
Doug Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 2:52:56


Doug Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 2:06:08

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's basic forums rules, doesn't need to be repeated, enforce it.

Ah ha! KoH for the win.

Doug Game profile


Apr 23rd 2024, 1:53:16

Thanks Slagpit. Didn’t think it needed said, but apparently it does. Even after just 24 hours into a new set. I too will share it with our folks.

Doug Game profile


Apr 22nd 2024, 21:24:40

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Paradigm? More like Paradim, am I right?

Slagpit. We misspelled Paradigm. The tag is PDM. The full name was misspelled as Paradim.

Someone shortly after created Paradigm Paradigm after noticing the mistake.

Leto, Drow and I both clarified. The 2 man Paradigm Paradigm isn’t correct.

Doug Game profile


Apr 22nd 2024, 20:00:17

Oh wells lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 22nd 2024, 12:42:03

Confirmed. Drow was on an airplane traveling to the South Pole when the g in paradigm fell out of the airplane. lol the tag is still PDM as always. Sorry y’all

Doug Game profile


Apr 17th 2024, 20:54:38

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:
Did I miss the clan leader poker game?! We just had one Sunday night! Llarr and Razor lost their ass to my 3 in a row all in flushes. So bad we moved to Happy singling karaoke, Pony being Pony and me wondering why sapphire was hitting on me? If people only knew we do all sometimes get along.

I am glad you know who Pony is after all.....

Good troll. Well played Doug.

He trolled me ma’am! And made me think he was saying awful things bout you! You should let us blast him!

Doug Game profile


Apr 17th 2024, 18:46:13

Did I miss the clan leader poker game?! We just had one Sunday night! Llarr and Razor lost their ass to my 3 in a row all in flushes. So bad we moved to Happy singling karaoke, Pony being Pony and me wondering why sapphire was hitting on me? If people only knew we do all sometimes get along.

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 23:20:16

Originally posted by slip:
ban tan

I’m on it lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 21:03:46

Originally posted by TAN:
Well that leave of absence didn't last long!

*probes Doug*

You know I like it. I wasn’t dead. Coulda been. They stuck an anal probe …. I mean a little wire in my head for a look around. I took a few weeks off. lol but glad to see you back old man. And yes, I’ll be back to work soon. Just finishing some things up. Thank you sir.

Edited By: Doug on Apr 16th 2024, 21:10:08

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 18:41:33

Originally posted by Suicidal:
can non-leaders ask a question here?

I’ll allow the question, proceed counselor.

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 12:51:29

They always come back. lol 🥰

Edited By: Doug on Apr 16th 2024, 13:13:58

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 12:40:14

Originally posted by Bug:
I am so confused.

Just go with it, you won’t get a headache that way.

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 12:39:34

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Requiem:
In the grand scheme of Earth Empires, where every thread tells a tale of conquest, companionship, and the occasional casualty (RIP Chevs aka Real Man aka Giga-Chad), our journey has indeed been one for the ages, from the early days of courageous strategies– OOP tag killing LaF– to the end game moral victory watching the G-Man get aided to 3b NW to forever be in the book of the illegitimate– time to make a new profile and get deleted by Slagpit (TM).

Ah, the timeline– a saga of friendship forged in the fires of digital warfare and strategies so crafty they could make a Swedish game mechanic blush– and did with the aid of Qzjul. From the inception of The BOMB, a beacon of innovation and mischief, to the strategies that saw us ascend to glory, we've Truly (pun intended) done it all. To think, it all began with a "suicidal" (Suck it old man, the only snowflake I see here) pact that blossomed into the unlikeliest of alliances, proving once and for all that in the heat of battle, even the fiercest of enemies can become the best of friends.

Our raids into the political conspiracy of alliance leadership, the thrill of undercover operations (with only the occasional slap on the wrist for our daring), and the endless pursuit of victory, have been nothing short of legendary. We've seen the rise and fall of Earth Empires, and through it all, we've stood together as Real Men.

