
BlackHole Game profile


Jan 20th 2023, 0:24:16

KoHearts - I'm gonna throw this out there. And I think it's going to resonate... cause I think you're a lot like me.

Why don't you switch sides. Why don't you come join The Resistance.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 20th 2023, 0:01:03

sfbob - my posts aren't bravado, they are propaganda, which I very clearly outlined in one of my first posts here.

The difference is that I'm attempting to rile people up with the sole focus of creating more activity, recruiting people to this server, and attempting to be a catalyst for fun.

You, my friend, are simply thumping your chest and explaining how you'll steamroll me and anyone else who tries anything you don't like, over and over again.

I'm trying to create activity and fun. You're just being a jerk.

And if sfbob is mad cause he's in fastcars and we hit one of theirs... Well GOOD. I'm glad he's mad then. It means we did something right.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 22:51:24

Originally posted by sfbob:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I should add this - what's the alternative?

Before The Resistance, if I'm not mistaken, Darkness would simply hit/kill any individuals or small groups that decided to attack literally anyone on the server. That was how they found their combat.

Here's the problem. That just runs the small guy/new players away.

What you're left with is a warring group of people looking for a fight, but not willing to fight anyone who has been around for awhile, which is 90% of team server. 90% of the server not wanting to fight, partly cause they'll get wrecked by Darkness if they do. And 10% of new people/small people never standing a chance, playing a round, and leaving, cause that wasn't fun.

That's what I'm trying to solve with The Resistance.

Alternatively you could play express until you get good, then ask to join / get asked to join a tag in Team or start your own tag that isn't full of suiciders and forum crybabies. I know you've not been around long enough to know but the last time someone tried to impose their will on the netting teams it didn't end well for them and we'll do the same to you guys if we have to. Getting killed again and again, set after set gets boring quickly as you'll find out.

See I gotta be honest. This post pisses me off a bit.

In fact, a lot of the replies here do.

Yes, I realize in the last 10 years ya'll have been playing the game I'm probably not the first one to have the idea of forcing action. There are only so many things you can do in this game, so I'd imagine everything has been tried.

I also take issue with the words suiciders and forum crybabies.

1. No one is trying to suicide fluff. If you didn't notice, The Resistance had built up a bunch of strong countries and we warred our best.

2. No one is fluffing crying. So stop with that bullfluff.

I also take major issue with the threats 'we'll do the same to you, over and over again'.

Yea - I get it. Ya'll have been doing this a long time, and have some pretty sophisticated tools to use to your advantage. My crew doesn't have access to IRC bots that tell us when attacks are occuring, texts our phones, or auto calculates breakpoints.

But let's tone down the bravado a bit here. You can be good, without being an asshole. And you're really pushing that line, I think.

And if you think for one moment that your threats are going to scare me off whatever plan I come up with next, you're mistaken. I don't care how many times I get smashed, I like the challenge.

The purpose of me joining Darkness in alliance is two fold.

1. I was invited. Players were being nice to me, and I thought it'd be fun. I enjoy the game and I enjoy building friendships.

2. I figured the best way to beat my enemy is to learn how they are beating me. What better way than to roll with them a few rounds and learn how they do it. It won't hurt.

But any of you who think I'm just rolling over and surrendering because I joined up with them in alliance hasn't been paying attention.

My issues with them are on team. And my goals are on team. And I haven't wavered from those goals.

So send your fluffing kill runs. Let me get some practice in against that fluff. And get ready to run it back again next round, cause I'm not going anywhere.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 15:14:03

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I can confirm that black hole has joined the darkness crew in allaince server. He will be trained into a mighty Berserker and he will crush all of the untaggeds and small time tags that aren’t cool soon enough!

Uh... you guys are gonna train me. And I'm gonna crush all the vets and tagged people. And train all the untags and newbies to do the same. LOL.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 14:57:34

I should add this - what's the alternative?

