
BlackHole Game profile


Jul 21st 2023, 11:14:38

Originally posted by Suicidal:
What a coincidence.... I was thinking the same as a result of Clan GDI....... This is, and has been, the only online game I have ever played but it is nowhere close to the game I once signed up for.

As for TC, BH, and QZ. take a look at the original game's mission statement. The present game in no way reflects the current game promo.

I have always been an independent thinker and never a follower so, it is more than a coincidence that I would leave at the same time others have chosen to do the same.
It is not an individual Alliance idea as each alliance is made up of individuals. These are individual decisions.

I played here for more than 24 years and I will soon be gone. I am leaving here to carry on. Those who knew me, knew me well. Those that didn't can go to hell :)

Been fun but.... I'm done!

Hey buddy - I think I can probably get you in my alliance on Astro Empires. You have a lot of positive traits I'll tell them about. Your obsessive compulsive disorder. Your inability to play nice with others. Your hot mom.

I'm pretty sure I can get you in easy.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 21st 2023, 11:12:57

Originally posted by Getafix:
I will also be deleting my country, and I won't return unless Clan GDI is removed. The game has been made pointless and stupid. I'm really disappointed in Qzjul for implementing this mechanic and bringing this 25 year old game to an end.

Noooooooo!!!! Not you Getafix. You are so nice and cool and fun to have around.


Guess team server belongs to Jelly now. Peace homie.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 21st 2023, 11:12:06

Originally posted by mrford:
I thought BH was slightly intelligent until now.

Don't lie, you never thought I was slightly intelligent. It'd be like an ant thinking a human is intelligent. You've gotta be at least close to the other creatures intelligence level to make judgements about their intelligence.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 21st 2023, 11:10:14

Sui, just say the words and I'll get one sent out for you.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 21st 2023, 11:07:20

Originally posted by Requiem:
BH – you can't be serious? Qz changed game code to enforce PvE. A user cannot beat a developer.

Right, they cannot.

I'm just going off of what you guys say all the time. I have no idea what actually happened. But you keep saying that LaF convinced QZ to modify the game to give them an advantage. If that's what really happened, than LaF just served a masterclass in how to defeat their enemy. They didn't even try to fight you on your terms. They took the fight to another level, a level that the coalition hadn't even considered as an option.

Why does QZ want to give LaF an advantage? He likes them, for some reason. Maybe if Darkness/SoL/SoF had been more likeable, they would have had the game modified to their advantage instead? Social politics. Ya'll failed at it. You literally are on the opposite side of the most important people in this game, the developers. If there is anyone in the game I'd want to be friends with, it's them. But instead ya'll walk around these forums, hurling insults at them left and right... and then you're surprised when they do thinks that benefit your enemy?

You speak of politics all the time, but then don't understand how ya'll have failed in the biggest political showdown there is.

It's honestly fluffing hilarious. And I'm not even in favor of these changes. But I recognize how your personalities have probably pissed QZ off to a degree that he will never do anything to benefit you. In fact, I'd guess he'd go out of his way to hurt you all, even if it means hurting himself, due to your behaviors. That's how bad you have all sucked at this politicking.

None of you will ever take blame for it, though. You'll blame it on someone else, make fun of someone else, or most likely, just hurl another insult at me. That's all you know how to do, it seems.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 21st 2023, 1:39:49

So is Mercs/SoL/SoF admitting defeat?

I learned 6 months ago this game is more than the game being played on the servers. It's political. That's why Coalie used an alternate discord login to infiltrate my alliance. And I was told that's how the games played. It's all about politics and espionage, back room deals, and trickery.

I guess ya'll lost at your own game? LaF will get to net after all. And ya'll are quitting the game! They defeated you in only a short couple months. That's freaking hilarious given all the trash you've all talked.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 20th 2023, 22:03:45

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
You guys familiar with the Horseshoe Theory of political spectrums from Le Siècle des idéologies? It's an interesting read if you know French. I'm not sure if there's a good translation tho.

