
Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 17:05:11

Nice land grab- btw.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 17:04:56

Yeah- 30 million net is sick. I want to somehow get a dictator to top 10.
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EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 16:24:38

5 I R Deezy multiculturalism sucks 17 16,428 acres $24,878,947 RG 1514

This is where I want to be.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 16:22:08

Thnx @ Deezy
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EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 16:07:39

So you're bragging that you've made t10 on every server out of the 10 years you've been on this game?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 16:01:49

I'll even make a list for you. Which one is you?

1 DeathFromAbove 5 15,452 acres $30,390,396 HG 1967
2 Valar Morghulis 64 20,684 acres $29,944,563 CG 1448
3 FTL 118 20,402 acres $25,607,931 RG 1255
4 Struggle Street 103 13,058 acres $25,145,373 DG 1926
5 I R Deezy multiculturalism sucks 17 16,428 acres $24,878,947 RG 1514
6 Enterprise NX01 32 18,686 acres $24,427,319 RG 1307
7 Toyota Celica 72 25,512 acres $23,699,264 CG 929
8 Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle 66 15,111 acres $20,029,121 CG 1325
9 Melon 100 16,218 acres $18,667,395 RG 1151
10 Asterix 90 10,954 acres $18,594,104 RG 1697
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 16:00:12

You say you're top 10 every server, OK, which one is you on express last set?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 15:59:16

Then how come on every board someone is commenting on your attitude? Even mods are reminding you of your out of control temperament. Nobody listens to a hot-head.

Am I entitled to disagree? I'm not ignoring their advice, I'm merely asking more questions, but you translate that as being defiant. Insults and belittlement doesn't help relay your message better. Reminding me how inexperienced I am to this game is relative. I'm experienced compared to a new player, but I'm new to an old player.

I experiment. I post my findings and I look for discussions to generate from them so I can learn from it.

Edited By: Celphi on Jul 20th 2014, 16:02:48
See Original Post
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 15:47:50

The questions are obviously not meant for you to answer, but from players who are doing well in Express.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 15:46:31

Well Mrford. I'm actually doing it in Express. All I see you doing is talking.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 15:40:35

As a dictator on Express? I doubt it.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 15:37:21

Where's an ignore button when you need one?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 13:54:04

I plan to post specifics once the set is over. Hopefully I can get some feedback on some adjustments.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 13:52:00

Last set I was:

36 Tuvok 18 11,921 acres $8,847,241 IG

This set I'm:
13 THE BORG (#21) 18,991 $8,924,911 IG

There's still about 120 turns left. I'm hoping to break 11 mil.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 7:10:42

The best strategy for sure is to destroy his buildings- it will cause him to have to commit his $ to rebuilding
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 7:08:33

If you can't kill them don't bother with GS. AB/BR or invest in missiles.

Another great alternative are spy ops. Bomb Structures/Bomb Airbases (if they have 2+ million jets) give great returns. Or you could demoralize x7 and use AB on him (which drops his readiness to 70%)
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 4:41:45

Oh- I thought he was being sarcastic. I never knew you needed jets to use bomb airbases.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 4:22:50

200 million more @ $2500 bus/res tech is 40k tech for both.

Originally posted by mrford:
ok, ill take a crack at it for the fluff of it.

lets say we have 2 pretards, jonny and billy. they both have $100, and they both invest it in some fluff that gives them 5% interest.

after 1 cycle they have $105 each right? we can agree on that right?

ok, that crafty pretard billy decided to reinvest his interest, but the tardeder pretard jonny keeps his interest and only keeps the $100 invested

another cycle passes, but what is this?
billy made more money? they have the same amount of interest. what happened here?

you are thinking short term. if you invest more into the casher earlier, you will have more stock on the other side.

every one of these threads you make, you take a snapshot of a situation, and only focus on one factor. that isnt the way this game works. it is complex, there are factors that effect factors that effect factors. there are lingterm goals and shorterm goals. you cant look at it like you do. you just come off as an idiot. dont come off as an idiot. look at the bigger picture.

Your example doesn't apply here.

I gave an example of two countries:

Country A using 326085 tech in Agri. Country A is a monarchy farmer.
Country B using 326085 split into BUS and RES. Country B is a monarchy casher.

You stated above that I should increase Country B by an additional 300000 tech before comparing. That's not evenly comparing the two....

