
Hammer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 18:09:30

Originally posted by blid:
Farm him and then run all 260 turns so he can't hit back

I should just for the hell of it, but I am trying not to play that way. Farming and parking lot conversions were my strengths when I played alliance twenty years ago and I never learned to net. I was always at war with somebody.

Since finding EE last May, I have focused on nothing but learning to net, different strategies, and the game mechanics. I think you and 7 or 8 others on this forum can vouch for that. I have worked hard and asked a lot of questions.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 17:28:40

Another hit and another retal...... I'm liking the land; just wish I had the net to go with it that I would usually have. People must not be spying before the attacks. This person had half as many turrets as I did jets, and no turns. I am about to play 260 turns. Crazy.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 3:05:03

Originally posted by Cable:
lay the hammer down! worst part is you never change names and people should know your a top10 if not top20 player. I actually took a 200 acre hit while parking lotting a guy. I could retal for 2000 acres but What's the point, I'd have done the same in hia position and done the best I could to out run it.... This week I tip my hat you sir

Thanks, Cable. I have had a nice run of finishes, but absolutely sucking this set to the point I started to delete. However, I decided to try to play through my early screw up and try to make something out of it. I usually only get hit once or twice, but once you make the news as often as I have this set, your screwed. Still, people need to play smart and show a little respect to people with turns and a temper.

Originally posted by blid:
Turns out im warring viva this set, haha

blid, that's funny, dude! This has been a crazy set, eh?

I am going to retal one dude if I have to sell everything I own to reach him. He was a smart ass in a message and, if it is who I think it is, we have been down that road before.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 1:39:42

Everyone of them, brother! This has been the reset from hell, but I am not lying down. One or two are going to be surprised because they think they are out of reach.

Edited By: Hammer on Mar 9th 2014, 1:43:34
See Original Post

Hammer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 1:36:02

how many people will let the greed of land, and the opportunity to capitalize on another's bad luck, overrule logic. If someone sitting on 200+ turns is not enough of a deterrence, one would think that the news or eestats showing retals for each hit would be. Having a bad set does not mean free land.

And, don't call me an all-jetter or top-feeder when I decide to retal.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 14:46:40

Thanks, guys. I may not have asked the question correctly, but it sounds like a yes in the way I intended it.

The reason I mentioned 360 turns was because that is what one would have if they created a country 24 hours late...right? The unspent turns being carried forward was also a concern.

It sounds like I could have restarted with minimum loss of turns had I done it when I first thought about it on the second day. Indecision on a strategy is not a good thing.

Thanks again.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 0:56:09

If you screw your turns up and, thus, your game, in the first couple of days of Express, can you delete/kill your country and start another country using same name? Will you begin with 0 turns or with all turns from start of game to the time you create your new country, up to the max amount? For example if you restart on the second day, will you begin with 360(x-stored) turns? (Like when you create a country late...I guess the game still does that.)

I made a mess out of my country this week and just needed to start over. PM'd a mod these questions, didn't get a response, so am playing through it, but would like to know for future reference.


Hammer Game profile


Mar 1st 2014, 3:39:28

Originally posted by Getafix:
..........I use the PCI booms strategically during play, when I need to buy a really good deal, or get extra jets or especially extra bus/res when its cheap.......

Same for me.

Hammer Game profile


Mar 1st 2014, 3:12:33

Originally posted by tellarion:
Did someone call for the ban hammer?

uh..ban hammer?

Hammer Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 1:20:45

Nearly everyone I spied for potential land grabs this week was farming, and I was spying countries that one would think was playing same/similar strategy so I could use the buildings and tech. I even desperately spied a commie once and it was farming. I was surprised the food stayed as high as it did. If I had played farmer, it would have been stuck at $40 lol.

Congrats to everyone in the top 10, and to h2o for winning.

Hammer Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 0:25:42

Originally posted by RaTS FYA:
I know how to play the game, I just don't take express all that serious.
For some, Express is the only server played so while you may not give a fluff, we take it seriously.

