
GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 19:33:30

Originally posted by Pangaea:
I'm going to be putting a little time into a more simple mobile-style design which you'll be able to opt into :)

- that sounds good, do you think it will be possible to make it appropriate for netbook-like screen sizes?

Apart from the poor functionality flaws on certain devices, I personally find the new design ugly, disturbing and unpleasing for the eyes, as well as simply out dated compared to the rest of modern web design.

It may or may not attract a new crowd, I don't know, but there you have it, some response on the look of it, that is not positive.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 23:20:54

Originally posted by Trife:
'lg'ing then getting GS'd by a clanmate is dirty 2stepping imo.. and should result in death

GS'ing a retaller to make sure your retaller stays strong and doesn't get grabbed, is a valid, smart tactic for a clan trying to maintain tag protection and retal ability'

So which is it? Is using GSes to put a country in DRs a dirty or smart tactic?

As I read llaars comment, which you quoted, the difference is in the tag.

Any intra clan GS is two-stepping, any GS on your enemy clan is a smart tactic (though it may not apply to normal policies, but that's where the diplomacy part of the game enters the scene)
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 22:12:34

TIE, I'm sorry to see you disband your famous tag - maybe for good.

I hope you can fid yourself comfortable in your new home in LCN - the 11th best alliance.

La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 21:58:41

Originally posted by Marshal:
solution: no grabbing own countries.


When is it ever needed in a server, where we try to emulate diplomacy as a part of the game.

If a country does bad stuff and needs to be killed by his own alliance, I suppose the tag owner can detag him, so he can be killed after that.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 21:48:19

Nice change.

I don't know about FFA, but the landtrading (land-faking is a better name) did take place in Alliance this set (maybe some FFA players getting ideas), so it's a good thing something is done about it. I can't figure out if it's enough, but we'll see if anybody tries anything next set.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 21:40:53

Ah, now I just read the changes to ghost acre calculations with the new DR factor.

I can see how it will make intra-clan fake land creation less favorable, so it'll be interesting to see if any land fakers will try something next set, and get less ghost acres out of it.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 21:35:32

qzjul, no, I am not sure I have read them, I suppose that's what you posted here. I do acknowledge that the ghost acre system encourages grabbing of equally levelled grabbers, and I do fully understand that. I do personally find it alot more satisfying to do one grab of 2000 acres than 100 grabs of 20 acres.

However, I don't see anything in your post about intra clan grabbing, and that's what I was trying to discuss before.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 21:45:29

Countries A & B in same clan

A grabs B for 100 acres and 80 ghost acres. B lose 100 acres.
B grabs A back for 100 acres and 80 ghost acres. A lose 100 acres.

80+80 acres are created in a technical itch without any real gameplay going on, no interaction between clans, no excitement for players, only dumb bytes hopping around. We might as well put in a button that allows one to sell 5000 jets and get 30 acres.

La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 13:12:29

How about just turning off the ghost acres on intra clan SS/PS and leave everything else be as it is.

I don't remember the debate/reasoning for creating the ghost acres system, but I find it bad for the game, if it's used as an intra clan land generator.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 23:52:34

ah, clever and better for fast hitting - thanks for that tip.

However, it doesn't change the fact, that going back in the browser, the game have forgotten where my cursor was on that previous page.

After doing say 4 hits, I may want to go back twice, to the attack screen, and send a lower number of jets. In the old days, the cursor would be ready in the jet field, so I could easily type in a new number, hit enter and send new attacks.

It's the same on a number of other pages as well, Building, spy ops, etc.

it just used to be there, now we've gotten the hang of it.. :(
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 22:10:25

I'm not sure if it's browser/os related, but I'll give it a try on XP/IE8 tomorrow at work, and see if it works there.

Of course, other more fancy pancy players may have created sort of speed hit scripts (I suppose), so they may not see it as a problem, that us noobs can't hit as fast manually...
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 21:37:21

I just noticed, while doing some repetitive BR attacks, that using the back-button via keyboard shortcut in my browser, the page with the "send attack" button does no longer have focus on that button, meaning I cannot just hit return/enter/space to launch the attack, but I have to click the button with my mouse.

Does anybody have any idea what caused this too break down - it used to work fine before the design changes :(

I'm running firefox 3.6.6 on ubuntu 10.04.
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 20:27:09

ah, so that !important thing in stylish is actually important....clever...I'm getting there....
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 20:06:12

Nice, that's a tad better. Now if only I had the css skills to change that insanely huge 18px font used in that header menu, it'd be swell.

This doesn't cut it in stylish...

#header_container {
position: absolute !important;
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 10px;
color: #ffcccc;
#header_links a{
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 10px;
color: #ffcccc;
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 21:05:19

(Edit: it wasn't a display issue, thus moved to it's own thread)

Edited By: GoodPeace on Jul 20th 2010, 21:39:32. Reason: moved to new thread
See Original Post
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 20:54:57

I'm using firefox full screen on a netbook with 1024x600 resolution - and I can fully support the request to remove a header abusing so much of the page. It is just sitting there, with links to something I would use like once every third year, and yet they have to take up valuable vertical space.

What are the design considerations for this (and the future one mentioned above) top bar menu? Why is it thought to be better? Are there any other changes in layout, which requires this layout because better use are made of horizontal space with other items?

La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Apr 14th 2010, 15:52:24

It is only working because it was an old LCN'er, all other ex-earthers are fully satisfied with mafia wars on FB ;)
La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Apr 13th 2010, 18:39:59

Notice that we already have one Ravi in LCN, so we don't need another one. If you're not going to have good times with good people while playing this game, do not join LCN.

La Cosa Nostra

GoodPeace Game profile


Apr 6th 2010, 13:44:51

Is there a limit for how much junk can be placed in signatures?

(runs off to see myself)
La Cosa Nostra