Anyways, it asserts that rather than there being a far-left and far-right in a linear fashion, that the spectrum is actually horseshoe shaped, and when you reach the end of either side, you're much closer to the extreme on the other side than moderates are too one another. The sides might even kiss one another a bit when you reach totalitarianism, authoritarianism, etc.

This debate, it seems, has a bit of a Horseshoe to it.

Does the book provide any modern day parallels? I find it an interesting theory, but I'd like to see some real life examples..

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 20th 2023, 22:02:30

Sui - you want me to send you a poster with my face on it to hang in your room? You're more obsessed with me than your mom was with the backstreet boys last time I visited her.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 1:51:02

lol major, your post reminds me of the wailing of a dying cat.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 21:26:30

Originally posted by Requiem:
I don't believe it was mischaracterized, but my question remains.

Rephrase the question. Because you said 'does laf also agree', and I don't agree with your question as it was stated. I don't know who does.

If the question is 'does LaF also agree that LaF would have lost the war had Resist/JL not been in the war as well'?

I'd love to hear the answer to that question. I would agree with that statement.

Gerd? Gains? I'm curious their opinions.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 20:46:42

Originally posted by Requiem:
Does LaF agree that you carried them on your back to victory? LaF was only the flag bearer?

Slight mischaracterization of what I said.

We OBVIOUSLY wouldn't have won the war without LaF. They had the numbers, and the stronger countries. And they ran more war chats against bigger targets, more successfully. They also had the superior planning skills.

What I said was when the teams were even (which to my knowledge only occurred when my team and stones also joined the war) we beat you guys. LaF still was the strongest alliance in that fight. But I do believe the LaF guys will confirm that myself and my team played a substantial role in that victory.

I do not believe LaF would have won the war without us. In part because of the warchats I ran. In part because of the damage that my team sucked up, while continuing to hit back. But we obviously wouldn't have won without them either.

And I also believe that my leading of warchats made Stones more effective in that war, a statement that I think Stones would agree with as well.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 20:26:30

Originally posted by major:
you are not even allowed to type the name Stones. not before or now.

that behind us, to get to the chase of the discussion, try to grow a sack.. not even looking for grapes... just a couple of tiny BBs would actually suffice.

SOL has grapes... come stomp them, then you earn the right to "wine".

hit, war, or STFU already man!

I'll type stones all I want. I single handedly lead their team to hits against Merc/Sol/Sof targets, when they were only capable/comfortable hitting RAGE targets.

They are great people. But make no mistake, without me leading them in warchats, they would have been no where near as effective as they were. I think anyone famililar with the situation would back up that statement.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 19:55:27

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
I'm pretty sure you didn't out war us, considering we crushed your tag into dust the set after. So its 2 to 1 for us.

When it was even numbers and my crew helped LaF, you guys lost. Those are just facts.

I can't take you seriously when your own crew talks smack about you now lol.

You don't need to take me seriously, you just need to understand that I was instrumental and played a massive role in you losing.

Put that in perspective. I, a brand new player, who was leading an alliance of brand new players, in my first ever war on alliance, WITHOUT WARBOTS, lead my team of nobodies (at the time, they are all developing into fine players) and often times Stones, on kill run after kill run, against the mighty 20 year players of Mercs/SoL/SoF.

And we killed a fluff ton of you. While taking a disproportionate amount of attacks back. In fact, I'm pretty sure I personally took more attacks than anyone else in the server that round. My country was killed something like 13 or 14 times. And I still was in the top 5 of hitters on my side of the war (LaF included).

So Symba, you don't really have to take me seriously. That was your downfall before, and I don't expect you to ever learn from your mistakes.

But the facts are the facts.


TLDR, I made you my B*tch, and you liked it.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 19:46:25

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
I'm pretty sure you didn't out war us, considering we crushed your tag into dust the set after. So its 2 to 1 for us.

When it was even numbers and my crew helped LaF, you guys lost. Those are just facts.

I can't take you seriously when your own crew talks smack about you now lol.

You don't need to take me seriously, you just need to understand that I was instrumental and played a massive role in you losing.

