
Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 21:41:16

how long did they allow it to go unchecked before they decided to balance the gamevto accommodate land trading? must just be politically correct to modify it at this time. it's still junk that was only implemented to make up for the loss of bots. i don't see any reason to even experiment with this nonsense. i done been getting hit by people over the past two to three years who gained 3x what i lost, and I'm supposed to bother with teying to keep up with them? keep it unbalanced and let it die. Pang will have more free time.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 21:23:32

Fee Fi Fo Fum. Democrats are crazy bums.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 21:21:56

nothing to worry about. the feds are going broke because nobody makes enough money to pay their taxes.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 21:15:21

mehul already purchased a coffe shop with his webby award money. why we need bots now?
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 21:13:13

the c-bomb is a derogatory term for a female body part, isn't it? it's not like i called you a Canadian or some other c word that is just as bad. I've actually been wondering if the original racism ban was instigated simply because i called Canadians a bunch of names.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 21:04:08

Originally posted by Patience:
Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
huh. well, I'm guessing that you aren't the mod that decided to delete all of my new and vaguely interesting alcohol related posts.

Actually, Dibs, that was me. There are an awful lot of things I'll tolerate - you dropping the c-bomb on me isn't one of them.

thought it was you, but i was thinking that you were a MADD member and deleted me because i brag about riding the unicycle while I'm under the influence. hmm, i forgot something interesting if i used the cu word.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 20:58:56

crest23 just used the c-bomb. hmm, he used ut twice in the same post. what the heck is he going on about?
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 20:55:02

oh, add another 1.2 mile trips to my crazy successfully done 200ml of booze drunken unicycle riding trips. so, let's see, I've failed 100% of the time over the past two years to get involved in a fatal drink riding unicycle accident. didn't even bust up my knees that were lacking the essential padding to keep them from getting busted up. maybe third year stats will m
show something different. not good for me to know that i can ride the unicycle while under the influence. mught accidently get run over by a sober driver.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 20:41:52

same reason that Christians try to convert people to follow the teachings of Christ. they are bound and determined to achieve the Armageddon that they so fervently desire. wonder if i used fervently in the right context. wonder why they can't just be happy with their own flatulence, err, flagellation. one of the effing f words.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 20:33:20

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:

It "was" unbalanced, but no longer is.

Which is why I find it so funny seeing alliances trying to stomp it out with pacting and the like (laf included if you've seen the additions to laf's pacts)

Currently it would be like me trying to pact saying I will grab anyone bottom feeding and expect 1-1retals no topfeed allowances.

Or trying to ban countries from building milt bases... It's goofy.

It needed to be nerfed and it was, but I really don't understand the big push to ban it now that it's already been nerfed

oh, it's kinda like the pothead issue. can't seem to keep them from abusing it, so they try to find ways to keep track of all of the morons who use it so they can have an emergency pothead face-eating zombie response team in the neighborhoid.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 19:48:59

hmm, you'd think that the mods would know enough about alcohol consumption to realize that i don't blackout everytime that i drink. i seem to be missing a few posts here. not that i particularly care. wobder uf that Russian pron that was posted on the LoF forums is worth a few more bugs on my Windows Phone.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 19:40:14

I'm glad that you are happy with it. why would i notice building costs, i left the game entirely and simply use this forum as a convenient place to post when I'm getting drunk and obnoxious. because they done bent the game all to heck and back.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 19:30:44

i just see land trading as an abuse of a policy that was created to artificially generate land because too many people were yelling about the lack of it. oh lookie! free land! crap i should've made sure i was wearing my Depends before I got all excited.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 19:15:00

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
interesting. y'all still need to work on banning that Dibs asshole.


huh. well, I'm guessing that you aren't the mod that decided to delete all of my new and vaguely interesting alcohol related posts.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 19:05:43

Originally posted by tellarion:
So you like beer, do you?

not as much as I did when I was AB'ng countries with a 30 pack.
I'd like to say that i prefer brandy nowadays, but I don't want to get Cerberus talking abiut the girlies right now, maybe later. if I get him to do show some naughty erotic ANSI art.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 18:22:41

i only have SC. but it's installed on my Duo and that's currently busy playing "A Fistful Of Dollars", so i can't even play SC right now. sorry.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 18:19:51

Originally posted by Eric171:
Lets celebrate failure!

we need more unions!
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 18:09:58

slides? are we playing Chutes and Ladders for money here?
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 17:53:33

i fear walking around naked in public because i don't have anything to hide. or is it that i have to hide it because other people fear it? suppose I might be a feared that somebody might mistake it for a snake and attempt to kill it. unless of course they'll be attempting to strangle it. don't think I'm a feared of that.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 17:26:11

Happy Fathers Day!

people don't chose stupid, they're just too lazy to put some effort into it. or maybe they're afraid that they might hurt a few brain cells before Mr. Death comes knocking on the door. need every brain cell available to avoid death and live forever.
dang i typo'd in my previous post. must need more booze, err, brain cells.
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Drunken Dibs


Jun 19th 2013, 17:21:56

Weeeee! I have booze! wonder uf this account works?
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