
Mr Snow


Mar 6th 2012, 7:07:27

I bet you asked that every time you saw GWB referred to as "Dubya", didn't you?

Mr Snow


Mar 6th 2012, 1:13:21

Dammit, I didn't realize there was another page I hadn't read yet. This thread is getting better and better.

Mr Snow


Mar 6th 2012, 1:10:01

archaic, here's the summary:

The angrier Ivan gets, the more grammar and spelling mistakes he makes thus rendering his posts virtually incomprehensible.

Mr Snow


Feb 4th 2012, 18:32:52

Something got your panties in a twist again, mrford? So sorry.

Try to comment on the thread topic once in a while instead of your usual spammy drivel.

Edited By: Mr Snow on Feb 4th 2012, 18:35:52
See Original Post

Mr Snow


Feb 4th 2012, 9:07:53

I'm Snow White, fluff. rofl

Mr Snow


Feb 4th 2012, 8:54:13

Originally posted by de1i:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Sir Balin:
you have to be good to drop members?

Its a practiced skill for sure! Plus it is usually the members doing it against leader wishes.

Are you pointing out that the members of your alliance don't have class?


Didnt say any of those words nope :) Coming from RD thats funny fluff

Yes because we all play in LaF too.


Mr Snow


Feb 4th 2012, 6:55:56

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Sir Balin:
you have to be good to drop members?

Its a practiced skill for sure! Plus it is usually the members doing it against leader wishes.

Are you pointing out that the members of your alliance don't have class?


Mr Snow


Feb 2nd 2012, 0:48:47

In other words, you think that the vast, vast majority of citizens should pay zero tax at all. In the U.S., what % of the population would that come to, the % population that would pay no tax? Is there a name for this type of tax schedule? Sounds pretty nutty.

Also, that:
>$100k = 30% --> $70k take-home.
$1M = 90% --> $100k take-home.

Explain why people who make so much more should have to take home so much less of their paycheck by percent. You're not even reasonable with your percentages. I'm only dealing with personal rates, as I can only deal with one ludicrous idea at a time, for now.

Mr Snow


Feb 1st 2012, 8:19:57

Are you ever not a despicable troll? :)

Mr Snow


Feb 1st 2012, 8:16:40

aponic, the events of the past 3-4 years would cause most to tend to disagree with you. Of course, 'to no end' is infinite, so that is impossible and an exaggeration on my part, one which is usually understood to be an exaggeration and is not disputed. Sorry. :P

Mr Snow


Jan 31st 2012, 20:36:16

That wouldn't work the way you want.

Rich people don't need to spend all their money. Poor people do. You'd effectively be giving poor people a higher tax rate, while rich people who save and don't spend all their money pay a lesser effective tax rate.

And martian, you're completely wrong. How honestly do you think you would assess how fairly you're treated when you pay nothing to get something? Exactly what is your vested interest? More free fluff? If you pay no taxes, why do you deserve anything at all? Unfortunately, this brings on a similar topic: there is a segment of the population which effectively gets free stuff. No taxes, and plenty of benefits.

Mr Snow


Jan 31st 2012, 19:37:53

No income tax below $50k? What a fluffing joke. Why would you ever want to do that? Don't you want a country where people feel they have a vested interest in seeing it prosper? Why would you want the vast majority of Americans to pay no income tax? That idea alone points out the very distinct possibility that the people who wrote that are fluffing insane.

Mr Snow


Jan 31st 2012, 8:14:31

The Hunt brothers did not get to actually manipulate the silver market like they wanted. They failed, so that argument makes no sense.

Gold has been currency for thousands of years. Nothing can be done to change that now. Just because the government doesn't recognize it as actual currency to be used to pay for services and goods directly doesn't mean it's any less valuable. The value of gold rises and falls just the same as the value of the dollar rises and falls depending on the supply and demand.

I find it odd that people are so brainwashed that they believe that fiat money is so valuable when it can be printed to no end, as is happening now. If paper money was so valuable, why are nations around the world dumping the almighty dollar and buying gold and gold producers?

I'm not really sure what a gold bug is, but I have seen the writing on the wall with regard to the current dollar-valuation-challenges (LOL), and have since hedged myself with various positions. And I don't mean gold, guns, ammo, and a bunker of baked beans. :P

What person would say that investing in gold over the last 10 years was a dumb thing to do? Those goldbugs sure look stupid now, don't they.

Ugh, I just read that pdf...that reeks of somewhat typical investment newsletter sensationalism, and I've seen a lot of them. Still, not good to see from a presidential candidate.

Mr Snow


Jan 26th 2012, 7:12:27

qzjul wears tinfoil undies.

Actually, this thread is full of fun. Locket says Venezuela has more oil than the rest of the world combined. With supposedly so much oil, it's surprising that Venezuela is producing less and less.

We're not going to wake up one day and hear someone say, 'Oh fluff, there's no more oil, we need to switch to something else.' What's really going to happen is as oil becomes more expensive, the consumers of oil will switch to the next cheapest form of energy to power things. Such as natural gas. Here's a hint: It's already happening. Look up Wesport Innovations.

Maybe when we're 'out' of oil and natural gas, the government will finally release the blueprints for the 100-mpg car, right qzjul? :P

Mr Snow


Jan 12th 2012, 16:46:37

Originally posted by NukEvil:
You must not remember when Evolution, NA, and DKnights FSed the NaturalS tag and destroyed it soon after it was created and hitting Collaboration. That was the last time this community policed itself in response to pact-breaking. And what did we get in return for it? We got politically isolated and crushed by SOL the reset afterwards. Thanks a lot, community!