Mrford quoted "i sepecially like the part where you almost max the farmers agri, but dont have the cashers tech maxed"

I didn't almost max one an not the other. I used same amount of tech points for both countries.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 3:58:45

Side note:

To achieve 176% in both- would require more than 800 million cash not 200-300 million as quoted above. (tech @2800) and nearly 600 million cash (tech @2000).
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 3:51:54

It is worth it.

But I'm comparing two countries with same amount of resources.

The point isn't to compare a casher with $1 billion resources vs a farmer with $750 million resources; but 1:1 ratio.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2014, 2:40:42

Originally posted by mrford:
i sepecially like the part where you almost max the farmers agri, but dont have the cashers tech maxed

solid unbiased figures!

Look at the numbers closely Mrford.

I used the same # of tech.

Business 139,836 158.6%
Residential 187,085 166.3%

139,000 + 187,000 = 326085 tech

Then I used Tech Calculator on same amount of land and that's how I got 224%.

Enter in 326085 tech onto 15k land and you will get 224%.

Edited By: Celphi on Jul 20th 2014, 2:45:48
See Original Post
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2014, 21:36:06

Enterprise Zones 6231
Residences 6297

Business 139,836 158.6%
Residential 187,085 166.3%

Tax Revenues $5,589,278 - food consumption costs 17,639*36 (food @36) (635004) which is roughly 4.9 mil a turn and 4.7 mil a turn w/ food @46.

Seems a lot less than what a farmer would make.

6231+6297 = 12528 farms

12528*5.3*2.24 = 148732 food a turn

Food @ 36 & 46
6841672 * 36 = $5354352
148732 * 46 = $6841672

Both of these assuming govt is non-Republic. So wouldn't dictator farmer be more profitable vs dictator casher?

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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2014, 19:58:47

Cerberus does have a point. Why should we need tech to steal tech?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2014, 18:24:56

Whooops. Forgot name change...
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2014, 0:53:28

Indeed- 0 food on market halts all the cashers, that's for sure.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 18th 2014, 0:01:27

For those of you who missed it- Earth 2025 website was down for about 5hrs.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2014, 15:58:03

Braden, if you select the link only 5 comments before yours you would find this definition.

Batch Exploring

When you explore, you can designate a certain number of turns to explore with. Your acres-per-turn explore rate is not recalculated between each explored turn. Batch Exploring means using a full batch of turns (86, 120, 126, or 160 turns depending on your server) to explore with all at once. So for example, if your explore rate was 22 acres per turn, you would find roughly 22 acres * FullTurns. You will not grow as fast exploring in smaller bits and pieces.

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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2014, 14:59:56

Mrford is right on.

(6533-7027) acres non-R @ 17 x-plore p/turn
(7071-7520) acres R @ 19 x-plore p/turn
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 18:12:57

Question 5:
Is DR always increased by 1 per attack?

Question 6:
Do spy ops affect SS/PS gains? (And vice-versa)

Question 7:
I now know that Spy Ops resets after 24 hrs. If I conducted 30 spy ops (and spied out). Waited 23 hrs and conducted 1 spy op, would that reset all 30 attacks another 24hrs?, or would 1 of 30 spy op be reseted?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 18:09:10

Anyone have the formulas for DR / SS / PS?

Question 1:
If a value of 34 is a country's DR, how can I calculate the gains/returns from that?

Question 2:
If DR is 0, what's the formula for SS gains?

Question 3:
If DR is 0, what's the formula for PS gains?

Question 4:
What % of military is lost when attacking/defending? (More specifically, what's the formula for it?)

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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 15:33:49

Can someone explain what this formula means?


What is max?

And what mathematical syntax is the comma?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 2:30:05

I'm pretty sure the mods had solid evidence. Two sets ago I had tons of evidence and nothing happened at first.

I'm not sure if you know, but there's also an appeal system- though I'm not sure if they reimburse your turns or not.

In hindsight, in defense of the mods, it must be difficult to determine if someone is cheating or not. Since you know the 'cheaters' will simply adapt to the detection methods.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 0:52:58

Yes, I agree. But it costs a lot of $ to replace those jets. So in a way, it negates production.

200k x $125 a jet is mathematically 25 million a turn blow to pieces. And if you can prevent retaliation and LG them at same time it seems more productive than blowing up their buildings. But I guess it's like you said- it depends on the opponent and your country.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 0:47:28

I'm still trying to decide which is a better spy ops- it's between bomb airbases and bomb buildings. The bomb airbases give great returns with someone with jets. It's an awesome tool vs all jetters that you're warring with. I was taking out about 200k jets a turn. (In 10 turns that 2 mil jets...)
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2014, 0:44:16

Originally posted by flgatorboy89:
Why would u need to run 50 ops on, let alone 100?

