
Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 22nd 2010, 16:10:22

it is all free for me.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
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Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 20:19:46

Originally posted by OGT:

now i got rd protecting the clan im in saying what I am doing isn't right, i didn't sign up to team to follow rules, i signed up to team to see how many people i could anger with land grabs lol

odds are rd is gonna have to kill me, and that will sure make me want to play again.

nobody forces you to stay in a RD protected tag.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 20:14:27

Originally posted by Thunder:
L_C is that similar to that paste like stuff that some doctors in Sweden developed and tested on a patient in where thier finger was regenerated??

Appligraf is not a paste. it's a "skin looking" protein that is grown in a lab from real cells.

Basicaly it is placed on the wound, and it decomposes back to it's basic amino acids. The body absorbs the amino acids and creates real skin out of it.
(When decomposing, it smells like a combination of a dead fish in a loaded baby diaper).

My problem is I am immuno-suppressed ( take drugs so I do not reject the transplants.).. so I do not heal.

SO, as a result, 7 years of a non healing wound, the companies jump at the chance to try products on me to see if thiers can work.

It helps that they will get worldwide free publicity from the journals if thiers does work.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 16:42:20

It's very common to blame RD for all issues on all servers, even when we do not cause them.

I don't play on this server, But i'll take all the blame for those attacks.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 16:37:36

Here is what really happened, not what was posted on AT years ago. This would mean nothing to non medical people, so I will try and keep it simple.

I was Diabetic until 1998 ( had a kidney and pancreas transplant). Still have the issues from diabetes. I moived to Arizona in 2003. Fall of 2003, a doctor messed up a surgery on rt foot. ( rotational skin flap on a non healing foot ulcer)
It got infected. The doctor screwed up with treatments and as a result I had a trans metatarsal amputation.

* they cut off front 1/2 of foot*.

I went through months of surgeries to keep the right leg. KCI came in with a VAC device (Vacuum Assisted Closure) which is now used and many non healing wounds.

During the treatments we came up with the idea to place Antibiotics directly into the VAC wound sponge and see what that does. The device sucked. Was re engineered, and is now working as it should and is used worldwide.

after 7 years of testing, revisions and use, the KCI wound system is used worldwide.

Eventually, I will lose the right leg. But until then, I am keeping it and letting the medical world test things on it to keep it healty. Currently I walk with no devices, no assistance and you cannot tell I only have 1/2 a right foot.

60 doctors worldwide follow my progress and write papers on the procedures. I have articles published in Ostomy/Woundcare Journal. Alos, worldwide seminars have me as topics of study. I am a very complicated medical issue. Diabetes with almost all complications, Renal failure/then transplant, 4x Bypass heart surgery, as well many other issues. Getting treatments to work with these issues and drug compatibility helps everyone in the long run.
This is why I volunteer.

Next Major conference is the International Woundcare Convention in Japan, 2012. I will be there as well as my 60 doctors. I will be there for all to see the actual foot they will be doing presentations on.

I am going for a pure medical experience.....
(I sure hope there are Asian girls over there so I can play doctor.)

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 15:56:48

Right now I have no need for prosthetics, I may need them in the future. I still have all my limbs. Hope to keep it that way as long as possible.

I still have monthly surgery of some sort on right foot, been going on for 7 years now. Next week, we are trying a genetically engineered protien that will form skin of some sort. (appligraf)

I basically donated myself to research. I'm written up in medical journals, and all of humanity benefits from the procedures and equipment they have tested on me.

KCI woundVAC/vacutainer and KCI instill VAC are equimpment I helped design, test and revise. Now they are used worldwide. Saved my limbs, and countless others. Limbs that would have been lost to amuptations.

My brother is working on engineering prosthetics, integrated into a mobile device.
I hope to make non ambulatory people mobile again.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 13:55:35

Mr Lemon Chiffon was taken. :)
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 19th 2010, 20:09:41

Originally posted by OGT:
....... then i wouldn't have to hit the same countries over and over again.

This probably is helping player retention the most. The constant farming of the new/untagged/small players really makes them want to stay.

Originally posted by de1i :
They didn't hide in random tags last reset,......

Correct. The people who complained about RD being in random tags last set hid in thier own random tags. They complain when RD does it, but it's OK for them to do.

RD had clearly marked RD tags.

Whatever RD does is always going to be complained about by the pansies.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 19:29:31

You forgot what we agreeed on.......

7a. FBI will remove the squiggly lines on channel 99.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 22:21:07

read your private message.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 1:50:35

Originally posted by Detmer:
I will send you harmful spy ops!

And dirty messages!

Send harmful messages and dirty spy ops.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 1:47:51


New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 9th 2010, 23:42:59

ICQ # 72476246
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 17:33:11

I'll help. You place out 30 billion food at $5 and i'll buy it up. :)
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 14:47:50

Originally posted by machwell:
The "Don't touch RD and they won't touch you" is also BS.

I didn't touch them once this set, yet still they sent me 60 missiles and a bunch of GSes, killing me while I was walling FBI, Rag and RD

(I went to take a dump and died :/ )

What was your #?
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 3:47:02

Originally posted by de1i:
Please point on the doll where the bad Lemon Chiffon touched you.