To CNB, the fearless leader of "xSOLx," and to all who have been a part of this magnificent journey, I raise my glass. Here's to the battles fought, the friendships forged, and to the next chapter, wherever it may lead– hopefully lots of Trulys and hookers. May our paths cross again, and may we always remember the time when we ruled Earth Empires.

Salud, Mi Familia. The game may be over, but the legend will live on.
Yours in retirement (but I am always ready for a comeback), and I am playing in PDM (TM).


P.S: Never the aggressor. The insurance policy is undefeated. We win. SUCK IT NERDS!

Why was I not told you were in PDM? :p

He drinks White Claw.... Of course he is in PDM.

He has been in PDM in the past, I was not aware of him being here currently lol

I tend to not tell the senate things that they don’t need to know lol jk he played in the past lol not currently… I think… maybe…

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2024, 9:22:01


Doug Game profile


Apr 11th 2024, 7:07:35

Edited By: Doug on Apr 11th 2024, 7:10:39

Doug Game profile


Apr 11th 2024, 6:36:12

Edited By: Doug on Apr 11th 2024, 7:17:22

Doug Game profile


Mar 10th 2024, 2:24:51

Originally posted by ZEN:
O M G.

Wow - this is the biggest news I've ever read. What a brave soul to lay it all out like that. I'm shocked. Just shocked. First Swift and Kelce, now this.

Dude - no one cares. Yes, things take awhile to investigate. Maybe more if you have the other person telling an opposite side of the story. Strangely enough, if you cheat in this probably lie that you cheat in this game too. If you, BH, came to me and told me that the world is round. Even if I absolutely knew the world was round, I would still question it because you are the one that told me.

I don't even understand what you are even trying to convey about PDM here. I see separate instances of conversations you had with leto and then milkman. Maybe there is a connection somewhere, but I can't make it. I just see fragmented thoughts, claims, accusations about Doug (whilst you being a homophobe), and you and Milk talking about how you cheat at a game with less than 100 people playing it. So like....kinda sad.

My guess is that Doug probably refused your flirting and you got upset. Which is sad. Doug doesn't refuse ANYONE's flirts.

Doug Game profile


Mar 10th 2024, 1:42:21

[quote poster=Shweezy; 52465; 1029396]Go to his house and be a badass Blackhole, its the advice he game me, he's now on my sh1tlist aka blocked. [/quote

oh it’s OK when you get plastered and then you come back the next day and apologize it’s OK for Leto have 175 kamikaze and come back to the apologize it’s OK for everybody else to make a mistake and apologize the boy the hypocrisy here runs deep and I’m very shocked

Doug Game profile


Mar 10th 2024, 0:56:47

Originally posted by galleri:
Doug: BH didn't doctor anything of mine. It was something he said to me.
Somehow it was given to you from Evo's member room and you shared it with him.
Not sure why you shared with him.

Originally posted by galleri:
Doug: BH didn't doctor anything of mine. It was something he said to me.
Somehow it was given to you from Evo's member room and you shared it with him.
Not sure why you shared with him.

Originally posted by galleri:
Doug: BH didn't doctor anything of mine. It was something he said to me.
Somehow it was given to you from Evo's member room and you shared it with him.
Not sure why you shared with him.

Originally posted by galleri:
Doug: BH didn't doctor anything of mine. It was something he said to me.
Somehow it was given to you from Evo's member room and you shared it with him.
Not sure why you shared with him.

Why would your own players give to me?! He showed it me when we began sending 200+ hits on your behalf. He said “why are we helping them, look at this” - but we helped anyway.

Some people around here are about as loyal as toilet seats.

Doug Game profile


Mar 9th 2024, 22:28:26

Yes as are where we are nor. Edited shxt. And you being caught cheating and purpled 3 times along spy buddy. Yadda yadda you’ll be purple do often out pass an Oompa Loompa sex worker. On the words of someone IN THE KNOW of all this? “Be Patient”

Laterz wack job

Doug Game profile


Mar 9th 2024, 22:23:11

Originally posted by BlackHole:
OK guys. I'm a PHOTOSHOP MASTER and in the last 3 minutes I just doctored all these photos. Come look at em!!

