
BUTTMAN Game profile


Aug 7th 2015, 17:50:12


"Your brain is small.

"No, YOUR brain is small"

"NO! YOUR brain is small!"



BUTTMAN Game profile


Aug 7th 2015, 17:38:24

Originally posted by Vic:
awesome thread

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 22:49:59

If I log in again this weekend, his country will be obliterated one way or another

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 20:25:43


No matter, PreFlop will die, and that's all that matters.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 17:37:39

I don't know why i tried farmer :(

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jul 1st 2015, 2:24:03

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
Just clicked the link in the original post and laughed heartily (see how gross that is?)

you used an adverb :(

Please note the message in parenthesis!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jul 1st 2015, 2:11:43

Just clicked the link in the original post and laughed heartily (see how gross that is?)

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jul 1st 2015, 2:08:12

Adverbs are an atrocity to the written word.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 13:52:26

where did this come from? nowhere?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 30th 2015, 1:43:01

As an impartial observer, the server community has benefited from rogues like Delphi. Autocorrect changed 'Celphi' to 'Delphi', instead of fixing it I wrote out this elaborate explanation instead of fixing the simple typo. Beer.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 29th 2015, 19:29:43

Come out to Worcester and learn me to play good.

or we can just get drunk and watch the sox (lose)

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 0:53:16

Well its definitely not gonna be #14, who nailed me for 900 acres even tho I have 360(100+) turns,

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 21:50:14


BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 17:40:11

Yea - pretty sure this guy plays this way every time he plays this server.

And sure enough, every time he gets flattened.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 17:30:55

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 14:18:11

I might suicide all the commies for being idiots about their pricing, then blow myself up.

Thin market with jets selling at $154, only like 20k available.. 1 hour later, over 1 million available under $140

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 13:44:43

TEAM is a lot of fun.

You will get killed randomly though.

But its fun.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 23:37:01

Ford vs Celphi is awesome lol.. PS I like you both

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 23:26:21

Whack him once now with a 'retal' message, he will be dead later this week more than likely

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 23:06:30

Take what I say with a grain of salt, I've finished 2nd with 33m networth, but I've never won.. If I give false info I trust the gurus to correct me, but what I post has worked for me.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 15:01:31

I also batch explore (at 1920a only) because of target selection.. I don't really hammer the bots as much as others do, grabbing at 2k as opposed to 4k means theres 10+ additional countries I'd have to hit.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 14:25:52

Originally posted by anewone:
Thanks for the feedback. Is it really efficient to explore so much without building up? I only explore when acres < BPT in order to maximize production per turn. Also you mentioned other players pwrhaps haven't as many turns... What's the advantage of waiting to play turn? I always play mine as soon as I can. Thanks!

first of all, if you go all explore, listen to ford.

it isn't always a question of playing 'slow', but rather playing more efficiently. I have saved a ton of turns in the first 24 hours of this reset, because I refused to sell my turrets for $105 each (which is where they were for a while) Instead I put them up at 150+ and stored turns til they sold. Now I can buy some cheap tech, build up unused land, and store more turns until my next batch of turrets sells.

Doing this, I will be playing more turns with the benefit of indy tech than i would if i was just simply racing to play all my turns.

It doesn't put me in the top 10 right now, but playing this way should put me up there when it matters on Sunday (unless i abandon my country on Friday, which is likely)

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 13:43:40

I explore up to (just under) 1920 acres, then build up all my land, then save turns and explore with all available turns. It usually takes about 40 or so turns and will leave you with 3800+ acres.

I usually start grabbing at that point.

All explore commie might get you an occasional top 10 depending on market conditions, but you won't win doing that.

You are ahead for now, probably because you have spent more turns than grabbing commies.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 19:27:49

Yea, I don't have the capacity to try and get away with something like that. He was a young kid probably home from college working for the summer, not that the 'who' really matters, but i've been that kid before, and $600 is a lot of money at that age.

I might think differently about it if it was the bank that took the hit, because F banks, but im not naive enough to believe that.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 18:52:12

I went to the bank with $600 to deposit after selling 3 cord of wood that I harvested.

I didn't have my account info available, so i asked the teller to provide it to me. He did. As I filled out my deposit slip, he went on his obligatory speech about the benefits of all these different programs/accounts. I humored him by feigning interest and took home some literature. Towards the end of our conversation he gave me a receipt and I went back to the office.

Upon returning to work, I looked at my receipt showing the deposit of $600. Then i looked in my wallet to find $600. He processed the transaction, gave me a receipt reflecting the transaction as complete, but never took the money from me!

Fortunately for the bank, I have morals and I immediately called the bank explaining what happened and that i couldn't get back there today before they closed, but i would be back in the morning with the money.

If I hadn't said or done anything, would this kid have gotten fired? Would I be getting a phone call from the police?

What would you have done?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 12:47:08

Originally posted by Getafix:
Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
I have never understood poetry, sounds like this guy is on an acid trip with his golden birds and death shadows.

This is about all we can expect from illiterate essayists :(

How true. The arrogance of it! Illiterate Essayists.. perhaps i should try to bring them back next week and see if they've learned anything.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 21:37:49


BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 18:49:18

I know for a fact there are untagged countries that play every reset, they have found a way to play here just fine. id1028s and Brigg, you seem to have a common philosophy about the game and this server in particular, that is a great start to forming a team.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 18:40:07

I would start by:

1) Not caring what people on a message board think of you
2) Going with the flow until you have the strength to enforce your own style of play.