Before The Resistance, if I'm not mistaken, Darkness would simply hit/kill any individuals or small groups that decided to attack literally anyone on the server. That was how they found their combat.

Here's the problem. That just runs the small guy/new players away.

What you're left with is a warring group of people looking for a fight, but not willing to fight anyone who has been around for awhile, which is 90% of team server. 90% of the server not wanting to fight, partly cause they'll get wrecked by Darkness if they do. And 10% of new people/small people never standing a chance, playing a round, and leaving, cause that wasn't fun.

That's what I'm trying to solve with The Resistance.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 14:53:35

Tmac - Darkness has actually been pretty great, and invited me in to join them on alliance. They are open to teaching me and letting me learn how to war.

I'll be honest, my first thought was wow. We never stood a chance. The tools they use are sophisticated as fluff. We use discord.

They have tools that calculate break points, send them text messages when they start getting attacked, and all kinds of other stuff.

Strategy and skill aside, we are at a distinct disadvantage due to the tools they have. Not complaining, just giving an observation.

Cats opinion on wanting more warring clans is great. He also raises the problem of not everyone wanting to be as available and intense about warring as Darkness is. I think that's a really great observation. Most of us are probably adults, with adult responsibilities. This game is cool cause you can play for 5 minutes here or there. Unless you're warring Darkness. Then you need to have all these tools, get text messages if you get attacked, etc.

Perhaps the solution is a lower level of war. One that doesn't use tools. Maybe that's where The Resistance comes in? We might not be able to go toe to toe with Darkness. But - we did hold our own for awhile, and made them work a little bit for it.

We also executed a hit on a FastCars member last night and I think we messed her game up pretty good. I felt bad, but it was a proof of concept for us, and allowed us to practice.

Perhaps The Resistance's goal won't be to fight Darkness head to head. But to force the rest of team server to fight. I know most people want to net. But maybe that's not an option. Maybe you'll have to fight sometimes. I know Darkness will attack us if we attack others. But that's just the price we might have to pay to force interaction between other people.

Perhaps we act like terrorists? Threaten netters with us attacking/suiciding on them if they don't attack/get involved with another team in some way. Basically force interaction under the threat of us bringing it if they don't do it willingly themselves.

And yes, we won't win in team. But I think we've proven we can do damage to people.

Is that what our role is ultimately destined to become?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 18th 2023, 21:04:52

What do the bonus points do?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 18th 2023, 20:58:58

Was it awesome, KoHearts?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 18th 2023, 16:47:41

What in the fluff is this thread? Have you all lost your minds? Had aneurysms?

What am I missing?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 18th 2023, 12:11:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by MILORD:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

You still don't understand the concept, turn red = dead = lost.

All the damage done prior is a precursor to your country turning red.

The most important resource about the war: 1 Well-coordinated, organized team. 2 fighting spirit. 3Motive. 4 moves. I know many examples that lead to the fact that this is what happens in our history. In history for example: Spartacus against Rome. In the game mars2025: a multi-year war of knights and SF Union.

I don't know that it would apply to many mars2025 clans since there was so many multies, one man with 100s of countries doesn't fall under "coordinated, organized team", just saying

There is a Mars 2025 game?!?? Do people still play? Maybe Mars needs a resistance too.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 17th 2023, 22:01:17


BlackHole Game profile


Jan 17th 2023, 20:10:22

Are you joking?

We are doing just fine. Darkness is definitely throwing a lot of fluff at us. And yea, we've taken our licks.

But take for example Solar Flare.

They took down a few hundred buildings, and took down about 50k tanks.

They spent about 150k tanks doing it, lost a good 4k spies, and how many turns?

All to what? Cause Solar Flare to have to waste not even half as many turns putting some buildings back up.

I've been told Darkness is the biggest/baddest kid on the block. They haven't lost a war in a decade. They can 1v2 other veteran teams.