In this set of screenshots you'll see a few things.

First, Doug gives me Milks country. You'll notice the post is missing, he deleted the screenshot of the country. But read the context, it's clear that's what he gave me. And then I tell him I'm going to attack milk.

IF he didn't know about the cheating, why did he give up a PDM's country info to an enemy?

Other things you'll notice. He threatens to kick a lot of people out of PDM. Tells me he's in charge, not Leto. Makes a deal to keep his own country safe while I hit others.

In one of these chats he talks about how he tried to stop people from hitting me after I hit milk. Working against PDM.

He did all this, but didn't know Milk was cheating???

But then he talks to Leto. Something changes. I guess Doug isn't the big man on campus like he says. And he goes on a warpath, telling lies about me (and some truths). Talking in his very confusing style that he has.

And that's where we are now.

What did Leto and Doug talk about? Why did Doug suddenly start defending Milk?

And why in the everloving hell does he think that ANYONE is going to believe his 'all these screenshots are doctored' defense.

COME ON BRO. You're a cop (allegedly), come up with a better lie/defense then that.

Douggie? Couldn’t even get the nene right lol

Doug Game profile


Mar 9th 2024, 22:22:06

Blackhole, I tried working with you for a year to help your image. Nobody gives a damned about you here. You then in the chat BEG to join PDM after you hit evo AB’d we ran 222 turns on you and they ran like 100. You promised the moon abc stars i said you’re radioactive! I tried to communicate with you as an adult and with empathy. You threw it away.

Face if you’re a loser today, you’ll be a loser tomorrow tomorrow and you’ll be a loser 100 years from now on another planet.

Pd. This thread won’t last long, nor will you.

Doug Game profile


Mar 9th 2024, 21:56:51

Ps. Tell your pal Kaladin we detagged and killed why he was killed and purpled with you last set. Until the investigations is over on a few folks I’ve been advised to let it take its course. But yes, at one time i was sympathetic. I then was given reasons to not be.

Blackhole, have a blessed day. Leto and I will pray for you. 😇

Edited By: Doug on Mar 9th 2024, 21:59:40

Doug Game profile


Mar 9th 2024, 21:51:15

Laughable. Purpled 2 sets in a row and others being looked at. So spew away. As you do with your dissertations.. you were given many chances. By all of us. I’ve also seen your doctored texts of galleri, milkman, abd a few others. Nobody cares. So doctor all your crap, we all tried giving you a pass but you continue. Speaking if doctors. See one. Quickly.

Doug Game profile


Mar 7th 2024, 10:11:44

Herb, contact your ally’s and just kill him. No sense beating around mud around the the forums. He probably enjoys self adulation.

Doug Game profile


Mar 6th 2024, 0:34:10


Doug Game profile


Mar 1st 2024, 20:10:22

What’s a loafer? Pants?

Edited By: Doug on Mar 1st 2024, 20:20:32

Doug Game profile


Mar 1st 2024, 14:57:20

Wall? Berlin Wall? Or fence elsewhere? You were manifesting Patton there for a moment and I wasn’t sure.

Edited By: Doug on Mar 1st 2024, 15:02:41

Doug Game profile


Mar 1st 2024, 13:05:08

Suicidal almost single handedly had the USA tossed out of the United Nations. Be warned lol

Edited By: Doug on Mar 1st 2024, 13:09:07

Doug Game profile


Mar 1st 2024, 12:11:45

I like a good tossed salad.

Doug Game profile


Feb 28th 2024, 20:33:24

See! Damnit Zen. I said this thread would be trolled and YOU made me troll my own warning lol

Doug Game profile


Feb 28th 2024, 19:29:26

Wait. Galleri is a 4’8, 22 year old gay virgin? I’m confused. Did you tell Soviet? He may want to know. 🥰

Edited By: Doug on Feb 28th 2024, 20:06:23