
LightBringer Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 13:49:05

Originally posted by Chevs:
Cathankins ,

Is Andrew a bully for farming weaker countries than him all set?

Why is it ok for netters to farm weak countries into oblivion but not get farmed themselves?

x2. It's what I've always said. I always find it funny when Cath pulls this stunt. Also Cath might be being a bit disingenuous with his reply here (unless his views have drastically changed) as in the past he justifies the farming of not very good players because he believes they are not sentient, as can be seen below. Which take it as you may, seems pretty harsh.
But let it be known, I'm not defending Ektar personally as I have myself been one of his victims, and can say I'm not a fan of the guy. And I am also a big fan of AndrewMose and think he is an exceptional player and wish him nothing but good luck. But as far as the dynamics of the game go, if you want to take the risk in Primary of sitting on virtually no Def vs. the land you have, that's your prerogative, but other players are well within their right to LG you if they wish to do so.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4

I can’t give you an honest answer on this or I will be deleted.

From what I can tell running a rainbow set after set after set when every single player in the game says not to do that tells me that isn’t sentient behavior.

That’s why I farm some counties and send apologies to all of the others. I assume those are mod land farms or NPC’s that I don’t personally feel are sentient based on my beliefs.

Sorry if that offends everyone. I got deleted for speaking about my religion before so I will drop that convo. But if you want an answer that’s the honest answer. If I don’t detect sentiment behavior I assume that it’s not there.



LightBringer Game profile


Oct 26th 2023, 13:57:04

I dunno, still looks like there could be a potential 4.

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 23rd 2023, 10:57:52


LightBringer Game profile


Oct 21st 2023, 14:57:19


LightBringer Game profile


Oct 13th 2023, 13:05:44

He has…. Wait for it…. Determination.

I’ll see myself out.

LightBringer Game profile


Oct 8th 2023, 13:32:02

Keep up the fight KoH! You’re awesome!

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 25th 2023, 4:07:24

Damn Cumorah, you may as well just run a techer lol!

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 19th 2023, 8:01:07

Some people are just suckers for punishment.

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 12:12:22

Send you CI tech start pact my way!

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 6:06:02

Thats correct, for those playing at home, this set I accidently ran a set of indie boom turns at 0 production, which is definitely a first for me. And then also my stock standard m.o., running turns with not enough food. Both within 5 mins of each other.

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 0:11:23

At $155 it would cost me almost 30mil to run a turn including expenses. Better just to save the cash.

This bushel fiasco probably cost me 15-20mil. Finished the set with 70 turns on hand.

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 9:08:28

Yeah SF… I wonder… 🧐

But seriously, are we not going to talk about the lack of bushels? It’s been days, did we lose some farmers to wars?

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 4th 2023, 13:28:38

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I think not overflowing remains a key factor. Especially early/mid game you can't afford inactivity.

Dang... I've lost a few turns to overflows....

LightBringer Game profile


Sep 1st 2023, 11:47:56

Damn. Looks like you’re not the only one. Some of the retals I took last set were absolutely ridiculous too, think one was like a 60mil jet break.

LightBringer Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 21:07:21


LightBringer Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 20:21:11

Thanks for keeping us updated and for being such an inspiration KoH, you’re one of a kind! fluff Cancer!

LightBringer Game profile


Aug 14th 2023, 8:31:10

Originally posted by NitelL:
Players this set went from 68 to 69! Whoopee!

And now back down to 67! Whoopee! 😅

LightBringer Game profile


Aug 8th 2023, 7:04:08

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
It feels like there aren't nearly as many targets this set. I'm sure there will be many more retal opportunities as players have to become more aggressive.

Well yeah, this set there is 68 countries, last set 116, set before that, 139, and before that 147...

LightBringer Game profile


Aug 7th 2023, 11:50:48

Nice retals SF! Just put you on my DNH list. lol

LightBringer Game profile


Jul 31st 2023, 9:35:12

Glad you're back home! 100% what neversilence said, get that weight back on and jack your immune system up at the same time, get garlic, ginger, and citrus fruits into you too.

LightBringer Game profile


Jul 24th 2023, 3:33:36


LightBringer Game profile


Jul 24th 2023, 3:33:35


LightBringer Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 3:46:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Thank you guys!

I'm eating like a beast brother, appetite is excellent, cancer is fkd!

Fantastic! Save some Mexican for the rest of us ;)

LightBringer Game profile


Jul 16th 2023, 3:30:31

Need another tech start ally if anyone has a slot free

LightBringer Game profile


Jul 12th 2023, 0:05:36

Absolutely unbelievable CI finish. Doubt that will ever be broken. The one set I decide to go farmer for kicks and food oil are at bottom basement prices the whole set lol.