You are admitting and embracing the 'new/rusty returning player' schtick, that is well and good. But as ford mentioned, people have been playing this game off and on for 20 years (myself for 18, although admittedly more OFF than ON) It is silly to assume the server will cater to you.

You are allowed to disagree, but you won't be convincing anyone on the message forums. Develop your play (I will help you if you want strategy tips) and form a team that will give people cause to second guess taking aggressive action. OR, carry over some of the distaste you have from a previous reset and make a FS of your own. Enforcement via in-game action goes a lot farther than whiny message forum posts. I have enjoyed being on your team, its fun to see you having fun, but posting here like you have been will not get you anywhere.

There is always option 3:

Go play Express and Join GDI.. you can be attacked but not killed unless you are the aggressor.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 17:11:36

thanks bud!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 17:10:37

Thunder - For the record, I haven't uttered a single word of discontent! I will assume your post is not directed at me.

EDIT: And to be honest I 100% agree.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:33:16

On a side note, i never really had a TEAM on this server and have been playing untagged for a few weeks. It is growing on me though, perhaps I can give it a more serious 'go' next round.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:28:48

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:

Brigg, i think its fair to say that randomly spyopping countries is not unlike what drunksex did to us, just with a lot more force and focus :)

thats all this is, no one is telling you how to play, and no one can tell others how to play, either.

You stole tech and did other spy ops to random countries, which is entirely acceptable, and if you want to continue to do it, no one can stop you with words on a message forum. You are playing within the rules. Some OTHER random countries focused their turns and killed our team; Again, entirely within the rules. The damage isn't equal, but the behavior is. The appropriate response would be to:

A) Make netting intentions known, and do not instigate and fights
B) Coordinate our attacks and fight back. (Our tag is a SPAM tag by definition.. I created the tag and password, then sent it out to random untagged countries, i don't give us a whole lot of chance at winning a war)

Express is a fun server because if something like this happens, you usually have a ton of turns on hand to retaliate, and if not, the game only lasts a week. Just chaulk it up as experience and create a new country the next week.

TEAM is nice because the games are relatively short as well, but with formal alliances being allowed, this kind of thing happens.

My poor excuse for a country isn't dead yet, and i will try to do some damage before i get killed, next set (if you want to play again) we can always try to make our intentions known, but even that that doesn't guarantee us immunity from a coordinated attack.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 15:28:13

Its a style of play that suits him. He won't get a top 10 with it but he's having fun, I can't speak for him but i don't think he's bombing banks on countries with billions on hand.. stealing a little tech here, bombing a few jets there, etc. I think its funny, and the amount of damage really done is minimal. Once he's spotted the defending country can and will act accordingly. Dunno if he targeted drunksex or not, but either way, if they want to attack us its their prerogative, and no hard feelings. Its a war game on the warriest server, after all.

Brigg, i think its fair to say that randomly spyopping countries is not unlike what drunksex did to us, just with a lot more force and focus :)

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 14:30:06

next set ill actually try to play all my turns! And not as a theo with no stock or war techs :)

The 'Wild West' factor is what makes this server fun. No hard feelings with the drunk tag, ya clowns.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 13:43:32

Brigg buddy, ill team with you again next set, no biggie.. come back :)

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 13:45:28

I have never understood poetry, sounds like this guy is on an acid trip with his golden birds and death shadows.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 23:11:29

Took 4 hours to get home.. fluff rt 6.. My in-laws live down there and I beat my father-in-law by 3 strokes with a 82, great wknd.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 22:10:16

I killed a guy randomly, then the next day killed his restart after stonewalling his kr attempt on me, I then went to the cape for 2 days and just logged in to find my country destroyed. No hard feelings, guy.

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 18:21:52

I just saw the tourny thread.

Brigg is a MVP earther!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 18:20:44

haha this is fantastic!!

Hi Brigg!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:43:20

I guarantee you #41 doesn't read forums, and is honestly having the time of his life spending all of his turns committing espionage because he thinks it is benefiting the rest of our team (like we get a percentage or something)

Earlier in the set he wanted to bomb airbases of the top ranked country (on day 5 or so) to slow him down.

I am positive he is blissfully unaware of any potential rules violations if that is your insinuation, Link. However, I will in-game message him and explain that it is a no-no to do this.

Otherwise, I am getting a huge kick out of being teammates with him. I promise no one has more fun than him!

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:39:45

Originally posted by braden:
i watch both for the ring girls. this server needs more ring girls. signs reading what set it is, how many days are left, tellas phone number, etc


BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:38:40

haha im sorry but this is the most fun i've had in team since... forever. And i've barely played any turns!!!

(while I am a member of TEAM OLDIES, this is not my country)

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:37:29

Vic, Celphi:


BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 17:34:10


this guy

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 15:40:36

Edited By: BUTTMAN on Jun 19th 2015, 15:48:00
See Original Post

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 15:02:03

Marshall, you received tag/pw info from an Elders not oldies member?

BUTTMAN Game profile


Jun 19th 2015, 13:53:12

Also - I realize Express and Alliance are 2 different animals, but a DT would = death in Express, which makes it fun.. come play!