
BlackHole Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 11:28:46

In a world where death isn't permanent, and the only lasting impacts are pain and embarrassment, the most important thing is reputation.

In this old world, with decades of history, and figures whose stories ring eternal, it was unlikely that a new tale of consequence would be written. And perhaps it wasn't, and these words will be lost, like a leaf in the wind. Nevertheless, a figure rose up in a time of great need. A time of great boredom, a boredom that threatened the existence of all the world, more than any war or warrior ever could. This man was known as Blackhole. Blackhole was a flawed man. His ego was rivaled by none. His skills were on par with those of a talented toddler. His charisma made the ladies gag. His rise to prominence was unexpected, and to this day, unexplainable. But he did rise to prominence. He saw a need for a Resistance to the established guard in this world, but saw no soldiers. Given the size of his ego, he decided to take the homeless population and train them for battle. And train them he did. The homeless, being as pathetic as they are, adored him for the opportunities they gave him. They now had food, clothing, and swords. And it was all due to this Blackhole figure.

The homeless were loyal. They fought hard. They died over and over for Blackhole and his cause. They were slowly turned into a foe that the world had to take notice of. They weren't a threat to the existing powers that were in any meaningful way, but they were certainly a thorn in their side. They couldn't be ignored, only smashed, over and over, to ensure Blackhole and his homeless didn't grow too powerful.

This dynamic existed for some time. Some homeless people eventually decided to go back to their trashcans, as the life of a warrior was too difficult. Others grew and developed, becoming leaders within their ranks. Two such individuals were known as Smokeypond and Milkman. Initially Smokey and Milk were invaluable to Blackhole and his homeless warriors. They helped recruit more homeless, obviously knowing which alleyways to look down. They helped with logistics, tried to provide input during battle planning (although most ideas were very flawed), and attempted to lead on the battlefield.

As time passed, the relationship between Milk/Smokey and Blackhole started to change. Smokey started drinking a lot, and Milk started to believe he knew better than Blackhole. Blackhole was constantly having his decisions questioned. Constantly having to explain himself to the homeless. He didn't mind explaining his rationale, but he did mind defending himself, on a nightly basis, when it was clear the homeless were attempting to lecture their teacher on a topic they had a rudimentary understanding of.

Blackhole grew tired. It was an onerous task to lead a group of homeless individuals with a modicum success against the titans of the world. The job was made harder by the constant second-guessing by his favored homeless individuals. On one fateful night, Smokey had a little too much ale to drink, and began running his mouth. He said some extremely cruel things to and about Blackhole, things that seemed to come out of nowhere. On this night, Blackhole had decided it'd be better for him to leave this world. His work here was done. He said his goodbyes that night, and disappeared into the Darkness.

Over the next few months Milkman and some others sent correspondence to Blackhole via carrier pigeon. Blackhole was invited back into other armies, but he declined. He was not interested in that world anymore. The communications between Milk and Blackhole remained cordial. And Blackhole publicly vouched for Milk as the new leader of the homeless, although the name of their warriors had been changed to 'Those with Homes'. Milk had some success. His ranks grew further. The reputation Blackhole had built for the homeless was a solid foundation for Milkman to grow from, and without bombastic Blackhole at the helm, the world did not feel a need to destroy the homeless over and over. This gave Milk and Those with Homes the ability to grow and flourish further. Things were going well.

Blackhole decided to travel back to his old town, to take a stroll through the market, and engage in some light people watching. He didn't want to make a big deal of it, as he had no intention to ever join another military. He simply wanted to exist and be left alone. So he went back to the city, dressed modestly, carried no weapons or armor, and began to build himself a simple life. He watched as Those with Homes marched through the city in their high end armor, utilizing fancy formations. He smiled, seeing that they were in a good place, and they all seemed happy.

A few weeks later, as the sun set on another day, Blackhole happened upon one such soldier in the fields. Keeping his head down, Blackhole had hoped to simply walk past with a head nod and a hand wave. Fate had other plans for Blackhole, however. This unknown individual of Milk's crew viciously attacked Blackhole. Striking him over and over, leaving him inches from dead, before galloping back toward town. Blackhole arose, bloodied and furious. Not understanding what had happened, he flew into a rage. He stood up and began sprinting after the assailant. As he caught him he began flailing his body in any way that seemed harmful. He clawed and hit and bit every part of this assailant that he could, until he was finally exhausted. The assailant had taken some damage, but was able to get away from Blackhole's counter attack.

Blackhole began to travel back to his hut he'd built, hoping to nurse his wounds and understand what had happened. Shortly after arriving back at his hut, the assailant and a friend showed up. This time with an aquatic animal in their hand. A Jellyfish. They busted through the door and yelled 'FVCK JELLYFISH', and as they did, they threw this helpless animal on the ground and stomped the life out of it. Jelly guts flung everywhere, and Blackhole stood there, watching in horror. Then the two men attacked Blackhole again. He was able to put up a defense, but he took more damage. The men left, and Blackhole was stunned.

What was happening? Why had these men, former friends of Blackhole, decided to attack him unprovoked? And to kill that Jellyfish in such a brutal manner? What was happening? He did not understand, but Blackhole rarely cared for understanding. He was a man of passion and action. And a fire had been lit under him, one that hadn't burned in many months. He grabbed the only weapon he could find, a pitchform from his farm, and he rushed toward Milkman and Those with Home's castle. He did not know who was who, as they all wore armor. But he attacked anyone he could find. He screamed about the murder of that innocent Jellyfish. As he smashed people with his pitchfork, he bellowed questions of why. He attacked anyone he could find over the next few hours.

With night falling, Blackhole knew a retaliation was coming. He went back to his hut, and prepared himself for a certain death. Death was an old friend of Blackhole's, a friend that he would not have to wait long to greet. A large portion of Milkmans army arrived, and violently murdered Blackhole.

As Blackhole respawned, he had a chance to collect himself. He did not understand what had happened, but he knew he must be strong in the face of such an attack. Publicly he denounced Those with Homes. He exchanged communication with leaders from Those with Homes, and they assured him that this attack was a mistaken identity attack, and that they felt sorry for what had occurred.

