
Obvious Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 1:06:40

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/ProcessApplication.asp, line 124


How can you defeat SoF if you can't even accept applicants.
SoF are such arrogant fags perhaps it is overwhelmed.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 1:03:13

Yeah your application thing sucks.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 5th 2013, 1:23:13

Perhaps more transparency in development would encourage some growth and morale.

Please understand I am not trying to knock what you do or am I trying to complain about lack of development. Just seems that with more development power this game could evolve better, faster.

Perhaps leading to expansion of the community and brand recognition. Which would likely lead to more financial support and ad hits.

While I hate to compare the development team to Mehul, remember that Mehul started out making changes and being active in the community. Over time the changes decreased and the activity completely stopped. The game retracted into obscurity.

Again, I am not trying to be a fluff or demand constant development to a free game that developers maintain and host on their own dime in their own time. I just haven't seen much useful in the way of development and without some pretty fundamental changes to the presentation, I believe that the game will not evolve and continue to stagnate. Without knocking your effort, I just don't believe that a solo developer is enough to grow this game where I believe it should aim.(Not to say that my view of where it should go is correct, but I believe no matter the endpoint that major new development will be required.)

This turned into a novel.
tl:dr version is: Thanks for all the work you do, but please consider transparency and perhaps expanding development power.

I don't play in any alliance and would be willing to help but just like many other likely good or better candidates my time is kind of limited. Not limited enough though to not make my tl:dr version tl:dr.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 3rd 2013, 4:21:47

Originally posted by tellarion:
But hey, it's ok, you provide entertainment for people here in the same way that people like to watch fail compilations on youtube.

You mean like watching Evolution war?

Originally posted by tellarion:
The best part is that you probably don't realize it and probably think you have some admirers here...

In my experience most people enjoy and admire dibs. If nothing more than his ability to make stupid people nerd rage.
Looking at the state of your jimmies, I think we know what group you are in.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 3:21:29

If you don't have the testicular fortitude to walk into a biker bar and order a fuzzy naval with a wine cooler chaser, you don't deserve to call yourself a man.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 2:53:10

:Have, Kinda sucked, free trial, been a long time though.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 2nd 2013, 2:46:13

If you have a thug problem...if no one else can help...and if you can find him...maybe you can hire...The Zimmerman.

You can't flim flam the Zim Zam.

Obvious Game profile


Aug 1st 2013, 5:24:37

Any thoughts to actively pursue some additional developers?

Perhaps open source the project and instead focus on approving patches and overall design direction?

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 14:38:30

I don't care what galleri says, I know that is you Dagstar.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 14:35:24

Originally posted by Duna:
Obvious, we can also add graphic here. And i see alot of graphic we can add.

As for IRC - i saw IRC link at travian:)

And i dont see any pushing to solo servers in this thread.

Actually, i tryed to recruite few resets ago - alot of ppl joining (most of them are like "i played 10 years ago and want try again"), but the game is hostile to them.

And again. The main idea is not to improve the game itself, but improve attitude.

I can change a bit question. Pick any game you know for more than 5 years. And ask "would this game be so popular if it would do nothing for 5 years?". No game can be popular if it do nothing.

It isn't just little pictures for stuff it is the entire way we interact with the game. Travian has an interactive world, we don't. I am not saying I would prefer that, but I believe to bring in fresh players in mass it likely is a requirement.

I agree the attitude of the entire game has created an environment where a truly new player wouldn't feel welcome, we are dinosaurs. We aren't going to have a community like we did in 2k. We have to accept that what brought us to this game 10+ years ago isn't going to bring new players now.

Actually a perfect example is WoW, they make regular updates for better or worse and have even done a pretty massive reboot with Cataclysm. Yet they still are leaking subscriptions like a sieve. Without completely changing fundamental concepts of the game they will never see 11million players again. They will probably never see positive growth beyond the first month of an expansion again actually.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 14:22:17

No new player to the game is going to start solo and keep at the game without finding an alliance. Never has really worked this way. Anyone that is here today has branched out into an alliance. Could be FFA, Alliance, or Team. Might even be Primary with a group of allies.

While no, jumping headlong into Alliance server may not be a great experience this just shows that the game must evolve.

Make primary like a newb starting zone then. GDI automatically on from start. Full blown interactive tutorial. Then explain the enjoyment of alliance play and introduce the alliance based servers.

While this thread hasn't gone down the path of recommending recruitment to solo servers, most have. It's a bad idea unless said solo server is equipped to teach them game mechanics and then teach them to branch out.

Also most people I still talk to from the post tag generation of players started on 1A got farmed and recruited elsewhere. It was how we started and why we still are here probably.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 13:41:21

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Obvious:

For proof, when was the last time we seen someone new post on these forums or join the community?

outside spambots?

Even if you include them there have been a handful of new people since 2005 that didn't take one look, turn 360 degrees, and walk away.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 11:29:27

Travian has an actual graphical interface. A text game isn't going to draw a crowd as a phone app. In the current design it will be useless as a Facebook app too, because no social element beyond forums. Well in my opinion but I don't use FB. Also the forums aren't cohesive, hosting sites are separated from game and alliances are separated from each other.
Hardly no one uses IRC anymore, and most of the earth players just idle anyways.

Also pushing people into solo servers is completely backwards, I am not sure where this idea spawned from but no one has been playing this game because of solo servers. Ask almost anyone and they will say they stay for their alliance.

