
MILORD Game profile


Jan 20th 2021, 2:52:28

You guys rob first, then complain that they made the wrong retal or threw a rocket ... There is an individual server, and everyone has the right to their own individual approach to the game, to their own style. The main thing is not to break the general rules. This is my personal opinion, but I respect it if someone has a different opinion. Let me add a few more words about the captures in group "a". Here, with a high probability, your capture will not be left unattended
P. S.
You chose the aggressive type of game - well done. But if you are reaping the benefits, do not complain here on the forum.
And even more so do not threaten. I have been playing with the same name for over 10 years. I have had many victories and defeats and I am not ashamed of my game

Edited By: MILORD on Jan 20th 2021, 3:14:41
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jan 20th 2021, 2:34:05

On individual servers, I only take players seriously who play with the same country name. There are few such players. Without changing the name of the country, we carry all the load, for our past sets, and of our glory. And your threats - I don't care! Today you play with this name, tomorrow you will call the country differently. Do you want to test yourself and fame ?! Don't change the name of your country for a year, but I'll make sure you have fun. LOL.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jan 14th 2021, 8:04:19

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jan 10th 2021, 21:21:20

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Jan 6th 2021, 5:46:06

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 30th 2020, 12:08:30

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 27th 2020, 1:37:03

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 24th 2020, 15:01:17

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 21st 2020, 2:37:48

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 17th 2020, 18:35:32

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 14th 2020, 2:03:05

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 8th 2020, 18:56:36

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Dec 2nd 2020, 21:55:15

3 7 11
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 29th 2020, 18:42:11

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 25th 2020, 10:20:57

Uzbek pilaf

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 23rd 2020, 4:29:44

Thank you for understanding ! For my part, I promise not to repeat my mistakes. Also, I want to apologize to the players who had nothing to do with it! Yo Text Me for a Killrun (# 240) - Sorry! I will not promise, but I will try to gain land and return it to you in this set!
Good luck everyone !
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 23rd 2020, 0:40:38

I also want to congratulate the winners! And add a few words about this set. I researched technology, the technology prices were very modest. The fly in the ointment was added by the player, number 2, with his attacks. Perhaps I would have had 2-3 more Networth kk. I decided not to waste my time on it and continued development. Until the first place, I would not have made it in this set.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 23rd 2020, 0:17:55

Okay, your words sound convincing. You had to protect your top players, which you did! I thought about my action, I think you are right, I needed to first create a dialogue with you before retaliating.
Now let's talk about the present tense! Will we keep going or will we stop? ! Your online, will allow you to destroy my country, immediately after leaving the defense, but I will have time to go through, for example, spies and tanks, in some countries. It's not constructive. I want to offer peace.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 22nd 2020, 21:48:23

Okay, I understand your position!
For 1 standard attack from our side, you destroyed a clan and attracted 2 more clans to this event! Are you planning to continue the destruction?

Yes, in fairness, I must add, for 1 standard attack, followed by my destruction, my land.
I hope you are not embarrassed that we will publicly discuss this issue? In public, there are some pluses.

Edited By: MILORD on Nov 22nd 2020, 22:06:42
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 22nd 2020, 20:51:12

Good time of the day, dear players!
Many of you wonder why there are not many players in the game. And the answer is simple: - Large clans put pressure on small ones ...
I think it would be fair to write a few lines about the incident that happened between the Russia and the Mercenaries clan.
We are a peaceful recruiting clan Russia, created this clan in the hope of attracting players from Russia. We played honestly, I even signed up for a premium subscription to support the game financially.
It is unclear why a player from a mercenary clan made 2 standard attacks on our clan. This could not be an accident, # 415 made these attacks demonstratively!
My country developed for the top. It was not profitable for me to play ping pong from standard attacks, with aggressive people.
We responded to two attacks of the aggressor with one attack with a retal. Retal made No. 127.
Then I also made 1 attack, but in a different country of this clan. My attack was not a retal, but a statement that there is no need to beat countries that are in the top 10.
There were no pacts or agreements between our clans.
But it would be noble on the part of a large clan of mercenaries not to allow their aggressive players to attack small clans.
I was also surprised when an already large clan of Mercenaries took advantage of the help of the SoF and Elders clan and a series of espionage operations of unmarked countries.
This is wrong guys.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 22nd 2020, 0:06:48

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Prepare yourselves, US Citizens. The end of the republic is in sight. The US will become the newest Oligarchy in the world soon. Monied interests have 100% attention from politicians, while the US public at large has really no say other than their votes which have become demonstrably worthless at this point since any politician can now purchase a fraud machine to vote for them. There will come a new dark age over this. Liberty will be banished from the world in short order and you will all be taking orders from some "Leftist One World Government Prick".

When the lefties get what they want, the Covid-19 pandemic will be declared over and everyone will be told to trade in their masks for chains in order to be "safe".

My personal opinion is that there is no longer a separate government in more than one country. The world order and the government of all countries is ruled by the alligarhat.
Alligarchy is transnational. She is the unspoken world government. They put on performances for people, in the form of conflicts, wars, diseases, elections, to distract people from the truth. Their goal is to consolidate power and reduce the population. They do not need money, they print it in any quantity. They do not need property and assets - they have everything. They are the masters of life.
In Russia, they deceive us that the United States is our enemy. And the families of our government and Putin have European and US citizenship, real estate and business there ...

