

New Member

Apr 30th 2012, 17:55:39

Some russian dude gained control of my ICQ last year. I hadn't really logged in for a long time. Some people here let me know that I was online and being a weird pr0ny russian dude.

I no longer have access to the previous email address on file. I tried to email ICQ but never even got a response.

Feel free to tell him to go hump his mother:


New Member

Apr 30th 2012, 14:45:39

That still pisses me off.

I should find a way to scam him out of my old icq.


New Member

Apr 27th 2012, 12:46:47

It's been a long time since I've had a brownie. :)

Hi Ruth!


New Member

Apr 26th 2012, 20:45:19

I started playing Earth sometime in '97.

I am at a point in time closer to the actual year 2025, than I am to when I started playing.

Gives me almost 13 years to build up some Tanks, I guess. :)


New Member

Jan 17th 2011, 15:43:21

Originally posted by Patience:
You were only one of a MILLION trolling clowns.



New Member

Jan 14th 2011, 17:22:24

19/31 Although I haven't played in a while. I have to say I have been giving it some thought.



New Member

Jan 13th 2011, 15:09:23

Oh man.

The things I learned playing this game helped me tremendously!

I was mainly active during my late teens and early 20s.

Leadership, communication, organization, project planning and implementation, and conflict resolution are all big ones that I took from here and use out in the real world.

After dealing with the public and private politics of trying to run a small alliance with a big mouth, things like inter-office politics and drama are nothing.

I picked up the habit of saving copies of all communication, in case someone decided to try to screw me later. That habit has saved me and my various employers numerous times.

This game took me down a route that has lead directly to current career. (I am running a TTR with a small South American Country :P ) But in all honesty, I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for Earth2025 and Clowns. Somewhere. But it probably would have been somewhere vastly different.

I started digging through some old Clown stuff last night and man did it bring back memories! I spent A LOT of time here. I made many friends (and some enemies). I keep in touch with a few people to this day all these years later. For that alone I am glad I played.


New Member

Jan 13th 2011, 3:31:39

Old people, huh? Hmmm...