
Doug Game profile


Feb 28th 2024, 19:10:03

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by ZEN:
To add on to WDU's request. Us here at TAINT would also like to ask PDM to not hit us. Please do not bring the actions of last round to this round. There were some mistakes made and I hope you learned from them.

Also - I still request Tisya to come back and TAN to wear an American Flag T-Shirt. Those are my demands.

lol zen. âĪïļ

Tisya is around actually and on discord. Do you have her contact? Also, TAN hasn’t been around in years. Mr. Tan and TAN aren’t the same people. TAN and I never really uhhhh “saw eye to eye” Then again he is 5’3 and I’m 6’2 so that was a given lol

For real?!?!! I do not have her contact. I will have to stop in and see you to retrieve said information. And ya, TAN was a funny dwarf. A little extreme in some aspects, but other than that he did make me laugh. Vertically challenged I mean. I am very PC these days. I can't even refer to Jihad terrorists as dwarfs without someone claiming I'm racist. I mean, I have racist tendencies. But the I'm not technically white, racist tendencies. So, you know. Acceptable racist tendencies. Like Indian people smell like onions and white people should STFU about everything.

Pffffth omg ðŸĪŠ lol

I wonder if there are any gay jihadist? Imagine my fellow gays yelling “you go girl” as they blow themselves up to get to hunky gay virgins? Tho finding a gay virgin is impossible. Cher being like the leader or some shxt? lol

I’ll tell tiysa you’re looking for her. Shes not on often but she checks in.

Now we wait to see if zen and I get yelled at.

Edited By: Doug on Feb 28th 2024, 19:15:37

Doug Game profile


Feb 28th 2024, 18:46:58

Originally posted by ZEN:
To add on to WDU's request. Us here at TAINT would also like to ask PDM to not hit us. Please do not bring the actions of last round to this round. There were some mistakes made and I hope you learned from them.

Also - I still request Tisya to come back and TAN to wear an American Flag T-Shirt. Those are my demands.

lol zen. âĪïļ

Tisya is around actually and on discord. Do you have her contact? Also, TAN hasn’t been around in years. Mr. Tan and TAN aren’t the same people. TAN and I never really uhhhh “saw eye to eye” Then again he is 5’3 and I’m 6’2 so that was a given lol

Edited By: Doug on Feb 28th 2024, 18:49:08

Doug Game profile


Feb 28th 2024, 18:19:54

Dredd. I suggest you contact all the leaders of the clans you hit. Privately. This thread will turn into a disaster.

There is a cultural and language barrier. So let’s remember that. Nobody is opposed to you bringing new people and old to begin a new alliance here. But this was the wrong way to do it.

The vast majority of leaders don’t like cross server behavior. Untagged countries (then joining your tag) hit major established clans, the clans and their pacted allies defended themselves, and did not provoke you on this server. You are still responsible for their behavior. If you’re going to lead they need to listen to you. Most of us know you or your members for years.

Again, contact those clan leaders privately. This thread will likely just be trolled.

Ps. I hope you understand we’d like to see new clans here and members. But trust us built over time, with actions not words. I wish you luck with the other leaders. And being a leader here on alliance also means apologizing and fixing the issue when appropriate.


Edited By: Doug on Feb 28th 2024, 18:36:29

Doug Game profile


Feb 26th 2024, 16:59:50

Originally posted by Ratski:
Ever seen a 5 lb pound hamburger ? They make one in Joyce WA. With all the trimmings you could feed six people. and I have friend , Ted he he ate the whole thing ! In fact they band him from the local all you can eat , Asian Restaurant, in Port Angeles, they told him " You eat too much , You go now." Don't come back !

Ok John Pinette jokes.

Doug Game profile


Feb 26th 2024, 16:58:46

I live in the country (work in the city) there’s a massive difference between a garden tomato than store bought. I don’t care what anyone says. Grandma and mom can a ton of tomatoes yearly and everything taste better. From soup to chili to stews and normal everyday salads etc. lettuce over cheese? Eh no. I think the cheese would be over the lettuce. But never fresh tomatoes!

SMH did I just discuss tomatoes in a paragraph? Why am I awake…

Doug Game profile


Feb 26th 2024, 16:54:06

You’re so silly. 🙃

Ps. The chair is still in the shop. Quit throwing my furniture across the room.

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2024, 16:15:18

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by smile_face:
Who did you decide who your new enemy is?

Josey Wales and his band of merry men of course

We’re a peaceful clan.

lol why weren’t you ever this active playing for me? For nearly 3 years I had to pray you’d even read my ingame messages. Now your chatty Cathy? Did they up the dose of your little blue pill? lol if I find out you now even use discord I’ll pass out.

It's Mr. ツ that breaks it :D ☝ïļ (Bonus Post)

So that’s the culprit!

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2024, 14:55:03

Quit breaking threads Josey!

