
MILORD Game profile


Jun 19th 2021, 13:33:05

No. 2 owes me land too.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 19th 2021, 13:33:04

No. 2 owes me land too.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 17th 2021, 18:19:46

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 14th 2021, 13:22:06

Originally posted by BlueCow:
Originally posted by MILORD:
Ready to fight 1v1 (16v16).

Msg sent bud

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 14th 2021, 8:41:48

Ready to fight 1v1 (16v16).
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 13th 2021, 20:13:28

I play a fascist oilman. And although I make my own oil, I'd love to buy yours for 80. LoL.*
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 13th 2021, 20:12:06

Edited By: MILORD on Jun 13th 2021, 20:14:19
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 13th 2021, 17:50:29

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 12:07:10

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
Originally posted by cordycsw:
how? i think the bots are undercutting us all. i have like 300 turns on hand and no $$$ to play turns. all my stuff not selling.

I would say if we had a few demos with lots of cash on hand to buy up military then resell, that could help, but it sounds like there is high supply and low demand, so that would only be a temporary fix!

On Saturday, I finished collecting land ... I saw that there were a lot of troops on the market, planes at a low price ... I bought, the whole cheap army for which there was enough money, and today I sold it. Yesterday I bought at an average price of $ 80 , sold today at 149. Costs 12% market commission, but overall I made some money and supported the industrialists) LoL
If you have finished wasting moves on Saturday and save moves to spend the next day. That is, in principle, it is profitable to buy troops at low prices and resell them in 20 hours when demand arises. At the same time, buy cheap technology with the proceeds.
From this operation there is still a small positive moment, while the turrets were kept in my warehouses, my country was harder to capture, and the planes told the attacker that I could always make a good "retal" =)

Edited By: MILORD on Jun 6th 2021, 12:24:28
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 5th 2021, 7:39:09

I often, out of habit, click on the "create country" button and therefore do not go to group "A" ... Although I have no particular desire to play in the lower group. The contingent of players in group "A" is more interesting and balanced.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 17:54:42

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 31st 2021, 16:21:29

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by MILORD:
It's very good that we see what specializations the players prefer .... Can you somehow find out which specializations bots choose? How many of them play as teachers, farmers, etc.

Right now it's 20% for all five strats that NPCs can pick: farmer, casher, indy, techer, and rainbow.

OK. Thank you . It's good that the bots are evenly distributed. This means the decisive word on the market, for real players.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 30th 2021, 5:48:22

Originally posted by Slagpit:
At least 900k oil is available right now if you still need it.

It seems to me that I will not be mistaken if I assume that your country is # 97. =)
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 30th 2021, 5:39:50

It's very good that we see what specializations the players prefer .... Can you somehow find out which specializations bots choose? How many of them play as teachers, farmers, etc.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 30th 2021, 5:31:41

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 26th 2021, 4:46:39

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I would call that a farmer with a rather long tech start, MILORD! :)

OK . I just clarified in order to understand to which category such a country should be assigned. This set, as I said, I will play as a democrat-farmer, without a technical start. I will be testing this combination shortly. For a complete view, you need to play several sets. In the future, I plan to test a fascist farmer, a kesher republic and a kesher theocrat, a tyrant farmer with a technical start. Kommunist industrial does not inspire confidence in me, on this server.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 25th 2021, 18:31:21

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Ohh so you mean that 4 players each set get a BoS award on top of that; the best indy, the best casher, the best farmer, the best techer. I can totally get behind that, that is a great suggestion.
But we still have extreme market fluctuations making all the other entries into the Seasonal leaderboard mostly about predicting which strat will be best as many sets as possible. Also, I'd like to point out that there are no seasonal leaderboards right now.

Can I be considered a farmer if I made a technical start for 800 or more moves while selling technology when it has a high cost, then I built farms. And then at the finish line made a revolution in theocrat?
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 23rd 2021, 20:33:52

Originally posted by SuperFly:
well I guess I made 48k land. Will see how much i keep come end of the round after breaking GDI on some of my "friends" that have double tapped me in previous rounds.

I R WoG SuperFly (#19)
Rank: 6
Networth: 23,746,366
Land: 48328
Successful Attack Percentage: 95.92%
Successful Defense Percentage: 100%
GDI Member

Glad to see you in a good mood and good spirits! I don’t remember that I pressed on you twice in the last set ... And in this set, I did not press on you twice. Although my one click, completely compensated, your multiple clicks.