LightBringer Game profile


Jul 9th 2023, 1:22:09

Awesome to hear dude!

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 28th 2023, 4:00:53

I noticed that too. Who runs it? I can’t live without it lol

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 27th 2023, 20:55:52

Awesome to hear things are looking up Koh! Damn those look good! Wish we had street Tacos like that in Aus....

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2023, 20:59:38

DETAH to Cancer! You got this mate!!

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 19th 2023, 9:04:30

Damn Koh! Get better soon! Don't know if Primary will survive without your banter!

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 13th 2023, 21:24:19

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
I know you all had a fascist casher competition in express a while back. I've considered trying my hand at an all explore rainbow to see if I can reach 25M. The rule is you can't use the public market for anything. You would have to build farms for food, research your own tech, and buy military from private market or build indies.

Now there’s a challenge. It may be impossible not to get farmed into oblivion though…

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 12th 2023, 22:56:07

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Need cheap oil lol

Well I caved and bought expensive oil and made the retal.

2023-06-12 15:38:01 PS The Golden SF Noob Who Retals (#4) Audacity (#40) 1833A (2583A)

Set better SOs to get the cheap stuff ;)

Beautiful retals by the way. Can’t believe all 3 hits on you were fails, that’s hilarious.

Edited By: LightBringer on Jun 12th 2023, 22:58:46
See Original Post

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 12th 2023, 22:55:29

Originally posted by Tertius:
I wonder if #36 is this guy from last set:

He did similar things to me and AndrewMose last set where he "accidentally" over retal'd and wound up in wars on purpose.

Holy crap, deletions on every server… that’s almost inoressive.

LightBringer Game profile


Jun 5th 2023, 10:22:23

Happy Pride mate! ☮

LightBringer Game profile


May 30th 2023, 22:10:41


LightBringer Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 7:27:47


LightBringer Game profile


May 18th 2023, 23:42:15

Yo, I need 1 more tech start ally if anyone has free slot.

LightBringer Game profile


May 12th 2023, 0:30:32

Originally posted by Tmac:
Lol@andrew =P

151m, but a little disappointed because I didn't get the right ratio. Sold 740m food at 34 instead of 35, ate 22% loss on 2.6b cash when switching, and spent like 8b on $200 public market units. Oh well, still good =)

I was very tempted to “help” you save money in the switch by reducing your acres and buildings if you know what I mean… haha, jokes 😉

LightBringer Game profile


May 10th 2023, 3:03:14

I'm with Tmac. Will always send a message to let them know and just incase they forget it reduces the chances of ror. As far as I can remember, I've always gotten one when being retaled too, but maybe that's because it's happened so few times, and only by good players, and its a really solid hit, that I've gotten used to it and now expect it lol. But yeah, I guess it certainly shouldn't be expected, and you should always check the news to see if a hit is a retal or not.

LightBringer Game profile


May 1st 2023, 3:24:34

Originally posted by Cathankins:

LB, disrespect is no game. If I start calling someone a **** ***** ********* online on call of duty I get banned.

You know why? Because bullying people and being cruel to humans and saying “it’s a game” is psychopathic behavior. Obviously you guys were doing this to me just to try and **** my day up. Thankfully as you said I personally don’t care about this game that much.

Yes my boys in this game are my boys. They were pretty cool dudes. I am sorry you cannot bond with your fellow man in this same way. I see why though.

You're not a victim here, and looking back, it looks like you're always the instigator, any "disrespect" in any of our interactions, it has always started with you, from the insane and malicious in game messages you've sent me, (including promising to find me and suicide me every set, and even rehashing that threat in this thread) and the posts on this forum. So I'm still waiting for that proof that I'm a bully and cruel, and all the other accusations you have going against me. Primary is full of cool people, with, in my opinion, the best community of any of the servers, and for the most part we always got along, the forum banter is better then any other server, (as well as the random banter in in game messaging), and never carried over anything from the previous set, ask anyone here, heck, even ask your boys Tmac or AndrewMose, those guys are cool, you're the exception here. So don't come here with you vitriol, lies and hypocrisy. And whatever you have going on outside of Primary, leave it at the door (that includes everyone else).


LightBringer Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 10:56:21

[quote poster=Cathankins; 51668; 1011326]My guys were the best :-p it’s not delusion when it’s true. I hand picked them specifically for that reason.

