
BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 2:10:26

Your face is plain ole sad.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 2:07:38

KoHearts - that makes me extremely happy.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 0:39:32

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Leto:
Good morning,

I need a contact for Resist


Crush him.

Coalie, what made you so angry in life?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 0:38:52

Super is a misinformation specialist. Ignore him. Plus super, he's already joined our team. BACK OFF! :P

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 5th 2023, 23:11:59

Captain - I run The Resistance. We play on Alliance and Team. We are super active and SUPER noob friendly. We have a lot of new players. We are also just a fluff ton of fun. Let's chat.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 5th 2023, 23:09:10

That sounds like a dream come true, SFbob.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 5th 2023, 19:15:33

Originally posted by sfbob:

Then you don't get to be on a team!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 5th 2023, 18:42:07

This is not an idea for next round, as war is coming... but in future rounds, I have an idea.

How would people feel about actual 5 man teams, enforced by everyone on the server - but here's the kicker - the teams are made up of randomly drafted players.

The goal of the set will be to be the top team in total networth. If you're not first, you're last. Anything goes. All out war to bring down other 5 man teams. A free for all, if you will.

My thought process is it could break up the monotony of doing the same thing round after round.

Would anyone be interested in that?

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 5th 2023, 18:34:33

They must also worship our gods, and give up their gods.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 5th 2023, 18:18:33

It's me, Leto. If you want to find me on discord it's Cuda#3424

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 4th 2023, 15:22:10

Thanks Derrick. DD actually told me it was 60% of troop totals earlier, so yea you were pretty close.

This is good info, thank you.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 4th 2023, 13:36:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Yo dog how many did u kill Friday? We made 3 more of you dead

We didn't kill any. But we did delay someone going to sleep for a period of time. In my book, that's a win. I hope he had a terrible nights sleep, and wakes up with bags under his eyes.

Don't want to look ugly the next morning? Stop being so dedicated to walling. Turn off your phones!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 4th 2023, 13:18:52

So I'm learning that things like cause dissension are more effective if you have more troops.

And I know that spy effectiveness of attacks decreases the more attacks you do.

But I'm wondering if anyone can point me to actual formulas on these things.

In particular I'm interested in demoralize, cause dissension, bomb air bases, maybe raid food stores or bomb banks? I don't know if those are ever used or not? Attack intelligence centers?

I'd really like to gain more knowledge into how these aspects of the game work in a more detailed way.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 12:04:33

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Eyyy Gerdy. You should show this fella how to look up profiles off the leaderboards next and how to see who was in each clan last set. It might help him know who is who instead of bickering with everyone at once because he thinks everyone is in one tag. Context can be very insightful!

Maybe I like bickering with everyone, you ever consider that.

You know... I'm a confident person. I know i'm pretty awesome. But I still amaze myself sometimes. The gravity I have. It's just like a black hole. I've sucked you all in to my little game. The entire team server has been swallowed up and revolves around my teams actions. All of Darkness, Fast Cars, Taker. You're all hyper focused on us.

Look at the players I've brought to the server. When I take a vacation from the boards for three days, it's like a natural disaster occurred and the player base leaves.

Ya'll should be thanking me. Groveling at my feet. I'm like eminem. "But it feels so empty without me".

Can't wait to show ya'll what tricks I have up my sleeve for next set, and what roles I have for you all to play in my little circus. Symba, I'm going to dress you up like a clown and make you dance for everyone. The rest, you'll just have to wait and see.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 2:02:21

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Congrats :D you got the same one again!

Maybe you should cut the dead weight you're carrying around then, Symba.

If you wanna go by those standards you all should have self deleted a long time ago to save the time of us crushing your country's.

Crushing our countries by having 4 deaths to us in 24 hours? Symba, you little baby lion you.... You've got a nice roar you're trying to develop. But right now it's just comical.

I think your squad needs a better leader. Maybe give the reins to super. Or see if DD or Derrick are willing to come over to teams to help you out. You really shouldn't be losing any countries to us. Your dad is going to be very disappointed that you're ruining the families good name.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:52:01

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You technically keep killing the same guy over and over again. Clearly this guy is busy either making lots of money at his job, plowing his girl with his big hammer, walking his dog or driving his sports car.

He might not have as much free time to kill like your puppet pawn recruit Gerdler who gave us the masterclass of walling 800 attacks lol

Btw i honestly have one beef with you right now.

You have seriously not given Gerdler any recognition or praise on these boards for carrying your entire dead weight team on his back. You guys better be rubbing him off behind close doors cuz here in public you are really treating him like a puppet pawn noob as you have alluded….

I'd give praise to Gerdler if he were leading the attacks. He has not. You don't have to believe me, but ask him. I'll give him credit as being the main breaker on one of the 4 kills. The other three he barely participated in.

So what credit do you think I need to give him? You do realize we killed one of you and taker before Gerd ever even arrived on team, right?

Our upswing hasn't happened overnight. It seems you're starting to take notice though.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:43:54

I suck a LOT!!!