Edited By: MILORD on Nov 22nd 2020, 0:10:04
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 21st 2020, 2:24:28

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 16th 2020, 12:14:24

Congratulations to everyone who won and entered the top 10 of this set! And congratulations to the one who took 1st place!
Each set, I want to take first place. But I always see that the guys know how to earn twice as much.
Hope I get lucky in future kits!
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 15th 2020, 10:13:35

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 12th 2020, 19:38:18

Originally posted by Cerberus:

Diplomacy is just a form of allied agreement. In our game, diplomacy can hardly be called the simplest. There are many vowels and unspoken rules, such as - n a p , u n a p, several types of alliances .
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 12th 2020, 16:37:22

I think the most correct decision is to convince Josie Wales to postpone his fight to a tournament or express. On these servers, there are no clans and no alliances.
If he agrees, have him negotiate with his opponent # 127.

Edited By: MILORD on Nov 12th 2020, 16:40:58
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 12th 2020, 16:08:28

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Official LaF response:

2020-10-14 21:46:52 BR Sterlitamak (#127) Josey Wales (#350) 13B 469 C

Pay attention, the news that you published has nothing to do with the LaF clan.

It's true ! The war started a long time ago ... But Josie Wales was not previously in the clan. Why take a person into the clan who has unresolved issues with a clan that is neutral for you? Even if, with such a small clan like Russia ...
Judge for yourself how the news from the battlefield will look. This is not correct, it should not be so on the clan server. This is perhaps the only game in the world with a high culture of politics and diplomacy.
After Josie Wales joined the clan, he should not sort out his personal relations with a representative of another clan.

Edited By: MILORD on Nov 12th 2020, 16:13:55
See Original Post
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 12th 2020, 14:47:36

Sorry, for the German, I pressed the wrong button in the google translator ....

We are not strong in Earth Empires diplomacy, but we had a rule on Mars 2025 if we accepted a player and watched the news on his attacks in the last 72 hours. The clan was also responsible after a player left the clan for 72 hours.
Therefore, I would like to hear the official comments of the LaF clan. And together decide what to do in this situation.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 12th 2020, 11:54:32

BR Nov 12, 11:30 Josey Wales (#350) (LaF) Sterlitamak (#127) (Russia) 65 B
1815 C
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 12th 2020, 11:18:48

All Clan News

58.7 mins ago
Josey Wales (#350) [LaF] attempted to spy on Sterlitamak (#127) [Russia]!

58.9 mins ago
Josey Wales (#350) [LaF] attempted to spy on Sterlitamak (#127) [Russia]!

59 mins ago
Josey Wales (#350) [LaF] attempted to spy on Sterlitamak (#127) [Russia]!

Liebe LaF-Clan-Spieler. Ihr Mann Josey Wales (# 350) [LaF] spioniert weiterhin unseren Clan aus. Wir bitten Sie, keine Spionage und keine feindlichen Aktionen mehr durchzuführen!

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 11th 2020, 2:56:06

Originally posted by NitelL:
(psst it's actually 2 L's at the end of nitell)

Haha yes. Unfortunately got in a bit of a ruckus while switching from Tyr Indy to Farmer but snuck into the top 10.

Congrats to the rest and Netsquash for winning on CI again!

Good acreage from MILORD - were you a demo casher?

Thanks. I played as a farmer and speculated a bit using the government's 0% market commission bonus. By the way, it was a pleasant surprise for me that a Democrat, with his Military technology upgraded to 81.7%, can sell food for 36.
But of course, when I gained a lot of land, having such a high% of military technology was unprofitable.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 9th 2020, 15:24:51

My friends, believe it or not - but my revenge was not a psychosis! I soberly assessed the situation. I couldn't get to the top in this set. Also, I could not make an effective, successful response in the form of a planned attack ... Both countries that robbed me had a well-deserved superiority. And I decided for myself, let them call me whatever they like, but let the guys know that for every acre of their land - I will fight!
More than anything, I don't want to earn a farm image in this game.
Personally, I have no hard feelings and I must give credit to both countries for their endurance.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 9th 2020, 14:54:50

In the previous set, I took 6th place in group "a" 6 ASTRAL (# 7) 12,433 $ 20,965,594 CG 127th round: Oct 01, 2020 - Oct 31, 2020 ... I did not change the name of the country ... Attention question: - why I ended up in group "c" ASTRAL (#9)?
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 9th 2020, 1:56:16

Congratulations to the winners of this set! NiteIL won the first place as a communist with dignity - well done. I spied his country out of curiosity - classic indie communist. Just the right combination of technologies, factories and construction sites. Nothing extra . I will finish experiments with democracy - I will definitely play a communist)))
By the way, I set my new record for the recruitment of land by a democrat.
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 8th 2020, 16:36:55

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 5th 2020, 13:46:10

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Nov 3rd 2020, 6:40:28

Let's come up with a symbol for the belligerent countries. For example, southerners and northerners. Well, or suggest your options))))
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 31st 2020, 9:43:23

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 28th 2020, 4:14:02

Originally posted by SuperFly:

Hello revolutionary! I am also glad that you are alive and well!
What is your country number in this set? The public just needs to know their modern heroes ... LOL)
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 23rd 2020, 17:45:26

born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 20th 2020, 19:41:08

Originally posted by Akula:
Всего наилучшего в будущем на этом сервере )

Thank you for your kind wishes .
born in the USSR

MILORD Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 14:12:13

Originally posted by SuperFly:

And I agree with Derrick in letting Braden vote as he is banned :(

If he is temporarily banned from the forum for breaking the rules, you can post a screenshot of his post here on the forum. Russian proverb "seven people - one person is not expected" LOL)))
born in the USSR