Also LB, the reason I was vitriolic towards you guys is you came off as bullies and just mean and dirty people to me. I don’t respect people like you and never will. There is zero reason to be nice to people who won’t do the same. If there is hate directed at me then you can guarantee it’s going to be mutual. I am an eye for an eye man. The universe always finds balance so it is the natural order of things. You guys went to keep following me around and messing with me behind the scenes but then cry when I start having some fun back. “Oh no it’s getting too crazy now” lmao i know your type alright

Many other players I have made friends with and was very kind to. Because they were very kind people. So they got back what they treated me as. You didn’t see this because I do not seek attention or want to try and virtue signal like I do common today. I don’t care if you like me or not. If you guys had left me alone and not tried to keep dragging me into your idiotic clan stuff I would not be pointing out your extremely dishonorable behavior. You are bullieS is what you are. You are trying to bully me to prove a point to Evo when I was a new player to the alliance server and left immediately when I realized you are all totally insane

[ˈɡranjər, ˈɡrando͝or]
splendor and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style:
"the austere grandeur of mountain scenery"


high rank or social importance:
"for all their grandeur, the chancellors were still officials of the household"


None of these word salads you keep coming out with have truth or logic behind them. Whos is "you guys"? This is Primary dude. When have I come across as a bully? Aside from responding to your idiotic posts in this thread, when have I ever been mean or dirty? There is no hate directed towards you, you think I hate you? Come on man, I don't even dislike you, why would I exercise that kind of energy onto people playing an online text based game? Like Cumorah said, you have way too much emotion invested into this game. But seriously, do you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia? No one is following you around, no one cares about you, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. No one is messing with you and no one is crying but you.

Looking up the meaning of big words like grandeur to know what they mean, good on you bud!

PS. Still waiting patiently to hear about your second account.

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 10:55:09


LightBringer Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 11:41:12

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would assume knowing what I know about Laf players that you cheated. I would consider any scores you or gerdler have got as illegitimate. It’s obvious you guys use every dirty trick their is.

I played clean and have two accounts on top scores, not just this one ;-) so if you are going to add up all of my top tens in primary make sure you add both accounts.

Unlike you guys I didn’t have to cheat to get my scores. Who knows how much dirty market stuff you guys are up to. A lot I would assume based on your behavior.

You know who you guys are. You and your little group of friends stalking me because of my greatness.

Two accounts?

Are we in a scooby-doo episode? Was Cath the cheater all along!

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 11:28:24

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I would assume knowing what I know about Laf players that you cheated. I would consider any scores you or gerdler have got as illegitimate. It’s obvious you guys use every dirty trick their is.

I played clean and have two accounts on top scores, not just this one ;-) so if you are going to add up all of my top tens in primary make sure you add both accounts.

Unlike you guys I didn’t have to cheat to get my scores. Who knows how much dirty market stuff you guys are up to. A lot I would assume based on your behavior.

You know who you guys are. You and your little group of friends stalking me because of my greatness.

Your delusions of grandeur are just incredible. And your accusations about me are baseless. Please, show me all your proof, really, let’s see it. Unlike you, I didn’t need to get a ‘team together’ to achieve anything, all mine are mine alone.

Link your other account then so I can have a nice peruse and all your incredible achievements!

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 11:05:58

Originally posted by Cathankins:
There are all time team and average records for the team server and yes I did form a team Snake and yes we did shatter every record.

Know your place boy. Me>you when you don’t have to boys to back you up and cheat

6 United States of America (#38) Game profile 31,424 $66,809,972 RG

7 Digger Roger Blackstroker (#33) Game profile

Dude, your best in team is 4th. You know I’ve won Team before right?

Oh wow! A 66m NW rep casher! Amazing Cath, good on you bud, you should be ver proud. That’s only what, 78mil smaller than my best finish on Primary?

I don’t have any “boys” lmao, no one has “backed me up”, and I don’t cheat.

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 11:00:43

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Remember when I first showed up to alliance a few sets ago and you all clowned me and said there was no way a new player could break 400 mil?

Funny how you guys spout so much bs. Oh how quickly we came to you having to deny I was about to take the all time record on that server along with the other guys obviously.

Lmao facts are facts boy

Who is “you all”? You are a nobody and nobody talks about you. The only reason I even know you exist is because of your vitriolic posting here in Primary, I didn’t even know you played Allaince.


LightBringer Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 10:55:34

You didn’t say where I lied and why I can’t be trusted.

All time record for what? You know we can all see your profile right? There are no all time records for anything, and literally nothing noteworthy at all. And literally everything else you’ve said in nonsense.

You were participating in the war by FAing our enemies, you were asked to stop and then you didn’t, so you were killed. That’s all there is to it, nothing more, nothing less. We would never have touched you if you weren’t FAing.

LightBringer Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 10:40:02

Where did I lie? And why can’t I be trusted?