And they are struggling with this rag-tag bunch of Resistance members. I guess good job, Darkness. Keep up the good effort. In time, I think you guys might be able to get there.

Don't take too much time though. The Resistance grows stronger everyday. Learns more everyday. Compare us this round to last, it's night and day. Wait till next round!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 2:46:18

Thanks for the post, Tertius. That's very interesting.

I'm gonna have to find a way to mix up the metagame.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 2:24:21

Oooh, I think I gotta get involved in that server then. Sounds like my kind of fun.

Why are there so many players on alliance, and so few on team in comparison?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 2:18:44

By 1A do you mean tourney? I think you know the answer to that, we all got banned together.

But aside from tourney and this team server, I haven't played any others yet.

I get that you like to play the whole explore, build, never do anything else thing. But is that really how EVERYONE plays this game? Why don't you guys... I don't know, compete against each other? War is fun, right? Isn't that the whole point of having jets, tanks, spies, etc? Half this game is built around warring, and you're telling me that 7 out of 8 clans on team server prefer to ensure nobody attacks anybody else (with the exception of you guys picking on solos) and you all just play sim-builder?

It just blows my mind that this is how the majority of players want to play this game.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 2:13:02

Superfly - I appreciate you giving me the rundown of relationships in this server. I've figured most of that out already, but the confirmation is helpful.

Out of curiosity... do you not see a problem with everyone on the server having a relationship with you?

I'm not trying to be snarky right now. I'm honestly wondering what type of game you want to play? You and your three tags, and then you just listed 4 other clans.

That's 7 clans that are either yours, you have a peace pact with, or you have allied with to attack anyone who attacks them.

My team makes up 2 tags on this server.

There are only 10 total. So not including my ragtag group that you bullied two rounds ago (and were untagged) you and your friends made up 7 out of 8 clans.

What the fluff? What's the point of playing the game at this point? Seriously? And anyone who even tries to do anything else on the server you all rise up against, as you've admitted.

What are you doing? What's the point?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 1:57:21

You are mistaken. You think I care about whether or not you're willing to read more than 100 characters. I don't.

I'm not going to be bullied into speaking like a simpleton because you can't handle reading. If you don't want to read, that's your choice.

I have an even better idea. Why don't you just stop posting here all together. You aren't bringing anything of value, other than whining. And although the whining is valuable in the sense that it's amusing... it's ultimately not really all that valuable. So just... go away.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 1:13:08

I know you didn't Req - you didn't have to waste time posting. Don't worry, keep working with your teachers at school. Maybe ask to get extra time with the reading group so you can build up your stamina. You'll get their kid, keep up the good work.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 16th 2023, 0:42:17

Superfly - you guys have done amazing. There are only... 5 Resist members in the top 8 now.

Yea, you took me down a few notches. Congrats! I learned some valuable lessons though, so I thank you for that. I look forward to the rest of this match, as well as my 4th round in this game. I won't make the same mistake twice.

I do want to ask you a question. Are you... slow? Is that why one of your clans is called slowness? You cited a surprise attack. I've been telling you exactly what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it for a month now. I go by the same name in game every time, I don't hide behind aliases, or fake clan tags to cause confusion.

But you're calling it a surprise attack, so I'm wondering... what is wrong with you? Why did you not realize it was coming?

Also - KoHearts, I'd love to know who you are in game. To address your moral victory point... nope. Not a moral victory. A straight up victory.

What are/were our goals?

1. Recruit for The Resistance. We went from 3 people to 9 in one round. These three people had no previous relationships and are new to the game, and we've grown, in a single round, into a serious issue for Darkness.

2. Darkness has taken SIGNIFICANT losses. So much so that they cannot do anything to anyone else. Their ability to control the round and attack whomever they want is completely gone. In fact, they are ripe to be picked by any other team that so chooses. Darkness has basically gone from being able to play their game, to having to play The Resistances game. They have been stuck, from the get go, in this fight. They were forced into this fight, and have no way out of it.