Put that in perspective. I, a brand new player, who was leading an alliance of brand new players, in my first ever war on alliance, WITHOUT WARBOTS, lead my team of nobodies (at the time, they are all developing into fine players) and often times Stones, on kill run after kill run, against the mighty 20 year players of Mercs/SoL/SoF.

And we killed a fluff ton of you. While taking a disproportionate amount of attacks back. In fact, I'm pretty sure I personally took more attacks than anyone else in the server that round. My country was killed something like 13 or 14 times. And I still was in the top 5 of hitters on my side of the war (LaF included).

So Symba, you don't really have to take me seriously. That was your downfall before, and I don't expect you to ever learn from your mistakes.

But the facts are the facts.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 17:46:41

Originally posted by Symbolic:
I'm pretty sure you didn't out war us, considering we crushed your tag into dust the set after. So its 2 to 1 for us.

When it was even numbers and my crew helped LaF, you guys lost. Those are just facts.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 15:06:47

Link - out of curiosity, as someone who hasn't been following this closely....

Are war clans still able to war? Like, could Sol and Darkness agree to a war, and then have a war with each other right now?

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 16:01:09

I'm not expecting civility. I'm simply asking the mods to punish those who aren't civil.

I know some of you can't help but being hateful, awful people. And I know you won't change. I just want you banned if you don't, for the sake of the community.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 14:18:38

Wow. Something we finally agree on.

You do act like a 'click' not a community. Like a bunch of high school kids that never knew how to grow the F up. And your click does more damage to this game than anything else you're talking about here, because nobody wants to be around a bunch of HS kids that hurl pejoratives and insults at others.

You do realize this game's most likely player base are ADULTS, not children that will be impressed by your passive aggressive 'weezy became bi then gay then trans' attempted insult, right?

Maybe your click would be a better fit in candy crush or some other setting where that kind of garbage would play well.

Is it so hard for you to not use pejoratives to insult people non-stop? Try acting your age for once.

Now I'll stfu.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 14:00:02

No one gives a fux Sui! You're missing the GD point.


BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 8:30:27

Shweezy, respectfully, this thread is also about why this game is dying.

And the point I've brought up is on full display by braden and major here.

I brought up the usage of pejoratives, in response to someone using autist as an insult. I then used examples of other pejoratives, fag being one of them (the n word being another). These two guys then decided to go full on hate mode against gay people, completely unprompted. Nobody was sticking their fluff in either of you, I was simply saying let's not use hate speech against whole groups of people, that's all.

And your defense was 'why do gay people have to blah blah blah'.

Let's take out that pejorative and use another.

'Why do n-gg--- have to blah blah blah'

See why it's not ok? It's not about you engaging in gay sex, or watching others do it, or even liking it.

Just like it's not about you becoming autistic, or watching other autistic people, or even liking autism.

Just like it's not about you becoming black, or watching black people, or even liking black people.

It's about you not publicly using fluffing pejoratives to describe large groups of people, as those pejoratives may have an effect on this player base. My point is that there is a non-zero chance that a member of one of those groups may see that sort of language and decide this is a community they DO NOT want to be a part of. The end result, a smaller player base.

I 100% fully understand there are going to be homophobic people in the world that say all kinds of 18th century backwoods, uneducated BS. And if your mom couldn't educate you, I'm sure as hell not going to be able to. Ya'll can be homophobic, racist, hateful toward people with autism, and whatever the fluff else you want to do. I just don't think you should be allowed to use those pejoratives and similar speech on a public forum.

That's my point.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 15:00:37


BlackHole Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 14:42:42

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Am I a nice guy, Coalie? (Not in LAF, just for the record!)

I think you're a funny dude and an okay person.

fluff you bro

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 14:06:23

Am I a nice guy, Coalie? (Not in LAF, just for the record!)

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 11:00:05

Doug - that's the point.

I know people dropping gay slurs in here don't bother you. You're tough, I'm sure you've dealt with much worse. But that doesn't mean our community should tolerate it.

Let's use another example. Let's say people wanted to act like Nazi's in here, praise hitler, scream about the jews. Yea... it's the internet, and I'm an adult, I can handle it. But that doesn't mean I should. I should call that fluff out as inappropriate and tell the responsible person that we won't tolerate those ideas or that language here. Not because we can't, but because we don't want to.

