
Doug Game profile


Feb 5th 2024, 17:38:47

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Drow:
Hasn't been bad so far, First big event of the year last night, bands, plus fireworks which was fun, and then we have the WWE here in less than 3 weeks time, followed by Pink, then into the Aussie Rules footy season.

He said P!nk yay!!!!

Just for you Dougie ;)

There I fixed it for you.

Doug Game profile


Feb 4th 2024, 18:23:52

Originally posted by Drow:
Hasn't been bad so far, First big event of the year last night, bands, plus fireworks which was fun, and then we have the WWE here in less than 3 weeks time, followed by Pink, then into the Aussie Rules footy season.

He said P!nk yay!!!!

Doug Game profile


Feb 3rd 2024, 8:00:21

But seriously, congrats. 🥰 Love Wins!

Doug Game profile


Feb 3rd 2024, 7:59:04

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

Doug Game profile


Feb 2nd 2024, 18:08:30

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
That was the worst...
You guys are really sad. What are you drinking to help you sleep at night? Pepto?

Knock it off.

Doug Game profile


Feb 2nd 2024, 18:06:11

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Doug, here is your chance. Superfly is coming through the front door. That still leaves the back door open for you :P

I see what you did there. ROFL “back door” pfffth

Doug Game profile


Feb 2nd 2024, 3:56:58

It’s Doug’s retiree parole office for the record not a daycare.

Doug Game profile


Feb 1st 2024, 15:56:02

Oh my

Doug Game profile


Jan 31st 2024, 19:38:19

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Its not 2025 yet.

Are we doing something for 2025? Well… unless there’s a back door and in the code there’s a huge middle finger lol

Doug Game profile


Jan 31st 2024, 19:37:38

We did a soft reunion as we sifted through boxcar and Facebook. I will again go through the list and other email lists and see if we can drag anyone back. As I’ve said the more players the better. If superfly doesn’t bomb all the retirement homes lol

Reading through and moving 1000’s of boxcar messages has been cumbersome but I think it’s a cool idea.

Doug Game profile


Jan 30th 2024, 15:41:33

Maybe “on life support” is better than “dead” lol

Doug Game profile


Jan 30th 2024, 7:35:35

Well let’s return to the PDM bunker and let these boys do whatever it is they do. 😏

Doug Game profile


Jan 30th 2024, 5:49:16

Did you all change your testosterone patches this week or something?

Doug Game profile


Jan 30th 2024, 2:48:22

Do you guys need a room?

Doug Game profile


Jan 30th 2024, 2:40:14

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Don’t forget about about There Will Be Blood (#9)

Was also Mercs earlier in the set. Logs in. Get his daily 10a but is dormant

I’d be more worried about the suicidal tag hitting PDM now

Don’t you owe me money?

Doug Game profile


Jan 28th 2024, 7:55:48

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Nah. Turns out even that is wrong g0nz0. It’s a couple old mercs but nothing remotely affiliated.

Sounds a bit more like the very fringes of the war folks attacking folks for having opposing views to them. It’s a valid point, I think, to point out treehuggers don’t have protection without war allies.

Hard to blame established tags at all for it tho. People love to be entrenched, you know? If you feel like saying something, go ahead and say it Supa. I don’t know fluff unless you say it on the forums. That’s why I’m asking.

I wasn’t aware that Josey Wales and Cath were considered war folks. I thought both have been considered netting folks for their entire earth careers.
Also I wasn’t aware that they were also old Mercs folks either.

Now if you are referring to me the guy who was in xLaFx now Suicidal tag. Then sure i am a war folk and sure I joined in on a kill run to kill James bond. Shouldn’t be much of a surprise that I’d accept an offer to war someone especially one of my favorite nemesis…

Next round I’ll be teaming up with Black Hole and we will be without prejudice hitting PDM. You are most welcome to join us on our crusade against the mighty dictator Douglas…

You spelled flufftaster wrong. putz.

Doug Game profile


Jan 28th 2024, 7:55:48

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Nah. Turns out even that is wrong g0nz0. It’s a couple old mercs but nothing remotely affiliated.

