
BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 23:13:03

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
SuperFly got purpled in tournament for that reason, that point is moot.

It's not moot. 9 and 37 did EXACTLY the same thing today, and I know that Solar Flare reported them in game (he's the one who caught it and told me about it). So KoHearts - if you're such an expert on the rules, please tell me why what I did was bannable, but what they did wasn't?

Did you report?, If no then it's on you bro, use the game tools, that's what they're for.

It has been reported.

Want to try again? What is the difference between what they did and what I did?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 23:04:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
SuperFly got purpled in tournament for that reason, that point is moot.

It's not moot. 9 and 37 did EXACTLY the same thing today, and I know that Solar Flare reported them in game (he's the one who caught it and told me about it). So KoHearts - if you're such an expert on the rules, please tell me why what I did was bannable, but what they did wasn't?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 22:39:28

Galleri - I've got to say my peace here. I'm a bit upset at a lot of parties involved. I don't blame you, but I'd really like to understand...

1. There was no coordination, and there isn't proof of coordination. The only thing that exists is that I did land grabs on a few different countries, one of them that Darkness ambassador (can you blame me with a name like that?)

Then - some other guy (I know who it was now) hit Darkness ambassador with like 150 attacks.

If that's bannable, then New Golden Age and Goon War should also be banned, because they did the EXACT same thing. New Golden Age (number 9) did a landgrab on Red River (#7). Then an hour later Goon War (#38) hit Red River about 100 times.

Literally the exact same scenario. So why was I banned, but they arent?

2. Superfly so nicely posted the rules that I violated in the other thread here. I'll quote what he said "Having your friends and yourself target one specific player set after set to ruin it for them...IS COORDINATION and harassment.
You will be deleted.
Remember mod discretion is allowed"

That did not happen. How could I target a specific player WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO THAT PLAYER WAS (I've since found out, it was Superfly, so he's got me banned twice now).

Not only did I not do that, I would also like to point out....

3. I am the only one who has been targeted and harassed on multiple servers. Superfly himself targeted me on the tourney server earlier this month and said quote "I'm attacking you cause I don't like you". Didn't know it was him at the time. I was also targeted on primary a few days ago and someone posted on the forums that they hit me, on purpose, because it was me. And obviously we are being targeted in team, which is totally fine. But if I'm getting deleted for targeted someone, who I don't even know who it is, how are other people getting away with targeting me?

4. I don't want to cause problems for you galleri. Please don't take too much time responding to this post, it is what it is, I'm just frustrated. I feel like I'm being targeted in and out of game. It's not your fault, and you do a thankless job, so sorry you're having to even deal with this garbage. I just wish we could all play the game and stop setting traps to get people banned.

5. I don't like being called a cheater. I didn't cheat in tourney (I bluffed having support, but that's not cheating) and I didn't cheat here. I guess I need to not attack anyone, ever. Because it'd be REALLY easy to get me banned again. Next time I do a landgrab on a solo server, all one of the people that hates me has to do is follow up with attacks on that same person, then have one of their buddies report me and BAM, deleted again. That's really not fun.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 15:08:05

Originally posted by Coalie:
Resistance wanted to fight darkness, slowcars, fastcars, Grampa Taker, and UIS.

if you get rekt by Taker, I can’t take you seriously. I’m so sorry.

Anyone that gets killed by old man Taker is a laughingstock.

Who got 'rekt' by old man taker? All I saw was the equivalent of some guy joining a 5 on 1, getting a punch in, and claiming he knocked the dude out.

He kicked one of us while we were down. He's an opportunist. Let's not kid ourselves about what really happened here.

I think you know this, Coalie. You're smarter than what you're portraying here.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 14:03:40

Originally posted by sfbob:
If you AB Fast Cars like you did then we were always going to kill you (well the one player still left alive by Darkness by the time we got round to it). If you wanted a more even war you should have picked your targets better, not that it was ever going to affect the outcome.

Hopefully you come back with even numbers for whoever you pick a fight with next and then you can't use that as an excuse. Then hopefully your players don't get bored of dying over and over again and maybe then, one day, like Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow you emerge as super soldiers and crush everyone else on the server.