That's how I feel about the autism/retard stuff as well. It's bullfluff, to be honest. Grow the fluff up. Our community doesn't need to be representing ourselves publicly like that. Not if we want to grow our player base, or at least retain what we have.

Go to 4chan if you want to act like a fluffing idiot on the internet.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 10:52:44


Now that is quite the offer. We pay reps next round, but you must join us. OR we 80-tap you!

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 23:52:58

Right... but he did start it. But then his teammates got mad when I responded. So I'm trying to smooth things over. Am I doing a poor job of it?

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 23:04:26

I uh... was trying to smooth things over. Trying to have some fun and make light of everything?

You do realize that you guys hit me, not the other way around, right?

I'm under the impression you all want peace with me... is that not the case?

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 22:57:43

Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by mrford:

TC is an autist moron. This is a solid post.

I know some of you are 60+, and stuck in your ways, but why is this acceptable?

I'll be the first to admit I've thrown around some mean insults on these forums. And I think that's part of the whole problem here. Everyone talks about the player base dwindling, but have we ever taken a step back to realize that our community is extremely hostile and offensive toward each other. It's not a very inviting or fun place to be.

With regards to the 'autist' insult, MrFord, that insult is extremely offensive to many. You're taking the word autistic and turning it into a pejorative. It's incredibly offensive to people who do have autism, as well as the rest of the world that doesn't see those individuals and their disabilities/differences as pejoratives. I understand that calling people autists is what all the cool kids are doing nowadays, but it's actually not cool at all. It's incredibly childish. I just wanted you to be aware, in case you weren't.

That said - I won't throw stones in a glass house. I've called people quite mean things on here before. So I'm going to try to do better.

Oh come on dude be a man…Get off the internet if you don’t want to be offended. We aren’t responsible for your girly feelings and can’t be responsible to read your posts in some weird dialect similar to diaherria

Look bro - just because we are 'on the internet' doesn't mean we have to tolerate people calling others [mod edit] any blurred out degenerate pejorative you want to come up with. [/end mod edit]

I get that we all did that fluff when we were 15. But we aren't children around here anymore. Grow the fluff up. Seriously.

And I don't say this because it hurts my feels. I say it because you acting like this is what makes people not want to stick around. What the fluff do you think happens when an autistic person, or a gay person comes to play this game, and they see that the community allows those pejoratives to be used ON THE PUBLIC FORUMS. You know what happens? They don't feel welcome, and they leave.

And I get that you're hard, and you're cool and they need to get over it. But they don't care. They will just leave. And now the game and the community is worse off for it.

So again, can we act like freaking adults and chill with that sort of language?

Edited By: Primeval on Jul 13th 2023, 23:17:55

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 22:53:53

Getafix, your friends in EVO play the same way. Stop being a hypocrite, it's not an LaF thing, it's a netters thing. They ALL want to have no defense. EVO achieves it by having their pitbulls kill anyone who tries to land grab them.

Which is fine. But to demean others and chastise them when your own friends in EVO play the exact same way, it's just hypocritical.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 16:58:15

Let that be a lesson to you. Don't let it happen again.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 16:50:39

Originally posted by mrford:

TC is an autist moron. This is a solid post.

I know some of you are 60+, and stuck in your ways, but why is this acceptable?

I'll be the first to admit I've thrown around some mean insults on these forums. And I think that's part of the whole problem here. Everyone talks about the player base dwindling, but have we ever taken a step back to realize that our community is extremely hostile and offensive toward each other. It's not a very inviting or fun place to be.

With regards to the 'autist' insult, MrFord, that insult is extremely offensive to many. You're taking the word autistic and turning it into a pejorative. It's incredibly offensive to people who do have autism, as well as the rest of the world that doesn't see those individuals and their disabilities/differences as pejoratives. I understand that calling people autists is what all the cool kids are doing nowadays, but it's actually not cool at all. It's incredibly childish. I just wanted you to be aware, in case you weren't.