So no, not a moral victory. Just a complete and utter victory. We were supposed to be absolutely stomped/destroyed and had no chance against Darkness, remember?

You guys do realize that more than half of our members are very very new to this game, right? Like for instance, I'm still trying to figure out why tanks I sold on the market, I didn't get paid for. Can't figure it out. Is there a delay between when they sell and when I actually get paid? And if so, how long?

Things like that are still being learned by me and my team. The more we learn, the more of a problem we are for Darkness. Ya'll shouldn't be so happy. We are rising. A new era has descended upon Earth Empires. This is only the beginning.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 23:24:28

Requiem - I love how angry you're getting.

You do realize someone whose played this game for less than 100 days is causing you and your friends this much consternation, and it's freaking hilarious.

Wait till I've been here for 6 months. You won't even know what to do with me. It's so fun.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 22:40:09

You're right, someone who has been playing this game for... 2 months, doesn't know the history of teams on this server.

Congratulations with the amazing insight. What other insight can you share with the classroom?

Ultimately, I don't know if it matters. We attacked one guy from Fast Cars, Requiem. And he's been blatantly talking fluff to me and the rest of The Resistance for a month.

So yea, maybe Fast Cars isn't officially a part of Darkness. And the rest of Fast Cars won't get attacked. But Requiem clearly is not a friend of The Resistance and deserves the rubble coming his way.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 22:15:20

How did we come to the conclusion that Fast Cars was part of Darkness?

Oh I don't know. Darkness had 3 tags last game. And all of the Darkness/FastCars/Slow cars have car names for their countries and talk about cars in their clan info.

But yea, I wonder how I would ever come to that conclusion.... lol.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 19:28:55

Please tell me who I colluded with and what rules I violated. If you can point out a rule I violated I will quit this game.

The reality is you can't, cause I didn't. Someone sent ME spy reports. And I bluffed at you telling you I had 4 friends who were going to attack you.

And you cried like a lil' fluff about the threats and got me deleted. I did not violate any rule that I can see anywhere, and I think we all know that.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 17:05:11

Requiem - (Nas in game) - Plymouth Road Runner - and Ferrari 250 GTO have already lost land/buildings to The Resistance.

I've been telling them a fight is coming for a month now. And these guys don't even have the most basic of defenses. This is sad and pathetic.

They are going to need every numbers advantage they can get. In an even fight against The Resistance they wouldn't stand a chance in the world. Good thing they still have 67% more members than The Resistance. At least it'll be a challenge this round due to the numbers advantage. But sheesh. It feels like we are 9 adults fighting 200 children. You might take us down eventually, but it's only cause there are so many of you. It's going to be fun stomping faces in the meantime.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 17:00:34


hahahahahah. This is hilarious. You guys calling me cheaters when you got deleted too. And again - I think I've proven I didn't cheat. Not sure why the mods deleted me, I suspect it's because Super cried to them to get me deleted cause he doesn't like that I'm pushing his face in.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 16:56:55

I actually am. This is only my third round. How sad is it that Darkness is being brought to it's knees by such a noob?!?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 15:58:14

Players in fast cars assisted Darkness last game. I 100% believe they will work with Darkness this game.

If that's not the case, Fast Cars leadership can reach out to me and we can work out a peace deal.

I suspect nobody from Fast Cars will reach out though, as they are going to be helping Darkness, just like they did last game.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 15:35:23

Dark - I just don't believe you.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 15:33:36

If you can't handle reading a post more than 100 words, that says more about you than it does me. And that's on you to figure out how to deal with. This isn't twitter. Learn to read.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 15:07:17

Still missing the point, Requiem. I did not violate any rules, which I'll prove in a moment. But I have, since the beginning of this conversation, been talking about the health and well-being of the game.