I remember that, and of course, NaturalS getting fluffslapped that set is not what I'm talking about. I don't remember what happened the next set, so I'm not going to comment on it. I'm talking about real action against pact-breakers such as true allies dropping pacts and/or warring the pact-breakers and shenanigan-pullers in subsequent sets to put an end to the BS. On a routine basis.

Mr Snow


Jan 12th 2012, 8:55:14

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Why is this thread still going? It's quite obvious the rest of the community is too stagnant to care that one of the community's most important creations, the pact, has been used to create war rather than peace.

I don't care who actually broke what or how it was broken or voided whatever. The fact of the matter is that, over the past couple resets, a uNAP has been used to create war due to the placement of a few words. And nobody outside the involved parties cares. This shows me that the general community no longer cares about the server. This will only lead to people leaving the game, and the admins stepping in and adding more game changes. The community has shown that it will not police itself. And that is a problem.

People do care, unfortunately it's a small group of people. I, for one, would join whoever is going to fight laf next set...or the set after...or after. :) Contact me.

As for the community showing it won't police itself...when has it? What did the community do when Ivan pulled off his big lie and created NaturalS? Complain and whine. That's about it. I'm too tired to read the rest of the thread, or try to remember any other of the many times something like this has happened.

Mr Snow


Jan 5th 2012, 7:38:51

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
As for the Dibs/aponic debate: (To aponic)If abortion were not legal, then what method would rich people have access to, that the poor would not. I'd always assumed in such a case most illegal abortions woudl be of the clothes hanger variety in which case Dibs post seems to be the quite obvious reply?

They're called plane tickets and passports.

Mr Snow


Dec 21st 2011, 8:32:29


fluff, I don't even have that hooked up to give me bonus points.

Guess someone's war didn't work out like they hoped. ;)

Mr Snow


Dec 11th 2011, 21:07:40

Ehh, Locket is one of the biggest forum trolls or troll-baiters around. Not surprised that is ignored to further an argument. ;)

Mr Snow


Dec 11th 2011, 8:38:37

Join RD.

Mr Snow


Nov 1st 2011, 6:05:04

Will nukevil respond with a well-deserved apology, or more ignorant vitriol? Film at eleven.

Btw, I have been silently supporting evo in their fight against longer. I was even going to join up evo when they fought laf next and help. Nah, your bitter ship sails without me. :) Btw, laf you still suck balls.

Mr Snow


Jun 30th 2011, 6:48:00

Unsympathetic - to deny it exists belies logic and your intelligence. I fear going any further will be pointless, but I'll try.

Do you really think people or corporations would move to a state/county/city where the tax rates are much higher than they are now? How about the flip side: would people or corporations relocate to areas with lower taxation? One might consider that evidence as disincentive to work and invest...just maybe. I suppose you'll just say 'it doesn't exist because I say so' or 'prove it'. Okay: California, now.

Oh, and the proof of the revenue is in there...if you read it.

If taxes are at their lowest rate in 30 years, then I applaud Obama for that, despite the fact he is trying to raise taxes in many ways right now through budget/debt crisis. Don't worry, he'll find a way to mess that up too.

Mr Snow


Jun 29th 2011, 7:40:27

Unfortunately, this is probably the primary motivation for your ideas:

Originally posted by qzjul:
the US should print more money to devalue their debt, and the assets of the rich; having no assets, my wages should keep up and i'll become relatively less poor than those with assets ^^

I've been quiet long enough... so here's a quote that also contains an article reference you can possibly use as a 'rigorous analysis'.

"From 1951 through 1963, the U.S. maintained extremely high marginal tax rates. The lowest rate of federal income tax was 20%, and the highest equaled 91%. The tax structure back then generated revenue equal to 7.7% of GDP.

Marginal rates were lowest from 1988 through 1990, when the lowest rate was 15% and the highest rate was 28%. With that structure, federal income taxes brought in revenue equal to 8.1% of GDP. (This information comes from Alan Reynolds' well-sourced piece in the June 16, 2011 Wall Street Journal.)

The point is, the liberal Democratic policy goal of using income taxes for social engineering is extremely inefficient. It lowers tax revenues at a time when the government is deep in debt. The amount of revenue generated is only one small part of the puzzle. What goes unmeasured is the resulting disincentive to work and invest under high marginal tax rates. And yes, this second consideration is vastly more important than merely the technical detail about revenues. But the technical detail about revenue is a clearly proven fact that the tax-'em-until-they-bleed crowd can't ignore."

Originally posted by qzjul:
Prosperity and equality go hand in hand, unless by prosperity you're talking about a few individuals rather than the economy as a whole.

Or unless you're talking about stealing from Peter to give to Paul.

Mr Snow


May 21st 2011, 3:29:38

Dude, seriously...get some zinc gluconate lozenges. You will be over it quicker and feeling better during the whole thing.

Mr Snow


May 18th 2011, 7:12:57

Next time you feel that itchy feeling, try zinc gluconate. It will stop you from getting a full blown sore throat and cold, if you do it early enough. And if you catch it later instead of sooner, it will still make the cold last a shorter period.

Oh, and Airborne...the stuff that says 'Created by a teacher' on the package? So lame.

Mr Snow


Apr 8th 2011, 6:49:18

You are behind the times if you still use 'hella'. But, I also just played it for the first time and it was spiffy and neato.

Mr Snow


Mar 16th 2011, 14:05:24

Captain Obvious, from out of nowhere, strikes again.

Mr Snow


Mar 15th 2011, 17:11:34

Believe me, people, I was on the edge of farming that douche when I saw the news - agreement or not.