I hate to be the downer, played this game for a dozen years, but the fact is it is what it is. This is it. Either the game gets shaped into what is desirable for the current generation that would be interested or we just come to terms with the fact that we are a dieing breed playing a relic of early internet entertainment.

For proof, when was the last time we seen someone new post on these forums or join the community?

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 4:12:54

Hmm nevermind.

Edited By: Obvious on Jul 31st 2013, 7:36:20
See Original Post

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 4:03:39

Seems like standard behavior of someone from SOL.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 3:54:08

Hmm can't remember the last time MD won anything.
When I think mediocre MD is the first alliance I think about.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 27th 2013, 13:33:12

Originally posted by Bikerman:
That res is the same as the freelander i was looking at and the same as ipad5? Or what number they are up to

Don't give resolution but both ips retina so should be the same.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 27th 2013, 13:06:53

Get a passport.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 27th 2013, 10:57:32

That's the fun thing about throwing around the racist title, if you try and deny it "you are a racist".

I am glad to be a racist I guess. I see race. The president is black, I am white, Pang is also a cracka, and Zimmerman is brown somehow.

Time to stop all this African-American crap.. If they didn't travel from Africa to America in their own lifetime.. They are black.

I am not a European-American. I am a white American.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 27th 2013, 10:50:09

Gnarl Lee
Kind of interested in the last one now on second link, Ainol Novo 9 Spark. That resolution.

Edited By: Obvious on Jul 27th 2013, 10:52:11
See Original Post

Obvious Game profile


Jul 27th 2013, 0:00:09

Been burned on cheap tablets before. Maybe the new Nexus 7 instead?

Although the "500MP Camera" seems pretty legit. ;p

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 23:54:28

Wait a tick.. do you think that is a lot of bushels?

Way to go sport.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 9:27:16

It is alive and fixing it's own problems.
It's biggest problem... humans

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 9:26:15

I will give you one hint.

The second biggest nublet in earth history.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 9:24:28

This game has only been around since 2010. So no one is around from those days. This also likely explains why none of the names look familiar.

Age?! What the dilapidated donkey dongs actual fluff? Sir, this is not some socialist utopia bullfluff here. This is serious business, and you need to get your fluff together.

If you want a reason to play, perhaps you come suicide me noob.

Well except I don't actually play. Enjoy.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 9:15:03

It's like my terminal window has eternal diarrhea. :(

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 9:07:25

qzjul: will do.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 9:03:10

I started the "repo sync" like hours ago.
What in all that his holy and true is this thing doing?!
I believe that as of 3 minutes ago it has gained sentience.
Who knew Skynet was powered by android?!

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:58:54

no know no u no
u no know?

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:57:51

Well first off DJDonkeyD
You have no reason to worry about the affairs of the top10.
I head from reputable sources that LaF is taking 50 top 10s.

As such that means they will also have 50 top 25s.

Now to answer your other question, just read what martian has posted.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:54:27


Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:53:57


Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:53:24

Darrian was a good leader but a little inactive. He should of put RaVeS on his ass instead of checking out. No Tirol but different times.

Top two are Ronnie or Helmet for pretty different reasons.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:50:15

I heard on Cool Facts that made in China stickers are made in Korea.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:49:10

I will wear red to the funeral.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:47:53

And the number of fluffs given is!!!
Thanks for playing and we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:47:10

This thread has gone to hell.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:45:42

Vegetarians are mostly fake. They eat eggs and seafood, and when they get the craving or "had no other options so was forced into it" they eat a giant burger or steak.

Just remember though they are better than the rest of us.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:41:18

Good thing I don't believe in phones, computers, or electricity.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:40:37

fluff this noise. I challenge mrford to 200 rounds bare knuckle.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 26th 2013, 8:38:05

They pulled the plug. You should check announcements.
Must of forgot the mobile site.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 25th 2013, 16:33:28

Originally posted by heX:
lol. umad?

Is your vocabulary so stunted that you really had to use "umad" twice in a single thread?
Being LaF has comfortably crushed your alliance and is now farming you, a sport which they enjoy, no I don't think they are mad at all.

Originally posted by heX:

All this talk of CF .. from the "winning" side baffles me. You started this conflict and are trying to back out of it now? Go eat a fluff.

I gather you are new to this game or just a total spaz. When a side is winning to the level in which they are it is common courtesy to offer a CF rather than drive your members from the game with ceaseless death and farming.

Originally posted by heX:

Say what? I couldn't see your message past the girly overtone.

I think you should stick to WoW or YouTube forums.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 24th 2013, 20:03:14

Guy has wiener as his last name, why is everyone surprised he would show his wiener to people.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 23rd 2013, 3:40:57

We all know you are fat as holy fluff mrford. You didn't have to create a new nick to throw it in our faces. Good for you, you can afford to eat until the floor caves in.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 23rd 2013, 0:01:53

This isn't happy jolly gum drop land, this fluff is serious business. So there will be negative topics.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 22:55:44

Originally posted by Buch:
... as for the stock most of it was FAed away :p

So your "allies" squeezed as much FA from you as they can and then instruct you to join the war and become cannon fodder once you are no longer a use to them?

With allies like those who needs enemies. At least LaF kisses SoF and their other minions.

Obvious Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 11:17:43

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Its easy for dk to lose all countries so fast, rival an rd more then double our numbers. When they have 60ish plus gunning for you from the time of joining in.

Why enter a war you had no chance in altering the outcome of?

Obvious Game profile


Jul 19th 2013, 7:11:58

Isn't DK new?