Superfly, try to keep up man. I've been saying that all along. That's why what is happening to Darkness is so embarrassing. How do you guys keep dying to us? It's really concerning. I think you guys might not be the Gods you've been made out to be.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:39:15

[quote poster=SuperFly; 51581; 1005573]You killed a restart! Happy days! You have kills 4 kills on darkness and you have died 4 times this round and been deleted 3 times in the last 3 weeks.

Happy days!

Jaguar S type (#86)
Clan: Darkness
Rank: 43
Networth: 1,268,821
Land: 3652
Kills: 1
Restarted From
Jaguar E Type (#28) [Darkness]

Super - are those goalposts you keep moving heavy?

We killed a restart. That we killed the first time.

So we've killed him twice. Tell him to stop sucking, he just died to a bunch of noobs, AGAIN. Pathetic.

You need to cut the dead weight from your team. They are making you look bad.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:30:56

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Congrats :D you got the same one again!

Maybe you should cut the dead weight you're carrying around then, Symba.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:29:24

Coalie - This is for you sweetheart.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:10:46

Guys - I'm so sorry.

This thread has some misinformation in it.

It's actually 4 kills on Darkness in 24 hours, not three. We just added another to the list.

It took us 4 minutes.

Have fun walling with that speed, Darkness. Hope we don't catch you while you're taking a fluff. You won't even have a chance to wash your hands.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 23:12:44

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Shizzzz the great King and leader of resistance has fallen I mean Black holes pawn / foot soldier Gerdler has fallen.

Without his giant manhood leading the charge how will resistance penetrate the remaining weak and defenseless darkness countries?

You just killed a distraction. You wasted nearly 800 turns and a good 700k troops doing it, from the looks of it.

I was able to successfully recruit a bullseye that you just wasted a ton of turns on. Turns you couldn't use on the rest of us. Playing into my trap again. Nicely done.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 18:19:39

Coalie, get off reddit and bring your own content.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 17:55:40

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Also Black Hole swore that he would never post again and here he is posting to defend his position as king

I haz attached personal eye witness evidence from discord of how the fight for the resistance throne is going behind close doors

#propaganda #IdoLoveU4Realz #Trump2024 #MakeEarthEmpireGreatAgain #Darkness #MilkCarton #TacoBoobs #GalleriQueenMod

And you believed me? Of course I was going to post again. I've said from day 1 this board is my propaganda outlet. You guys are playing checkers, while I'm out here playing chess.

I've used you all like pawns. How do you think I recruited Gerd? Two months ago we were 3 noobs that just got our faces stomped by the 15 Darkness players.

And that's when the propaganda begin.

Now look at where we are. That wasn't by accident. This wasn't just fate. This was due to my carefully crafted plans. And you've all played right into them every step of the way. Every response you give me. Every chat you send me. Every attack you make. All of it. According to plan.

And you can keep telling yourself you're all doing awesome, and we are garbage. But everyone knows what's happening, and has probably known since about a week after my arrival.

This time it's different. You've had the pleasure of being exposed to a once in a generation type of person. You can see that it's different this time. You feel it in your bones. But you don't know how to process it. You don't know how to fight it, cause you've never had to before. So you flail around, moving goalposts, making excuses, flinging insults.

And the only result it has is that we continue to gain strength.

And gain strength we have. It is an absolute fact. Indisputable. We went from 3 members who never even got an attack off. To 3 members who harassed you. To about 7 members who made some stupid mistakes OOP and didn't do much beyond that. To about 10 people who managed to kill one of you. To how many now? See, you don't even actually know. You have no idea whose with us. You have no idea our size, or our strength. All you know is we've achieved 5 kills this set now. Three in the last 24 hours. And it's unnerving to you. You see the change. You feel the wind switching directions. The chill in the air. But like people in the 1500's facing down a hurricane, they don't understand it. They see it. But they don't know why. They don't know how. They don't know what to expect next. And so they do the only thing they can do. They run their mouths and wait for the eye to pass over them.

Sure, it doesn't pass over them instantly. It takes time to arrive. But it does arrive, nonetheless. And no amount of screaming and yelling at that storm will change the inevitable. You cannot stop the hurricane, and you will not stop us.

But please, bring the noise. Bring the funk. I like to dance, and I like the audience. I feel like this game is a spectators sport. The more you fight, the more you struggle, the more you claim 'THEY CAN'T BE, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE', the more I thrive.

I absolutely cannot wait until next week when I get to hear a new round of excuses. When I get to hear new reasons as to why I'm not a real leader, and why are successes shouldn't be considered.

Just know this. People are laughing at you. This is absolutely pathetic. You should not be having these sorts of troubles with The Resistance.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 16:07:47

When the King of England fond a war general, was he no longer the king?

The problem here, Superfly, is you aren't a leader. So you don't recognize what leadership looks like.

That's ok. You're going to learn. Watch a real leader in action. I think you see what's coming. You're already admitting that you're going to have a harder time with The Resistance.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 13:56:35

Superfly - you sound like a whiney little kid who just got beat up on the playground and is now making excuses as to why he didn't get beat up.

I don't care who you think the leader is. The fact of the matter is The Resistance just pushed your face in. Three times. In a day.

Go cry about it.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 12:32:56

I should add one more thing, Superfly.

If you're going 3 for 3 with us, that's a HUGE disappointment. Come on bro. You're the greatest team to ever play this game. And you're playing against a bunch of noobs with a toxic leader.