Some do not read the forums, as you've just admitted. So how in the world are these people supposed to know which rules are enforced and which aren't? You've still never actually answered that question. And I think it's because you know the answer is "They aren't, they can't" And you're just fine with that. Especially when it advantages you, like it did in team game a few rounds ago.

Why you don't think this is a problem astounds me. But that attitude is not good for the health of a game.

Now to prove I didn't cheat.

According to the sticky that Superfly linked me to (thanks btw, hadn't seen that before):

"Joint KR will get you deleted.
Sharing an op with an ingame ally/
having an offensive ally and both grabbing will generally not."

Those are things that are illegal in the tournament server. Now, I'd like to take a moment to point out that EVEN IF people find the forums, using acronyms in official or clarified rules, is a bad idea. New players may not know what those acronyms are. And I'll be honest, I have no idea what KR stands for.

But let's look at what has actually happened, and I'd like you and Superfly to point out what rule I broke.

I was attacked by a player in game. Another player send me a spy report on the player that attacked me. Then he gave me some advice on how to defend against future attacks.

I messaged the player that attacked me and attempted to negotiate him down, when that didn't work, I attempted to threaten him to get him to back off. I used the threat of having friends that would end his game if he didn't. It didn't work. I didn't have friends, nobody jumped in.

So what exactly did I do that violated rules? I received information from someone that you could argue violated the rules. But me simply receiving information can't be a violation of rules. If it is, I'll go out of my way to send both of you spy reports in game and get you both deleted for cheating. Obviously you see the absurdity of that.

Threatening and bluffing retaliations isn't listed anywhere as being against the rules. So what did I do, exactly?

On a side note, I suspect that it was one of you that attacked me in game. And then probably reported me for cheating. Whoever it was clearly doesn't like me, and I know I've gotten under both of your skins. Honestly, that's pretty pathetic. Maybe it wasn't you though, and it was some other pathetic person.

But again I ask. How exactly did I violate the rules? And how are either of you privvy to the reason for my being banned. I'm starting to wonder if there are some conflicts of interest occurring here. Is it possible that one of you is friends with a mod who can ban, fed them info to try to get me banned, know all about that happening, and are working to get me banned because you don't like me attacking you all in Team Server? I don't know that this is the case, and don't have strong evidence for it yet, but it's starting to seem like a distinct possibility. And if that is what's happening, Darkness and you two are even dirtier than I thought.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 14:57:38

Superfly - I did NOT have Fred and Wilma doing spy ops for me. Period. I never asked him to.

I DID send messages that I had 4-5 friends that were going to help me. Absolutely I did that. It's called a bluff, and it's not against the rules according to what you just showed me. Further - did ANYONE attack on my behalf? No. That's what I thought. Not a single person of those 4-5 actually did what I claimed they would do. That should be more evidence that it was clearly a bluff, as I could have used people doing that on my behalf, I was on the struggle bus.

I want to point out that requiring players to come to the forum and find pinned posts from years ago in order to know which rules are enforced and which aren't is kind of crazy to me. Put those rules in the game. And if a rule isn't actually a rule, take it out of the server rules.

Finally - I'd like to know how you know any of what you're stating. Are you getting fed information by the mods? Are you a mod? Why are you privvy to any of this info? fluff, it seems you know more than I do about my banning. If you're not a mod, I'm a little concerned about that. Why would you know more about why I was banned than I would?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 14:53:20

You can't handle not being a prick for 2 seconds, can you, Requiem?

I'm trying to discuss a serious problem, and you're acting like an asshat.

Do you not care about the health of this game?

Do you realize that not everyone who plays this game gets on the forum?

Do you want to just sit in a circle with your friends and talk about how great you are while you play sim-city and wonder why no one else plays the game? Cause that's basically the policy your advocating for with your asinine responses.

The facts are this.

Their are rules written in game.

Some rules are enforced.

Other rules are blatantly ignored.

There is no way in the game for any player to know which rules are which.