If you would like to come over, i'll touch you too.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 19:38:16

Originally posted by Mr Midnight:

now Lemon Chiffon, that sounds like a dessert

I taste good too!!
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 18th 2010, 5:56:01

Originally posted by Ronnie:
with themselves, yes

That's called 'performing'.

they know you are watching on the pay per view webcam.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 17th 2010, 17:08:59

Shhhh... leave my Asian girls alone. They like to play. :)
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 0:53:09

Originally posted by Ronnie:
I cheat? Only on my girlfriends.

And the guys just love you.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 0:52:36

Originally posted by snawdog:
If you have proven to be a cheat before, then you ARE in fact a cheat,and there is nothing that will stop you from doing it again...

Bring on the proof. There is none.
Other than that, it's just false accusations from people like you who messed with RD and didn't like being killed as a result.

There are 2 groups of people out there..

those who accuse because it's the popular thing to do and you like to feel like you fit in because you have no life....


the ones who cry cheat because they can't perform the way we do and cannot eccept the fact that most players are better than them.

Which group are you in? My thinking is you are both.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 12th 2010, 2:06:59

from past experience, bot servers are there to test and perfect bots. That's all. Making a bot server is probably the dumbest idea posted so far in the forums.

DISCLAIMER - I am not a bot expert, I just write them and killed whole clans with them. :) LMAO.

I do not condone bots anymore. Not even the spam bots allowed in this game to recruit to other servers.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 12th 2010, 2:01:05

Originally posted by NOW3P:
hmm....I got $.60 to waste, sounds like a good buy to me :-)

at $1.25/inch your 60 cents gets ya 2 visits and ya can tip him the extra nickle.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 11th 2010, 15:59:41

You are the only 1 who would do it for 50 cents. I owe you 3.50 now, and the bank won't issue a bank check for less than 10$. So you need to come over more often.

(I did tip you 10 cents last time, wasn't that enuf?)
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 11th 2010, 15:56:30

We are used to it. 12 years of playing and having suiciders attack is nothing new.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 10th 2010, 17:42:51

Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Imitation is the best form of flattery!

Is that why you wear women's clothes?
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 7th 2010, 2:20:20

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Is it just me, or does that feel about as wrong as a naked sleepover at Michael Jackson's house?

You sound like you know alot about those sleepovers. How many did you attend?
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 1:21:07

Originally posted by warlorde:
RD proved they are noobs hiding behind their numbers. they dont know what a challenge is. its terrible... i was asking RD for some fun.

Yes, it was fun killing you. You got what you wanted. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Originally posted by warlorde:

let the noobs hide behind their numbers. count all those DHs on my country when i wasnt even online

Were we supposed to wait for you to come back online? Did you send a notice out? What next? Your group want to limit the kinds of attacks, the times of day and who can attack who? It's a wargame. You provoked and lost.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 1:09:18

Originally posted by LitaLogoth:

This is a war game yes, but it's a game. One that everyone should be able to enjoy. Putting policies like that in place only shows that you take your enjoyment from ruining anothers enjoyment.

nobody forced your player to want to war us. If you didn't like the policy, you should have just stayed away. When the rest of you followed, and got killed as a result, what did you expect in a war game.

Originally posted by LitaLogoth:

The only reason to put such a policy in place is if you want to netgain, which is counterintuitive to running turns on restarts.

When did you become an expert on policies and why they are there? Was it before or after your players wanted to war us and got your tag killed? YES players. 1 was killed for being a jackass. The others were killed when you jumped in and didn't want to leave us alone. You made your bed, now your countries are buried 6 feet under it. Glad you are having fun. Expect more.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 0:52:49

Originally posted by rpottage:
I think we all know who's the real winner here.

Yes, that would be the countries that are not red.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 20:14:59

maybe he means the DaSnap tag that attacked for them.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 17:15:12

-LC's winning war strategy tips.

1. Don't mess with RD.
2. Stay alive during the war.
3. Kill the enemy first.
4. Get players who know how to attack.
5. Quit being a crybaby when you get killed.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 17:08:34

PIE!?!?! I love pie!!!
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 17:04:04

Originally posted by archaic:
We talked a lot but never organized, they beat us to the punch by a week.

I will say that their hiding in nameless tags precluded us being able to FS them though . . . kind of chickenfluff on their part - the real RD never hid the bulk of their tags.

You admit planning to FS us, and we got ya first. Boo hooo....

If we played in main tags and kicked your ass, would you still complain? Probably yes. The losers always complain when they get killed.

We have always said, don't mess with RD, and we leave you alone. You decided to make the mistake to mess with us.
Now we mess with you our way.

~ -LC ICQ #72476246 ~

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 16:53:00

Well, golly. Asking for a copy of bot code. Someone would probably contact the author of the bot for that.

Lemme see if he is around. :)

I'm pretty sure he gets on ICQ everyday.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Jun 14th 2010, 15:30:00

Correction, some are greeen restarts and still in protection.
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


May 28th 2010, 13:34:50

Did someone say 200 Chinese babes? W00t!!
New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.