
Helmet Game profile


Aug 4th 2012, 14:17:45

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Helmet:
Step 1: Don't talk to Ivan.
Step 2: Stop posting about the past.

That's all that needs to happen here to make things better.

All rise!!!

The king and protector of cheaters is speaking ...

I didn't think the short bus ran on the weekends.

Helmet Game profile


Aug 4th 2012, 14:06:33

Step 1: Don't talk to Ivan.
Step 2: Stop posting about the past.

That's all that needs to happen here to make things better.

Helmet Game profile


Aug 4th 2012, 13:22:40

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Drow:
...We'll either end up friends again, or SoF will hang themselves with the rope being given.

How will SoF hang themselves, when it's PDM that will end up on the bottom of the scores sheet if things go bad? Take another look at LaF. Has nobody learned anything? You have an alliance that voids/breaks/whatevers pacts and FSes netting alliances out of the blue, their president gets caught having unauthorized admin access to the game and to most alliance's sites, and--aside from one reset where they "let" their enemies win over them--NOTHING happens to them, because hardly anyone other than their enemies really cares.

So, why is anyone going to care if PDM gets pounded by SoF next reset?

First off, PDM has a pact next set so what you're saying makes no sense. If they want to fight us again that's their choice, but we can't FS them.

PDM made their own bed. They had every opportunity to stay out of all of this. I begged and pleaded with Pang and Detmer to come to reality. I have said this 100 times. They chose to sabotage our missiles, we did nothing. Then they FS'd us. That set all of this in motion.

Quit being fluffing whiners.

Helmet Game profile


Aug 4th 2012, 13:18:36

I instructed that we remove the anti-landtrading clause this set. That was Ivan being stubborn and I didn't see the need for it. Yet again we have PDM whining, even after they got their way. I actually regret authorizing the pact now.

Helmet Game profile


Aug 4th 2012, 2:18:06

I'd be ok with the money being used for admin counseling.

Helmet Game profile


Aug 4th 2012, 1:52:41


awesome logs.

Helmet Game profile


Aug 2nd 2012, 23:38:25


Helmet Game profile


Jul 27th 2012, 22:42:22

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Helmet:
Did you read about Wisconsin trying to crush Big Bird? (might have already happened???)

if its the story about the guy who had some skylines and got confiscated because they are "contraband" or whatever the govt deems it then i read about it a while ago.

youd think the govt/DMV/DOT would have more important things to worry about while using taxpayers money. like catching people commiting real crimes.

Yes, basically because the VIN wasn't in the standard format and he was caught trying to get around it by registering in FL and transferring to WI. They tried to make an example out of him by crushing his cars.

Helmet Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 17:30:04

Originally posted by dagga:
I'm amazed no SOF girly man has come up with two wars they can be proud of yet.

Oh wait.

There aren't any!

If only we took you serious enough to respond to your posts. lol

Sorry, we're too busy raping you. :)

Helmet Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 10:45:32

Did you read about Wisconsin trying to crush Big Bird? (might have already happened???)

Helmet Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 23:55:20

Helmet Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 23:54:17

Holy Cow. That's an old name. Good to see you.

I came back a couple of years ago when I heard that cheating was minimal, Mehul was gone, etc.

Helmet Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 10:59:57

As I was reading this thread I realized that dagga is EE's version of Perez Hilton.

Helmet Game profile


Jul 17th 2012, 15:01:13


Helmet Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 3:00:29

That I was driving. :P

Helmet Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 2:39:31

It's a shame BKJ had to call in his "wife" to AB Laf.

Helmet Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 23:25:34

If the title you put here is different than your business card you're trumping it up. haha

I can only speak for myself, but I started playing in college when my job was making student ID's and setting up conference rooms. I had a LOT of free time when I was at my "work/study" job.

Helmet Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 18:25:34

Quite a few without power in Indiana, but luckily we have it.

Helmet Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 0:25:01

Someone in SoF had trouble and realized it was case sensitive.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 23:24:43

Loopy Swarez!

Helmet Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 17:54:50

Originally posted by Alin:
Anoniem is just a kid. What do you expect? He's probably one of the youngest people on this forum both in maturity and age.

Your behaviour IS childish. You basically only post on here to argue or insult others which is something that a high school or elementary kid would do. You yell, kick, and scream when something doesn't go your way... and scream louder when it does :P

Nice to know that there are so many grown ups arround who teach maners and morality to the young ones.

You are far far away from being a positive example here. Actually when i think at "your side" and the ways of achiving and mentaining EE power - i really makes me puke.

You should not speak about morality,behaviour,insults or anything else - because you "as a group" are an INSULT for this comunity.

You are an insult to a fully functioning brain.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 16:34:48

Back when 7th Heaven was considered the greatest player. hehe

Helmet Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 15:05:48

Anoniem is just a kid. What do you expect? He's probably one of the youngest people on this forum both in maturity and age.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 28th 2012, 1:24:55

Asshole Competition Forum

Helmet Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 18:23:49

It's a Boy! Thanks!