How in the hell did we get three kills on you in under 24 hours? That's absolutely embarrassing. The fact that we are even able to still attack you is embarrassing, and you should be embarrassed.

This is an NFL team playing against a JV high school team. And you're bragging cause the score is 21-14.

LOL. NOT A TIME TO BRAG MAN. Ya'll gotta do a LOT better if you don't want to be laughed at.

Did you know that I didn't even know how readiness worked yesterday when we notched our third kill?!? I had no idea why tyranny countries were losing so much readiness. Dude.... how the hell do you get killed by someone who doesn't even understand the basics of the game yet?

Absolutely pathetic. I'm disappointed. I thought it wouldn't be possible to get even a single kill, much less 3 in 24 hours.

I think you guys are going to need to bring a bigger team next set.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 11:51:21

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black Hole that you bro??????

We see your 3 kills and also raise you 3 of our kills.

Praise your new leader Gerdler in bringing you the wall tag and your first kills!

May he lead you to great glorious ruin!

Continue to doubt me. Continue to downplay our achievements.

Do you want to know why I've been able to recruit Gerdler, BigPapi, and a few more surprises I'll have for you in the coming rounds? As well as bring all these new people along?

Its simple.... Derrick had it right in that previous post. It's cause I'm a toxic, bad leader. Symba had it right. It's cause I'm terrible at this game and am a stubborn fluff. You had it right, it's cause I'm going to quit within a round, just like everyone else. All my teammates are going to quit from being killed so much.

Wait a minute... none of that makes sense does it? Oh fluff.

MAYBE - JUST MAYBE, I am actually bringing something to the table. Maybe I'm not a toxic leader. Maybe everyone is joining me because of Darkness making themselves look like fools on the forums, and making me look amazing in comparison.

Oh and just for the record, Ive led everyone of those kill runs so far, Super. And even if I hadn't...

You know what makes a good leader? Someone who can bring in people better than himself and delegate. Even if Gerd had run all the ops for me, so what? That wouldn't change a thing. Not a damn thing.

Next set is going to be an absolute bloodbath. And I can't wait to hear your excuses. Ya'll better start moving the goalposts now, cause as it stands, I'm expecting everyone on my team to have quit the game by the end of next set.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 30th 2023, 23:32:32

This will be my final post. I will not respond to anyone, so save your insults. This is not intended to be received by Darkness, but for everyone else on this server and in this game.

There has been much debate about who was in the wrong, who threatened who, and ultimately who was at fault for the degrading relationship between myself, The Resistance, and Darkness.

I have been told that I am a toxic leader, amongst other things. I have been told that if I'm amendable and polite, that Darkness would be happy to set terms for war with me. Or that we could surrender and they wouldn't attack us. And that I am the bad guy for seeking to ruin the game for others, or run people off the server.

I have been chastised for not knowing server history dating back years. And ultimately, I have been vilified and made to be the bad guy.

I am going to share with you a few pieces of conversation that prove otherwise. I'll make a plea to the players of this server, and then you'll never hear from me again.

Cloud/Dark Demon has been extremely helpful, and offered to help The Resistance get setup on IRC and access to some of the tools others have in this game. I reluctantly accepted his help. The reason for my reluctance is that Demon is the leader of Darkness/Mercs and I didn't want anyone to be able to hold their help over our heads. Previous interactions with Demon had been great, however. And I was implored by others to accept the help, and told that Demon was a great guy.

Those things were all true. I want to publicly thank Demon for his assistance. He is a wonderful person, and a great representative of this community. I wish more new people had interactions with him, as opposed to others.

Over the past few days I had ceased communication on these boards, in game, and in private messages with all those that I felt had been harassing and aggressive toward me. I simply did not want to engage with any of them anymore, as I felt like the conversation was devolving into personal attacks and name calling. Perhaps I was at fault for this, perhaps I was not. I did not much care, I was just seeking to fix it. And I thought the best way to fix it was to cease the bickering and fighting, and to just play the game.

Symbolic was not happy about this, apparently.

Today he joined our private IRC chat room. I am going to post the contents of the conversation for all to see. I am doing this because I think it is important for everyone to be aware of how Symbolic, as the leader of Darkness, and the rest of Darkness, treat other people. This treatment has been the basis of my initial reaction and complaint, and continues to be.

Further, this treatment is a contributor to the dwindling of this game. For every person who is treated like this, that's one less person that sticks around and plays this game long term. And that's one more bot ya'll get to play with instead. I can't imagine this is something ANYONE wants.