Sounds a bit more like the very fringes of the war folks attacking folks for having opposing views to them. It’s a valid point, I think, to point out treehuggers don’t have protection without war allies.

Hard to blame established tags at all for it tho. People love to be entrenched, you know? If you feel like saying something, go ahead and say it Supa. I don’t know fluff unless you say it on the forums. That’s why I’m asking.

I wasn’t aware that Josey Wales and Cath were considered war folks. I thought both have been considered netting folks for their entire earth careers.
Also I wasn’t aware that they were also old Mercs folks either.

Now if you are referring to me the guy who was in xLaFx now Suicidal tag. Then sure i am a war folk and sure I joined in on a kill run to kill James bond. Shouldn’t be much of a surprise that I’d accept an offer to war someone especially one of my favorite nemesis…

Next round I’ll be teaming up with Black Hole and we will be without prejudice hitting PDM. You are most welcome to join us on our crusade against the mighty dictator Douglas…

You spelled dixtaster wrong. putz.

Doug Game profile


Jan 26th 2024, 22:40:55

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
wasn't this thread locked and now its back in business!

Looks to have been a fat finger locked. The mod that did it, unlocked it. Happens on the mobile version.

You coulda just said you did it accidently Galleri. 🤣

/me runs

Doug Game profile


Jan 23rd 2024, 3:08:35


Doug Game profile


Jan 21st 2024, 23:36:33

It’s OnlyFans not YouTube.

Wait… that’s my onlyfans oops

Doug Game profile


Jan 17th 2024, 3:17:57

Works fine for me

Doug Game profile


Jan 16th 2024, 23:23:33

Thanks Gains

Doug Game profile


Jan 15th 2024, 4:15:03

Hey Kat darlin 😏

Doug Game profile


Jan 13th 2024, 4:06:21

Originally posted by Drow:
I mean, he IS doing one thing, and bringing alliances closer together, in order to clear his land for a very nice shiny new shopping centre, so that's something? I guess??


Doug Game profile


Jan 13th 2024, 4:04:19

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Drow:
Certainly out to make friends, eh?
Already getting turned into a parking lot by RAGE, decides to pick a fight with SoL as well?
I can almost forgive the chem on our guy...

You need a TL:DR story, but I have no clue how to do it.

Also, are we all sure it is BH or a false actor?

I had said the same thing lol he’s remained too quiet to be him lol unless someone duct taped him tons Chair! lol

Doug Game profile


Jan 10th 2024, 17:28:41

Oh my.

Doug Game profile


Jan 8th 2024, 15:57:12

Speaking of Wari. He played with us and normally takes off for nascar and I haven’t seen him since. I hope he’s alright. An excellent player and a good guy.

Doug Game profile


Jan 7th 2024, 10:35:52

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Academus:
Drow is but a child compared to the Ancients.

What sayeth you, young Drow?

Academus does indeed make me look like but a fresh faced young lad ;)

Drow has successfully celebrated the 6th anniversary of his 25th birthday. lol he’s mad at me that I asked him ever so nicely to come out if retirement Academus lol

Ok well… nagged, begged, bribed and even resorted to puppy dog eyes lol

Doug Game profile


Jan 6th 2024, 3:49:21


Doug Game profile


Jan 6th 2024, 3:33:58

Hi gerb! Welcome back!

Doug Game profile


Jan 6th 2024, 3:30:41

Originally posted by farmer:
nothing wrong with being a Brownie noser ! Being an officer that could come in handy. Hows it going Doug :)

Doing well, thanks.