That said - I won't throw stones in a glass house. I've called people quite mean things on here before. So I'm going to try to do better.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 16:39:22

Originally posted by Getafix:
Here is an idea to fix the game. Drop Clan GDI, we kill LaF, and all the honourable rule abiding players there, like SilentWolf, Mac23 and Whynot to name a few of those I think of as friends, you guys join the respected netting clans that are here like Evo and Omega. Or even demote Gerdler, Gainsboro and Turtle Crawler to recruits and make Mac23 leader. Then maybe we can negotiate again.

Then, we form pacts that don't penalize us for recruiting new people who might fluff up, and we come up with a strategy to retain all the people who visit here every set and try the game out. We can follow the terms of our pact that we agreed on at the end of last set and work towards a better rapport, less hate, and making the game more enjoyable.

And we can leave the game the way its always been and keep the conflict and drama, with a bit less hate.

As someone whose not in LaF - the problem I see with this is you're seeking to punish one side (their side) while not having anything negative happen to your side, all in the name of unity and creating a better game.

If you really wanted a better game, you'd squash the beef, forgive and forget. Your idea is sound. Creating a pact that doesn't punish recruiting new players, and seek to develop the player base more. I think that's a wonderful idea. But to add to that the requirement for LaF to delete it's entire clan, or demote it's leaders, that's an ask that isn't fair.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 12th 2023, 20:43:28

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by Leto:
I am not a fan of the clan gdi, it hurts an alliances ability to defend itself. Ifm if you need to kill someone you can't if your in it or if they are. You can go crazy and op of the heck out of people, destroying their buildings, stealing oil and wrecking havoc in other ways but you can't hit them back.

I'm not sure why anyone would be in favor of this.

You're missing the point. Gerdler has qz on speed dial and is putting pressure on him as we speak to remove the spy ops too.

Guess Gerd's politicking game is way better than yours, Chevs. Step yo game up.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 12th 2023, 20:43:02

Originally posted by Leto:
I am not a fan of the clan gdi, it hurts an alliances ability to defend itself. Ifm if you need to kill someone you can't if your in it or if they are. You can go crazy and op of the heck out of people, destroying their buildings, stealing oil and wrecking havoc in other ways but you can't hit them back.

I'm not sure why anyone would be in favor of this.

Oh shoot, the way you put it, I really like that idea. Now I can suicide Tmac and not get killed within 7 minutes?!?!? Maybe I should rejoin the alliance server!

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 12th 2023, 18:02:14

I think I agree with all you've said there, Derrick.

And it probably is true that my lack of experience (literally) biases my opinions in a way that might not be fully reflective of the actual landscape with which I exist.

I also think it's odd that QZ made major changes, and then hasn't been back to defend/explain/troubleshoot these changes. With a player base this small, you'd think the dev team would HAVE to communicate openly with it's playerbase.

I will say though, I don't think the constant attacks on devs/mods/LaF are doing anybody any favors in terms of getting actual answers, or generating a helpful discussion.

From the get go, this thread has been 'LaF/Gerd, you guys suck for making QZ do this', but typically in much more aggressive tones. This game isn't making anyone any money. Why would QZ want to come back and deal with this fluff, when this is how half the community reacts to him?

I think people need to take a step back and act as a united player base, where we stop trashing each other constantly, and instead come together and talk like adults.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 12th 2023, 13:14:48

Steeps - I think my point is that even without Clan GDI we are playing snakes and ladders, without snakes and ladders, cause there are very few snakes left, and even fewer ladders.

Using a more extreme example.

Let's say there are 9 people left in the game. 3 of them are netters, 4 of them are a war clan that protects the netters, and 2 of them do their own thing, but might want to attack the netters.

It's the same thing. The 2 people can't do anything. The 4 people in the war clan have fun killing the 2 people over and over. And the three netters can run defenseless.

That's basically what we have now, except a few more people.

Teams server doesn't actually enforce the teams rule. Literally, that is the basis of my existence and The Resistance. It was the very first thing I made a stink about.

