
BenRaines Game profile

New Member

Aug 5th 2019, 2:15:49

As I stated in my post, I just returned to the game after a 10 year hiatus. Ask any old timer you want, I used to post Alliance Rankings back in the hey day of this game. I've always used this Nick and I very rarely post. Even back then I only posted Alliance Rankings at the end of sets. I'm hiding behind nothing, anyone who knows Ben Raines knows where to find me.

So brush up on your history before you open your mouth to once again insert your foot into it.

BenRaines Game profile

New Member

Aug 5th 2019, 2:00:28

North Korea decides that it wants to prove a point. Being a small country, run by a small man with small, uh hands, they launch a Nuclear missile (or 26) at little old Japan who is doing nothing militarily since WW 2. Japan happens to be "netting" the last 70+ years and doing quite well as evidenced by their economy and without getting involved in others beefs. Now the rest of the World sees what N Korea did and takes action by wiping N Korea from the face of the planet.

So by Death Cabs logic, N Korea is the victim in the situation because there were no written rules stating N Korea couldn't use all means to improve the state of their country. It's not like leaders around the World have worked together to prevent such a scenario for the last 70+ years. Ask Saddam Hussein how it worked out for him when he invaded a little country called Kuwait. I remember a coalition of about 35 countries coming together to tell him that wasn't going to be allowed.

So, Kim Jung Death Cab, you need to understand that you are playing in the ALLIANCE server. The Alliances in control of the server are those that have the power. You want to change the server, build an alliance and gain some power. As for the game being a former shell of itself, yeah I remember the days of 5K plus countries (probably had a couple thousand people actually playing and multies running the rest) but the game has changed and is still here for those who have adapted and wish to continue playing. I've only recently returned after a 10 year hiatus myself.

As for you being labeled a "suicide"; Your behavior was suicidal for the simple fact that you knew damn well that your country would be killed for the actions it took.Then you didn't have the courage to post under your own name because you knew your actions were going to draw the ire of the community.

Reach down, grab a set and own what you did. Until then you are nothing but a fluffroach that needs to be exterminated. Unfortunately even fluffroaches survive holocausts. Luckily the community carries a lot of raid, and several of us have big enough shoes capable of squashing a fluffroach.

BenRaines Game profile

New Member

Aug 3rd 2019, 2:18:57

Death Cab for Cutie (#209)
Clan: DethCab
Rank: 41
Networth: 22,440,148
Land: 77921
Successful Attack Percentage: 84.85%
Successful Defense Percentage: 3.85%

Enough Said.

Special thanks to LAF for this one.