
AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 0:00:23

I wasnt going to top 1.35B anyway. Congrats to the winner

Edited By: AndrewMose on Dec 18th 2023, 0:02:28
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 17th 2023, 23:53:12

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
forgot to destroy my buildings ended up with 0 oil and 130b cash on hand.
Emptied most of the tech market :)

I have 128.5B. someone bought my oil stock on the market: (. I don't know why I forgot to recall when I last signed out

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 8th 2023, 12:12:39


AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 2nd 2023, 11:51:35


AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 22nd 2023, 1:39:56

Congrats on the clan victory.

AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 21st 2023, 21:39:58

AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 21st 2023, 18:00:25

Keep up the good fight.

AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 15th 2023, 15:17:31

need more techers!

AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 11th 2023, 0:33:04

Congrats Chevs on the win! Only the 5th player to win primary since December 2020.

AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 9th 2023, 21:26:15

well this round fizzled into an uninteresting final week. I guess Deus may still have a chance...but probably Gestapo has this locked up. Well played set by both of them either way.

AndrewMose Game profile


Nov 1st 2023, 17:55:35

I didn't play last set so I have nothing I can brag about. But it looks like "now im nothing" didn't play any turns last set either, but he still pulled off a top 100 by creating a country. Now that's impressive.

Gerdler could learn a thing or 2 because he finished a bit lower at 100, not quite cracking the double digits. Although it looks like in previous sets he has performed better.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 18:24:01

"It was the fact I watched you prepare to retaliate, leaving yourself virtually defenseless" I had more defense on the 2nd attack than when you first attacked me. It is what it is, and we don't have to agree on the timeline or fight over who was correct.

Enjoy trick or treating. I will be taking my 4 kiddos around later tonight also.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 18:15:31

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Andrew I think you could have won the game if you didn’t retal and he stopped at 1 grab, but maybe he woulda kept going idk impossible to say.

No, in this case he actually grabbed me twice before the first retal. After his first grab I took another day of bottom feeding and then added turrets. I tried not to jump too much NW so I could stay within humanitarian range of a few targets. When I retaled I noticed he hadn't built any of the land he took from me. So I basically knew at that time that this was going to be a war. But even then instead of war prepping after my retal I built the land and spent $ on bus/res tech. That's why it took a few days of waiting to fill up my turns storage for me to take the FS.

I don't think I could have won without taking the retal. If we had left it at that I probably would have been neck and neck with the top 2. Gestapo probably has a 80% chance of winning now with Deus Ex Machina the remaining 20%.

Not completely accurate. I was spying you daily and watching you stockpile jets. I built what I could with the money I had. I can’t just make $ every turn like you, and my military has been stuck on the market more often than not for a month now. So to say it was my plan all along isn’t accurate. Furthermore, I’m right here, you can ask me without
Making an assumption.

Furthermore more lol, I also saw you starting to stockpile warfare tech. So, with an EDUCATED guess on what your intentions were, with the evidence I had… I figured my best plan at that point was just to continue to grab you daily. I was over 2:1 turrets to jets, you were the opposite and you still needed to buy 10M+ jets to break me the 1 time you were able to. IN MY OPINION, that’s not a “functional” retaliation hit. Again, that is just my opinion.

My point is none of this is functional. You couldn't truly expect me to be farmland. Both of us were going to finish in the top 5. Now neither of us are going to finish in the top 10.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 17:53:51

Originally posted by Chevs:
Andrew I think you could have won the game if you didn’t retal and he stopped at 1 grab, but maybe he woulda kept going idk impossible to say.

No, in this case he actually grabbed me twice before the first retal. After his first grab I took another day of bottom feeding and then added turrets. I tried not to jump too much NW so I could stay within humanitarian range of a few targets. When I retaled I noticed he hadn't built any of the land he took from me. So I basically knew at that time that this was going to be a war. But even then instead of war prepping after my retal I built the land and spent $ on bus/res tech. That's why it took a few days of waiting to fill up my turns storage for me to take the FS.

I don't think I could have won without taking the retal. If we had left it at that I probably would have been neck and neck with the top 2. Gestapo probably has a 80% chance of winning now with Deus Ex Machina the remaining 20%.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 15:05:33

Chevs I had ~6M turrets the first time he grabbed me and around 9M the 2nd time. I don't think Ektar meant that I was an 8M break...because based on his 8% jets lost in the PS he sent 9.95M the first time and 11.3M the 2nd.