1. You act like you don't know who we are fighting next round. Have you not been paying attention, sfbob? We are fighting Darkness next round.

2. Look, I don't know if people in Darkness are lying to me or not. All I know is that last round we thought we were fighting 3v5, and ended up fighting multiple teams. Can you really blame me for not knowing who our true enemies were going into this round?

3. Where have I made any excuses? Reasons are not excuses, my friend.

4. Whose bored? I'm not bored. The rest of The Resistance isn't bored. Did you not see that we carried out an effective attack just 36 hours ago?

5. We didn't want a more even war. We were born from Darkness. We are destined to fight them. Again, pay attention. This propaganda doesn't write itself, and I don't want my efforts to be misunderstood. The Resistance rose up, specifically, to fight Darkness. This was never about 'choosing targets'.

6. Come on bro. This passive aggressive insulting is lame. Just say what you really want to say. You don't like us. You think I'm a bumbling fool. You think our team sucks. And Darkness is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Everybody else is doing it, you don't need to try to hide behind passive aggressive insults. I'm a man, I can take it.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 13:24:12

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Sorry if you took that bad blackhole, I didn’t meant I insult your team, my point was just that darkness backs up there reputation. I had never seen them fight before (I’m new to this server as well).

I’m highly impressed by how quickly your team is evolving and your ability to organize guys together. I do think people are underestimating you. Time will tell but I have a feeling you will build a legit team.

His team has less than 200 hits on darkness (from what I've read) there's nothing impressive and nobody being underestimated AFAIK bro.

I do hope he proves me wrong, for reals lol

That's not accurate. We have 525 hits. (And stay tuned, more coming!)

If you check EE stats, you gotta run our two tags against their 4.

Darkness, Slow Cars, Fast Cars and Darkn3ss.

They initially had an untagged guy jump in on us, but he's in Darkn3ss now.

And I know, I know, fast cast isn't Darkness.... allegedly. Well They have hit us 172 times, so for this round, I consider them a part of Darkness, whether or not they actually are. I can't tell if people are lying to me for misdirection or not.

I'd also like to point out it is 6 or 7 vs 11-16 right now.

We have 6 members of our team that have attacked, and been attacked. For some reason Big Papi isn't being attacked by Darkness... must be a respect thing.

They have AT LEAST 11, maybe 16 if you count Fast Cars. Oh, and Taker is pissed at us, so add him to the list of people we are fighting, LOL.

But here's the thing, KoHearts.

Everyone has been saying for 2 months now that Darkness has been together for a decade+. These guys have played this game for years and years. And they are the best ever. Oh - And they have those advanced tools we don't have access to. Ok, fine.

And you're on here basically saying we suck, will always suck, and have no future.

What were your actual expectations of us? The vast majority of our team is made up of people who have been playing for a handful of months. We've clearly made mistakes related to not understanding game mechanics, which is inevitable when you're new. Do you not think that we will figure those things out as we keep playing?

And we are also STILL fighting short handed. We are growing, but these things take time. We came into this without any relationships with anyone on the servers. And we've doubled, maybe a bit more now, in size.

I think the problem, KoHearts, is that you have ridiculous and unrealistic expectations of how fast we would learn and come together as a team.

I personally think we are doing an amazing job. If you expected us to go toe to toe with Darkness, 7 vs 11-16, in our 2nd round as a team, and win..... Well I think that says more about you than it does us.

I'm proud of what we've accomplished thus far, and am excited for our future. You can keep saying how much we suck, how much we're a failure, and keep worshipping at the feet of Darkness. None of that changes what is happening, and will continue to happen though.

We aren't going anywhere. We will continue to improve and grow. Those are simply facts.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 20:55:29

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie - what I got out of that is you were born to resist, and you are asking if you can come aboard.

You know what, friend, we would love to have you. Unfortunately you'll have to wait till next round on team.

Coalie!!! You'll love playing with us. And I think your brand of crazy might fit our brand of crazy perfectly.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 18:40:44

Coalie - what I got out of that is you were born to resist, and you are asking if you can come aboard.

You know what, friend, we would love to have you. Unfortunately you'll have to wait till next round on team.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 16:52:45

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Lol black hole you gotta realize that darkness is our second clan lol, we only spend our off hours on team. Alliance is where we take full pride in what we do.