And your response to this obvious problem is "it starts with getting deleted, and ends with not getting deleted".

Are you fluffing 12 or something? Use your damn brain for half a second and you can see that this set of facts and your stupid response are a problem.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 14:34:25

Uh... LOL. Nope, that didn't happen. But ok.

Let's pretend it did though.

I have a serious question. 100% serious, not trying to be a jerk here.

How would someone know which rules in game are actually enforced, and which ones arent?

Let's say someone finds this game, has never played before, starts playing, reads the rules... how are they supposed to know which rules to follow?

Don't you guys think if something isn't a rule it should be, I don't know... deleted?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 14:29:18

How many players you think you actually need on one team?

And out of curiosity, who was the first that decided that the rules written in the team server weren't actually rules?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 14:15:39

And slowcars. Don't forget about them and act like you aren't all one giant team.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 14:03:08

Yes. I know you are, Requiem.... thats kind of.... the problem. Where have you been the last month?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 13:59:02

Yep, I was banned in game A yesterday.

I have no freaking idea why. I'm not sure how I supposedly cheated. I have heard from other players that they've been banned from those games before too, without explanation.

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that you're calling me a cheater though.

You know - I was trying to have fun with this war. Bring a little bit of joy to this game, a game that's struggling for players. I've recruited players who have never played before to come join in, and maybe breath a little life into this server.

And you have to go and make it personal. Calling me a cheater. The ONLY one who has admitted to breaking server rules here is you and the rest of Darkness.

Now I get it it. The rules written in game aren't actual rules. They don't actually mean anything, and they aren't actually supposed to be followed. Ok, fine. I have no fluffing problem with that.

Yet somehow I'm a cheater for breaking... which rule exactly? And was it a rule written in game? Hang on a second, I thought the rules written in game weren't meant to be followed? So how the fluff am I a cheater (again, I have no idea what I supposedly did), for breaking rules that everyone is publicly stating aren't actually rules. But you're not a cheater?

Honestly bro, your holier than though attitude really pisses me off. You're kind of a jerk, to be honest.

The only reason I've 'lost credibility with you' is because I stood up to you and your band of thugs.

You think that for some reason you own this game, own this server, and get to dictate the rules. It's obvious from the way you wrote in all those posts last round. Talking about 'Yea, well you wouldn't be the first to try, but those others are dead now' and all this other egotistical BS.

You wrote us off before you even saw what we could do. You thought that because you beat us 14 vs 3, that we were no match to you and your mighty clan.

And now you're realizing "Oh, fluff. These guys actually came to play. These guys actually have a plan. They actually recruited people. They actually have a following. And they are actually going to give us a hard time".

And just like a real life bully, you don't like it when someone stands up to you. Cry some more. I don't care. Go ahead, call me a cheater. Unfounded and ridiculous coming from you, but go for it. Make it personal. Be THAT guy.

Everyone else is watching. They see you for who you are.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 14th 2023, 13:43:20

For anyone who doubted the legitimacy of The Resistance - the opening salvo has occurred.

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
AB Jan 14, 13:09 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 20 B
AB Jan 14, 13:09 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 20 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 19 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 18 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 18 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 18 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 18 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 16 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 16 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 16 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 16 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 15 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 15 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 15 B
AB Jan 14, 13:10 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Nas (#42) (FastCars) 13 B
AB Jan 14, 13:13 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 49 B
AB Jan 14, 13:13 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 47 B
AB Jan 14, 13:13 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 46 B
AB Jan 14, 13:13 Solar Flare (#44) (REZIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 45 B
AB Jan 14, 13:20 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) DH
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 36 B
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 36 B
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 36 B
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 35 B
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 33 B
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) 33 B
AB Jan 14, 13:21 Black Hole (#2) (RESIST) Ferrari 250 GTO (#31) (Darkness) DH

It is clear Darkness is a paper tiger. They have ruled this server through tyranny and size. I, being a new player to this game, have been able to recruit a sizeable resistance, without any relationships with other players, purely on The Darknesses negative reputation. People hate The Darkness. It makes sense, when The Darkness espouses such ego on these boards. When they claim they will attack any untagged players. When they've shown aggression and bullying tactics, using 10 to 1 numbers against people.