All teams really does is takes the people in alliance, and separates them into 4 or 5 tags, but they all still cooperate. So it's not really any different.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 12th 2023, 11:51:31

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly, do people find the "who can make the biggest FFO with no risk of getting hit and no player market influence or strategy parity" meta fun?

I've seen many arguments for LaF sucking. Just as many for wardogs being able to kiss off. I personally like both sides and the thing that concerns me most is the game that I play being fun.

So to TC or Gerdy or gains or whoever...LaF people:

Is the reality of this server being so simple and so much just who makes the beefyest FFO actually interesting and fun? It seems like a horribly boring meta...

Even if the market played a little different set to set, I'd find it waaaaay more fun sounding than just making thousands of bot hits and oil destocking where the most active bot hitter that pays for premium and knows how to hybrid destock wins...

I agree with most of what you're saying Derrick. Here is what I'm curious your opinion on though.

You cite that being able to build with zero defense is incredibly lame. That's the problem with Clan GDI, you don't even need defense anymore. You literally can just play farmville and do nothing.

I agree, completely.

However - isn't that kind of what we've had for awhile now for half the server? My whole saga on Alliance got started when I attacked players who had, basically, zero defense. And then I was murdered for it, which cool, whatever. But due to the dwindling player base, we have come to a point where Tmac and his crew (and some others) literally have nothing to fear in terms of people hitting them, because they know 100%, that if they get hit, their attack dogs will kill the enemy over and over and over, for a year plus? Eternity?

And you might say to me 'well yea, but that's why politics is important, right?' And I'd agree with that statement, if we had politics actually happening. But I don't think we do, cause there are 47 players. And 30 of them hate the other 17, period. The sides aren't changing. The war isn't becoming an even war. New players aren't coming to the game to mix it up, force EVO and other empty defense netters to actually consider defense, cause each set they don't know who the enemy might be.

All clan GDI did, in my estimation, is give the other half of the server the same virtual guarantees of not being attacked, that the first half has had.

And yes, I know that Evo could be attacked. And that any server a suicider could do their thing. But generally that doesn't happen. And when it does, the suicider (me, for instance) pays an extreme price. Which discourages anyone from ever doing that again.

I don't think clan GDI is actually a good thing for the game. But I also don't think the current state of the player bases stances toward each other is good either. I think it creates an incredibly unhealthy environment.

If I were in charge, I'd split alliances up into smaller groups. And I'd enforce strict no cooperation rules outside that alliance. I think the server would be soooo much more fun if you had alliances of 7 or 8 people, but we had 10 legit alliances that were either going to war, or net. And we knew none of those alliances were going to cooperate with others.

But I digress. I'm curious your thoughts, Derrick.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 18:48:46

Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by braden:
I wasn't banned. I asked galleri to implement a 3 year quit for me.

you can do that?

ban me after this set till right before 2025 lol

Link - why don't you come join Jelly. It'll feel even worse than being banned! Or better? I dunno, whichever you're shooting for.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 17:20:09

Originally posted by mrford:
Did this scrub really call out Astro Empires as an alternative?

Was he not around when EE went and played AE? And how that ended? Not toxic?

Atleast he is funny.

Are you asking rhetorical questions, or do you not know how to read? I've been here for 6 months. So no, I wasn't around in 2004 when EE played AE. You can stop re-living events from 20 years ago any day you want.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 13:41:03

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

LOL - fluffing irony bro.

Also - pay attention. I've un-retired. They call me Tom Brady. I'm the hottest fluff on team server right now. Try to keep up.

If LaF members wanted to net, they should pick a tag to play in that has leadership that isn't so toxic. Diplomacy should matter in an alliance based game. It's an ingame tag, not North Korea.

LaF leadership has a history of poor politics and when they start to reap the consequences of their actions, they whine to mods or devs to bail them out. This has happened before with sanctions, and is happening again now with the war room debacle. Clueless game devs listening to toxic alliance leaders has already chased dozens of people out of a dead game and will likely be the final nail in the coffin.

...and to be clear, I love it. I've felt the community has deserved a better managed game for years now. I hope QZ continues to go full retard and breaks things for good.