That's cool. Want to join The Resistance on team, then? Surely you're looking for a challenge? Why don't you come be a part of something new and thrilling?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 12:45:15

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Imagine how much worse the ass whooping would have been had fastcars killed them from the get go or if taker and freedom would taken retribution for resistance stealing his name that he has used for the last 20 years.

How much faster would we have died if it was 20-25 on 9 instead of 12 on 9? Probably a bit.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Like I said earlier; my country alone has done more damage than the entire resistance. Next set I’ll war them solo to give them a fighting chance!


I accept your challenge.

In fact, I'll make it even more fair for you. You don't have to fight 1 on 10ish.

But, if you're really as confident as you make it out to be. Let's do a 1 on 3. Myself and two of The Resistance that I pick.

We can each carve out separate tags so it's clear who we are fighting. And we will go at it 1 vs 3. If you red all three of us, I'll change my name to Superfly owns Blackhole for the next 2 rounds.

But if we red you, you have to join The Resistance for a round. And you have to give full effort.

What do you say? You willing to put your money with your mouth is? Or was that all hyperbole?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 12:33:56

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Really? Another thread of the same fluff?


You know, I thought about not making another thread. After all, these forums are so overrun with spam and topics. It's hard to keep up with all the new topics that get posted everyday.

But I'm pretty selfish, crave attention, and The Resistance is important to me. So I said 'I don't care that KoHearts is going to be mad, I need more attention!!!!'.

Sorry bro. Don't like it? Come kill me in game. I'll be waiting sweetheart.

How many deaths do you have already in this server? Come to primary or tournament so you can't die, you can get all the ass whooping without turning red 👍

Personally? 1. I was honestly hoping for more by this point. I'm a little disappointed I was able to get off such a successful attack last night.

What do you mean you can't die on Primary or Tournament? How does that work?

Also, I'm on primary. I should be easy to find. You got a grudge still? Come get me sweetie pie. I'd be happy to dance cross-server if you want to do it.

You don't have to, but it's more fun if you identify who you are after your attacks. I get the need to have that one surprise attack, but once you put me on your radar, send me a message saying hey. I like to know who I am fighting.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 9:31:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
We heard that two of your members are throwing in the towel cuz a pointless war was not what they signed up for (#55 milktoplis #35 not today).

We sincerely hope that you come back next set and that you give us a little tickle in the nether regions next round.

Uh... you heard wrong. In fact, go check alliance. We've spread to that server, and as you'll clearly see, Milk is there with us as well.

If you want I can invite you to our discord so you can say hi to him.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 9:29:39

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Really? Another thread of the same fluff?


You know, I thought about not making another thread. After all, these forums are so overrun with spam and topics. It's hard to keep up with all the new topics that get posted everyday.

But I'm pretty selfish, crave attention, and The Resistance is important to me. So I said 'I don't care that KoHearts is going to be mad, I need more attention!!!!'.

Sorry bro. Don't like it? Come kill me in game. I'll be waiting sweetheart.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 9:28:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Really? Another thread of the same fluff?

Well he needs to spread his propaganda and his last thread was tarnished by the abysmal war stats of 2000 darkness attacks vs. their amazing super dupper 120 ABs lol

Just give it two round and he will roll into the sunset like the last iterations of the resistance….

You're exactly right, Super. The last thread was a bad look, so I needed to updated everyone. We have increased from 120 attacks to 516. That's a more than 300% increase in attacks, and it was all inspired by you!!!

As for us rolling into the sunset, I think you missed the part where I said, and have been saying, we aren't going anywhere. For two rounds now Darkness et al., have been singing the tune of 'they will be gone from the game soon'. I'm fairly certain after last round we were supposed to disband, no?

I'm honored to know we've earned another two rounds in your mind! That's insanely huge progress, we must be doing something right.

The reality is we've done nothing but grow. So maybe speak to our demise once we've actually... I don't know, started demising?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 9:24:14

Originally posted by sfbob:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

Now on that note, I would like to point out something to anyone else who may not know this. Apparently you cannot kill someone with AB attacks.

I really wish someone had told me that prior to tonight, we had blood in our eyes and were looking for that kill!