As you can see in the team server, there are no untagged players. You are either The Resistance, or you're Darkness. Darkness is at the bottom of the leaderboards, they are already suffering losses, and they don't know how to fight against someone even close to their size. They definitely don't know how to fight someone who isn't scared of them, who relishes the fight.

Players like Requiem come on here spouting non-sense 20 minutes into the game. And then he makes the dumbest mistake he could have. He gives everyone his in game name. Requiem, you should have hidden behind your aliases. You aren't strong enough to stand in the light and yell 'BRING ON THE FIGHT'. Go back to your Darkness, go recruit more minions. You're gonna need at least 2 to 1 ratios to stand a chance against The Resistance.

The Resistance is still recruiting, and taking on allies in game. Our numbers grow. We have hidden allies that are happy to take free land grabs once The Darkness is bleeding out. If you're one of those countries that would like to scavenge on the bones of The Darkness, find me in game. It'll be easy, I don't hide. And I'll be happy to share with you the ripest of targets. They will have no way of retaliating against you, as they will have their hands full with The Resistance.

And everyone, please know this: The Resistance is for the people of team server. We will NEVER attack anyone that is not a Darkness member. This war started due to the aggression and bullying of The Darkness against the little guy. We are FOR the little guy. Every other team on this server abides by the team rules of 5 per. Nobody is violating the rules as egregiously as Darkness has. And we are holding them to the tip of the sword for doing so.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 12th 2023, 16:56:38

Requiem. Who are you in game? I know you're not scared of us, so you mine as well just tell me.

I'll make sure we kill you first.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 12th 2023, 2:17:36

I love that we are living in your brain rent free. For a rag tag group of nobodies that you allegedly pounded into the sand, we sure do have you thinking about us a lot.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 11th 2023, 11:41:11

At the end of this set, the only thing you'll hear me screaming is:

"Are you not entertained?!? Is this not why you are here?!?"

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 21:57:14

Boyz2men - Don't worry about forum battles. Don't worry about bans. Hit me up in game. Come join the resistance.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 10:01:36

You've admitted to hitting and killing untagged people. You've admitted to having teams of more than 5.

Your one team represents more than 25% of the active players in our round.

How could you be fighting for the little guy, when you're the big guy putting your boot on the little guy, admittedly.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 6:05:29

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Is it true that HR players play in LaF on the alliance server?

If so we kill you there as well!

Lostabarnacos (#63) - Dead

Wow. Look at this naked aggression. I don't even know who Lostabarnacos is. Yet you think you've got some divine right to attack anyone and everyone you deem a valid target. But you cry if someone hits you back.

Darkness does not have that divine right, and I suspect they will crumple like the bullies they are when they meet a force of similar size.

SuperFly - keep trying to find The Resistance. Keep making enemies. You're only making my job significantly easier.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 0:56:52

I've landed dozens of nukes on you, shredded millions of planes, and wasted hundreds, maybe thousands of turns of yours.

We both know I'm not all talk, I'm just outgunned currently. You better hope that doesn't change.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 6th 2023, 0:41:12

Tertius - I'll bring the heart and the leadership, you bring the experience.

Let's do this!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 5th 2023, 23:46:40

Please let's not get political. I never stated I agreed with what the USA did in Cuba. Or a lot of the fluff the USA has done. They've done a lot of terrible fluff.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 5th 2023, 23:24:25

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Btw if we somehow started a war last set with you it was because you were untagged or had a 1 or two person tag. We kill untagged suiciders like you every set with both of our tags so if this is a grudge that you are holding since last set why are you surprised that we have more than 5 countries again this set?