Originally posted by RaTS FYA:
.... can't do alot when your being grabbed in the first 400 turns of playing, when your already couple hundred turns behind ....

Uh.... you can get some defense and/or start the game on time if you are going to play. Now would be a good time to create a country. You can begin playing a few days late and will not be any turns behind.

I play delayed due to my work schedule, and I realize that I take a risk of being attacked since most people have a couple of million networth by the time I begin playing turns. BUT, I also retal most of the people that attack me if it is worth it for the development of my country. IF I am DT'd or something similar, then I might do something more punitive, but not just for the hell of it as you did. There are a lot of good people on this server and almost everyone of them is willing to help others improve their game if asked.

Hammer Game profile


Feb 21st 2014, 2:34:36

I was having a heck of a time with earthgraphs yesterday before I realized I had merged the two. I was googling eegraphs, and got a lot of hits, but none of them looked familiar. After about four tries....because it had to be the site, right?... I read what I typed.

Hammer Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 1:17:08

Originally posted by TDA101:
I'm not doing a rainbow strat. Being a land farm is retarded.


For me, it is the same as past sets....break $20 freaking million.

Hammer Game profile


Feb 17th 2014, 1:10:01

Originally posted by hsifreta:
the true question is.. why the need a barrel each? that's the same amount as tanks and jets, and turrets! but if you actually think about it, i guess cars and vehicles make more sense. =)

Would that make troops some slick mf's? lol

Hammer Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 1:02:35

Congrats, ebert, and others in top 10.

TDA, #47 hit me also with about 6 hours to go for 1395+ghost. He was rainbowing and had a bunch of unbuilt acres when I spied him later, so he didn't even benefit from the land. I had 300 turns to play and it cost me ~500k per turn. To his credit, he apologized when I quizzed him on it.

Originally posted by Getafix:
I lost 3200 acres to grabs, 1900 acres to Nukes and 1300 buildings to chems and spies, to that Dictator #80. I also went tanks and used about 80 turns abing and br'ing, so altogether I was very glad to reach $20m

Nice finish, Getafix, despite all the turns and money spent with #80.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 30th 2014, 5:04:57

Originally posted by braden:
pot generally does it for me on both accounts, hammer :P

Yep, a better substitute no doubt.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 30th 2014, 3:53:27

SE Alabama for me, and yes, it gets a little crazy when it snows. Everyone flocks to the grocery stores and gas pumps like it is going to last for a few months. The milk and bread racks will be empty. Funny how a little snow begins a milk and bread craving.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 29th 2014, 2:08:08

As still a fairly new player, I can tell you that if this was the policy in May when I began, I would have probably stopped playing by now. I have allied with almost everyone on this thread at one time or another and PM them from time to time with questions about the game or for just general conversation. Had we not allied, I, as a new player, would not have had the opportunity to create these relationships with these veteran players. In addition, I would not know what little I know about the game nor feel like I have an opportunity to be a top 10 player or reach some personal netting goals for those who have been my allies have also been my mentors.

So, a new player who begins next week will not get the opportunities to develop these relationships, at least through Express, and there is only so much one can learn by posting on the forums. Allies provide more value than just an extra percentage of military. Being fortunate enough to ally with veteran players who answer questions and provide enough advice to make one want to "try it again next week" keeps the new player interested and, in the long run, adds value to the game as more players are developed.

So we are going to make express as boring, or as wild, depending on your perspective, as tourney in an effort to make the game better? Relationships make this game (EE) not only fun, but one that we play, and when we stop building relationships, we stop building the community.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 29th 2014, 1:36:01

We had tourney for solo server, too, if we just wanted to keep to ourselves and not improve the social aspect of the game.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 28th 2014, 2:20:19

Originally posted by braden:
tuesday is half priced wine, nothing sucks about that!

now cable, try waiting 'til thursday night to run turn one.. wednesdays and thursday afternoons suck ;p

Amen, braden. I have been cheating recently and playing to turn 99 on Wednesday to keep from going nuts.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 0:33:16

Originally posted by CX LaE:
Better luck next time, Hammer. Great farmer though!

