance server. We also need to nurture these new players and figure out a way to help integrate them so they can be good members of the community.

That requires all of us to do our part, not just the game mods. Every person that places game is unique and special with different needs. There are some great people who play this game that are able to take people under their wings and we need to best utilize a talent we have.

If the goal is to grow membership, utilizing everyone's email addresses when they create a game account. We could send out emails every round. Whenever we signed up for EE we all agreed to them. If you guys can do that, we can do the heavy lifting of making the game fun for them. We have a shared responsibility here, it's not just on the mods to make it happen.

I'll keep on sending out emails and messages to all the people I know, but if it's a numbers game and we're trying to canvas the largest amount possible. I know that single one act would generate the best return on the time investment.

Just for clarification, mods don't really do what I think you're implying. There is no community outreach or marketing staff that I'm aware of. But perhaps I misunderstood your post.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 26th 2024, 3:41:38

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What if we changed the identity of the server so that the best clans are the ones that are good at both war and netgaining? ...

I'm of the opinion that the most disappointing thing to happen in the game (besides the player count plummeting) is the culture shift many years ago that implies the two have to be separate. I feel clan servers are already mostly designed to accomplish the goal being suggested by simply allowing large group cooperation - players changed the meta themselves. At some point attacking, stealing resources from, and/or destroying an opponent became taboo and those that joined or rejoined this community after that shift simply accepted it as truth.

Edited By: Primeval on Mar 26th 2024, 3:49:48

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 19th 2024, 16:29:55

I asked for it to stop. Time outs issued.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 19th 2024, 13:47:40

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Primeval:
If I have to keep deleting the same crap, I'm handing out time outs. I've done it in 3 threads already and I've left it at that up until now.

Is Judaism not welcome here?

The moderator team has no issues with religious beliefs or a lack thereof. It is simply not relevant game information. But this is not a setting reserved for a soap box on those issues/topics, especially if they become insulting or derogatory.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 19th 2024, 13:34:16

If I have to keep deleting the same crap, I'm handing out time outs. I've done it in 3 threads already and I've left it at that up until now.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 19th 2024, 12:31:41

Originally posted by Coalie:
Looks like Prime deleted our convo

Offensive posts and other off-topic ranting was removed. Unfortunately posts that quoted some of the nonsense were removed as well.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 16th 2024, 18:56:00

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What would you do with the additional information of seeing standing orders for another country? How would it influence your play?

One could sabotage or potentially intercept a possible upcoming market transfer for starters.

Edited By: Primeval on Mar 16th 2024, 19:00:12

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 16th 2024, 0:39:27

The simplest explanation is probably the most likely

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 11th 2024, 0:31:44

I'm completely fine talking to anyone that has been affected by deletions to clear things up. We are not aiming to remove or discourage legit players in an already shrinking game. Proxy use, paid VPNs, and tor have been used by multiple players to cheat. When you associate yourself with these players and use the same methods to mask your online identity, casualties are bound to happen. I've already reinstated two players.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 10th 2024, 16:46:59

Ad free is a Premium feature

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 10th 2024, 7:20:46

Originally posted by AbRaMcHiK:
Hello. so block us, Russian speakers too. We live in countries where everyone uses VPN. some for work, some for personal use on the Internet, some for something else. I also use VPN for work. VPN TunnelBear. sometimes I connect to the USA, sometimes to Germany. I never thought that using a VPN leads to blocking. I have it installed on both my computer and my phone. sometimes I would play and forget to turn it off, or couldn’t turn it off because I was working at the time. Will I be blocked now too? I think using a VPN is part of life now. You need to reconsider the rules of the game. Something needs to be decided.

It becomes harder to argue for VPN use when clan associates use it to run multiple accounts.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 10th 2024, 5:43:52

Several countries here and a few on the Alliance server have been deleted for use of proxy connections/VPN, which is against the rules. These accounts will be watched for future violations in addition to any newly created accounts as that might be an indication of someone attempting to play unnoticed using the same type connections. Typically this use is associated with someone attempting to run multiple countries on single country game servers or evade an IP ban so, as a result, any country/account associated with the recent deletions will continue to be investigated and also possibly deleted. Repeated violations may result in complete bans from the game.

