
Mad Morticia Game profile


May 15th 2010, 8:04:46

And Joe says.........................."PANLV rules".

We wanna pact with most of you. Who is gonna meet me in my morning (your evening) tomorrow? Hmmmmmmmm????????

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 13th 2010, 7:43:05

When I get up in the a.m. will turn on my ICQ for once and would love to speak with any FAs who would like to pact with PANLV.
My ICQ # 35895060.

And we would like to invite any of you who might like a change of scenery to come on over to
apply and we will get back with you asap. Pancakes coming as a door prize to all who ring our bell.

Hope to be chatting all day long. Why, I'll even chat with Little Italy. :)

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 13th 2010, 7:36:00

I did wave to you too, LI, but per usual you were asleep.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 12th 2010, 8:35:13

We at PANLV believe tradition is important when so much in the world is changing at lightning speed. Plus what a bummer it would be to have to come up with new logos and stuff like that.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 12th 2010, 8:16:47

*waves to Juusto and Maki*

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 11th 2010, 9:20:27

On behalf of PANLV, I would like to congratulate LaE for handling this difficult situation in an orderly and dignified way. We wish your clan the best of luck and are confident that you will hit your stride once more very quickly. Cheers time *raises glass*

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 11th 2010, 9:15:38

I am so very happy to report that after a lengthy investigation, this unfortunate matter has been resolved in the most fortunate way. Our member has his countries restored and I simply cannot thank the administrators/moderators of FFA for their understanding and resolving the problem.

May I announce to all who play this game? From this day forward, should two people be playing the game from the same computer, the moderators want to talk to each of them personally. They do not want to go thru pea brained 3rd parties such as myself. So everybody understand now???

I love this game and I do so want it to thrive and last forever and ever.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 8th 2010, 5:40:37

think this was taken care of several hours ago but if not, get with me again. Difficult for me to tell with the great time differences.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 8th 2010, 5:37:44

If only I had had the opportunity to investigate this prior to the deletion. Here is the scenario: a copy of my conversation that I just finished with the "culprit.:"

My conversation with the PANLV player whose countries were deleted.

Did you ever play Donna Rash's countries or the countries of anyone else in the war games?

non wife played one day i made her an account but she didnt like it and only made about 3 countries

and no never played Donna's counties

What I added for Spawn:
He did not tell me about his wife playing or I would have contacted you immediately. However, it seems she certainly did not play them for long.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 7th 2010, 8:40:05

You sure got that right cause I honestly do hate to see this happen to the kid. He is the only one playing this game in that town, he has never hung out on FFAT, this is his second round of Earth and he knows very very little about playing this game. He does not even hang out on our site, but must admit that few do except for joeskin who is in there running his mouth all the time. The rest of us just stay away most of the time cause it's impossible to shut poor old Joe up. I've started to call him Motormouth. Suits him more than Joeskin.

Anyway, what I hate to see is for him to just stop playing altogether because of this incident. He was doing ever so much better this time than last and I kept praising him to the skies and then this happens. Really very sad. Also have been trying to interest him in this intellectual game and that is no exaggeration when you compare Earth to those inane Facebook games that he spends hours and hours and hours on every single day. His wife does too. :P

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 7th 2010, 0:27:49

Sorry about that. Did not know that other players were excluded from the subject of this post. Have fun.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 7th 2010, 0:26:13

I am not rushing the man. Neither have I been totally devastated by it as someone said above. Gosh, thought women reacted this way, not men. I AM TOTALLY CALM, COOL AND COLLECTED.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 6th 2010, 23:28:55

Nope, not gonna go there, des, but nothing I love more than a great big group hug.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 6th 2010, 23:26:58

Messaged again. Awaiting decision. Thx to all of you.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 6th 2010, 23:15:27

Message just sent to spawn. I'm not angry but really totally bewildered by it all.

Sent the guy a message asking if he had been contacted. Told me no. Said he played his countries on Monday, but Tues he did not because spent the entire evening on phone (probably re. extremely ill father), then he went to play them on Wed. and they were all dead.

Not positive what user name he used. I gave spawn the name he uses in PANLV but that's his real name so might use another in the game. Will try to touch bases with him again and ask him.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 6th 2010, 9:49:31

Oh, one more thing about him. He spends probably close to 95% of his waking hours playing FarmVille and other silly Facebook games. I'd be willing to bet my car that he has never ever been in this forum.

This has truly blown me away and honestly believe our clan needs some explanation.

Now is it possible that he deleted them all because of his father's health??? Rather doubt that. Don't know that he even knows how to delete his countries.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 6th 2010, 9:42:45

15 of our countries were deleted and would very much like to know why.
The owner is one of my former students and a new player to Earth. Simply cannot figure this out. Lives in a two-bit town in Arkansas, pop. 10 k. Goes nowhere, does nothing.

He did say his father was in hospital. Surely if he left town to be with him and perhaps used another computer to play, they wouldn't delete him, would they????????

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 5th 2010, 9:06:50

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo...................I have waited years to get this game back on and have no interest whatsoever in playing in any of the other Earth games. It's FFA or nothing for me.

Now I did pick up on a remark by an important person (forget who now) up there--something about perhaps having 16 instead of 15 countries next reset. I would really like that cause I always ally with myself but that leaves 3 countries with only 2 tech allies, but if we could have 16 countries, my life here on Earth would be perfect. Please give that some heavy thought, would ya?