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2024, 14:54:48

[quote poster=Josey Wales; 52178; 1028627][quote poster=SuperFly; 52178; 1028625][quote poster=ツ; 52178; 1028621]Who did you decide who your new enemy is? [/quote]

Josey Wales and his band of merry men of course [/quote]

We’re a peaceful clan. [/quote]

lol why weren’t you ever this active playing for me? For nearly 3 years I had to pray you’d even read my ingame messages. Now your chatty Cathy? Did they up the dose of your little blue pill? lol if I find out you now even use discord I’ll pass out.

Edited By: Doug on Feb 24th 2024, 15:21:52

Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 15:05:15

Wait. Am i trolling the team forums?

Y’all bad influences! I’m leaving!

Slams Door! 🚊

Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 14:52:04

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by AbRaMcHiK:
Originally posted by Doug:
Now I see the fuss. Suoerfky and suicidal should burn this bitxh to the ground. To the young players, I would like to add that for decades very few leaders of any major plans would allow the cross server BS that we have witnessed over the last two months..

Saves up my suicidal and superfly money. 💰

what "bitxh" are we talking about?

The server.

It’s a metaphor as in “burn this bitxh to the ground” meaning burn it all, claim the insurance money.

/me buys more suicidal and superfly coins 💰

/me walks up to Doug's soap box and slaps him in the face.

Keep my name out ur mouf!

If I keep your name out your mouth, what do I put in my mouth…. /runs and buys more crazy coins

Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 12:35:50

But congrats Andrew. You’ll have to share your secrets one day lol 😎

Edited By: Doug on Feb 20th 2024, 12:45:36

Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 2:02:51

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Devo:
Great round overall. Amazing to see what netting can look like nowaday compared to the olden days. Would like to see less shenanigan suiciding and more skilled competition to settle old debts but proud of those that persevered and put up solid finishes.

A few shoutouts:
-Mercs for being great allies and helping dispatch suiciders this round and still putting up some top 10s (several other tags did also)
-En4cer was our one LaF pickup last round and he was an absolute gentlemen, even after being suicided and help mentor some returning old-timers.
-Doug and PDM were fantastic to work with through several concerns and overall just being super inviting back to the community
-Monsters had a great set ruined by punks and stayed open and friendly in the face of adversity

Keep up the great work folks o/
Looking forward to connecting with more folks this round!

Thank you. I have a great team. The credits all theirs. âĪïļ

And back to Devos message. There was some noise there for a moment. But again, thanks. 😏 let’s all have a good set.

Edited By: Doug on Feb 20th 2024, 2:05:19

Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 1:34:28

Originally posted by Devo:
Great round overall. Amazing to see what netting can look like nowaday compared to the olden days. Would like to see less shenanigan suiciding and more skilled competition to settle old debts but proud of those that persevered and put up solid finishes.

A few shoutouts:
-Mercs for being great allies and helping dispatch suiciders this round and still putting up some top 10s (several other tags did also)
-En4cer was our one LaF pickup last round and he was an absolute gentlemen, even after being suicided and help mentor some returning old-timers.
-Doug and PDM were fantastic to work with through several concerns and overall just being super inviting back to the community
-Monsters had a great set ruined by punks and stayed open and friendly in the face of adversity

Keep up the great work folks o/
Looking forward to connecting with more folks this round!

Thank you. I have a great team. The credits all theirs. âĪïļ

Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 0:46:02

Superfly smells like hookers and cigars

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2024, 23:28:52

This is true. Hugs ðŸĨ°

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2024, 23:20:11

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by galleri:
Hell nah. You all aren't running now that the thread was twisted.

I said what I needed to say and to our own ppl. They can outta this. Thankie ðŸĪŽ

😂😂 I lead all clans. I will tell the people when they go :p

How are my negotiations working out? I have not seen CLAN_DANGER! post their reunion announcement.

Get a new psychiatrist. You’re wasting your money on ego lessons.

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2024, 22:43:00

Originally posted by galleri:
Hell nah. You all aren't running now that the thread was twisted.

I said what I needed to say and to our own ppl. They can outta this. Thankie ðŸĪŽ

Edited By: Doug on Feb 19th 2024, 22:50:27

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2024, 22:17:31

Enough. PDM people back to the bunker k plz thank you

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2024, 3:23:02

Originally posted by Real Man:
The state of this game is beyond ridiculous.

Imagine DELETING an ENTIRE wardec without explanation.

Like if whatever mod did it actually had a problem with something that was written, what’s so hard about just removing that part of the post? Laziness or is there an agenda at play? I genuinely don’t know because nothing was communicated.

The entire community is now confused because of your poor judgement.


TLDR: TheBOMB declared war on TAINT in defense of our longstanding ally Doug and PDM.

Well I appreciate our nonexistent longstanding relationship sir.

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2024, 3:18:24

Thank you sir.

