
Duke Game profile

New Member

Apr 3rd 2012, 4:00:58

come on now pride, just because md supercharged your war stats by killing restarts (two of mine included) doesnt mean Neo didnt spank Rage ;-)

Duke Game profile

New Member

Apr 2nd 2012, 2:23:58

minimum requirements? i played D2X on a gateway with windows 95 that i bought IN 95, and i STILL play WOW on an Acer Extensa 4420 i bought 6-7 years ago. the graphics arent near as pretty as my desktop gamer, but the game runs just fine. im quite positive d3 will probably run on it as well, but we will see come march

Duke Game profile

New Member

Apr 2nd 2012, 1:59:05

was much fun, congrats to rage and md for putting up some monster war stats for the size of the war, and also on finally killing my country after over 600 hits and lord knows how many spy ops and missiles, and a sleepless night (was up all night watching my country, they caught me asleep finally at 5am my time and took me out) so that kinda sucked lol but all in all it was a blast trying to stay alive

Duke Game profile

New Member

Apr 2nd 2012, 1:45:54

thanks garry, i assumed people would figure it out on their own, but i guess its best to not allow people to make their own assumptions... lol

Duke Game profile

New Member

Apr 2nd 2012, 1:34:02

for anyone who thinks the Mayans didnt account for leap days, they didnt have to. they used a long count calender that counted days, not solar cycles like our current Gregorian calender does. only our Gregorian calender, which is based from solar cycles, requires a leap day since the solar cycle actually lasts 365.25 (roughly) days, and not an even 365 days. the Mayan calender, on the other hand, counts actual days, all of them, including the ones we call leap days. so, it still works out to december 21st, 2012.

now, here is why the world is NOT going to end on the date predicted. although the Mayan calender accounts for leap days, and its an exact reflection of our own calender, just counted out differently, we have no way of knowing what day on the Mayan calender corresponds to what day in our calender. it was DETERMINED by 1 single solitary person, through many years of study of various fields such as astronomy, ethnography, archeology and iconography, that the Mayan calender starting date corresponds to august 11th, 3114 B.C. and the end date, roughly 5125 years later, is December 21st, 2012 A.D., and everyone, for some reason, took it as gospel and believed it to be true. its nothing more than an educated guess thats almost guaranteed to be wrong when dealing with such a large span of time. perhaps he may even have been close, but certainly not exact.

so, when will the world really end? probably never, and here is why. the Mayans end date is based off what could be considered their religion. they believed that their god created 4 worlds, 3 previous that had failed and one, ours, that worked, and so they put people on it. they also believed that the 3rd world was created and destroyed in 5125 years, and they also DETERMINED when their world was created, which they dubbed (thats how their calender dates are written out) and their calender works out from that point on, to their "current" time, then all the way to their date of, almost 1.9 million days, or 5125 years, after the beginning. did they end the calender there because they actually believed their "4th" world would end on that date, or were they simply not sure whether or not it would last longer than that? and if the previous 3 worlds were destroyed because they were failures, why would their god destroy this successful world? and would it actually be destroyed in 5125 years? only the 3rd world had been destroyed after that amount of time, according to the Mayans.

so, as you can see, just because some ancient calender didnt carry on forever, doesnt mean the world is going to end on the last date that ancient calender had listed. whoever came up with the whole idea of the world actually ending on that date, sold about as much bullish as the catholic church (no offense catholics, i am one myself, but i know BS when i smell it lol)

and im terribly sorry for the long post, just thought id set the record straight for yall

Edited By: Duke on Apr 2nd 2012, 1:40:03
See Original Post

Duke Game profile

New Member

Aug 31st 2010, 0:08:45

pass them all to us ;-) i need acers!

Duke Game profile

New Member

Aug 30th 2010, 23:21:34

good luck to both sides