Blackhole accepted their apologies, but remained steadfast in his ever-present defiance of others. He would not be intimidated by Those with Homes. He had stared down the face of evil many times, this was not the face of evil, only a wannabe villain. Privately, Blackhole had hoped things would just go back to normal, however. He was still tired of the life of war. He wanted to farm his land, and sell his corn at the local market, watching the sun rise and set, day after day. So he went back to his hut, and started working on rebuilding that farm. It wasn't long before men from Those with Homes showed up at his door again.

You can imagine what happened during this visit, and Blackhole once again found himself in the familiar place of respawning.

The death wasn't what shocked him, however. He understood that his reputation was one of vengeance and bloodlust. Those with Homes were surely terrified of Blackhole becoming reignited by the flames of war, and rebuilding a war machine. What shocked Blackhole was the propaganda in the town-news the next day. Stories of how Blackhole had gone mad as a leader, justifications for the brutal and unprovoked attacks of a weapon-less man seeking to live his days in peace. Terrible, terrible writing, clearly intended to be an imitation of the war propaganda that Blackhole himself was so well known for.

So Blackhole did what Blackhole does. He pen'd a response, and sent it out to the world, so that they may know the truth.

What the world decides to do with said response is yet to be seen, but it seems unlikely that this is the end of the story of Blackhole.

Edited By: BlackHole on Jul 8th 2023, 11:35:06
See Original Post

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2023, 21:45:14

Originally posted by llaar:
whats the general rules here in team now, do people allow landgrabs, 1-1 retals? or most people all-x?

i'm looking for a team and want to know what to expect :)


BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2023, 16:50:19

Originally posted by Gerdler:
No one ever made a 79-tap before! This will set the precedent for the future standard retal policy for 79-taps!

Is that how many the first attack on me was? I felt violated. He kept hitting me even at 30 acres a hit. I didn't know why, I tried using my rape whistle, but no one came to my aid.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2023, 16:22:25

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
You did attack me yesterday but oh well your dead now you had your fun!

For the record, and to ensure we are both existing in the same universe here....

Your clans attacked me first. A LOT. Then I retaliated against ONE person. Then another from your clan attacked me.

It was at that point I retaliated against the whole clan.

And no, Milk. I haven't had my fun yet. I'm just getting started my friend.

I will give you one chance, one opportunity, to apologize publicly, for the actions of your clan.

And for the record, I find it extremely funny that in a server where no one was attacking anyone, the remnants of what I created decided to attack me, entirely unprovoked. I guess I just have that effect on people :)

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2023, 15:53:48

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
rather disappointing

How'd you know what your wife texted me?

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2023, 10:12:14

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Typically when you ignore someone who considered you a good friend then attack me personally it seems like you kinda are oh and calling your tag jelly too lol

Ever think I didn't ignore you, I just had a lot going on IRL and didn't have time? Don't believe me, go ask gerd, or anyone else. I ignored everyone for about a month. You ain't special cupcake. :)

I never attacked you personally though, just for the record.

Originally posted by SmokeyPond:
I've been lurking here since I first started playing... You're weird and not the good kind of weird

And you smell like old man.

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Lol so much for retirement. Welcome back Tom Brady!

Couldn't turn down the money I was being offered.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2023, 1:47:20

Originally posted by SmokeyPond:
That was a bad choice cuda

I'm honored you created an account to make this post.

Originally posted by KSFRekuyukai:
I am curious Bhole, who did you convince to diffuse those missiles? B/c well you have no spies and you havent had spies since this whole thing started.

Que Pasa?

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Aww you really mad huh! Who you got helping you?

Why does everyone always think I'm mad?
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Lol you suck.

Truer words were never spoken.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 5th 2023, 17:21:52

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 30th 2023, 16:46:05

Then leave, already, mdevol.

Ya'll are the biggest group of whiners I think I've ever met. Every single post is your entire posse whining about laf, qz and the game dying.

Go play a different game then. It's not hard. I did. There are a lot of good ones out there.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 23rd 2023, 21:09:00

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I just like how TC has no rebuttals or acknowledgment to the two posts from Coalie and I.

Also I like how Black Hole says that we chased his new players away and yet his former tag is now flourishing on two servers now that he isn’t at the helm and yet he is still here despite posting all over the place that he was done and leaving. Haha

My former tag? I don't see a Resistance tag anywhere.

And I know the vast majority of our former players don't play anymore.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 23rd 2023, 21:07:42

Originally posted by Getafix:
Blackhole, for one thing, you are still here. And for another thing, the people who are still here after many years have been beaten up and tested multiple times. We are the ones who couldn't be chased off. This has never been a game for pussies and quitters, and there has never, until now, been any protection on Alliance for anyone. That is what makes this game unique. Everywhere else, where games are commercialized, you can buy protection. Its a sad day when LaF can be such pussies that they persuade Qzjul to fundamentally change this aspect of the game. Its not a minor fix, like the $2b bug, its a change to the most basic principle of this game.

And there's your problem. You think people who quit a game that isn't FUN are 'pussies and quitters'.

Now you know, PRECISELY, why the game has under 100 active players. It's not because it's text based. It's because the player base doesn't give a damn if the game is fun. And if people quit cause it's not fun, they call them 'pussies and quitters' rather than trying to be introspective and understand why people don't want to stick around.

And while I'm still here posting, at our peak The Resistance had 10-15 members.

There might be 4 or 5 still around in various servers. I'm not one of them. I'm not playing anymore, I'm only fluffposting on here.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 23rd 2023, 21:04:01

Wishing you the best, Ko. Be strong homie. fluff cancer up.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 23rd 2023, 10:32:02

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Point is, we're all friends here and if we aren't, we've at least had 1000 conversations he hasn't had. Imo, he's a brilliant cat who might be on the ol spectrum like your boy, Dee. But I think he will come around when he gets to know folks.

You're not. You're really not. I used to believe that might be the case, but it's clearly untrue.

The hatred between LaF and most of you is truly incredible. Maybe not you specifically, Derrick, but the rest of the regular posters, for sure.