I don't feel entitled to not being RORed I'm just entitled to a FS if someone breaks GDI on me. That's just the game mechanics. And if you are trying to finish as high as possible then giving someone of similar NW to you the opportunity at an FS isn't typically going to work out in your favor. And maybe in this situation the FS wasn't that valuable because I had to take a couple days to war prep. We shall see.

Regarding who wins a war...I don't have a good answer there. Nobody is going to record a kill in primary. In my opinion both sides lose. But I imagine the best metric is ending NW.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 14:07:14

This seems to have gotten out of hand. I'm not here to attack or blame anyone. So let's just move on and finish the set strong. Ektar, you and I are at war so let's see who comes out on top. I wish you the worst of luck, may you not receive any missiles for the rest of the set :).

As far as the idea of me asking for it with low defense. I had plenty of defense to prevent retals from anyone that I was attacking. And I had plenty of offense to make it evident that I could retal any landgrab that came my way. ROR's always lead to lower finishes for both parties. This is just another example.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 0:10:11

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Losbarnocos is a Laf player and he runs some pretty legit countries over on alliance. I’m surprised he is having so much trouble but primary is tough to get used to so I guess it’s not that crazy

Ektar is the commie that always attacks the netters and quits the game.

This is ektar, I recognize his goofy play style; he targets netters to grief. I had been messaging him all game challenging him to war but he chose instead to go all jetter and attack andrew who was a pure netter.

All jetter? I’m 25m turrets to 8m jets LMAO!!!!!!

I can confirm the truth of this.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 26th 2023, 21:14:58

I made the rookie mistake of using all of my turns actually building the land...I guess I knew it was coming to war, but I still wanted to hold out hope to finish the set well. What a waste.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 26th 2023, 12:14:45

Looks like the list of likely winners went from 4 to 2 over the past couple of days.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 25th 2023, 0:08:09

Where do we see the per turn expense?

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 23rd 2023, 19:18:35

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by NitelL:

I actually think Fasc Farmer and CI are on-par, though CI requires way more effort because of selling military on public to run turns.

I don’t recall seeing a F with 50m NW, let alone 60. Just scrolling back the last few months the highest I saw was 45, with next highest being mid 30s.

The best way to jump as a F is to hold 360 turns maximizing private market size, put food on market, convert to Monarchy, sell food on private, convert to Theo (H) and jump as a Theo. I hardly ever play express, but when I do I play as a F so I can sell on private most of the set whenever I need money, and stocking doesn't take much effort at all.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 20th 2023, 16:51:32

Regarding the expense change. I think it's worth pointing out that this will further hurt techers in primary. Oil destocks in primary are rare already. Cashers and Indy's win most sets and will now will have lower expenses during their jumping period. I guess techers can run turns for a bit longer before they stop, but because tech prices drop so low in the last couple of weeks those extra turns aren't as valuable for a techer. As it is a techer hasn't finished above 100M in primary in the past 12 months.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 17th 2023, 19:42:23

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
...(Evo had human tech leach, ...
To be fair I ended up with 2 human RA's after sending pacts to what I thought were bots (untagged countries ending in 2 or 7). I realized a few days before the end of the set that 1 of the humans wasn't teching and I never got any aid at all :) But the human actual techer was very helpful. +1 to the suggestion of color coding bots so I don't make the same mistake again.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 17th 2023, 15:20:10

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Dang I got noobied for breaking gdi lol
I'm not sure noobied is the right term. By that term, I've been noobied for the past 4 sets...and at some point I can't be new anymore. No risk, no reward.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 16th 2023, 19:12:27


AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 11th 2023, 22:22:26

Still a couple hours left, but I'm hoping my 5.1B will hold on to the top spot. Also I think I may have just set the Total NW record. $24,847,552,133 or 1.552B Avg. I thought Kill4Free's round 71 was the top round which I calculated at $23,399,670,402. Does anyone know for sure?

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 10th 2023, 16:07:25

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Damn too late...
remember Missiles don't increase DR.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 10th 2023, 14:11:53

I saw that ROR and I knew I had to act quick or I'd miss out. Your turn Milord :)

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 10th 2023, 13:34:05

Originally posted by SuperFly:
i was wondering if I would get to do some noob vs pro retals this round

2023-10-09 04:59:29 PS I R WoG SuperFly (#16) Germination (#48) 1332A (1902A)
2023-10-07 23:24:06 PS Germination (#48) I R WoG SuperFly (#16) 782A (1283A)

Looks like you could have gotten a bit more land on that exchange SuperFly.