Thanks, CX. I stumbled my way through and bought and sold a lot of food and had fun....learned again. I was concerned with dropping back to <$10 mil ranges of a few months ago since I was playing farm for the first time. Instead, I was somewhat consistent with my finishes the last few weeks....would have actually topped them except for the was a good experience.

Congrats on your finish and to the rest of you in top 10. I will get there eventually.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 0:25:32

Just saw this and didn't get the name in, but this is a cool idea in honor of our bud!

Vic, you need to play along and use an appropriate name. At some point, we will ask "the real Vic" to stand up like the old game show.

I may send a message to all of you and ask, "Is this Vic?" lmao

Hammer Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 0:17:10

I sold some last minute bus/res to try to get a little more money and changed the defaulted $8888 in the box to $1000 so it would actually sell. Damn, someone actually spent that much for tech?

On a side note...I next recalled 3 mil bushels of food with about 4-5 minutes to go because I didn't think it was going to sell publicly. I did not consider my expenses, nor the three turns, and dropped from ~$19.6 right at that moment to almost exactly $17 mil before gaining a little more. I think I just screwed my first $20 mil set while playing a strat I had never played.

Edited By: Hammer on Jan 27th 2014, 0:34:55
See Original Post

Hammer Game profile


Jan 26th 2014, 3:54:07

Originally posted by Vic:

blat blat blat blat (thug making gun sounds)

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Brrrrratt brrrrratt

LMAO. Have to get that thing tuned.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 18th 2014, 15:20:21

There will always be one silentwolf.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 3:05:11

Nothing like a public announcement without a conclusion.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 19:18:53

Originally posted by Cable:
Its very risky to attack anyone with 720 turns. A player needs to be able determine growth/income potential and then decided if its worth making grabs......

Yet, people do it and I have let a few get away with it due to my focus on the end game. However, at some point...could be this set, or it could be next, I will begin retaliating. When I do, it will be, as bstrong86 once said, when it is convenient for me. That means it could be 24, 36, more, hours later....whenever it is convenient for me.

Those who know me know my country name, and we are not going to hit each other anyway out of respect. But those who just run a quick spy op and then attack really need to spend as much time looking at the turns stored/used as they do the defensive points. Those who attack blindly will not understand later.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 3rd 2014, 16:58:18

lmao...yeah, that was a complete waste of turns and military, eddie. If you had sold your troops when you started, you wouldn't have lost anything lmao.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 19:30:07

Keep fighting..don't get too discouraged. Seems there are always a few countries who play a "spoiler" role as in your case, or just don't play smart, as in mine: I didn't start playing until this afternoon and was hit by a guy who used troops, jets, and tanks to capture 30 acres as soon as I came out of protection. He spied me, but I guess he didn't notice the number of turns. My retal will be much better than the 30 acres he got from me. He could have explored with those two turns and got more land and avoided a retal.

My brother plays the game and used to always get suicided, so every set I would remind him to get GDI. I can always remember to remind him, but can never remember for myself!

Good luck the rest of the set.

Hammer Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 18:28:50

Looks like a slow learner, damondusk.

I always forget GDI, so thanks TDA!

Hammer Game profile


Dec 31st 2013, 15:38:22

Originally posted by CX LaE:
The battlerapper. His beard is baus status.

LMAO @ baus status

Hammer Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 5:14:27

Thanks, Apocalypse.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:17:46

Is the minimum or "guaranteed" tech selling price set at $1000 as it is in Express?

Hammer Game profile


Dec 29th 2013, 15:10:16

Originally posted by Alin:
ebert i think you have a problem avoiding countries that have potential.

ya know i learned that the hard way too - but if i see a damn techer with 300 turns stored i say pass.