EVERY single post, EVERY ONE, there are people taking shots at LaF. Its so predictable and at this point, overdone. We get it. You all hate LaF. And Superfly. We also get that you hate me. Ya'll don't have to say it every single post.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 23rd 2023, 10:26:13

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Every time that you show TC hard truths he ignores it. Reminds me of the black hole….

Maybe it's my alternate. I've got a ton of multi's that I use. That could be one of them.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 22nd 2023, 23:21:22

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by HH:
It doesn't matter what changes are done to this game, the fact is; there are too few players left. I do however think its a better strategy to focus on the netgainers, we are all like 40+ in age now and the war aspect of the game is something not many have time for, while netgaining is alot easier.

I guess time will tell, will EE lose more players now or will more come back because its easier to be left alone to netgain now.

If the game had more players, I would argue keeping a server with the "old" rules would be good. Or a server for player vs bots. But there are too many servers as it is right now for the 100 or so active players left.

In the old days it was easy to recruit. I have recruited players since the introduction of bots and was told the game does not follow the Mission Statement. These are not fat, lazy folks that just want to hit bots and share social media conversations. They want the challenge presented by the earlier game days.
A LOT of old vets returned in the past few sets to war.... with the new Clan GDI and everyone signing a 1 yr pact (prior to Clan GDI) they no longer want to stay and most have left already. WE even saw a few new recruits who came to the game.

You and your friends literally chased away the first new players this game has seen in a long time. You can't talk about wanting the player base to be strong when you were directly responsible for chasing away new players.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 22nd 2023, 10:23:39

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by HH:
Great changes. Props to qzjul for Clan GDI!

Will buy alot of premium to show my thanks :)

you better be buying $1000 of of premium to make up for the ad revenue of departing players!

Bye Felicia.

Why are you even posting? You are literally a useless forum contributor. Didn’t you take your ball and go home to another game cuz no one liked you on either side of the war? Lol


BlackHole Game profile


Jun 21st 2023, 21:56:28

Originally posted by qzjul:
Hm I have some stats, but the number of complaints i've gotten has increased.

Part of my thinking is, the options are basically:
a) do nothing
b) do something

At this point, it's difficult to dedicate time to outrageously complicated mechanisms; so I'm working with what I've got.

Part of the goal is to not shed more users, of course.

I kindof figure that changing things up a tiiiny bit every half decade isn't that crazy. We can always adjust things if it doesn't all work out. A lot of players don't have the time to attend war chats, and drop out when that becomes necessary. This provides somewhat more choice in that regards.

QZ - the problem isn't the mechanics, it's the player base. To put it frankly, a lot of people here are a-holes. It makes the game less fun.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 21st 2023, 21:54:25

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by HH:
Great changes. Props to qzjul for Clan GDI!

Will buy alot of premium to show my thanks :)

you better be buying $1000 of of premium to make up for the ad revenue of departing players!

Bye Felicia.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 20th 2023, 22:19:15

Originally posted by DevilsReject:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
The whining is absolutely hilarious to me.

The fact that you are still here after publicly quitting the game is just as funny as the blatant changes to protect LaF after they were reduced to two tag countries last set

I think you are being very pedagogical right now.

Some player(s) in this thread offer other more perturbing behaviors. Equivocation, skullduggery, duplicity, dissimilation, bamboozlitry, flimflamery, hornswoggling, dissembling, subterfuge and narcissism.

BHole still wears a leash.

Who are you?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2023, 22:03:49

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
The whining is absolutely hilarious to me.

The fact that you are still here after publicly quitting the game is just as funny as the blatant changes to protect LaF after they were reduced to two tag countries last set

Sure is just as funny!

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2023, 20:49:02

The whining is absolutely hilarious to me.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2023, 16:30:47

I already know the opposite side didn't like me, Super. You aren't telling me anything I haven't been saying for 6 months. Thanks for confirming it though.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2023, 12:04:12

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah SF. About that. I'll be honest with you bro. Cross server stuff shouldn't exist and I think you're one of the primary offenders recently. This forum is called Team Talk and represents completely different clans playing a completely different game than 1a. Diluting this server due to 1a politics has always hurt a cool environment where all strats can play to win without bots, yet have small politics to keep suiciders square, like the game was intended. It's the last place an Earth2025 fan can play and get the feel of the old alliance game. (Assuming the server has more than 40 players and no one is participating in cross server bs)

But I want you to understand, it fully dilutes my experience on this server, the only one that I actively played the past 30 days, when you suicide the best competition on it for fluff they did on other servers. That's never been an OK reason to hit someone, and used to be frowned on way harder than it is now. I disagree highly with it being encouraged, and it has made my return to the game feel disappointing at times...

Derrick bro, did you miss the fact how it was Gerdler and LaF that came and tagged with Black Hole's resistance and suicided Snake unprovoked for 2 or 3 sets in a row due to the wars in 1a?

It was also black hole and resist who decided to take the fight that was started by them in team to allaince and tag laf to hit mercs.

You are pointing the finger at me incorrectly my man. It is actually your prized competitors that have been suiciding netters Like Evo in allaince and Snake in team and doing the cross server actions.....

I literally quit the game because you and the rest of Mercs attacked me on every server I played on from the beginning of my existence on this game.

You even admit in your next post that it's your personal policy to do this.

And when I negotiated a cease fire/truce on team, you guys hard negotiated that I had to also agree to a cease fire on other servers for them to honor it on team.

Oh, and then you didn't honor it on team.

I learned to cross server grief FROM YOU.

But we've been through this a million times, and I know I'm the bad guy. So go ahead and tell everyone how awful I am.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2023, 2:37:50

Originally posted by Soviet:
Doug my main problem is the LGBTQ+ _activists_ who have some unexplainable interest of involving young children in their.. I dont want to call it a fantasy and be disrespectful, but I can't put a word on it to describe dressing up in drag to read books to 5 year olds.

I just don't get it. And I don't get the parents who actively participate with their children at those events.. like what's okay with putting your child front row while a grown ass man in drag twerks 5 feet from their face? Even if it was Nikki Minaj I still don't approve. There's a time and a place and the library with kids ain't neither.

Again, no hate for anyone of that group. My motto has always been I don't care what you do as long as you aren't hurting kids and it isn't on my front porch. Sadly corps and activists want to encourage both.