[15:34:05] <BlackHole> Are you symbolic or bobby?!?
[15:34:26] <BlackHole> You're symbolic... right?
[15:38:12] <Symbolic> Yes
[15:38:17] <Symbolic> I am symbolic
[15:45:47] <BlackHole> Why are you here?
[15:47:43] <Symbolic> I wanted to see what demon set up for you guys
[15:47:55] <BlackHole> You have no business being here. Please leave and don't return.
[15:48:42] <Symbolic> I think we got off on the wrong foot man.
[15:48:54] <BlackHole> You bet we did.
[15:49:00] <BlackHole> Or I bet we did.
[15:49:10] <BlackHole> Someone bets we did. Basically, I'm saying, yes. We did. We are on the wrong foots.
[15:49:30] <Symbolic> Like opposite fonts?
[15:49:33] <Symbolic> Foots
[15:49:41] <BlackHole> Exactly.
[15:52:17] <Symbolic> Lol
[15:54:09] <BlackHole> Are we done here?
[16:00:26] <Symbolic> Hate will only burn you up. I could show you how to run this warbot
[16:00:33] <Symbolic> Or I could fluff off
[16:00:53] <Symbolic> I don't hold grudges.
[16:12:13] <Symbolic> Your choice blackhole
[16:12:29] <cloud-demon> Sup
[16:13:17] <cloud-demon> Symbolic
[16:13:58] <cloud-demon> Is my partner in crime
[16:14:00] <cloud-demon> BlackHole
[16:14:07] <cloud-demon> What’s good
[16:21:00] <BlackHole> Symbolic - I don't hate anyone in this context.
[16:22:41] <BlackHole> I have no interest in debating with you the merits of who should/could hold grudges against whom. I have removed myself from the conversation for a reason. I have not responded to any of your messages for a reason. I have no interest in engaging in any further dialogue with you. I think we've had enough of that on the forums, and I've learned my lesson.
[16:25:58] <BlackHole> Lastly - I do not need, nor want your help. I especially don't want the help of individuals who call me a toxic leader, or insult me publicly, as you and many in your team have. You have a right to those thoughts, and I will not seek to change your mind. But please know that I do not wish to engage in any way with people who feel that way about me, nor do I wish to be your charity case. I don't want your help. I don't need your help. Perhaps when we are at a point where you are no longer insulting me, and threatening me with 'well you can publicly surrender on these boards' we may be able to engage in more meaningful dialogue. But we clearly aren't at that point, as such, I have no desire to engage in any dialogue with you.
[16:26:29] <BlackHole> The only request I have is that you do not come back into our room. If you want to send me a message, you can do so privately on discord, or in game.
[16:31:02] <Symbolic> I never called you a toxic leader
[16:31:21] <Symbolic> You threatened us first
[16:32:05] <Symbolic> Those people acted on there own behalf
[16:33:59] <Symbolic> I was point out how your own post was triggering people to do what they where doing
[16:52:13] <cloud-demon> Ooo
[16:56:23] <BlackHole> Symbolic - I am done pleading my case, I have no desire to dispute or refute your statements. I've done that ad nasuem. We don't agree. That is why I have removed myself from the conversation.
[16:56:54] <BlackHole> If I am to blame, then I am to blame. I am rectifying that situation by ceasing communication with those that I have disputes with, you are included in 'those'.
[17:05:34] <Symbolic> No your just being a stubborn fluff. We thought helping you guys would change your mind and we could settle things
[17:05:49] <Symbolic> But I see thats not the case.
[17:33:50] <BlackHole> Symbolic - This is exhibit a. I get that you disagree with me. But I've been nothing but polite in this conversation. I've not personally insulted you, I've simply said we disagree and I do not wish to engage any further. Your reaction is to insult and name call me, again. This is precisely why I do not wish to engage any further. You're not being nice. You are being aggressive toward someone who doesn't want to see it your way. This is the foundation of our entire 'misunderstanding' and relationship. We do not see eye to eye. I am fine with that. I was hoping to have some fun in game, with that in mind. You are not fine with that. You (and most of your teammates) are looking to bully and name call me BECAUSE we disagree. You can tell me I'm wrong without calling me a stubborn fluff. You can tell me that you want to war with, without name calling and insulting. Well, maybe you can't, but you should be able to. Until you can do that, and until the rest of your clan can do that, I have nothing to say to any of you. Perhaps this is what you want, perhaps this is for the better. I thought I was bringing fun and levity to the game and the forums. But I got met with animosity at every turn. Yea, I know, you're going ot say I'm the one who as animous and aggressive and threatening. Again, we disagree. But I'm not the one name calling and insulting here. You are. Due to that. I'm done. Now please leave our room.
[17:34:27] <Symbolic> Make me
[17:34:49] <BlackHole> I'm happy to oblige.

I would like to bring attention to a few things in this conversation.

First and foremost, Symbolic continues to engage aggressively and personally insult me because I was not willing to agree with him and do things his way.

Second - Symbolic did indeed attempt to hold the 'help' over my head. His stated that he had hoped that if they helped us, we would change our minds, and see things their way. This is precisely why I didn't want the help to begin with.

Third - When it was clear that we weren't going to amicably resolve things, instead of acting like an adult, Symbolic acted like a child with the 'make me' remark. At the time I wasn't Op'd in the channel, and I assume he thought I didn't have the ability to actually kick him from the channel. He was wrong. I wish he would have just left willingly, but I had to kick/ban him since he would not.

This was not the end of it, however. After doing that, I received a few nice messages from Symbolic on discord.