2023-10-10 13:23:45 PS Swamp Guardians (#2) Germination (#48) 2146A (3057A)

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 10th 2023, 0:58:22

I can't remember oil under $180 in the final days. It's on the market at $110 now and I'm regretting building so many rigs.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 30th 2023, 17:45:42

If the reason 5 players is too small has mostly too do with kill runs, then why don't we just increase the max turns from 160 to 220 or similar. I kind of like how easy it is to start a 5 person team. Getting 9 other players together to start a team seems difficult with the current player base.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 16:51:17

one way to introduce more land would be to lower DR and country to country DR. Of course this would allow for more farming of lower ranked players but the ghost acres will pump more land into the server. Another solution would be to allow GDI protection to reset after 7 days or so. This would encourage a 2nd or 3rd attack on a capable player.

But I don't think we need to do any of this to add more land. while we won't see record sets with lower players, winning primary is still enough of an incentive for people to play the game. And adapting to different competitive environments is a fun change.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 12:42:19

Gerdler wasn't too far with a CI. If he had grabbed land a bit quicker or had better turret prices maybe he could have got to $200.

I think a demo farmer with expense bonus has the highest opportunity based on market conditions. On a set with too many Indy's and not enough farmers that strategy would convert the most NW per acre of land per turn. Of course they also would struggle if Turrets are $160+ and food is under $40.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 25th 2023, 13:42:21

For those that can't see the game A news. This is just the last 3 days. There was a lot more before this.

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
AB Sep 22, 12:17 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 214 B
AB Sep 22, 12:17 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 211 B
AB Sep 22, 12:17 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 206 B
AB Sep 22, 12:17 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 203 B
AB Sep 22, 12:18 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 199 B
AB Sep 22, 12:18 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 196 B
AB Sep 22, 12:18 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 194 B
AB Sep 22, 12:19 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 188 B
AB Sep 22, 12:19 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 186 B
AB Sep 22, 12:19 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 183 B
AB Sep 22, 12:19 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 181 B
AB Sep 22, 12:19 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 177 B
AB Sep 22, 12:20 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 174 B
AB Sep 22, 12:20 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 171 B
AB Sep 22, 12:20 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) serra ab comme de la merde (#11) 168 B
PS Sep 22, 22:13 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 346 A
PS Sep 22, 22:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 360 A
EM Sep 22, 22:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 11,029 MU
AB Sep 22, 22:15 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 229 B
AB Sep 22, 22:15 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 225 B
AB Sep 22, 22:16 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 221 B
AB Sep 22, 22:16 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 218 B
CM Sep 22, 22:16 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Ufo full of nefilim landed (#3) 261 B
16,934 C
AB Sep 24, 12:20 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 238 B
AB Sep 24, 12:20 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) DH
AB Sep 24, 12:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 233 B
AB Sep 24, 12:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 229 B
NM Sep 24, 12:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 456 A
AB Sep 24, 12:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 218 B
AB Sep 24, 12:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 214 B
AB Sep 24, 12:22 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 209 B
AB Sep 24, 12:22 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) DH
AB Sep 24, 12:23 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 205 B
AB Sep 24, 12:23 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) DH
NM Sep 24, 12:23 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 456 A
AB Sep 24, 12:23 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 195 B
EM Sep 24, 12:24 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 9201 MU
GS Sep 24, 12:26 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 11,362 C
305 F
GS Sep 24, 12:26 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Fire (#6) 11,037 C
305 F
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 189 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 187 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 184 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 181 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 178 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 175 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 172 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 169 B
NM Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 456 A
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 160 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 157 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 154 B
AB Sep 24, 19:37 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 19 B
AB Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 152 B
AB Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 150 B
CM Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 259 B
13,738 C
AB Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 142 B
AB Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 140 B
AB Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 138 B
AB Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 136 B
NM Sep 24, 19:38 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) DH
CM Sep 24, 20:20 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 259 B
13,738 C
CM Sep 25, 08:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 260 B
13,738 C
EM Sep 25, 08:21 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Table legs (#12) 23,174 MU
PS Sep 25, 13:12 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 376 A
PS Sep 25, 13:13 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 391 A
AB Sep 25, 13:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 191 B
AB Sep 25, 13:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 189 B
AB Sep 25, 13:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 187 B
AB Sep 25, 13:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 183 B
CM Sep 25, 13:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 282 B
15,786 C
CM Sep 25, 13:14 Jair3 Alexand3r (#8) Zachelvania (#7) 282 B
15,806 C

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 25th 2023, 13:38:22

It's been a few days since someone hit back (in a way that made the news). And two countries have deleted after being hit.