I'm not going to pretend to understand drag shows, as i don't. But I'm not going to let you mischaracterize what they are either.

1. Drag shows have occurred across human history.
2. Drag shows occur in the military. Frequently. Performed by non lgbtq people.
3. Drag shows don't typically involve twerking in front of children. You're making crap up.
4. My best guess is dressing in drag is similar to acting, except you're acting as a different gender. When you look at it like that, it's much less 'sexual' than you want to make it out to be.

You know what else though... I've NEVER seen a fluffing drag show. I've never heard of one near me. To my knowledge, they aren't super common. So a lot of ya'll want to hate on fluff that barely ever even happens.

Similar to how everyone made such big deals about trans people in bathrooms. I've NEVER, in my entire life, seen a trans person in a bathroom. Probably because I wouldn't know even if they were there. So what's the damn problem?

I think some people just look for a reason to hate on people dissimilar to themselves.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 2nd 2023, 11:36:07

Oh and I should add... I have no idea what you're talking about with the 'bend over backwards for us' comments.

Are there some wild demands that the LGBT community is making of the world right now, that I'm unaware of?

I mean, unless you think them being allowed to use a public bathroom is 'bend over backwards for us', then I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 2nd 2023, 11:34:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
My post was the 1st reply, got deleted, all i said is "When is straight day......oh wait......there isn't one.

I don't care to know what you do in your bedroom, I don't care you like same sex, don't shove it down my throat, i don't give a fluff, i don't need people jumping in my face telling me I'm insensitive for not caring, again, not my business what you do with your feewings.

Koh I’ve always respected you. And always will. Straight day is everyday lol but yes you have a point. But marginalized groups have a day too. But I will always respect you as well! Don’t worry, I won’t try hugging you lol

I respect you too, i don't like how the movement went from please accept us (the majority of us did and do) to "If you don't bend over backwards for us you're a bigot and racist.", that's where the whole movement lost me as a supporter.

Should we not have an autism awareness day?

Should we not have black history month?

Should we not have indigenous people's day?

Should we not have cancer awareness month?

Should we not have no shave november?

Should we not have mothers day? Fathers day? St Patricks day? Lent? Easter? Cinco de Mayo? International Left Handers day? Women's equality day? Patriot Day? Juneteenth? Yom Kippur? Domestic Violence awareness month? Down syndrome awareness month? Mental Health Day? Star Wars day? Halloween? Thanksgiving? World kindness day? Universal human rights month? Irish Heritage day?

I could go on and on.

I kind of suspect, Ko, you wouldn't have problems with most of those days. Most of those people, celebrating, and being proud of, something specific related to them.

So why then, is it 'shoving it down your throat' when the lgbt community has their celebration, but not any of these others?

Think about the word pride. It exists as an antithesis to the word shame. Because for decades, the LGBT community was shamed into SILENCE. Shamed into hiding who they truly were. Shamed into denying their own identity. That's awful, and I would hope you would agree.

So to encourage people to accept themselves, to be PROUD of who they are, Pride day was created. (Doug, feel free to correct my understanding of the history here).

I think that's fluffing amazing and beautiful. People need to be proud of who they are. Why is it a problem for people to celebrate who they are, ESPECIALLY when they've been shamed for who they are for so long. This day encourages millions of people to accept themselves, and be unafraid to show the world. That is absolutely amazing and crucial.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 1st 2023, 15:33:41

Doug - you're a good human.

Be proud homie. If anyone gives you fluff about who you are, I'll harass them on these forums for eternity. I love writing long posts, and I'll post a story in response to everyone of their comments if I have to. Maybe I'll make it a super gay story just to piss them off!

BlackHole Game profile


May 24th 2023, 0:13:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I agree, I think the name calling is what takes it from fun to over the edge. And at the risk of sounding biased, a lot of it comes from the 'good guys' side.

Superfly and Coalie, specifically, REALLY like to get under people's skins and engage in a lot of name calling. Others have engaged in it too, but those two get it popping most of the time, and then it just escalates from there.

They will claim it's trash talking, or trolling, or whatever. And maybe it is. But look at the state of the game currently. We are here for a reason. If someone else can explain how we got here, and how to unwind it, I'd be interested to hear.

That's incredibly biased when you consider in the last couple pages of these threads, TC has blatantly used entire posts just to sling mud and name call. SF and Coalie at least put some content in their posts along with calling people stupid. That guy was using his eloquence to literally no other effect than to call people uneducated...

Either way tho, it probably isn't important who is doing it more or less. If you're doing it at all, you're probably just part of the problem and not the solution.

I can explain how we got here, but it's 20+ years of BS, and the answer to unwinding it I think lies somewhere in people being nice to each other and attempting to be understanding rather than just defending your position and maintaining being righteously indignant to a fault.

That's fair. And I agree.

Also what I tried to start with my congrats and apology retirement post.

Which btw - Super, I know you don't believe it, but you will eventually. I'm not playing in any servers. Milk has taken the reigns to the remainder of The Resistance. You've all even acknowledged how much better he is doing than I am. So I think the evidence speaks for itself that I am not playing.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 20:48:42

I agree, I think the name calling is what takes it from fun to over the edge. And at the risk of sounding biased, a lot of it comes from the 'good guys' side.

Superfly and Coalie, specifically, REALLY like to get under people's skins and engage in a lot of name calling. Others have engaged in it too, but those two get it popping most of the time, and then it just escalates from there.

They will claim it's trash talking, or trolling, or whatever. And maybe it is. But look at the state of the game currently. We are here for a reason. If someone else can explain how we got here, and how to unwind it, I'd be interested to hear.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 19:40:47

What are the demands? I'm genuinely curious? Outside of some sort of public statement (which is just lame AF, btw) what could you possibly be demanding? Do you want Gains to send you naked pictures of his mom or something? Like wtf demands can there be in a game that ends every 2 months?!?

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 19:38:35

Gotcha, that makes sense.

And yea, the war tags will survive. But the game gets less fun with less people. This game would be an absolute blast right now with 1000 active players. Could you imagine 20-30 alliances, with 20-30 members each? Some netting, some warring, complex political intrigue. But RESPECT amongst the player base? Oh man, this game could be amazing. Probably was at one point in time, makes me sad I missed it.