Symbolic — Today at 6:02 PM
See you on the battle field, for sets to come. Good luck your gonna need it.
Thats not a threat, its a promise.
Cuda — Today at 6:16 PM
Anything else?
Symbolic — Today at 6:21 PM
No that about covers it. Just you at the bottom of my boot.
Cuda — Today at 6:22 PM
What is your intention? What if we don't want to fight anymore?
Are you going to continue to attack/harass us simply because I don't want to agree with you?
Symbolic — Today at 6:23 PM
Cuda — Today at 6:23 PM
And when will you stop?
Symbolic — Today at 6:23 PM
Intill I burn you out.
Cuda — Today at 6:23 PM
As in you want me to quit the game?
Symbolic — Today at 6:23 PM
Have fun.

So now Symbolic is telling me that he's going to beat us down for sets to come.

So all this time, we were the ones threatening, ruining the game, seeking to run people off the servers and ruin the game for people.

Yet it seems that wasn't/isn't the case at all. That's actually exactly what Symbolic is doing here.

The reality of the situation is Symbolic is everything I said he was, and this is absolute proof of that.

Now I don't have any illusion that a bunch of new players in their third round are going to easily defeat a well oiled machine. This will be an uphill battle that we will likely struggle with.

But that can change. It doesn't have to be this way. There have been many of you that have sought to keep myself and my team in the game. You've privately messaged me showing us support, asking us not to leave, telling me you're rooting for us, and ultimately hoping that we would stay in the game, because more players is better than less.

Here is my ask.

I'm asking veterans of this game to stand with me, stand with The Resistance, and help us fight back. If you're a member of Darkness but you disagree with this way of approaching new players, leave. Come join us. Help us create a new era in this game. One where we treat others with respect, encourage new players to stay, grow and learn, and where we keep disputes civil. There is nothing wrong with warring in this game. I think it's a really fun aspect of the game. But there absolutely is something wrong with personal attacks, insults, harassment, childish behavior, and ultimately seeking to ruin the game for others and run them out of the game.

This is exactly what Symbolic is admitting to doing, telling me he's going to do, and based on reading the histories has done to others in the past. This is even a violation of the in game rules, and Symbolic has openly admitted to seeking to violate them.

He is actively hurting this game. And I want that to stop.

Come join me. Don't just express your support in words, do it in actions. We need your help.

Are the players of this game going to allow this behavior to go unchecked? Is this how you want the game to be? Is this how you want interactions between players to be?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 28th 2023, 12:28:14

OK - so stop posting on the boards. Got it.

Thanks Symbolic. If you have any other tips for me, please send me a message.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 28th 2023, 11:53:33

Originally posted by Symbolic:
You do you bro, figure it out. Just remember this is a game of politics.

No. I'm asking some very direct questions.

We have three threads of a fluffshow, and it's all because I apparently didn't know the unwritten rules and etiquette of the game. So now I'm fluffing asking, and you're telling me 'you do you bro'. fluff that.

I spent hours last night reading threads on here from 2021, 2020 and 2019. I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to go back any further, but if there is anything important I should know, please point it out.

I've learned that there is a 48 hour retal window that is acceptable. Good to know. I've learned that many people over the years have used the phrase 'darkness are bullies', I found that interesting.

I've learned a lot. But I want to know more. I don't want to offend you anymore, Symbolic. I don't want superfly to AB me to death at the start of tourney again cause he 'doesn't like me'. I don't want to offend the whole server by attacking at a time that isn't deemed appropriate.

Hell, I still don't even know if I'm allowed to continue the war this round against Darkness. I posted about a success our team finally had, and apparently I was the bad guy then too.

Or maybe it's just my lack of overall skill. Do I have to achieve a top 10 finish in primary and become a netter before I'm allowed to talk at all without being called a noob? Or is it a time served situation, where I have to just be here for a long time.

Or maybe, since it's a game of politics, it's different then that. Maybe I need to grovel at the feet of the kings of the game, and earn their praise, prior to attempting to do anything on my own.

I want to stick on the 'it's a game of politics' for a second.

I thought that was the case. And I get you're saying that, but now I'm seeking clarification. I was attempting to play a game of politics. I was attempting to create change on a stale server where nobody interacted with anyone, except everyone killed the new people. I figured the new people, and the little guys would want to rise up against that oppression, and I made the political calculation that 'if I cause enough of a problem for some people, maybe they'd be willing to negotiate with me and I could use that as a way to cause change'.

I feel like we actually did start to cause some problems for some people. And I feel like we did that in a relatively fair way, we kept our attacks aimed at people that were directly warring us. But now I'm being told that if we keep it up, we are going to run people off the server and make it no fun for anyone. While at the same time being told that we are going to be crushed over and over until we quit the server. Which I actually believe that, because in my research it seems that's EXACTLY what Darkness does to other people. They hit them so much that they quit the game. Is that what our end goal is here? You want us to quit? So it's a 'hit us in game, and chastise them on the forums until they are gone' type of situation?

But somehow that was hugely problematic as well, and I can't figure out why. So symbolic, you're the king here. You're in charge. I want you to tell me what you want me to do. I'm tired of having 15 people on the forum constantly yell at me no matter what I do. So please, help me out here.

Do I need to disband? Do I need to just play solo? Should we wait next round for you guys to attack first, let you get off 2-3 well coordinated kill runs on our 8 members, and then at that time we can fight back?

Maybe we should just let you kill us completely and not fight back at all? Would that be a better way for us to make amends for all of our awful transgressions?