Doug Game profile


Feb 18th 2024, 20:14:27

Originally posted by AbRaMcHiK:
Originally posted by Doug:
Now I see the fuss. Suoerfky and suicidal should burn this bitxh to the ground. To the young players, I would like to add that for decades very few leaders of any major plans would allow the cross server BS that we have witnessed over the last two months..

Saves up my suicidal and superfly money. 💰

what "bitxh" are we talking about?

The server.

It’s a metaphor as in “burn this bitxh to the ground” meaning burn it all, claim the insurance money.

/me buys more suicidal and superfly coins 💰

Edited By: Doug on Feb 18th 2024, 20:18:37

Doug Game profile


Feb 18th 2024, 17:43:55


Edited By: Doug on Feb 18th 2024, 18:02:00

Doug Game profile


Feb 17th 2024, 0:08:21


Edited By: Doug on Feb 17th 2024, 0:11:59

Doug Game profile


Feb 17th 2024, 0:02:51

Now I see the fuss. Suoerfky and suicidal should burn this bitxh to the ground. To the young players, I would like to add that for decades very few leaders of any major plans would allow the cross server BS that we have witnessed over the last two months..

Saves up my suicidal and superfly money. 💰

Edited By: Doug on Feb 17th 2024, 0:05:40

Doug Game profile


Feb 14th 2024, 19:40:26

For my boo thangs

Yes it’s trendy AF

Doug Game profile


Feb 14th 2024, 10:14:32

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Put your name on that statement that sex money murder stand on LGBT/PC pods and ride with that in Detroit

I don’t have any beef with gay or trans people but I find it very interesting you are dragging their sets name into this


Doug Game profile


Feb 13th 2024, 21:28:19

Originally posted by santti:
I am waiting for asteroid ...


Doug Game profile


Feb 13th 2024, 21:26:58

Because every time little Italy, he and Galleri are in line we lose thousands and thousands and thousands of acres lol

Doug Game profile


Feb 8th 2024, 8:16:51

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Pffft gal. I’m sure you’ve looked it up by now but if I said “where’s Galapagos” I’m like 10,000% sure you wouldn’t say “off the coast of Ecuador.” I’m fluffin certain of it.

And I think I’m past the dumping part of my life. We’re both liberals who don’t want children so after roe v wade was overturned she got a tubal ligation and I got a vasectomy. Obviously didn’t know each other at the time, but we both made the responsible decision when the Supreme Court got set back 200 years.

She dates other guys. I’ve been with multiple partners from shows and fluff since I met her. I don’t think we break up or break in even. We exist only with the reason to appreciate each other. I don’t think either of us wants to be married or have children during a global climate crisis. Just aim to have a great companion for the end times.

The 9ers are playing the chiefs and no one cares, and then Biden will face trump and I’ll probably kill myself. Year is trash.

3 tho….I did meet the girl of my dreams absolutely. I really haven’t even been smoking weed, and not because she frowns on it or something, we’ve smoked a few times, but I think she’s very inspirational to me having good habits and I’d like to stay motivated around her.

I used to like laying in bed, getting high as fluff, and farming bots like crazy while never leaving my bedroom. While I could wall 1200 hits in a good set and win teams or FFA, I think it was always an unhealthy lifestyle/experience.

It was never good for me, and I think the way I acted here is probably indicative of that. All my decisions are my own tho. I just hope she loves me back, but I’ll never be that level of unmotivated stoner again, and this is simply a positive lifestyle change in my path to finding happiness in a world that has always made me want to kill myself. I think I’m just finally ready to be healthy, fit and using my talents for good.

Edit: That’s not an apology btw. Sui can still go fluff himself and why I ever agreed to associate with people who associate with him is beyond me. I will somehow die before him because he’s eternal and I’ll never appreciate a single moment or have learned a thing from my experience with that human. God is blessing me never having to experience that person again. And I’m sure he feels the same. I’ll look for folks in life who aim to uplift their community instead of tearing it down now. And I’ll be a better person for it.

Sniffle… I don’t get a personalized goodbye message from Derrick. I think I’m sad.

Doug Game profile


Feb 6th 2024, 11:44:18

-sniffle- our babies grown up and leaving. just before playing for us too. lol

welp. best of luck and don’t fire that barback before I visit. Philly isn’t far from my aunts house. hope I get my 6% police discount.

Edited By: Doug on Feb 6th 2024, 12:07:53

Doug Game profile


Feb 5th 2024, 19:59:24

Can I be the flower girl Derrick?

Doug Game profile


Feb 5th 2024, 17:38:47

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Drow:
Hasn't been bad so far, First big event of the year last night, bands, plus fireworks which was fun, and then we have the WWE here in less than 3 weeks time, followed by Pink, then into the Aussie Rules footy season.

He said P!nk yay!!!!

Just for you Dougie ;)

There I fixed it for you.