But when you've got basically just one side left. Yea, you survived. Congratulations, I guess. Isn't this game supposed to be fun though?

I guess that's the thesis of my entire existence here. From day 1, I've fought on the losing end of the numbers wars. 1v5. 3v10. 10v25.

Every time I recruited more, I got out recruited. And even if I managed to get to close to even numbers, our players were much newer. How is that fun for anyone? I guess it's fun if you win. And it was probably fun for the 'good guys' since I talked so much fluff. I'm sure it's fun to beat someone like me.

But aren't even wars way more fun? Why is there no desire to have that anywhere?

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:43:39

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
That's exactly what I mean about piecing up the war BH. I don't think anyone in EVO has ever said LaF will never net again. I don't think I've ever said that either.

If one person or even 5 people say something on AT, it doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of all 60+ people hitting LaF.

LaF will not attempt to declare peace with 10 members of the war and then focus on 50. Declare peace with 10 more and then be fighting 40. They need to blame EVERYONE if even only 1 person hits them, and won't take any less than 0 people hitting them or we are all still accountable.

Because there exists 5-10 people who will likely hit LaF no matter what the actions of the other 50 are, LaF hasn't even attempted negotiations for peace with the majority because there's no point if 5 people still hit them. And they instead choose to spend their time calling people idiots and riling them up.

I find that logic extremely bizarre. If I were a leader in LaF rn, my goal would be to have LESS people hitting me by sets end and realize NONE is unrealistic, but keep working towards the goal of NONE.

When Solid Snake was a leader in LaF, and LaF was a dominant tag, he told me LaF would hunt me down and kill me wherever I played regardless of tag and that I'd never enjoy this game again (over 1 landgrab I might add that someone else i was tagged with made. They used to flex on small tags pretty hard). Yet here I am.

To my knowledge, LaF has tried to piece it apart. I know I have personally attempted to declare peace with APOC, and I believe LaF has attempted to declare peace with them as well.

It was turned down. And they were the easiest piece to pull off first, imo.

I would start with the netters and work my way to the dogs of war. And I'd make pretty big concessions if I thought it was the beginning of saving my tag/player base.

It's easy to forget there's also people on our side who would rather be netting.

I'm really curious as to what kind of concessions can even be made? What do you want a picture of Gerdler in a tutu or something? It's like... hey guys, can we stop fighting? Yea, sure... ok cool. What do you want from them?

Honestly though, I think this game kind of cannibalizes itself. They want to net. Lots of people hate them, and claim they won't let them net. There isn't really much they can do. It's a numbers game ultimately. So they just.... move on.

And that's exactly what is happening. Many of them play the other game I alluded to earlier. Or just go onto other things in life.

So while the 'good guys' keep harping on and on about how they need to apologize, take the l and move on, give people concessions, ya'll are missing the forest for the trees.

Without enemies, you have nothing. But I'm not the first to have said this. Go read the forum over the last 10 years. It's a tale old as time. Someone comes on here and complains you'll not have a player base if you all keep this up. And they are right.

This game isn't dying because it's a text based game. It's dying because if you don't have a numbers advantage, and the other side wants to absolutely ruin the experience for you, they can. And there is next to nothing you can do about it.

So they just... quit.

The other game we play, the server I'm on has 300-400 active players online, AT A TIME. And about 1400 on the server currently. And it's a stupid text based game. But the game is setup in a way that it's much more difficult to just ruin the game for someone else so completely.

So Mercs/SoL/SoF can keep doing what they are doing, keep asking for concessions, keep posting in these threads. But to what end? What do you all get out of this? Maybe LaF dies? So now you've run Resistance out of the game and LaF. Ya'll gonna war with each other next?

What really should have happened is Mercs declares war on LaF. They beat them the first set. LaF/Resist/Stones come back and beat them the second set. Third set Mercs gets the upper hand again and wins.

And then they should have said 'good game guys'. Well done. Good try. Thanks for the fight.

That's something I've never seen on here. Maybe it's happened in the past. But the state of the game right now? I can't even imagine that happening.

So I guess next war can be between Mercs and.... ? I don't know. I guess you gotta fight each other again.

Or just hit the 8 LaF countries at the start of next set, and bang on your chests for 3 months about how awesome you are. That works too.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:14:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
That's exactly what I mean about piecing up the war BH. I don't think anyone in EVO has ever said LaF will never net again. I don't think I've ever said that either.

If one person or even 5 people say something on AT, it doesn't necessarily represent the feelings of all 60+ people hitting LaF.

LaF will not attempt to declare peace with 10 members of the war and then focus on 50. Declare peace with 10 more and then be fighting 40. They need to blame EVERYONE if even only 1 person hits them, and won't take any less than 0 people hitting them or we are all still accountable.

Because there exists 5-10 people who will likely hit LaF no matter what the actions of the other 50 are, LaF hasn't even attempted negotiations for peace with the majority because there's no point if 5 people still hit them. And they instead choose to spend their time calling people idiots and riling them up.

I find that logic extremely bizarre. If I were a leader in LaF rn, my goal would be to have LESS people hitting me by sets end and realize NONE is unrealistic, but keep working towards the goal of NONE.

When Solid Snake was a leader in LaF, and LaF was a dominant tag, he told me LaF would hunt me down and kill me wherever I played regardless of tag and that I'd never enjoy this game again (over 1 landgrab I might add that someone else i was tagged with made. They used to flex on small tags pretty hard). Yet here I am.

To my knowledge, LaF has tried to piece it apart. I know I have personally attempted to declare peace with APOC, and I believe LaF has attempted to declare peace with them as well.

It was turned down. And they were the easiest piece to pull off first, imo.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:12:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black Hole the guy who quit the game but doesn’t leave.

As usual you forget to post crucial information.

You where told multiple times that if you wanted peace in teams you had to give us peace in alliance as we were not going to give you what you wanted in teams while still being an enemy in alliance and not giving us what we wanted in return.

You specially told us that you would not leave LaF hanging and that we could go and F ourselves. So you didn’t get your peace in teams and thus you single handedly destroyed your team in both servers.