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 4th 2010, 8:40:36

I second that. Come on over and play with us, LI. Think a reunion would do us all good.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 4th 2010, 8:38:40

Honestly do believe you should spend some time with PANLV, probably the most laid back of all clans here which seems to go along well with how you want to play.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 8:46:18

And what are your hormones doing so efficiently today, General?

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 8:44:22

I know you have it BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT you always are sleeping so don't hear me calling for you.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 8:14:31

I love Joe. Everybody loves Joe. LI even loves Joe.

Mad Morticia Game profile


May 1st 2010, 7:38:10

nope, LI. Never have gotten around to uploading MSN again but do turn on ICQ occasionally. It's the only one I have right now.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 7:10:35


Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 29th 2010, 8:20:31

May I propose an alternative? Pandora's Last Vikings is being revived and we sure could use a veteran player such as yourself.

Drop by and apply.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 27th 2010, 5:52:28

She lost her country and deservedly so. Obviously she did not read our rules and so she has paid. I hold no ill will against LaE or any other clan for that matter, if one of our members breaks the rules and is punished by another clan.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 26th 2010, 6:47:16

The girl is a former student of mine and has never played this game before. I have given her detention hall for the next week for misbehaving. Believe me, her lesson has been learned.

I would very much like to discuss the matter with Icy and will make myself available any time at his convenience.
ICQ # 35895060 Would appreciate it if you could give me a day and time and your location so I can translate that into Australian time. Appreciate it.

Will freely admit that we have no pacts. It was understood that if a clan had 80 members or less, a DNH was more or less understood by the large clans.

Suddenly I had some former students wanting to try their hand at this but if you will notice our clan list, you will see that many of these countries are not being played. Hard to keep the interest level of some noobs up these days with no visuals.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 24th 2010, 9:54:14

Is he still playing, Twiz???????

You know, that would not surprise me one little bit.

Really a nice guy to talk to. Pity that he was so ill.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 24th 2010, 9:45:59

I'll agree with Twiz, even tho it is off the subject. The Focus clan is a great one but the name??????????????

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 23rd 2010, 8:06:19

Does anyone know what ever happened to lemon chiffon? He was terribly ill, not able to do much of anything except mess with Earth. Needed a transplant--kidney or liver, not sure which.
Did he live in Nevada? He was the head of RD, wasn't he?

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 9:15:14

P.S. Like purg's idea too--the one right above me.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 22nd 2010, 9:14:40

re. the $2 b. limit, really don't think it can have much of an effect on the outcome of the game. So I say, take it off, take it off, take it all off.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 21st 2010, 8:01:59

Hey, Donny, I was planning on your giving PANLV a chance. Please reconsider. Mean no disrespect to ADoT but there was a time long ago when Donny called PANLV home. Just give us a try, not now but next reset cause don't want tag jumpers, you know.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 21st 2010, 7:55:50

Hey, I told you guys that the TC stood for "the coolest"

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 20th 2010, 7:28:13

LI is far too sleepy these days to kill much of anything. Poor guy.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 19th 2010, 8:06:00

That's what Havoc is in charge of. I never go there; just stay in the kitchen with Pandora.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 19th 2010, 7:58:12

It's cause Little Italy is spending most of his time sleeping these days. Poor guy. Wonder why he's so tired ?

Edited By: Mad Morticia on Apr 19th 2010, 7:59:56

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 18th 2010, 8:30:45

LOL. Nope, won't do that. But sure will make him feel right at home. Donny, you are playing with a clan now, right? Well, we can let you be a guest if you like.....

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 7:33:56

Have another pancake, Donny.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 17th 2010, 7:24:32

So very happy we got in a beautiful retal on them before you guys went after them.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 16th 2010, 7:22:55

Did this hellrush ever go by a different name?

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 15th 2010, 4:26:51


Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 8:47:11

Whoops, forgot to put the contact info. Look up toward the top of this posting, find where Havoc spoke and all the stuff you need is right there.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 8:46:05

Forgotten, do believe that nearly all of the above are warring or about to war except Pandora who hangs around all day long making pancakes. We just enjoy the game and each other's company. None of us need to kill to prove our manhood or womanhood whichever the case might be altho will admit that if some little dork should start to farm us, we would stop him dead in his tracks. However, should the dork be in a mature clan, we would go thru all possible channels like the civilised people we are.

So do come over with us. It all you can eat pancake day

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 8:39:36

I used to know some guy too. Where is he now?

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 8:30:01

Well, I don't know about all this mess but I do know that we had a loose cannon in PANLV last reset and it was no sweat at all to change the tag. We just all quit PANLV and joined PLV instead. So quick and easy. Nobody had to run and jump into another clan. But then what do I know? Not much and really prefer it that way.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 1:42:27

Hope to see you at the Pandora site, Forgotten. I can promise you will not be forgotten there. Strictly netting. No politicking.

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 9th 2010, 8:08:55

Mak, that's the best idea I've heard in a long time.

BTW, is it possible to have more postings on one page so we don't have to turn the page all the time to read what's on everyone's minds?

Mad Morticia Game profile


Apr 9th 2010, 8:06:00

I agree with Twiz--the people of FFA demand some cheap troops or we just may revolt.