Derrick, do you want to weigh in again? Maybe you can tell me more about how to be a good leader. I'm clearly awful at that as well, and I'd really like to know. Perhaps I'm not qualified to be a leader right now? Should I let one of you take over my discord and our team name? Were their rules I didn't follow when forming my team? Did I recruit inappropriately?

Please - I want you all to tell me all the ways that I'm playing the game wrong. And tell me what you want to do to fix it.

I'm turning over a new leaf. Superfly hit me on Express again today, after getting my country deleted, and then asking me if I'm done (I assume that meant am I done attacking him). When I told him that's up to him, he hit me again.

You know what though. I'm learning. Superfly is superior to me, so I am supposed to let it happen. I have clearly transgressed against him, and I owe him a sacrifice until he is satiated. So I have to just let him do this. If I were to retaliate I'm sure there is a rule written somewhere in 2017 on the express server that I haven't read yet, that I will surely violate, and it will result in extreme public bashing, which I'd like to continue to avoid.

Sorry for the long post REQ.

TLDR: You have all broken me. The wild horse is no more. Do what you want with me. I am yours to command.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 28th 2023, 11:33:30

Ok, so you said STOP abusing the other teams. Can you tell me which teams we abused? I just don't want to keep making all these mistakes.

I know we hit fast cars cause we thought they were part of Darkness.

And taker hit us. So since we got hit by him, does that count as us messing with his team too?

And just out of curiosity. The whole 'stop abusing other teams' rule, does that only apply to us because we don't have relationships with everyone? Or does that apply to all teams?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 28th 2023, 11:22:25

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Lol I just think it's more fun to build up county's before you war, but the server will only take so much abuse before they all band together and war you intill you cry
I know from past experience.

But yea man do what ever you want. B hole.

And just to be clear, we are the ones who were abusing, right?

Round 1, we got attacked as untagged countries and killed by a group of 10 or more.

Round 2, we fought back, thought it was 3v5, and got killed in a 3v11 fight.

Round 3, we openly declared war on the people who killed us in rounds 1 and 2, and have been fighting them the whole round.

That is us abusing, and if we don't stop, we are going to get killed by the whole server? Am I understanding that correct?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 21:40:48

Ok - So I just want to summarize to make sure I understand everything correctly and don't make anymore mistakes.

Don't attack anyone early in the set.

Don't attack anyone more than a few times.

Don't be a suicider (which I think means just losing a fight? Cause apparently we are suiciders this round, when I thought we were at war....) So... don't die.

Don't not know 20 years of server history.

Don't use takers name.

Agree upon a date to start a war, whatever Darkness tells me.

Don't attack any teams or members of teams that are protected by or friends of Darkness. This includes Darkness, Slow Cars, Fast Cars, xUISx, Freedom, Snake... anyone else? Oh geez... I'm already messing up the 'dont not know server history' rule. Please forgive me.

Don't post propaganda on these boards, or in anyway try to drum up an opposition to the way things are currently done.

Adhere to all game norms, both known and unknown. Being here is like dealing with the law. Not knowing a law is not an excuse for not obeying it.

What else am I missing? I want to make sure I get this all 100%.

Am I allowed to keep fighting this server. Or since we've lost a few countries, do we have to stop all attacks and stop trying to fight back?

Anything else?

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 10:51:46

TL:DR - I'm the jerk? No no no, you're the jerk!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 10:04:00

Derrick (and everyone) - I have to add the following. I'm being chastised for being a poor leader, not adaptable, and toxic. And being told to play the way Darkness wants me to play. But let's read the posts in this very thread from Symbolic (Is he the current leader of Darkness on teams? I seem to remember him being the one to ask me to wait until later in the round to war next set).

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Your obsession with us is nearly as bad as superfly over gerdler. You don't understand that we are not even trying and all you fools are dead. Like I said before, teams is our side chick that we play for fluffs

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Yea 2000 hits of us just fluffing around ahaha. Sigh some people never learn. Clans come and clans go Darkness stays the same.

Originally posted by Symbolic:
No your all a bunch of noobs and have sets worth of dying over and over again for my personal entertainment. I hope you like it raw.

Originally posted by Symbolic:
No I'm an arse hole there's a difference, I couldn't care less if your team developed the cure for cancer. Just know this you started it and I'm gonna finish it.

So he started by calling us obsessed and fools. He followed up by saying some people never learn, and that Darkness will be here forever. His third post he calls us noobs and says he is getting personal enjoyment out of us dying over and over. And then finally caps it off by admitting he's an arsehole, and couldn't care about any of our teams achievements.

This was all in response to a post I made about The Resistance finally having some success (and attempting to drum up recruitment numbers, which is the SOLE reason I'm making these posts, as I've been super clear about).

But Derrick, you see all of this happen and come to the conclusion that I'm the toxic person. That Darkness would surely give us props if we played the way they wanted. And that the only thing we are doing is making the game miserable for others.

READ SYMBOLICS POSTS. He basically did everything you're accusing me of doing. You want to call someone toxic and a bad leader, say it to him.