I do not forget "friends" and always remember them, especially if you do not change your name)

Edited By: MILORD on May 23rd 2021, 20:39:19
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 22nd 2021, 7:54:48

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 20th 2021, 18:16:36

I don't know why Ratski's country attacked you, maybe you know ... I can only speak for myself. I play under the same name and in most cases I respond harshly to any encroachment on my land. In rare cases, I could not answer for technical reasons.
This is my strategy. It has its own disadvantages and advantages. There are more advantages.
In any case, I am always ready for battle, since the name of the country, I do not change, you can easily find me))) Good luck!

It is technically very difficult to kill a tournament in the server. Unless only at the start, if the apponent has little land and defense. Or if the country you want to kill will be offline for 48 hours or more ...
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 18th 2021, 19:05:25

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 16th 2021, 10:10:05

No. 4 wanted my land and got it .LoL. If he wants war, in the future, he just needs to give his country number and name any individual server on which he wants war. If he is not sure of himself, he can attack me under a different name to have the advantage of surprise. I accept any challenge. But I respect only those who fight openly.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 16th 2021, 9:59:57

I destroyed country no. 86, which decided to attack me and is pleased with this round.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 15th 2021, 17:28:09

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 10th 2021, 6:20:35

Congratulations to all the winners! I am especially glad that two Russian countries won in this set. Sterletamak and me. As they say here in Russia: - "We are few, but we are in vests" 6th and 10th place is ours. LoL
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 10th 2021, 6:06:16

My country is ASTRAL (# 18). Will take part if there are enough players.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 9th 2021, 17:30:53

I agree GDI will be a hindrance. We also need to think about when to start actions ... From the start on move 101 or make development to the agreed time ...
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 9th 2021, 12:41:42

For those who are bored with the top 10 and want variety, I suggest playing the game "king of the hill".
The rules are:
Those wishing to write down the number and names of their countries for the next set in this thread.
There must be at least 5 countries, the maximum number is unlimited.
The next task is to win Networth at the end of the set.
It is allowed to rob and kill only on the participants of this game "king of the hill" and bots. It is forbidden to attack players who are not participants in this game.
Alliances are prohibited.
Perhaps there are other proposals, for a military mess, so that peaceful players do not suffer, suggest. We will discuss)
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 8th 2021, 16:51:13

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 6th 2021, 16:26:31

Was my offer ignored?
I would like to know for what reason?

Edited By: MILORD on May 6th 2021, 16:32:13
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 2nd 2021, 4:56:04

I ask you dear developers to think about the following:
1 To enable players on other servers, such as a tournament and others, to sell oil on the private market, as is now happening on the express.
2 On the "Team" server I changed the government but forgot forgot to change production ....
As a result, I made a starting dash for 150 moves, and the factories did not produce anything. I think this needs to be fixed.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 2nd 2021, 4:44:17

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Post this on Bugs and Suggestions forum, bud, that way it gets Slagpit to look at it :-)

OK. Thank you.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


May 1st 2021, 20:09:11

It would be nice if you thought about the opportunity for players to sell oil on the private market, similar to how it is done on the express.

I have oil on the market now. Maybe they won't buy my oil. It is a pity to leave this valuable resource unrealized.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 30th 2021, 18:12:35

Why do you only say that bots buy expensive technologies?
Maybe because many of you don't like playing as teachers and want cheap technology ...
It's not just technology that bots buy expensive! They buy expensive troops if there are no cheap troops or buy expensive food if there is no food for $ 40 or less.
Bots just follow a given program. They make up for the lack of players.
And the market lives by its own rules, by the rules of the market. If there are no farmers in this set, then the food will be expensive and there will be a high demand for it, well, in this spirit.
If you want to regulate the purchase of technology by bots, then adjust the price of their purchases for other goods as well.
This will be true of the teachers.
I also want to add that, orientationally, most of such strategies as cashier, oller, farmer, indie, teacher have equal chances of winning. But there are many players, and there should be 10 winners. The winner is the one who chose the right strategy, who feels the market, who knows how to calculate, and sometimes take risks.
And bots have nothing to do with it, they follow their program. They enrich the market and share the land with us.
Bots are not disingenuous or corrupt. LOL

Edited By: MILORD on Apr 30th 2021, 18:30:51
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 29th 2021, 20:01:58

New change, I like it. Since peaceful countries will be harder to rob, for those who like to spoil the game.
Well, this change should also significantly help those who produce oil and jets. LoL
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 28th 2021, 21:08:49

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 27th 2021, 18:56:23

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 25th 2021, 6:23:09

Hello! If I understand you correctly, do you want to learn Russian? Tell me which clan do you play on the alliance server?
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 23rd 2021, 18:00:05

Anyone who buys oil now makes a good investment in the future) LoL
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 23rd 2021, 17:37:44

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Apr 21st 2021, 19:12:59

born in the USSR