As always, report something ingame you think might need investigated. You may PM a mod to let us know a report has been submitted if you'd like, but the current mod team typically views reports in a timely fashion. Multiple reports of the same countries at one time do not get our attention faster so please refrain.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 5th 2024, 1:38:13

Giving general/"rough" SPAL on a country is still considered ingame information and should not be posted on the forums.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 15th 2024, 17:38:21

GDI is broken by making 2 or more SS or PS on a target. Many players don't break GDI on targets they know can't retal them with SS or PS because they know they will retaliate with harmful non-land gaining attacks and ops. I'm assuming you are looking to use one of those methods because someone grabbed you and you aren't able to SS and PS successfully. This is pretty common in Primary and, again, discussed in several other threads over the years.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 15th 2024, 5:46:48

The text about declaring war is misleading. There is no declare war function on Primary. By getting that message in the first place, it sounds like you are attempting to use attack methods other than SS or PS in order to retal, which you cannot do unless they break GDI on you. I'm not sure if your GDI page explains this completely, but it has been asked and explained many many times on the forums.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 15th 2024, 2:32:17

Originally posted by SuperFly:
tell me it was language violations cuz the BH that I know don't cheat!

Perhaps you haven't acquainted yourself with the new version that does.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 18th 2024, 1:08:52

I'm your huckleberry

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 14th 2024, 22:01:35

Originally posted by galleri:

P.S. reading what was written about your deletion:
You hit a country. Then apologized in a message from another country.


This ^. I saw the appeal message and immediately denied it without review since the appeal message contained nothing but a vulgar attack on mods.

Most people here will tell you I'm fair and reasonable, but I'm not devoting time to reviewing something when they act like you have. The forum message here was a continuation of your tantrum that only reinforces my original decision not to assist.

Edited By: Primeval on Jan 14th 2024, 22:03:46

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 30th 2023, 5:19:01

Attacks on non-bot countries are forbidden. A game moderator will be along shortly to confirm

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 28th 2023, 17:00:41

The IRC is on the list to come back but no ETA yet. There is an EarthEmpires Discord already (first post on Announcements). I recall someone mentioning that attempting to move newsbots there is problematic.

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 15th 2023, 2:30:30

TTT since the same thing is still being said over and over in multiple places

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 14th 2023, 16:17:05

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
I have a question QZ, how many times can an alliance declare war on an alliance per reset? Also, what if an alliance who already declared war on an alliance switch to a different alliance and declare war on the same alliance even after a surrender? Is that something that's going to be tested or is that explainable now?

Both of these were explained in the changeset post.

- only once
- If 20% or more of the same countries have been at war with a tag, war cannot be declared again. War resolution does not appear to be limited to just surrender for this restriction so peace or victory should also apply. I do think it's worth clarifying if it's a two-way street - IE: Clan A declares on Clan B and Clan A ends up surrendering or Clan B ends up declaring victory. Clan B shouldn't be able to declare on Clan A later in my opinion.

I have not yet fully tested either of the above but I'm guessing they're probably broken with many of the other functions, but I should have an answer for my B&S post soon.

Edited By: Primeval on Dec 14th 2023, 16:22:02

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Dec 12th 2023, 20:58:53

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

You were misleading about what the majority opinion is, which is to keep clan GDI in place. And functional so that people can net free of harassment.

The problem is/was it wasn't really functional, in fact its super broken. It did one thing, which qz has stated isn't something he wants to see in clangdi.

Originally posted by qzjul:

The initial alpha version of Clan GDI was effectively an all-or-nothing free opt-out of war. This is not *entirely* what I wanted, but was a first step given the feedback I was getting.

I think efforts are now best spent working the problem on a test server over having something broken in an actual game server, which seems like sound game development practice. Let's be thankful qz has put in as much time as he has already