Now onto the Thrill - The Resistance is openly recruiting. In fact, not only are we opening recruiting any new players who want to learn the game and get involved. We are openly recruiting members from current teams that are established. Are you bored of the same old netting? Have you always wanted to fight Darkness, but didn't have a crew that had the stones to do it? Are you just a loose cannon that wants to go chaos mode?

Exactly the reason why, as I kindly advised you before, that you need to get good at the game before trying something like this.

But you obviously don't care about getting good, you just want attention.

Why anyone would join your clueless and misguided team I don't know.

SFBob - You're so amazingly awesome and wise. So I ask you - how does one get good at the game without playing the game and trying stuff?

You do realize that this entire war, every loss we take, every victory we make, it's us 'gettin good' as you put it. It's called practice. Now unless your Allen Iverson, you shouldn't be disparaging practice.

As to why anyone would join our 'misguided' team? Uh... have you not been paying attention. It's because of all my awesome propaganda, and the fact that people hate Darkness. Ya'll do more for my recruiting efforts than I ever could, simply by responding on these threads. That's why I post!! I need more Darkness engagement. Your attention is like fuel to The Resistance.

Bring on the hate. Bathe me in it. It feels soooo goood!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 9:21:22

Originally posted by Coalie:
Y does this sound like an ad from an escort agency?

Cause you're into weird escorts.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 1:43:27

In the previous threads someone mentioned that this was the most one sided war they'd seen in awhile, that Darkness has shown their greatness, and that they hope The Resistance comes back next round and tries again.

This comment assumes the war is over. It is not. I have said it again and again, we are here to stay. We are not backing down. And our countries being destroyed doesn't bother us, as we are color-blind.

Tonight we proved just that. #11 has been reduced to just 300 buildings.

Now on that note, I would like to point out something to anyone else who may not know this. Apparently you cannot kill someone with AB attacks.

I really wish someone had told me that prior to tonight, we had blood in our eyes and were looking for that kill!

That's alright. We have once again learned a valuable lesson, and we will continue to grow from there.

Now onto the Thrill - The Resistance is openly recruiting. In fact, not only are we opening recruiting any new players who want to learn the game and get involved. We are openly recruiting members from current teams that are established. Are you bored of the same old netting? Have you always wanted to fight Darkness, but didn't have a crew that had the stones to do it? Are you just a loose cannon that wants to go chaos mode?

Then this is the place for you. The Resistance continues to grow. This round is not over, and next round we will be even stronger. Now is the time to get in. If you're a vet, you can fill a valuable role by helping us learn that AB's do not kill countries (and likely many other things).

The Resistance is like a rookie first round draft pick from the NFL. Yea, they are gonna get burned once or twice in coverage their first year. But the talent is undeniable, the youth, the heart, it's all there. And in a few years (rounds) we will be perennial pro bowlers.

Hit me up in game or on here to join up and learn how you can help!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 24th 2023, 22:21:28

Originally posted by Requiem:
They all serve a decent purpose. I would like to see the Team server remove the 5man tags and just be a faster-paced, no bot alliance server.

I agree with this. No point in having a team tag if it means nothing. Let's just remove the limit.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 24th 2023, 15:56:28

Makes perfect sense. Thanks Coalie.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 24th 2023, 13:47:42

Originally posted by Tmac:
I can just imagine the people that use a translator here trying to make sense of Coalie's post, lol.

Oh. Is that what I need, a translator? Cause my brain hurts right now trying to figure out what the fluff he just said.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 24th 2023, 10:45:31

Gotta have team. If not, my life will be incomplete.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 24th 2023, 1:09:03

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by galleri:
Blackhole plays FA well. His skills on that part have you all engaged in this thread.

That's why I'm convinced he's not a newbie, he's a troll from the past.

If only galleri could out him. Is it former darkness bull Zack? Is it allainces own son Chevs? The opp abs lead me to believe its Hungry!

Btw #15 died so now we only have one guy left.

This person has you all baffled. It is entertaining to read while I am using the bathroom.

Blackhole- what clans did you play in when you played earth2025?