Negations is give and take on both sides and you have always demanded things and never given anything in return ever. You are poor leader.

Look at how successful Milk has been on the other hand. Dude brokered peace with everyone in 48hrs. What a difference between you and him…

Yes, Milk is far superior to me. I'm proud of him.

But I gave all the crucial information that was needed.

You, me, coalie, Symba, Req and Captain Control all got on your IRC. We yelled at screamed a lot. Some of you demanded peace on all servers if we wanted peace on alliance. I said no, that wasn't happening.

We kept negotiating, and then YOU ALL AGREED TO PEACE ON TEAMS.

You fvcking agreed to it. Without peace on alliance. You agreed.

And then without any other conversation between us, you canceled the agreement. So don't give me this bs about 'we told you you couldn't have peace on teams if you didn't have it on alliance'.

Yes, you started that way. But then you agreed to peace on teams and went back on your deal.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 18:10:42

Originally posted by DruncK:
BH you don't have a clue about why it was so easy to recruit people to kill laf. Generally wars happen, someone wins, whatever caused the war is worked out and we move on.

The cause of this war is laf's long term past, current past and present. Cheaters never prosper and being apart of this revenge served so damn cold is why the GOOD guys aren't going to let laf just walk away from this war.

Obviously I'm not trying to provide any answers, cuz fluff laf, so hard.

So you're confirming what I just said? That you guys aren't going to just let LaF 'take the L and move on'.

Could you please tell Derrick that, I don't know if he believes me.

BlackHole Game profile


May 23rd 2023, 10:58:56

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by galleri:
Let me add to my post in a new post.
I suggested to BH that he hit PDM. He told me he wanted to hit EVO. I told him do not do that. Only because I was once an EVO player. I didn't tell him my reason why, I just think Evo is cool. He said he was going to hit them anyways.

Moral of my story is this: Everyone got upset that Tmac got hit. No one was upset that Doug got hit (lol). No one ever got upset that En4cer was suicided on for sets. And in the history of earth and ee..... Many players get hit. It is a risk and gamble in the game. And many people have told other players they should hit so and so... You see where I am going here?

It is just like someone in Mercs/Elders (use this term because they are the same per them) recently telling Doug that I was going to have iMag FS PDM....which is true... Because they need practice. I even told Doug I was coming for him lol But that is neither here or there. My point is .... Someone was trying to rile up the action.

In other news.... Claiming to another player saying you asked a higher up to check if I have a country still on alliance is risky business. Because you are accusing a game mod of giving you info....

I won't name the player that did this. Edit: I had to rearead.... They told Doug that I wanted him to worry and that Link wanted PDM to FS iMag lol

Doug is a homie and PDM members are stellar. While I agree that everyone can use a Lil war, people mostly get upsetty spaghetti about it and can't just take an L without carrying fluff on for sets. IMO, it's a problem with this community as a whole and not the individual clan type infractions.

Reality is, lots of folks don't like LaF. At this point, it's most of the players to a near majority. Some for history and some for current events but by and large there's a discontent we can agree upon.

I think it would behoove LaF to start realizing it's not elementary education vs elite math nerds who don't restart. Im one of very few elite math nerds left with dubs on multiple servers and i run a barely active country for the good guys. 60-70% of the people fighting LaF are, as noted, former LaF, or have stock in EVO, or are etc bodies, like myself (2025 is soon!!!1).

If LaF was willing to negotiate half the people fighting out of this war instead of calling them idiots, they would have already won, but they just can't take the fact that people like me would choose to leave this war and would desire not to be culpable for it in my future netting.

Until you guys lay off, people like me can't either. It would literally take you guys taking the L against EVO and piecing that off. Taking the L against SOL and piecing that off, and over time the tag would survive and become dominant again. But it seems it'd take some pandering and y'all just seem to have too much ego for that.

I want y'all to know to the casual tho, that what you've done as clan leaders altogether is incredibly boring. There's over 100 people in this war and while I actually do care about your BS, most don't. They're here to run turns for the coolest dudes in the game. And the side that's being chillest will win. Just be fluffin fonzie for 2 months you absolute ignoramus fluffs. Sheesh. Have a voice of reason and maybe, just maybe, it will have an impact.

It can't be that everyone else is stupid and you're so smart. It can't. You're literally better than that as a tag and you've fluffed with enough clans to know when taking an L is the right move. Maybe you've never had to do it, but I've done it against you several times to save players here quitting. Just do better politics. You aren't the dominant tag anymore. Sorry.

I take issue with three things here, Derrick.

1. You are calling yourself the good guys, that's a matter of opinion.

2. You keep stating that the majority of players left in this server hate LaF. I think it's probably half the game hates LaF, half the game doesn't.

3. And this is the big one. You keep saying 'take the L and move on'. I'm not sure exactly what you envision happening, but I don't think that's how any of this is going to work. You see, the 'good guys' have promised to never let LaF net again. You think they will just stop? They won't have any targets then, because there is no one else left to fight.

As exhibit A, I present to you, my desire to get the 'good guys' to stop attacking my alliance on the team server. I 'took the L and tried to move on'. I went to them, asking for peace. I even brokered peace. And then a day before the server started, I was informed, 'nah, we gonna kill you 25v10 again'. Why? Because they didn't like me. And their dislike for me is far less than their dislike for Gerdler and LaF.

So this 'take the L and move on' is a misnomer. It's not going to happen. The 'good guys' (notice how I keep calling them that, while indicating how they aren't actually being good guys?) are not going to let LaF net. They just aren't. They've said it a million times. Why would anyone believe otherwise?

BlackHole Game profile


May 21st 2023, 18:47:36

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah I didn't expect my understanding to really be spot on, I wasn't even here for the beginning haha. So it really doesn't explain how it started I guess. Only how it worsened and enlarged. I knew EVO only FA'd after their pact was dropped believing something nefarious was afoot, and the RESIST suicides on them the previous set from your side of the war seemed to confirm that thinking. Did evo get suicided by RESIST before or after the war started? Was after, correct?