Jesus fluff. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 9:52:04

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Gonna be honest dude. I think most people like to war with a little stock because it's a bit more of a skills challenge regarding country building and stocks. Wars that start OOP and go all set with much collateral damage are generally thought as not much fun for anyone playing. Historically, if you want people to be friendly, even with war clans, you try to set the war up to be a little fun, and generally don't war in the most boring way possible. The war end of it is going to be very boring and tedious for Darkness with very obvious outcomes that dont involve a lot of strategy in building. That's why, imo, you've seen SF offer a 1v3 and Symbolic say "why don't we get started later next set." Both are options to improve their individual gameplay and present an actual challenge.

The only wars out of protection I've ever fought in were over pretty heavy grudges. Generally OOP is reserved to make war an awful time and a grind so people quit. It's reserved for the least friendly situations because of how bad the grind is. Even great rivalries tend to build up a little because it's just more fun. I say this all to say, if you want a pat on the back from anyone in this community, you ought to try to listen to some of the theory behind traditions here.

If you look at Darkness and say let's build for 2 weeks next set, I'm certain they'd be more than happy to give you an even sides war and that every achievement you made, they'd give you props for. OOP wars generally being thought of as toxic to the point that it makes people quit the game on both sides out of boredom is a very tough sell. Toxic behavior can result in achievement, but it's going to be thought the same way until you adjust your strategy to allow your counterparts to enjoy it. Like boxing, the best wars in this game are a dance. Leaders can hate each other, but the best wars have great dance partners. You can keep up your FU's to Darkness, but it'd benefit everyone in both clans if behind the scenes you worked to make the war fun for all parties. That's what separates good leaders from great ones. And what separates unremarkable full set drubbings from a decent fun time for everyone.

For parity sake, I'd generally be open to helping you guys on the toolsy end of things. But I can't help but see you as a horrible dance partner who likely won't adapt, and will lose members next set or the one after as rapidly as you gained them this one.

TL;DR version:
Your strategy is boring af and overplayed to 20 year vets in this game. You ain't the first black hole, and you won't be the last. You might think you're causing a raucous event, when in reality someone like you turns up once every six months, gets smashed, and exits stage right. I've never seen one turn out a good leader for a good amount of time that couldn't adapt.

Derrick, you seem like a very reasonable person, so I'm going to attempt to give you a reasonable response.

At the onset, I'd like to state I take umbrage with most of what you've said. I don't fault you for it, but it's still problematic.

1. The issue of wars starting OOP (I'm not familiar with the acronymn, but I take it to mean at the beginning of the set). This is something I wasn't aware of at the start of this set, but can understand the reason for. I have been asked to wait till longer in the set, and I have NOT said no to that request. I'm fully considering it at this time. So to your point about me being a bad dance partner, I think that statement is without evidence (unless you're referring to my rhetoric).

2. Let's pretend I did say no to a set date war, however. This war began not because two sides agreed to have fun. It began specifically because Darkness was bullying untagged players. Go re-read the posts, it's clear from post histories. In fact, go read TheStupid's posts about not enforcing rules on teams. That was the catalyst to all of this. So for you to criticize me for being a bad dance partner and potentially forcing people off the server is... well it's kind of hypocritical. I understand Darkness are your boys, but they are the ones who push people off the server by bullying smaller teams. that's the entire reason why this war started.

3. I stated in my opening propaganda that I was here to give Darkness a hard time for what they did to others. I've been very clear with that intent. And as you're seeing, I'm doing exactly that. It's only in the last few days, as my team has started to have success, that I am getting the 'Oh, well let's fight different' and 'Oh, you're causing people to want to quit' and 'Oh, let's not fight against next round, this is getting boring'. It's almost as if it was tons of fun for Darkness when they could wreck the little guy, but as soon as their games get impacted, it's no longer fun.

4. You stated that you can't help but see me as a horrible dance partner that won't adapt. This is the sentence that most upsets me about your post, as it's the most meritless. Let's look at the facts. I have posted, multiple times on this forum, asking questions as to how to do things better. I attempted to join mercs so that I could learn from the best in the game. I've sought out help from vets and asked lots of questions to learn how to change my tactics (don't believe me, ask around). I've attempted to mirror what Darkness does in terms of tactics and strategies (look at our attacks and how they've evolved). And I've also attempted to be creative and come up with some new strategies, unsuccessfully thus far.

In my mind, by basically every measure, I've been extremely adaptable and have sought to learn to play the game the 'right way'. Our last two attacks as a team have been direct copies of what Darkness has done to us. Contrast that with the beginning of the round and our attack strategies then. To say that I'm not adaptable is flat wrong, my friend.

5. Your TL:DR is the message I've received from everyone from the start. It's dismissive and condescending. You're basically telling me "hey man, you have to play exactly the way we want, or you're going to make it boring for everyone, but also you're a dime a dozen, and we are going to smash you, and you'll be gone soon". Nice.

Now I have some questions for you.

Why do you think I am under any obligation to make the game fun for Darkness? They haven't attempted to make the game fun for us. They've acted with bravado and condescension on this forum for the last month and a half. With regards to rules on this server and the enforcement of not using multiple teams, one Darkness member basically said "If you want their to be rules, try to enforce them".

That's the sort of attitude we've received from Darkness. But now, all of a sudden, I'm being told that I have to play a certain way, or else I'm a bad leader.