Never played Earth 2025. I started here in... what late November I think? First time I've ever played.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 23rd 2023, 23:37:06

Oh my.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 11:11:32

Thank you Derrick. Those are super helpful answers. That really sheds some light on the strategy I've been seeing.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 4:07:06

So I have three questions I can't quite seem to figure out.

1. Is there a formula for attack losses? I know there is a formula for attack/defense strength, but if I'm looking to break someones defense by doing as much damage to his defenses, what's the best way to do that? Overwhelming force? Equal force? Smaller force, but many times?

2. Are there any tricks to keeping readiness high or regaining readiness aside from using turns in between attacks? I think attacking with a smaller percentage of my available force is one way, but is there an ideal percentage to attack with?

3. How is the amount of damage inflicted calculated. An example: Myself and a teammate were doing AB's today. My attacks getting through were destroying 50-60 buildings a pop, his were only destroying 20. And he was attacking with more tanks than I was. How is that calculated?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 2:14:25

Thanks for the offer, Symbolic.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 1:32:56

I'd say keep your eyes open and inspire confidence, Kohearts - but I don't to be accused of bragging before I've done anything. sfbob might get annoyed with me again.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 1:25:34

On our side... right?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 1:16:07

Well then you should expect amazing things from me next round. And stop insulting my team, cause it's obvious this war result was all a part of our plan.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 1:02:33

Req - The nato rant was an analogy.

KoHearts - You're right. I'm a 10 year vet that attacked Darkness right as they came out of protection, wasted my turns doing AB's destroying 8 buildings at a time. That was all misdirection to make people think I suck, so that I could... surprise them next round with my amazing skills!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 23:58:54

Thanks igor. I appreciate you giving me permission to play the game the way I want.

So I guess that is what it's really about... Interesting.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 23:46:56

Dude Req - no. I'm not. Why do you keep asking me that?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 23:37:40

sfbob - what do you mean 'play the game properly'?

There isn't a proper way to play the game. If I want to net, I net. If I want to war, I war. If I want to suicide, I suicide. If I want to rainbow, I rainbow. And if I want to build 10k oil rigs and become Venezuela, well I can do that too.

So what in the fluff are you talking about 'annoying for people who want to play the game properly'.

Is that what this is all about? Does the fact that we picked a fight with someone annoy you?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 23:08:44

Originally posted by sfbob:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by sfbob:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
You realize that when this war started, I didn't even know what website existed, right?

And I think you're confusing trash talking with propaganda. There seems to be a lack of understanding of what I am doing here by some, but that's not surprising.

You also didn't know what the bonus button was for.

Right. Are you just trying to get a bonus right now. Is that why you posted that. Or was this a failed attempt at contributing to the conversation?

Just making the point that you started this set knowing fluff all about the game but you still thought you knew enough to try and change it.
I'll bet you didn't even know about the oil stat boost!

Ohhhhhhhh, I see.

Yes, I am new to the game. Perhaps you missed the multiple posts where I stated as much. I've been VERY upfront about that.

And I'm sorry - I see there is some serious confusion here. I'm going to try to clear things up.

In the other threads that you clearly didn't read, I indicated (at the onset) that my posts were propaganda and not meant to be taken seriously or personally.

Now propaganda is something that people will use to try to influence the minds of others. Sometimes its disinformation, sometimes it's hyperbole, sometimes it bravado, and sometimes its statements meant to garner sympathy or cause outrage.

That's what I've been doing. You guys don't really think that I, a self admitted new player, with a smaller team, and a lack of access to sophisticated tools, were under the illusion that we were going to come in and take down a clan that's been together for 20 years, do you?

You must have a reaaalllly low opinion of me, if you thought I truly believed that.

Let me be super clear for you. My posts are PROPAGANDA. Ask Tertius about it, he understands.

And in terms of the why. It's really simple. To grow. My team started with 3 people who met in tournament C. We are all new. We got steamrolled our first round in team, and realized it was 10+ against 3. So I set a goal to grow. And grow we have. We have about 10 members now. That is success my friends. You guys see us losing a war we were never meant to win, and you're out here screaming about your victory.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is happening. We are growing and we are learning. We've learned a LOT this round. And we've more than tripled in size. You see our countries being destroyed and think "wow, look at these noobs, I bet they are crying".

Meanwhile, our countries are being destroyed and we are saying "what did we do wrong, how do we do better, and who else can we recruit to our efforts".