Btw, the most ironic part of this thread is you comparing yourself to the GOAT when all you've done is lose.

Superfly was the first to call me Tom Brady, and I was parroting him, as a way of making fun of myself for retiring and unretiring. Good try with the insult though!!

Here's the cool thing about this game, and I've told a few of the others in your cohort this same thing. You can't just quit, if you'd like. If you want the game to fail, if you don't want to be here, just leave. It's super easy!

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 11:14:32

All BS aside, the reality of this game and the problems with it are as follows:

In a game with thousands of people, wars are wars. Politics play an important role, and it's a lot of fun. Alliances change, new blood comes and goes, and it keeps the game fresh, fun, and exciting.

In a game with 47 people, wars are not wars anymore. They are simply two sides being fluffs to each other for eternity. And whichever side happens to have more people (yes, people is the metric here, not skill) wins. And not only do they win, they make the game unplayable and unfun for everyone else.

Clan GDI, I assume, was meant to address this. But Clan GDI also takes away a big portion of the game. You can see that half the players here just want to attack the other half, since they are the bigger/stronger half and it's fun to gang up on others. I don't disagree, I wish I would have been on the larger numbers side in a war, it would probably have been a riot.

But the game we have today isn't conducive to any of that being healthy in any way.

There are two real solutions.

1. Grow the player base.
2. Realize you're all playing a game that is deeply flawed and will never really be anything close to what it was or could be, due to the player size.

As someone who got back into browser games over the last 7 months, and has now experienced different games to compare this to, I can easily say that other games do not have these problems. Astro Empires has an extremely healthy war component to it's game. And even being on the losing side of a war doesn't mean that all hope is lost and there is no point in playing. There are mechanics that exist that make it so that you are able to rebuild and contribute in meaningful ways, even after getting your fleet destroyed or bases occupied.

The game doesn't allow scripts or bots or any of the tools that EE uses. So the game doesn't become setup IRC on your phone and wait for alerts to come in at 3 in the morning. Attacking enemies is more involved than waiting for the warchat leader to pick a target and watching a countdown in IRC, then hitting a button 30 times as fast as you can. And the player base isn't so small that you know your enemies first and last name, the name of their pets, and what they do for a living.

In other words, its way healthier than this community.

All of that said, I like EE. I think EE is a fun game. But the size of the player base isn't conducive to the game being played the way it used to be played. So either the game changes, or the player base changes. Or the game dies even quicker, which at this point, might be a good thing.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 9:31:06

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
The obsessions are literally so sad.

Why are you posting on a forum for a game that you apparently don't play anymore while claiming that people who do still play the game and have fun in their own way are "sad"?

Galleri multi or something? lulz.

Wait wait wait....

Did you just insult me by claiming I'm upset because people play the game and have fun in their 'own way' are sad, in a thread, designed to insult LaF cause they want to net and not be engaged in a lifetime war against the degenerates left in EE?

LOL - fluffing irony bro.

And yes, this is my multi. I am galleri. You caught me, good job.

Also - pay attention. I've un-retired. They call me Tom Brady. I'm the hottest fluff on team server right now. Try to keep up.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 2:03:03

The obsessions are literally so sad.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 9th 2023, 13:49:42

Originally posted by braden:
We spend six minutes a day on turns and 12 hours hitting refresh hoping one of the 47 players posted something on the forums

Yet we complain when people post on the forums a lot, or post something to long to read.
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

If this is working actually the way it's intended, it's not only insanely flawed, but should also kill the player base. Pretty wild.

If it is intended this way, it's at least a wild choice. Idk...

This did kill the player base lol. how many players quit on the coalition side this set? I know of 5 mercs players who hung up their hats but as long as it ain’t laf players quitting who gives a flufffffffff right?


BlackHole Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 19:35:03

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I mean. I'm not playing any servers this set either. These days I only play one like every other set or three or so. I just don't really make a big hoopla about it.

Maybe the new meta is to jabber at everyone that you quit and it's their fault every time you take a set off. I'll get with the program shortly.

You have a lot to learn from me, Derrick. Follow in my footsteps, and I'll teach you the new ways.