
MILORD Game profile


Apr 18th 2021, 6:26:19

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I'm starting to wonder if a message to all players explaining typical Express etiquette would be in order.
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I'm starting to wonder if a message to all players explaining typical Express etiquette would be in order.

Sorry for the Offtopic, but this is on the topic of changes! We hinted too subtly that the developers made so many important changes for the players - even the bots were marked in yellow. There is no need to attack players, you need to attack bots. LoL

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
fluff off, I was saving turns to kill him.....

/me kicks door open

This D'Artanyan has a whole line of musketeers)))

Edited By: MILORD on Apr 18th 2021, 6:49:47
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 18th 2021, 5:47:03

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I despise thieves, and the fact that this guy didn't think I have a way of catching him makes it hilarious.

Dai Armenia Daiiiiiii

/kill mode activated

He also stole from me twice! The first time, I made a warning retal, the second time I killed it with a warning.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 18th 2021, 5:20:14

Originally posted by MILORD:
Originally posted by BiBiGoN:
любви все возрасты покорны:)))

Я не буду говорить о любви , а скажу о русских , в этой игре и в той , нашей - марс2025 . Давным давно , на другой планете марс - мы были соперниками . Война между нами была нешуточная , Уничтожение стран ,накал страстей ,скандалы и бессонные ночи . Возможно кто-то имеет обиды , я не знаю . Лично у меня обид нет . Я сейчас вспоминая это время считаю - славное было время . Это была многолетняя настоящая война . Без турнирной фальши .
Что было , то прошло , назад не вернуть .
Но сейчас тут меня удивляет ,когда появляются русские и не сплочаются в один дружный коллектив . Неужели ,в ком-то обида осталась настолько глубоко?! Так то раньше была игра ,а не реальные обиды ! Сейчас мы тут на чужбине среди буржуев . Большинство из них не как мы , а понимают только язык выгоды и силы . Я в этом убедился , играя тут . Хотя я всех не гребу под одну гребенку , но большинство тут расчетливы и меркантильны .
В-общем Нас сейчас тут двое русских я и Марсель ,который играл в клане юнион . Будем очень рады если ты присоеденишся к нам .Мы находимся в клане ЛаФ . Будем играть своим дивизионом .Наши подтянуться - будем думать дальше .

Edited By: MILORD on Apr 18th 2021, 5:22:49
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 18th 2021, 5:16:34

Originally posted by BiBiGoN:
любви все возрасты покорны:)))

Я не буду говорить о любви , а скажу о русских , тут в этой игре и в той нашей . Давным давно , на другой планете марс - мы были соперниками . Война между нами была нешуточная , Уничтожение стран ,накал страстей ,скандалы бессонные ночи . Возможно кто-то имеет обиды , я не знаю . Лично у меня обид нет . Я сейчас вспоминая это время считаю -славное было время . Это была многолетняя настоящая война . Без турнирной фальши .
Что было ,то прошло , назад не вернуть .
Но сейчас тут меня удивляет ,когда появляются русские и не сплочаются в один дружный коллектив . Неужели ,в ком-то обида осталась настолько глубоко?! То раньше была игра ! Сейчас мы тут на чужбине среди буржуев . Большинство из них не как мы , а понимают только язык выгоды и силы . Я в этом убедился играя тут . Хотя я всех не гребу под одну гребенку , но большинство тут расчетливы и меркантильны .
В-общем Нас сейчас тут двое русских я и Марсель ,который играл в клане юнион . Будем очень рады если ты присоеденишся к нам .Мы находимся в клане ЛаФ . Будем играть своим дивизионом .Наши подтянуться -будем думать дальше .
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 16th 2021, 5:10:06

bambarbia kirgudu
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 14th 2021, 15:32:31

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 12th 2021, 7:49:52

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 8th 2021, 17:08:38

Funny .... Very few people play with the fascist government ...LOL
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 6th 2021, 17:09:58

If everyone becomes farmers, I will play as a communist industrial and will sell troops to you ... And whoever does not buy troops will feed someone else's army)))
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 5th 2021, 20:26:36

Originally posted by BiBiGoN:
язык тела, музыка дождя :Ь)

На самом деле рад видеть здесь , вдали от родины , старого марсианина )
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 5th 2021, 20:15:00

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 2nd 2021, 17:27:05

Originally posted by Hessman123:
Missile Dump is me

There is no rhyme or reason to my playing style, I just pick someone at random and do some good old fashioned attacking :)

Cheers, I hope your scientists were able to help you out with that coronavirus I dropped over there

I don’t know what you find funny when, at the end of the set, you unleash a hail of missiles on a country that has not done anything to you ... But you didn’t break the official rules, calling people to conscience is a thankless task. Therefore, in this thread, I did not write about your attacks. But I asked a question, can # 13; No. 5, No. 35. - to be in cahoots. Perhaps they play from the same IP address or play in the same clan.

I do not blame that there was a conspiracy. I want to find out if they were in cahoots or not. Perhaps their joint espionage attacks were carried out in other countries. In any case, such things should be published.

Edited By: MILORD on Apr 2nd 2021, 17:36:47
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 1st 2021, 19:15:42

На каком языке говорит этот Бибигон)))
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 1st 2021, 18:10:04
Gentlemen administrators, I calmly react to the fact that one person attacks me. In this situation, I want to understand whether this is collusion or accident. Check countries: no. 13; No. 5 and "35.
Thanks in advance!
I also want to address these people here. Do not attack at the end of the period. It's not beautiful ! At any time, on any server, I am ready to fight each of you! You are required to write to me when you want to fight and on which server. We will discuss this and implement it. It is advisable to indicate why you want to fight, sports interest or personal resentment. I am always open to constructive dialogue.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 6:40:56

Gentlemen, developers! I have the following proposal for you:
Take an Express Test Drive. 1 turn per minute and 500 (500) moves. This will bring novelty, attract the attention of players, and provide opportunities for new records. The results of the top 10 do not need to be saved, otherwise it will not be fair in relation to the previous winners. Only one-time experiment and test drive.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 6:25:51

Originally posted by MILORD:
Originally posted by Kahuna:

A killer express is when 500 (500) turns and a LOL .
Turn is added every minute. It's super dynamic!