Ya know - taking a step away from the propaganda for a moment and being real with everyone, it's a damn shame there is so much misunderstanding in here. I really thought I was clear with everyone when I specifically stated I was engaging in propaganda. I was kicked from mercs/darkness less than 24 hours after I joined due to a misunderstanding of my rhetoric. Maybe it's because of my time playing other games (tribal wars back in the day) that openly engaged in propaganda and political maneuvering, but I figured a game played by adults (presumably) and people who had likely been exposed to this sort of thing in the past, would understand what is happening.

Guys - take a step back. IT'S A GAME. I know I'm new. I know Darkness has played together for 20 years. I know they have access to private tools that give them a huge leg up on the competition. I know they've developed tactics over 2 decades that are battle tested. I know they are one of the best warring teams there is. I know that it's a huge task for a gang of new players to come in and fundamentally change the way the game is played.

I know all of this. I'm not an idiot, despite what some of you may think.

The thing is, I don't care about all those things. I'm here for a challenge, which I clearly have. I don't care if I 'lose'. I care about what I can build and to have a good time. I'm already having a good time, this has been a blast. And what we are building has been great so far. A few vets have joined us, a few newer people. Good group of guys, and I cant wait to see how it continues to grow.

Now hopefully sfbob, and some of you other people, ya'll have a better understanding of where I'm coming from.

REQUIEM - I've created a TL:DR for you buddy: This game is fun and I'm just having fun. I don't think I'm the best Earth player ever. And I'm not as dumb as some of you may think I am.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 22:36:59

Originally posted by sfbob:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
You realize that when this war started, I didn't even know what website existed, right?

And I think you're confusing trash talking with propaganda. There seems to be a lack of understanding of what I am doing here by some, but that's not surprising.

You also didn't know what the bonus button was for.

Right. Are you just trying to get a bonus right now. Is that why you posted that. Or was this a failed attempt at contributing to the conversation?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 19:11:08

Can you give me more information about ghq. Ya'll booted me from Mercs prior to me really learning anything. I know that reports upload to ghq, but I don't really know to make use of them.

Also - I think it's pretty obvious that the tools that are open to the public aren't the problem, and I think you know that. I'm not complaining, but if you're going to bring up this subject, I'm going to make sure it's framed correctly.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 19:03:06

You realize that when this war started, I didn't even know what website existed, right?

And I think you're confusing trash talking with propaganda. There seems to be a lack of understanding of what I am doing here by some, but that's not surprising.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 18:55:29

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black hole as your friend I will let you know that you have not rendered anyone in darkness “useless”. There is a reason that we stay on low land and at small NW.

Your resistance is useless as you have had 6 of your countries killed. We have not lost a single one.

Please get your facts straight bro. Next set you will once again AB us right out of protection like noobs and like every other team who has ever attacked darkness and after 72 hrs you will begin your downfall.

As I predicted 3 days ago your entire team will be dead by this weekend. Currently #15 is your only original country that is left to die….

I'm pretty sure you guys predicted we wouldn't even be playing at this point in the round.

Let me ask you a question. Is the fact that Darkness, with all their tools, killed a bunch of newer players, supposed to impress people?

Because you are saying it like it's impressive. Which is very confusing to me. Do you know what an underdog is?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 18:54:11

Originally posted by Tertius:
Wait, so in this propaganda, is Darkness the bullies or the guardians? And does that make you the hero or the villain?

And in defense of untaggeds getting destroyed, you want to destroy everyone else? Is your goal to become the very thing you swore to destroy?

These are great questions. I wish you hadn't asked them.


Oh, I have an answer!

They are guardians to NATO, but bullies to all the small countries and individuals. See, perfect logic.

Edited By: BlackHole on Jan 21st 2023, 19:01:37
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 17:51:54

Originally posted by Requiem:
Are you Russian?

I already told you, we are from mars. Try to keep up, Req.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 17:37:09

Originally posted by Symbolic:
All I see is your clan mates and yourself dropping like Flys rofl.

Then you need to open your eyes and come out from under your rock. You think revolutions happen in a day? You think resistances don't take losses? That's what makes a resistance so powerful, the will to take those losses.