Winter has set in over Lake Erie so it looks like Gotham city when I was at work. Cold yet damp air, with warm water of the lake. Couldn’t even see the traffic lights if you were under them. Was it you or bru or maybe Ratski, I pay a guy to do our chimneys (two of them) Is it true we should never ever use those chimney sweep logs that “clean” as they have wax? Same goes with Starter Logs? Should I just pay the $100 bucks a year for 2 big fireplaces to be cleaned by an old chimney sweep guy and skip those items? Colin and my kid brother chopped over 25 cords of wood last year. This year with all the down trees on 50 acres they chopped up 100 cords of wood and we sell some bout 12-18 long split in 4, but also some in half. So a full cord split for normal fireplaces we charge $250 + $50 to load it, deliver it in his truck (or mine) and stack it for them. $175 for half a cord and $40 to load, deliver and stack. If they will stack it, and u just dump it in their yard, price is the same but delivery only is $15. It’s good wood from Ohio. But my little brother spent all summer cutting and splitting 100 cords lol - my kid brother is earning his keep. So many people are buying it this year. So it’s his part time job lol so yeah! I got wood! 🫣 lol

Anyway I digress to my original Question bout the starter logs and the fire cleaning logs. But I heard there is creosote in it Or wax? Just can’t recall who else had fireplaces or cut wood. Ratski I know but I thought when Colin and I moved in finally you and me or me and bru with Ratski asked similar Question.

Or if any of y’all know.

Doug Game profile


Jan 5th 2024, 21:58:37

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:
farmer makes really good brownies. 😶‍🌫️

What a brown noser..

Ohhhhh coalie coalie coalie... lol Farmer and I have always gotten along. You would be a much happier individual if you removed that giant stick up your axx. 🍑

Edited By: Doug on Jan 5th 2024, 22:04:31

Doug Game profile


Jan 5th 2024, 20:11:50

Go back to your home D lol

But farmer will take you. He needs someone to chase Ratski around! Plus farmer makes really good brownies. 😶‍🌫️

Doug Game profile


Jan 4th 2024, 2:21:03

Originally posted by BigP:
Pretty cool, love reading the old stuff

PPPPPP!!!! Miss youuuuuu

Doug Game profile


Jan 4th 2024, 2:20:33

And the source of my headaches.

Doug Game profile


Jan 3rd 2024, 17:13:26

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
He's in my clan? I haven't looked at the members list yet.

Yet? Do you all see what I put up with? 🤦🏼

Doug Game profile


Jan 3rd 2024, 16:25:06

He’s in your clan lol

Drow has been around since Methuselah was a child.

Doug Game profile


Jan 2nd 2024, 5:38:23

Originally posted by Coalie:
I dont know what is worse. Getting hit by PDM..

or getting hitted on by Doug from PDM...

then give back the gift card you asked for to my OnlyFans you got for Christmas wiseass.

Edited By: Doug on Jan 2nd 2024, 6:04:00

Doug Game profile


Jan 2nd 2024, 5:07:05

Originally posted by Peanut:
That was very rude!

I tried sending flowers Peanut! I instructed the Secretary of State to call FTD!! But weezy said only alcohol would do! 🤣

Doug Game profile


Jan 2nd 2024, 2:07:43

Wait… what are we sharing?

Doug Game profile


Jan 1st 2024, 19:33:03

Originally posted by Drow:
moist cake.


Doug Game profile


Jan 1st 2024, 19:30:11

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Originally posted by Drow:
Anyone looking at country lists should be able to pick my country out fairly quick

Maybe find the culprit, kill it? Just a thought

I thought y’all killed it already lol

Doug Game profile


Jan 1st 2024, 19:11:05

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Academus:
Laf has not "gone", they are hiding, playing silly games again because they cant or wont fight a war in a war game. Some are hiding in PDM some are untagged (see how that goes lol) and some are single tagged.

Ac, I've played alongside you previously, so hopefully you know that I'm generally pretty square dealing. I am actually playing this set (THANKS DOUG!!), and to the best of my knowledge, we have no one hiding here.
most of us are cranky old farts that doug has managed to bludgeon into playing again.

Bad enough he's trying to use my former Senate status to try and give me some kind of authority/responsibility role :P

HA! Y’all were suckers for my puppy dog eyes and came back out of pity. lol

Doug Game profile


Jan 1st 2024, 19:00:18

Originally posted by Tertius:
Is Detmer still playing in PDM too? The nth Golden age of ee may be soon upon us.

Detmer has been lurking about for a few sets. Alot of guys hate discord and don’t post much.

I told you all before. We have a retirement home for parolees whom haven’t seen woman in many years lol