


Jan 12th 2011, 14:44:15

The art of being civil and proprietary has been lost



Jan 8th 2011, 23:50:59

Originally posted by DM:
I'll have half my boys detag then. Ah, or you could just tell m0b to untag his multies from SoF and IMP and retag them Swords. That'll help you guys out more.

Wasn't this the guy that ran tons of multis and pool countries?



Jan 6th 2011, 1:59:08

Originally posted by Twain:
Also true. I think it'd be nice if we could all come together to agree on guidelines for what a "jetter" might be and agree that running jetters for the purposes of land-grabbing isn't really all that cool.

I'm totally with the idea that you should defend your land or expect it to be parted from you, but I know we've had guys who have run VERY high defense and been broken by people running 90% jets. With 3 off. allies to 2 def. and the PS attack bonus, it's nearly impossible to defend yourself from someone who's really motivated to break you.

If we could limit self-farming and could agree on a threshold for what a "jetter" is, I'd be happier.

But then, if that doesn't happen, I'll keep playing the way I currently play and just see how things go. :)

I know! Landgrabbing is so mean and a completely unnecessary part of the game.

/end sarcasm

I think many people that play here have found themselves on the wrong server.



Jan 6th 2011, 1:43:23

If you cannot defend your land then prepare to have it taken.

NBK gets away with their policy because they 1) Don't self farm and 2) have defense on their bigger countries.



Jan 6th 2011, 1:34:46

Is FA work on FFAT becoming the norm or are some people just incredibly lazy now?



Dec 30th 2010, 19:54:06

Originally posted by NOW3P:
on #1 - not ruffled, just clarifying. It's not exactly fair to say we didn't post a war dec when we did, now is it? That, and I'm rather sick of folks whining and crying around here (and even more in 1a, ::cough::) that a war is somehow unfair because a dec wasn't made instantly...

on #2 - your leaders said otherwise, but I'm not in IMP so obviously I can't speak to official plans. Either way, with all those Mono's, you're gonna have a hard time convincing anyone your plan wasn't to war this set...

1) I'm not arguing that point. I dont necessarily care when war decs are precisely done. PANLV should have dec'd on swords in my opinion, though. As they were hitting them anyway and instigated the war one way or another. Just trying to keep the peace and keep things clear here. <3 you!

2) Of course IMP was gearing for war. But we already assumed we wouldn't find it this set. We're still prepping for Hellrush to hit us in 3 months so we need the practice building =D



Dec 30th 2010, 19:21:47

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Couple points of clarification....

- KA's war dec was posted as the 2nd kill of our FS was being made (See "So Swords...", which I chose to post instead of getting a kill or two before I had to leave for the Wolves game). We apologize for not giving more advance notice to Swords, but we like our kill targets NOT to wall in a FS, so decided against declaring 2 days ago. If you're that anal on when decs are posted, well....fluff off. It means nothing at all, so get over it.

>>> Not very pleasant talk from an ally. I don't think Kyle meant to ruffle any feathers with you in his post - if he did, maybe he was mistaken or missed your post. Can't we all just get along? ;)

- I was first told IMP was planning on FS'ing PAN about 10 or 11 days ago (will check MSN to see which), and asked to see if we couldn't help keep it from happening. The whole "wanted to avoid this" line strikes me as a load of BS.

>>> You were told wrong. IMP actually was trying to back off grabs from PANLV and due to Joeskin being in the tag, agreed not to hit we didn't want to take out such easy targets as most of them had zero defense before these hostilities. Either way, IMP had always and will always stick by its UNAPs.

Best of luck to everyone, though.

Edited By: EViL on Dec 30th 2010, 19:25:41
See Original Post



Dec 22nd 2010, 21:15:21




Dec 22nd 2010, 13:47:17

Sorry Herr. =D



Dec 21st 2010, 14:55:36

Is there a way that this message goes to the first living country of an FFA string? Getting the same message on all 16 countries is a little annoying.



Dec 21st 2010, 14:53:50

Originally posted by Ivan:

rofl yeah im sure yer scaring sanct so much!

god i remember when swords was an EC tag and they got bumfluffed so hard but as most FFA tags playing on alliance server they couldnt take it :)

My dad can beat up your dad.



Dec 21st 2010, 14:48:15

I don't think they have one. Since they said they didn't care I don't suppose they require it.