Either way I wish you the absolute best on your quest and we look forward to either dueling with you next round or accept your publicly apology and surrender this set.

Have a great day!

Wow. I did not think it would be that easy to get you to admit to your bully tactics and egotistical ways. You're kind of like Russia, in that the whole world knows you're in the wrong, but you stubbornly keep trying to act like you're the good guy.

You scream and yell about retaliating when we attacked you because you are peace-loving people, yet you admit to attacking untagged, harmless, no threat individuals because... Well it's because you can. It's because you're bullies. But suddenly, when the victim fights back, you want to cry foul.

Compare us to whomever you want, we all know, deep down, this is different. I don't plan on engaging in a holly war, OR a holy war. I'm don't care about deciduous trees and I'm not religious.

You might want to find religion though, cause hell is about to rain down upon you. Keep telling yourself we are no threat though. If you say it enough, you might start to believe it!

I mean.... Ukraine did violate one of the terms of becoming "Independent" from Russia, but who am I to point out that the west is as if not more guilty of that war happening, the western media has excellent propaganda, Hitler would envy it!


Also why will hell rain? You stated you're not religious, makes no sense, you either are or aren't religious, you cannot have the cake and eat it too 🙇

Hell will rain because it goes well with my wordplay!

As for Ukraine... I mean, I'm here to have fun. Don't really want to get political with it, but just cause I think its worth stating. One nation invaded anthers borders.

That's really all that needs to be said I think.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 5th 2023, 23:02:03

Who annointed Darkness the keepers of the peaceful teams? Why are untagged players not allowed to play as they please? Can a sim-city team not handle a single untagged player land grabbing them occasionally? Do they really need a super-team to assault a single, untagged player?

Also, have you considered that untagged players A.) Are new to this game and B.) Don't know and probably didn't have any way of knowing the made up norms and regulations that Darkness and a select few others have apparently agreed upon.

I was that player. In my first game, I was simply attempting to play the game the way I envisioned others played it. Build, grab land, defend myself, do a bit of war. There are jets, after all.

Apparently that's not ok. Apparently that's grounds for 10 on 1's.

Well guess what - the game has changed. I'm here to change it. Darkness can cry all they want about the 'this is how it works', but it only works that way because people have allowed you to dictate your terms. It no longer works that way. Untagged players are free to play as they please, and if Darkness seeks to be the worlds enforcers, we will be the check on that power. The Resistance is changing the rules. The Resistance is changing the game.

Tertius, I like devils. Come join The Resistance. You may think they are doing a public service by enabling a sim-city style of gameplay. I propose they are doing a great disservice by stifling an entire path of strategies. I propose we open the game up. Let's make it exciting. Keep in unpredictable. This isn't Sim City, this is Command & Conquer.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 5th 2023, 22:40:00

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Btw if we somehow started a war last set with you it was because you were untagged or had a 1 or two person tag. We kill untagged suiciders like you every set with both of our tags so if this is a grudge that you are holding since last set why are you surprised that we have more than 5 countries again this set?

Either way I wish you the absolute best on your quest and we look forward to either dueling with you next round or accept your publicly apology and surrender this set.

Have a great day!

Wow. I did not think it would be that easy to get you to admit to your bully tactics and egotistical ways. You're kind of like Russia, in that the whole world knows you're in the wrong, but you stubbornly keep trying to act like you're the good guy.

You scream and yell about retaliating when we attacked you because you are peace-loving people, yet you admit to attacking untagged, harmless, no threat individuals because... Well it's because you can. It's because you're bullies. But suddenly, when the victim fights back, you want to cry foul.

Compare us to whomever you want, we all know, deep down, this is different. I don't plan on engaging in a holly war, OR a holy war. I'm don't care about deciduous trees and I'm not religious.

You might want to find religion though, cause hell is about to rain down upon you. Keep telling yourself we are no threat though. If you say it enough, you might start to believe it!