Helmet Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 12:02:13

Corporate Controller and just added Dad to my resume Sunday evening.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 1:56:20


Helmet Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 21:11:34

No such thing as an even war. Somebody always has an excuse. Even if it's the same numbers, somebody got the fs. S

Helmet Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 3:08:07

You're wasting your breath Brink. He's nuts.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 22:05:51

Originally posted by BattleKJ:
My sources say otherwise :)


What a fluffing moron.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 20:13:19

Originally posted by Requiem:
The error in your logic, Helmet, is to think that the other leaders in LaF were completely ignorant of the cheating going on. It will never be proven but to think that they weren't cognizant, at some level, of it is not logical.

If I played in an alliance and always had this great intel and such provided by another leader I would at some point begin to question the source. And the only next logical step would be to, at least consider, it to be ill gotten.

You can stand by whoever you want, you choose LaF, that is fine. But don't act like you're some great guy who doesn't support cheating. Because in all likelihood you are supporting cheating. LaF and RD have long histories of such acts. It is not wise to assume any different now.

Let me get this straight. The error in my "logic" is that you "assume" others knew.

Also, you're a hypocrite. Look at your own allies.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 20:08:29

Well, SoF has the right to say no, just like I'm assuming NA did. Who cares?

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 16:28:09

Originally posted by Helmet:

Good post. In regards to the statement above SoF has made if very clear that we agreed with them being banned, we agree that they should never be in Laf again and we let evo/sol/md gangbang them last set when the entire alliance (sof) was itching for war.

I felt the above was fair, but beyond that the line was drawn and I made it very clear to anyone that talked to me. The anti-laf side doesn't get to tell SoF and especially not Laf what a fair punishment is. They don't have that right. I stood idle and let them have their retribution and they got greedy for more. They are not going to dictate who we ally with and they're not judge/jury/executioner for this game.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 16:21:39

What does Ivan trying to get them to agree to pact terms about land trading have to do with a coalition trying to tell me I can't pact Laf?

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 16:13:27

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Helmet:

This isn't a black and white issue about what is right and what is wrong.

Did you really just say that? You might need to look at editing your signature . . .

You're obviously completely ignorant about my stance, which I have posted on several occasions.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 16:07:43

Originally posted by Drow:

Helmet: given the above, your stance is that it's ok for SoF to tell others how they can and can't pact, but it's not ok when others return the favour?

I'm not aware of any situation where SoF tried to force another alliance to pact a certain way other than the normal political circumstances that we all have. So to summarize, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 11:11:29

Originally posted by Raf:

Guys on LaF side – You are backing an ally and it is an unpopular move. Essentially it comes down to you trust Laf and think they are a valuable ally. Realize some will see you backing cheaters but ultimately your backing the alliance and people that are left not the two guys who cheated.

Good post. In regards to the statement above SoF has made if very clear that we agreed with them being banned, we agree that they should never be in Laf again and we let evo/sol/md gangbang them last set when the entire alliance (sof) was itching for war.

I felt the above was fair, but beyond that the line was drawn and I made it very clear to anyone that talked to me. The anti-laf side doesn't get to tell SoF and especially not Laf what a fair punishment is. They don't have that right. I stood idle and let them have their retribution and they got greedy for more. They are not going to dictate who we ally with and they're not judge/jury/executioner for this game.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 11:01:07

Detmer's threat wasn't subtle IMO.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:59:51

Originally posted by Makinso:
Locket not to be an ass? But Sof also abused RD?

That was a year and a half ago.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 10:55:18


Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 0:43:06

Arsenal did try hard, but the deal just wasn't appealing enough to do a complete U-turn in my personal opinion.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 23:47:05

The hypocrisy is hilarious.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 23:24:21

Ok, but I won't take your word for it. haha

I don't really care what he said. I felt like responding to detmer's post.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 23:15:15

I don't read his posts. I've read enough in the past to know he's full of crap.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:47:03

I wasn't talk to you and your posts have no merit.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:31:04

That's great Detmer, but it's not that simple as there is no judge, jury and executioner. There is no earthempires God.

This isn't a black and white issue about what is right and what is wrong. This is about the severity of the punishment/exaggeration of the crime in the view of many and most of the idiots on this forum are trying to make it a supporting vs not supporting cheating issue because they're ignorant.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 22:16:24

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Whinny lil cry babies, you got DOWed, big fkn deal!, stfu and fight!

That is all :p


Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 13:11:39

Helmet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 2:07:15

Let's see how long this one stays on topic. Good post BTW.

Helmet Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 23:07:25

Prodde will receive random GS for the rest of his time in this game for his horrible betrayal (becoming a netgainer).