Excellent advice applicable to any strategy with stored turns.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 28th 2013, 3:54:48

Yeah, haven't seen oil this cheap in awhile.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 24th 2013, 9:03:49

Merry Christmas, my friends.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 23rd 2013, 18:44:19


Hammer Game profile


Dec 22nd 2013, 20:39:23

Originally posted by blid:

Tourney is a free for all without GDI. I've had people hit me with 15 missiles for a single tap. I've 10x tapped people pretty frequently. Do what you want.

15:1 even with the mandatory GDI?

Hammer Game profile


Dec 21st 2013, 19:26:30

Originally posted by now im nothing:
freak em all out eberat00, change your name for one set? ;)

lmao @ that, now im nothing.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 21st 2013, 18:58:58

If they are RoRing you, ebert, flatten them, bud.

I have had some double tapping me the last few sets and I have patiently let it go since it was early on and I am trying to focus on my personal goals. BUT, the time will come when I will have had enough and create a few parking lots. Anyone that double and triple taps someone with unplayed turns is stupid.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 21st 2013, 18:55:16

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Frodo:
Any of you see this story?

So anyway that all aside I think its a little ridiculous that there is only one allowed opinion on gay's, the one which agrees with it entirely. Yes I understand that freedom of speech goes both ways and if you present an unpopular opinion you can be subjected to criticism. But does every single comment not 100% supporting gay's have to be portrayed as a some huge tirade?


^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^

I have always been and will always be for equal rights for every citizen of this great nation. Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans, Black, White, Yellow, Brown. Whatever you are, you are American, as such you are equal to every other American in the world and should hold equal rights.

That being said, this is getting ridiculous. The censorship of language is mind-boggling. Sure, A&E has the right to choose what airs on their networks but as I said in the other thread on GT; If you don't like what someone is saying or their point of view, change the channel. It is not complicated. I personally don't like the opinions and the hateful and highly disrespectful language used by Rachel Maddow and Chris Mathews, I am not asking for them to be taken off air or to be censored. I just don't watch them. I get on with my life and do other things.

While I am ranting... Merry Christmas to all of you...

I don’t understand what the big deal is…If you are Jewish, tell me “Happy Hanukkah”. If you are Christian, tell me “Merry Christmas”. If you are African American, tell me “Joyous Kwanzaa”. If you don’t prefer those, tell me “Happy Holidays”. I will not be offended. I will be thankful you took the time to say something nice to me. -

/end rant

Well said, mdevol.

Originally posted by Cerberus:

When you have to worry about every detail of every word that passes your lips, we are all damned.

We have been moving in this direction for a long, long time, brother. It is okay for some groups to say and do as they please, and to do so in front of a camera, radio, or other means to access an audience. However, it is not okay for others because it is considered as wrong, racist, immoral, Christian-based, etc, by the first groups. Over time, the second group has began to sensor or silence themselves, overly respect the first groups, to the point that they are now the minority in terms of voice. What was once the standard and foundation for which our country was founded, is quickly becoming the exception.

Unless A&E makes a change, I expect to see the family stick together and move to another network or not air at all. Phil does not care about the money...remember, he walked away from an NFL opportunity to duck hunt.

It is my understanding that only two episodes are left to air, so he would only be missed in those two programs.

On a comical side, Duck Dynasty is filmed in the Robertson's house, place of business, and own their property. So to say that he has been suspended is like saying, "We aren't coming to your house anymore."

As relaxed as he looks in his recliner, I bet doesn't give a rip if anyone comes to his house.

Si is my favorite. I hope I am as active as he is when I reach his age, Jack.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 20th 2013, 4:18:51

Originally posted by Vic:

how about the hope that man was born inherently good and not all of us are completely corrupted? :p

Always seeing the good, Vic. That is what I like about you.

Originally posted by h2orich:
Thats 2 team tags on team server SW. Do you run the entire Seawolf and Seapups tags

LMAO...nice, h2o!

