
Dan Quinn

New Member

Oct 7th 2015, 20:36:36

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by mrford:
Not when the sanctions get worse and you piss off a major trading partner like turkey.

Really? Eu gave sanctions to Russia and you know what Putin did? Remove all volswagen from Rusia state institutions(police, jandarmery-russians billionars followed him closely). They all went and bought fluffing Hunday and left Merkel sucking her finger.

This sanctions game is a dangerous game, when tou have Eu at the front door and China South Coreea in the back yard. Economically talking things do not look good for you either...

Alin stevia in massive amounts.

I get my ass kicked my miggas

Dan Quinn

New Member

Oct 7th 2015, 20:28:23

Ride with a true legend in a kick ass ride. fluff uber Hola.

Dan Quinn

New Member

Oct 7th 2015, 20:24:51

I challenge anyone to find a better more manic lolcow.

My miggas

Dan Quinn

New Member

Oct 7th 2015, 20:16:56

Stevia will cure fat women healthy and resurrect justin beavers reputation.

H2o+energy= nodda
H20+stevia= nothing
H20+stevia+energy = the fountain of youth

Save lives cure cancer. I cured a cat with cancer and i snort stevia cause it kicks the fluff out of cocaine at the stimulant olympics fo sho my miggas