Either way, that's some genuine current waygu that isn't a historical Kobe.

jesus fluff. Why are we suiciders when everyone else is in a war? Our time as a clan on alliance was in a war alongside LaF for two sets in a row. Prior to that I, personally, and alone, hit Omega, Evo, PDM, and LAF!!!!

Oh, and I did that hitting under the guidance and tutelage of Superfly.

BlackHole Game profile


May 17th 2023, 20:29:36

Originally posted by mdevol:
Blackhole just needs more time and to get guidance from other people.

He's active, has a decent grip of how to play the game, and wants to learn. That's pretty much all you need. Just needs a better surrounding.

Being used by Gerdler (the player not the mod) as cannon fodder and a meat shield and then allowing BH to run his mouth to become the public punching bag didn't allow him to establish himself as a player before becoming public enemy.

Like I've said before, he would likely be fun to have on your side but a pain to fight against given the right situation to develop. He just came up in the wrong situation.

I ran my mouth way before Gerd met me. I think I was three sets in before Gerd ever even said a word to me.

It wasn't his fault I have enemies.

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2023, 22:51:09

Originally posted by DruncK:
BlackHole you'll never be able to compete with these guys in their traditional sense. If you truly enjoy the game itself then play on solo servers or join a netting alliance here or on team.

It'd be a fun little experiment for the community here whether or not they can allow actual new players to enjoy the game.

You crossed a line when you crossed a server but I believe you didn't realize how badly you would be hated for it. I know the guys that hate you for what happened and I fully believe they would have no issues letting you continue here.

I've tried to play solo on the solo servers. I mentioned it in my initial post here, but I've been attacked and targeted in every server. Tourney I had ONE round where I didn't get OOP attacked/ab'd and declared war on. I did finish in the top 10 in tourney A that server too! It was fun.

But it was a fluke. They won't let me.

I also tried the whole negotiating for peace thing for my team. They agreed, initially. And then they backtracked. So that didn't work either.

Then my team started losing interest, and infighting because... well getting targeted like we were isn't fun. You all know that.

So it became to much of a hassle to hold the team together, that I decided I didn't want to hold the team together anymore.

I think of the original resist guys, we've lost... 6ish guys.. myself included. We weren't a big team to begin with, so that's a sizeable chunk.

I'm proud of them all though. They fought hard for 6 months. I think most of them just didn't see a way where we could start winning 9 vs 25. Regardless of how good we got, or how much we learned, it wasn't going to happen.

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2023, 22:46:51

Originally posted by major:
Blackhole you are not going fluffing anywhere. all is fair( and fun)in love and war.. stick it out bud!

It's not about fair or not fair. It's about fun or not fun. The game became not fun with how vitriolic it was.

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2023, 21:28:59

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Kind of a long post. I skimmed it, but basically in summary:

"Hi. So sorry, like really sorry. Sorry. Gerd and I make out. I played the game for a blip and no one will remember me. I got beat and I'm leaving because it's too hard. I'm going to go wait for Google to accept my application in being their new CEO. They need me. I deserve it and no i wont accept anything less. Until then i wont work hard or try to earn anything in life"

So, what's it going to be? Be better.

Oh. Um no offense.

lol - ok. So I'm going to respond just cause you sound like a tool.

Part of the reason for stepping away, beyond the things I mentioned, is that this game is a time sink. Sitting around, waiting to get attacked between the hours of 9pm and 11pm (or later, cause Mercs are freaking slow to get their WC's going) sucks. Same thing with morning attacks.

The games not too hard. The game is just not fun when that's all you're doing. As for the 'you don't work hard in life comment'. That's just stupid. I CAN'T sit around all day because I do work hard in real life. Unlike others here, I have a job. You don't have to believe me, it doesn't matter. I just find it funny that your comment is

'you're a failure in real life cause you don't want to sit around in a game that is a huge time sink'.

Wow. Harsh words man. I'm 100% Asian and you treat me this poorly. Kind of messed up. I even said no offense.

I've heard that people who have to say they work really hard, usually don't work that hard though. Also, if you're spending a lot of time on this game then you might be doing it wrong.

No offense.

People that say they work really hard... usually don't work that hard?

What kind of armchair psychologist BS is that?

So if I have too much time to play, it's cause I have no job. But if I don't have enough time to play, it's because I don't know how to work hard at something... and thus, probably don't have a job either?

LOL - Can't win with you bro.

BlackHole Game profile


May 16th 2023, 14:53:26

Originally posted by ZEN:
Kind of a long post. I skimmed it, but basically in summary:

"Hi. So sorry, like really sorry. Sorry. Gerd and I make out. I played the game for a blip and no one will remember me. I got beat and I'm leaving because it's too hard. I'm going to go wait for Google to accept my application in being their new CEO. They need me. I deserve it and no i wont accept anything less. Until then i wont work hard or try to earn anything in life"

So, what's it going to be? Be better.

Oh. Um no offense.

lol - ok. So I'm going to respond just cause you sound like a tool.

Part of the reason for stepping away, beyond the things I mentioned, is that this game is a time sink. Sitting around, waiting to get attacked between the hours of 9pm and 11pm (or later, cause Mercs are freaking slow to get their WC's going) sucks. Same thing with morning attacks.

The games not too hard. The game is just not fun when that's all you're doing. As for the 'you don't work hard in life comment'. That's just stupid. I CAN'T sit around all day because I do work hard in real life. Unlike others here, I have a job. You don't have to believe me, it doesn't matter. I just find it funny that your comment is

'you're a failure in real life cause you don't want to sit around in a game that is a huge time sink'.

BlackHole Game profile


May 9th 2023, 21:34:01

Originally posted by GeneralCojones:
Are you done with the drama, now comeback and say we surrender . And that's it make a new move and keep the wheel going you guys could end the war anyday, but instead you just quit, you guys could try new ways to play

Sir, with all due respect, that's simply not true.

I legitimately tried to end the war we were fighting on team.

This is what I was told.

"Hello not sure if you are playing next set in teams but it looks like ABM, Symba, Coalie, Tmac, Getafix don’t want to participate in the DNH anymore. So I guess to do you thing and I am out of all things related to making arrangements"

"I am just giving you the heads up cuz after your Evo posts and the F tmac and evo post you pissed every single leader In the coalition off and now they hate for you real
So they said F black hole and F the resistance."