Because it's the best way to war someone as a dictator (imo). I totally crippled #50 (Bibigon) with 30 bomb buildings attacks (with 200-250 buildings a turn) after he attacked me x2 with PS as retal. He even got over 2k A on his 1st retal & got greedy. So I punished him.

It seems like the spy out point is around the 30th attack. It also seems you can still use non-harmful spy ops even after you spy out. I tried to use spy ops after 24 hrs, but it seems if you try to use spy ops before that 24hr period- it seems to reset that timer. I could not get another 30 successful atks after the fact is why I came to this conclusion. And my SPAL was ridiculously high.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2014, 2:04:44

After you SPY OUT someone- does it reset after the next day starts OR is it on a 24 hour time table? I noticed my total # of spy ops reset at the start of the next day but I was wondering if the number of SPY OPS attacks also resets.

If it does, in theory it would appear someone could conduct several spy ops minutes before the 'reset time' and several spy ops after the 'reset time'. Anyone in Alliance know?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 22:50:53

Once you spy out, does that completely reset at the start of next day? So- in other words, could you run about 50 spy ops just before start of next day, then run another 50 at the start of next day? Or is it on a 24 hr timetable.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 22:38:02

Once you spy out, does that completely reset at the start of next day? So- in other words, could you run about 50 spy ops just before start of next day, then run another 50 at the start of next day? Or is it on a 24 hr timetable.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 16:51:09

Xin you're the best. Thanks!
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 7:40:08

+1 UpTheIrons
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 7:38:19

Msford, can you park your PMS on a different forum. If you can't read the entire conversation nor say something positive, then just keep it to yourself. You have a total of 10,782 angry posts. Are you aiming for some sort of EE record?

The GDI statement is inaccurate and should be updated. It states 'steal tech' is an allowable spy ops and it's not. In a different room, someone chimed in and stated that 'negative spy ops' were not allowed on Express. That's when I posted the question 'why was someone able to burn my food then?'. It turns out, you CAN do two specific negative spy ops: burn food and bomb banks.

I understand your disability, and I don't fault you for trolling the different rooms like a parasite, annoying and injecting your pessimistic doom on everyone. You even quote someone's annoyance with you as your signature like it's some sort of trophy.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 1:38:55

Express server only question:

At what point should I stop land grabbing and use my cash button? Should I land grab as much as possible? What should be my goal after 4-5mil net?
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2014, 0:35:55

At what point should a casher stop grabbing and just cash only? (Express server only).
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2014, 19:04:43

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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2014, 16:10:16

I'm just uping the price on jets to punish their impulsive behavior. I'm making 1 jet orders for 1$ higher than theirs.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2014, 16:06:58

RIght now people are buying jets faster than they are being placed on market. I'm just going to wait... $160+ jets is a bit too pricey for me- hell, I may just invest in military tech and buy my own sh*t at this rate.
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2014, 16:03:03

Jul 9, 16:00 Jul 9, 20:00 $3333 $3333 $3,333.00 962
Jul 9, 20:00 Jul 10, 00:00 $2200 $3333 $3,307.15 1731
Jul 10, 00:00 Jul 10, 04:00 $2199 $2900 $2,420.50 15,587
Jul 10, 04:00 Jul 10, 08:00 $2199 $2777 $2,510.23 10,742
Jul 10, 08:00 Jul 10, 12:00 $2388 $2499 $2,460.39 3648
Jul 10, 12:00 Jul 10, 16:00 $2000 $2499 $2,306.21 89,193
Jul 10, 16:00 Jul 10, 20:00 $2000 $3985 $2,221.45 118,104
Jul 10, 20:00 Jul 11, 00:00 $1550 $2880 $2,079.81 170,168 <-------------------- This is why I think people cheat. $1550??? Seriously?
Jul 11, 00:00 Jul 11, 04:00 $1999 $3325 $2,337.86 178,685
Jul 11, 04:00 Jul 11, 08:00 $2088 $2661 $2,163.02 73,315
Jul 11, 08:00 Jul 11, 12:00 $2100 $2380 $2,236.70 38,013
Jul 11, 12:00 Jul 11, 16:00 $2100 $3439 $2,504.56 430,750
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Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2014, 16:01:04

It's reflecting.. but you have people selling it for 2000 each.
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