The difference between a good and a bad leader is the ability to inspire confidence in their men (and women), and to achieve outcomes. It has nothing to do with adhering to expectations of outsiders, unless the leader wants to adhere to those expectations.

You can call me a bad leader, and a toxic dance partner, all you want. I'm surprised, coming from you, as like I said, I think you're a reasonable person. Maybe you haven't read all the posts and aren't current with all the happenings over the last month, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

As for your certainty that Darkness would give us props if we played them the 'correct' way, I'm far less certain than you are. But ultimately, I don't really care. If Darkness had wanted to start a war the proper way this set, they could have asked before the set began. I told them, probably 50 times, we were going to war them this set. Not a single person said 'ok cool, let's lay some ground rules'. Instead they said "hahahaha, you'll quit in 2 rounds, we are gonna smash you, you guys suck, we are the best ever".

But somehow I am the toxic, poor leader.

All of that said - I'm open to creating some ground rules for the next war. But if ya'll want me to be a fun dance partner, you gotta stop treating me and my team like trash, and start giving us the respect we deserve as fellow players of this game.

As for the tools Derrick, I appreciate the offer. I'm not going to grovel though. I've already made peace with the fact that we are at a disadvantage in that department.

Edited By: BlackHole on Jan 27th 2023, 9:54:48
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 3:46:03

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I am #33 and HR tag is my farm land…

That was posted Dec. 30th.

But yes, we started it.

Symbolic - YOU ALL STARTED IT. And now you're upset that we aren't backing down.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 3:37:27

Oh Symbolic. You really haven't been paying attention at all, have you.

We didn't start it. You did. Go back and read the original posts of mine. This all started because Darkness hit HR (my team of 3) because we had randomly attacked people that apparently you protected. So you guys hit us 15 on 3 in our first round on this server.

That's what started it. Now that we are finally hitting back you're all "Just know you started this, and I'm gonna finish it"

Oooooh, scary. You think those threats mean diddly squat to me? We've just had our faces pushed in for three rounds straight. Now that we are having success against you... out come the threats.

Again, pathetic.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 3:21:21

Originally posted by Symbolic:
No your all a bunch of noobs and have sets worth of dying over and over again for my personal entertainment. I hope you like it raw.

Just what I thought, pathetic.

People who are truly confident have no problem offering compliments to people coming up. You, you're insecure. You are in the best team in the game, with a numbers advantage and a tool advantage, and you're still so insecure that you can't even extend a compliment to a rival.

Pathetic. That's the only word to describe this.

My team is proud of landing their first kill. Congrats Resistance, great work. Looking forward to many more in the future!

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 3:12:09

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Yea 2000 hits of us just fluffing around ahaha. Sigh some people never learn. Clans come and clans go Darkness stays the same.

Right. That's why superfly was just complaining about us wanting to war you all again next round.

You know what makes Darkness really unlikeable?

You can't give credit when credit is due.

You're fighting a bunch of noobs. And we just killed one of your countries. It's obvious to anyone who isn't biased that we are making tremendous progress.

And you JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT. You gotta make up excuses.

What you should be doing is saying 'wow, nice job guys. Good progress.'

I've given Darkness plenty of kudos, clearly admitting they are the best warring clan in teh game currently.

You can't give us any compliments? Pathetic.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 3:05:32

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Another thread?????

Attention whore!

Yep! Another thread, just for you. Cause you can't resist giving me the attention. Dance for me, puppet.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 3:05:08

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Your obsession with us is nearly as bad as superfly over gerdler. You don't understand that we are not even trying and all you fools are dead. Like I said before, teams is our side chick that we play for fluffs

Ohhhh!!! Now you're not trying!!!

Got it. Good to know. Cause a day or two ago it was all 'look how many attacks we did vs them'. Now it's 'we aren't even playing bro'. Good to know. Cause I'm pretty sure I got hit by like 15 attacks today.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 2:56:46

BTW - It's 17 (including taker) vs 8.

I think Darkness should get some more allies. You're gonna need them in the future.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 2:55:34

Well everyone - it appears the supremacy of Darkness was oversold.

I was told they couldn't be killed. I was told we were no match for them. I was told this war was already over.

In The Resistances 4th team operation, they have destroyed #11 Corvette Sting Ray Bumper Car.

Additional lessons were learned. And another successful operation has been achieved, this one the biggest yet.

Look at the trend. Look at the progress.

I told you haters, we aren't going anywhere. GET USED TO IT.

If you want to join The Resistance, let me know. We've shown tonight that we are here to stay. We've shown that we CAN kill Darkness. This will continue.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 1:51:47

Yes, we really worked together. I attacked 4 times. He attacked 200. Great fluffing teamwork to disable you...

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 0:56:18

Just for the record... The reason I was involved again, which is the one difference between 9/38's situation, is that the guy I hit initially hit me back with nukes, CM's and EM's. So of course I was going to retaliate to that.

I hope that's not the only reason that 9/38 aren't getting deleted and I am, cause I think that's a valid response to being attacked with missiles.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 0:00:25

Appreciate the response, Galleri. Have a good evening.

BlackHole Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 23:24:26