As The Resistance grows, so does our ability to impose our will. There is a 4 page thread about our existence and actions in this round. The impact we've had has been larger than anything else that has been done this round. A member of Fast Cars went from being borderline top 10 to 35th this round due to our actions in a proof of concept attack.

I keep receiving private communication from players in the community expressing their support for our movement. Oh, and Darkness hasn't done fluff other than tussle with us all round. We've literally rendered them useless. Darkness has presented to us all that they are the guardians of various teams. But how can they guard fluff when they are using all their turns and resources beating back The Resistance?

They cannot. And the team server see's this. The door is open for anyone to do anything, as the bullies of the server are not able take their eyes off of The Resistance.

And again, the most important thing. Resistances grow in time. We are in the very early stages of this Resistance.

But yes, you're right. We are 'dropping like flies'. I've never seen so many people pay attention to flies this much, though.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 15:53:08

Originally posted by Tertius:
It may seem that way, but FastCars and Snake warred recently. And Darkness and Snake have had skirmishes. After you war, you pact - it's diplomacy to get what each want and prevent future misunderstandings. It's more fun to war with larger numbers imo, so on team, if you stick to strict 5 man teams, it's more enjoyable to compete for the "triple crown" - number one individual country, highest team Average NW, and along for the ride, the highest total team NW. Team dynamics, market dynamics, and not messing up timings all add to a great competition with pretty even footing, and there have been some really close rounds the last two sets.

Tertius - thank you for that info. That actually does sound interesting. I'm grateful for this explanation, as I believe it may be the info I need to understand what strings need to be pulled. Apparently we aren't all just peace/loving individuals, and politics is at play here.

I like politics. I like negotiations. Now that I know what people are motivated by, I know how to take it away, or help others achieve it.

To all the clans out there that are actually fighting for the triple crown as Tertius has explained it. Reach out to me. The Resistance can be a tool to achieve your goals, if you want. Or we can be used as a tool against you. Or maybe we're just tools.

Either way, we are in your server, and we won't be ignored, as I think everyone can clearly see.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 14:21:24

SFbob, that's like saying Greece and Germany aren't in an alliance together.

Yea, technically they are different countries. But they are both in NATO, and they are both in the European Union.

Don't act like 80% of this server isn't in NATO together. When I see you all attack each other, I'll believe it's not NATO. Until then, you're all fluffing NATO, and my boys are aliens from mars. And we gonna probe that ass!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 3:12:33

The effort is admirable, Coalie. You're clever, a great story teller, and have very clearly insulted me.

And I don't give a fuuuuuuucccckkkkk. I'm still gonna come at that ass, over and over and over. Get used to it.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 21st 2023, 1:04:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
only #55, #38 and #15 left to die.

What are you talking about? The countries you've killed are back. You think just cause you cause one to go red we are done?

We are like phoenixes. You can't ever kill us, you can only fight us endlessly.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 20th 2023, 2:55:36

Woah, that's aggressive. LOL

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 20th 2023, 1:33:36

I was offered a spot in Mercs. I made it clear I planned on continuing to fight Darkness in team. We all agreed that was fine, and in fact I think you guys told me you encouraged that.

Yea - I was definitely joining you guys to learn from you. And of course I'm going to take what I learned and put it into action in my other games, why would I not?

I'm not sure why this was a surprise? I understand if ya'll don't want to teach me. No hard feelings. But I don't feel like I was unclear about my intentions, whatsoever.

As far as us losing 3 members... are you talking about countries that have been destroyed? Yea. I think that was the expected outcome at the onset though, wasn't it?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 20th 2023, 0:43:05

sfbob - maybe you're not being a jerk and I'm just misconstruing your words. Who knows? I'm not perfect and might be making a judgement error here.

Also, just for the record. thestupid isn't on our team. He was last round... I think? I don't really know, we only had a few people, and we didn't really know each other. Either way, I don't really know him. I think he's the guy that messaged me last round yelling at me about getting us killed and saying he'd never play with us again, lol.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 20th 2023, 0:33:51

Why don't you just join us then? Maybe you can give us that vet presence we need? I guarantee you'll have fun! I like people who are 'men of extremes'. I think you'd add that edge we need!