I hope the developers will forgive me for nostalgia, on the express Mars2025, which is no longer and probably will not be. On express earthempires, there are many advantages: - it is the market and the GDI.
On express Mars 2025, to get to the top, you had to destroy the enemy team, and then deal with the top!
There they fought and killed, and then the winners shared the top.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 6:24:49

Originally posted by Kahuna:

A killer express is when 500 (500) turns and a LOL .
Turn is added every minute. It's super dynamic!

I hope the developers will forgive me for nastalgiru, on the express Mars2025, which is no longer and probably will not be. On express earthempires, there are many advantages: - it is the market and the GDI.
On express Mars 2025, to get to the top, you had to destroy the enemy team, and then deal with the top!
There they fought and killed, and then the winners shared the top.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 26th 2021, 4:38:21

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 23rd 2021, 18:46:38

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 21st 2021, 20:12:20

By the way, I didn't even have to pretend to be a bot ... I forgot to join GDI. They immediately decided to take the land from me and steal the technology ... I had to kill both of them.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 21st 2021, 9:43:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by MILORD:
I did not understand the meaning of this topic ...

I made a country these past two sets using bot name to ambush unsuspecting players, got fat, waited for greedy grabbers and couple days later I strike ;-)

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 20th 2021, 20:39:06

Originally posted by archaic:
If I'd known there wouldn't be a single one I probably would have made a country this set just to sell you nerds the weapons of your destruction.

If I knew where I would fall .... I would put something soft and fluffy in this place. LoL.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 20th 2021, 20:32:09

I did not understand the meaning of this topic ...
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 20th 2021, 19:08:06

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 17th 2021, 19:46:55

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 16th 2021, 17:57:51

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 7th 2021, 3:17:22

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2021, 4:52:58

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 26th 2021, 8:17:54

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 24th 2021, 8:25:14

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 15th 2021, 2:13:23

I took the honorable 11th place of the loser. LOL
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 14th 2021, 11:42:44

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 12th 2021, 21:05:34

group "c", check # 6 and 17. Both of these countries are aggressive.
# 6 writes offensive messages.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 10th 2021, 12:54:07

👩 👰✌
👗🔜🔜💍🔜🔜 👚
👡👡 👠👠
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 8th 2021, 19:48:28

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
They don't retal, MEFA!!!

Make Express Fun Again!

Yeah, I forgot to write that one down. Right now my thinking is that the bots need to be more competent before we can add retals.

The main thing is that we are not comprehended by the apocalypse and bots do not destroy the remnants of humanity on this server. LOL
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 6th 2021, 18:14:04

Nothing of the above will attract players. This can make the game more comfortable, no more , for those players who are already playing..
will attract players, if the reward for winning the top 10 on individual servers will be a reward - an additional bonus in the alliance. Or the winner will have a symbolic badge.
Such a reward can attract new players to this server. Making the server prestigious will increase competition.

Edited By: MILORD on Feb 6th 2021, 18:19:39
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 5th 2021, 23:00:34

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 8:42:54

Originally posted by Gerdler:
And this is the fluff req, chevs, zen, thehawk and the other cheaters think I'm responsible for???! I dont know if I should laugh or cry.

These guys are clearly responding to my every command... Like killing Russia who I have no qualms with while my Tag is at war with cheaters who I actually want to kill. But yes in order to make the assertion that I control Elders, it follows that I wanted something dead more than I wanted chevs and the other cheaters hitting me dead. It falls on it's own absurdity.

This post is not clear to me. Perhaps the translator misrepresents the point. Well, I don't know enough about the players, who is fighting with whom. The listed names are unfamiliar to me.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 8:18:11

Originally posted by myerr21:
So it went like this, the homie asked if i had turns, i did. So we meant to hit 1400, but we accidently killed 140. Honest mistake.

It's funny. Considering that the 1400 country does not exist ... Okay, your version is clear to me. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. LOL.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Feb 3rd 2021, 4:36:40

Originally posted by myerr21:
We accidently hit the wrong number. Sorry.

We are all human, we all make mistakes, it happens. Please tell us more about the order and motivation for your actions, from the beginning of your attacks until this day. Well, and I, with great impatience and curiosity await your story.

Edited By: MILORD on Feb 3rd 2021, 4:47:15
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jan 27th 2021, 19:27:01

zig zag luck
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jan 20th 2021, 23:21:52

You play by taking over land, and I don't blame you. It's your choice, your strategy! Likewise, you need to treat without judgment if someone is taking revenge on you. There is no need to impose your worldview on people. You have good defense, it took me 100+ moves to buy the required number of planes for 1 retal. And then I would have to sell them, since this is an extra burden of the economy and extra expenses. Therefore, I decided not to engage in peaceful development, but to devote this kit to revenge. LOL.
P. S.
You write that you took the land from ten players ... Bravo! Don't you think that in a short time, you will lose the advantage that you got at the start, seizing the ground? And you will have to return what you captured with interest ... What the end of this set will be known only to the almighty Ares)))

Edited By: MILORD on Jan 20th 2021, 23:53:51
See Original Post
born in the USSR