And then we were attacked OOP by 4 clans, again. I negotiated peace. And peace was not given.

So no, we couldn't make peace on move on. So we just moved on.

Appreciate the thoughts though.

BlackHole Game profile


May 9th 2023, 16:45:29

Originally posted by SuperFly:
btw what is this new game? is it one of those flashy cell phone games with graphics and stuff? is it pokemon go?

The new game is Zombocom.


BlackHole Game profile


May 9th 2023, 16:44:51

Originally posted by Tertius:
You continue to try to equate your actions, but the events that led to the initial war were very different from how you came to attack others.

LaF (Gerdler and Gains I think specifically) had conversations with the warring alliances that did not go well. My understanding (and someone feel free to correct this if you have the details) is that the warring alliances said they wanted to war LaF one set to mix things up, and LaF tried to dictate terms, got angry, cursed everyone out, and ultimately threatened to run SoL off the alliance server. They talked themselves into that war, and then by their own admission (Gerdler, but probably others), they're stubborn and want to prove themselves the victors so doubled down on warring indefinitely, including the OOP AB / landkills which we've discussed on team is less about enjoyment and more about scorched earth.

You on the other hand did go the terrorist route, and repeatedly attacked a number of players who had no involvement with any of that drama, across numerous servers. Yes, SF and Gerdler have done that to each other for years, but it's based on personal drama between them, not randomly, and as I've stated, I don't condone that myself. AndrewMose asked you directly if there was some personal issue you had with him; you said yourself you respected Tmac and avoided hitting him initially to stay true to your word; you and I have had a few discussions and I thought it was always amiable.

Those two things are not the same.

That's fair. They are different. I felt bad hitting Andrewmose. I was willing to be the bad guy for the greater good though :)

It didn't work out. And I really only did it for a set and a half. So hopefully the damage done wasn't permanent.

BlackHole Game profile


May 9th 2023, 15:02:21

Originally posted by Tertius:
I liked your spirit - you brought some new enthusiasm to a number of servers, and you legitimately seemed like you wanted to try and make it fun initially. You even recruited and brought in a number of new players, which ultimately helps the game. That's not really how it ended, though, and I think the game / playerbase is in a worse off position than it was before, with a number of players leaving because, just like for you, it really isn't fun for anyone. So - kudos to you for the self-reflection and apology - but I think the negative effects will be longer lasting.

To be fair, Tert. I don't think you can blame that entirely on me. Look at LaF numbers. They have dropped off significantly too. In fact, a lot of us from Resist and LaF just went to play a different game together.

I didn't cause LaF to quit. So why are they quitting? It might be due to Mercs 'you will never net again' actions. So while I'll take blame for running a few people off servers, you have to understand I was trying to do that almost like I was a terrorist. Hoping that things would get so bad that players like yourself would look at how we got here, and condemn the other side too... not just me.

That didn't happen. Nobody that was in the middle ever looked at the actions of Mercs can condemned them the way my actions were condemned. So I clearly made a miscalculation there. But nevertheless, I don't think it's fair to blame me entirely for the loss of players.

BlackHole Game profile


May 8th 2023, 16:54:20

Originally posted by SuperFly:
See you next round! You will be back

Sorry, my eternal nemesis. You've won. I am gone. We had some fun fights though, and I do appreciate all the lessons I learned from you. I think you probably taught me more than anyone else in this game, just from having to fight you over and over, everywhere. Once I learned how to deal with one tactic, you'd throw a curve ball at me with a new tactic I hadn't seen before.

All the people that I messed up in solo servers, you've got Superfly to blame. He taught me how to do it!

BlackHole Game profile


May 8th 2023, 16:52:42

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Yo BlackHole. Sorry we didn't ever get a chance to be on the same side of the battlefield. I enjoyed getting to know you a bit and getting to interact with your character playing. I've taken long breaks from this game several times because I was finding more anger than positivity with players and with mods, etc. Sometimes taking a step back from attempting to lead helps you see your enemies here like a drunk abusive uncle and the hurtful stuff bounces off a little better, because you realize it's actually a really tight family that's been here forever, and always has your back. We hurt the ones we love, and this motley crew is my oldest friends, and even at times, they feel like kin. I literally owe getting off the streets and into a home in some way to this community. Both financially and emotional support they helped me find a better life.

I hope, as a guy who was on the other side, that my forceful advice to you that could benefit my side wasn't taken as too brash. You said once in a private chat I was sent screens of (lol) "I really thought Derrick respected me..."

I did bro. And what could be seen as manipulation was intended to warn you about how easy it is to get burned out and bogged down here. If you ever asked me for help instead of war, hope you know you'd have gotten help and not war. Got nothing but love and respect for you fam. You're one of the only dudes when I'd see ya on IRC I'd say hello that I haven't known for 2 decades. I think you know that's true.

If you ever decide to give it another run, lmk. You know I gotchu. And if you're ever in Philly, shoot me a DM and I'll buy you a drink. Cheers brother.

I appreciate the words. I definitely think we would have been friends in a different universe.

BlackHole Game profile


May 8th 2023, 16:52:11

Originally posted by DruncK:
Well apparently what you did worked. Brought a few people out of the woodwork to squash your ass.

The group your fighting has done a lot worse than whatever it is you've done.

Don't be a fluff and quit. Sign a pact, be diplomatic and revel in the fact that your gave these nerds something to care about again.

I tried the pact routes about 2 months ago. It didn't work, the pacts were canceled. I was informed individuals wanted to kill me over and over, lol. Can't say I blame them.

That was really my last ditch effort to keep my team together. Tried to get us a pact in team so that we could either net as a team, or find an even sided war with someone. When the pact was canceled and we ended up fighting 25v8 or so again, we quickly lost interest from members on our team. And I didn't have the energy to re-motivate them again.

BlackHole Game profile


May 8th 2023, 16:50:14

Originally posted by myerr21:
Sweet. I never did anything to you and you legit ruined multiple sets for me. Im glad to see you go lol.

That's fair.

Sorry for ruining your sets. Best of luck going forward.