Originally posted by blid:
how can you not know?

mr copper, who was a newbie at this game, a bottom 25% player, detected some weaknesses he coud exploit on the websites. he did so and stole accounts. he passed the info to mr silver. mr silver tries to deny he knew the accounts were hacked, but most dont find that plausible. they logged onto other people's boxcar accounts to find planned attack times, made lists of peoples personal info, etc. got caught.

Not quite 2-3 lines, but good job, blid.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 19th 2013, 18:30:52

Originally posted by h2orich:

if you're gonna report 'leechers'. you'll need to define whats one.

Let's define all-jetters for the community, too, as there are various opinions. I have seen ratios such as 2:1, 5:1, etc in different threads. I have also seen people who load up for a retal, of which I feel they are entitled, be placed in the same group as a true, top-feeding, suiciding, all-jetter.

So, we need to define that for the community so when someone is accused, they understand why (assuming the accused reads the comments on the forums).

This is a great thread.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 19th 2013, 3:32:12

It hurt me, too, braden. RD was my first run in alliance since being in TIE in the 90s. I was content with playing Express after finding EE in May and trying to learn to play again. I especially enjoyed the fact that if I screwed up or had to quit, I could start again next week.

I began making friends here, asking questions, and as I said, was content with the weekly version of Primary. Then, someone invited me to join RD. The name sounded familiar from my TIE days, but that was all I could remember. As I played express, I began to realize that the people I had met and spoke to most often in Express were members of RD or were joining the next set...the same set in which I joined. So it felt right. I could interact with my express friends, two of which are you and CX, on yet another server and we could war or net together for the same cause.

And I warred and I was loving alliance again and beginning to realize that I had actually missed it all these years. I had forgotten about the comradery through alliance and how much I enjoyed that part of the server. However, as soon as I finally felt comfortable...about a month into it, I guess...we were deleted.

I have never been deleted from any server. So being accused of cheating, being deleted for the first time, and being separated from those of you who had become my friends and mentors of the game, was disheartening to say the least. Then, I was accused of cheating in express last week by someone I considered a friend. So, I have been accused of cheating twice recently and was not doing so in either case that I was aware.

It will be awhile before I play alliance again, although I do miss it. However, I will continue to play express until it is changed to the point that I don't like it anymore, or until I have had enough of the complainers complaining about a free game.

I hope you find a way to shake it off, and get John Birch back up top. Don't let the deletion wipe out braden.

Hammer Game profile


Dec 16th 2013, 20:11:13

Originally posted by st0ny:
Originally posted by Hammer:

Having 360(360) is not the root cause of someone suiciding on another and screwing their set. It is usually arrogance or multi-tapping that leads to that. But, there are those that do seek to ruin it for others, so eliminate the ABs and specialty attacks altogether if you want to remove suiciding.

i have to disagree here hammer.

these 360(360) enables the fellas who are just playing to screw up ppl's set to just pump jets for 360(360) turns then topfeed. and if you check the news properly, you'll see that most dbl taps or multitaps starts because of these topfeeds and not because of arrogance or anything else.

st0ny: I agree there are some that seek to screw someone every set and that is why I included the second part in my comment which references eliminating the specialty attacks. Regular spy op and grabbing for land could be the only offensive strikes.

But I also think some of our board comments and aggressive actions from past sets create suiciders for the next set. And this is off topic, sorry.

So what about an Express game as we know it now with Def and Tech allies, but without specialty attacks for suiciders and retallers to utilize?

In return, there would have to be some limit to multi-tapping since ABs and missiles are the retal weapons of choice.

Edited By: Hammer on Dec 16th 2013, 20:30:30
See Original Post

Hammer Game profile


Dec 16th 2013, 19:24:21

As a new player, I like the short and sweet, blid. I can assess in a few days and try something different next week. If I don't play for a few days, I'm still not behind. If i were behind or had to quit due to travel with job, I can start again next week instead of next month, etc.

Express got me back into the game after not playing for 12-15 years. I consider myself a noob because express wasn't around when I played then.

Edited By: Hammer on Dec 16th 2013, 19:37:47
See Original Post