To my knowledge he hasn't hit everyone yet. Maybe he will succeed in suiciding on everyone on the server? That will create some degree of equity.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 20th 2023, 14:47:55

food always decays. I believe when you look at advisor the decay is lumped into the consumption category.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 16th 2023, 12:23:05


AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 0:38:39

I'm teching. I'll need 3 all set RAs.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 19:07:16

Yeah, I realized about half way through my post that I was giving advice to someone who has had more netting success than I have :). I completed it anyways just in case someone else could benefit. I've compared country status with Tmac throughout some sets and he certainly didn't know any early set exploits. Yet countless times we would have nearly identical countries and he would finish 4 to 5% better than I. Best I can see is all the little decisions and mistakes add up over a long set.

I've always wondered at those very high express scores. Best I can guess is that they figured out a way to grab bots throughout the entire set without spies (like alliance).

And since you have put up some big express numbers I'm sure you know the way to get the 180 bonus turns to start off. If I remember it's automatic on express, but you have to remember get the first login exactly right it on the other servers.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 18:08:58

I'm not sure what you are seeing. I haven't spied anyone and I don't even know which country Gerdler is playing, but it didn't appear to me that anyone got out far ahead in the first few hundred turns. Some things I believe help.

Holding turns until you've picked up 180 acres.
Seeding your tech with enough points to gain the max tech from bot RAs and land grabs.
If you had a human RA or 2 that were teching heavy early you may be able to get to a significant tech % on very low land. I build nothing but CS for the first 200 turns in alliance (100 on shorter servers) so if I were able to get even 1000 free tech points before finishing my CS build that would compound significantly. I've never had this, but it may be feasible.

Of course you can grow faster if you hold your CS build until later, but you are trading turn efficiency for early growth. This is probably the single biggest decision to make in the first 500 turns.

If there are tricks I'm not aware of, Id love to know them too. But I don't see a lot of countries with much better starts.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 10:44:05

Full disclosure, the $350 food is the last remaining stock I have.:).

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 10:40:54

Yes there was a large demo farmer lost to war. The market is so light that if there is 1 too many farmers bushel prices may never break $45. But if there is one too few then the server may just starve.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 8th 2023, 9:43:47

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
First of All the BS I suffered from your block was much worse, and so what 48 buildings? pfft, thats obviously not a big deal. would you like a few million FA for your pain and suffering? I'm sure that shaved a couple hundred million from your finish? Networth $1,337,876,558

The only way to describe this 48 building loss is petty.

I'm not sure what you mean by my block. Did someone in Evo participate in the spy-ops on you?
I'm not looking for FA, or trying to complain about my finish...if those were my intentions I would have brought this up a long time ago. I just am trying to show that LaF's motivation for suiciding Evo is clearly not the FA Tmac sent. When Tertius brought that up you said the "narative was toast", "you didn't do your homework properly." I'm just posting another supporting fact behind his claim that he didn't even know about.

I can't be 100% sure what the intentions of a couple BS is. My guess is the intentions was to do a lot of damage and spread the pain and suffering to other netting clans. I think there was probably disappointment when it was just 48 buildings over 2 turns and the attacker realized it was a waste of time. I think it was only 48 buildings because there wasn't a lot of structure overlap between the 2 builds. I was mostly CS and Farms at the time. Of the 48 buildings I lost 30 of them were CS. Again my post isn't about my losses, but to show the intentions of LaF.

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 8th 2023, 2:24:13

I'm not sure why, but someone from LaF started bombing my buildings last set before Qz updated Clan GDI. I never mentioned it to anyone (including Tertius) because it wasn't very successful and I didn't want to create drama. But I can't think of another reason why LaF would have tried to bomb my buildings unless they were frustrated they were at war and wanted me to hit a roadblock as well. I never even checked who that was. Maybe you would know.

Jul 11, 8:15
QZjulTHX4ClanGDIwinkwink (#486): Enemy operatives destroyed 24 buildings!

Jul 11, 8:15
QZjulTHX4ClanGDIwinkwink (#486): Enemy operatives destroyed 24 buildings!,61&

AndrewMose Game profile


Sep 3rd 2023, 11:38:49

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I think not overflowing remains a key factor. Especially early/mid game you can't afford inactivity.
that was a big problem for me too

AndrewMose Game profile


Aug 31st 2023, 0:24:28

We have a new country name on top. Congratulations!

It was a great set for techers.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 serra ab comme de la merde (#6) 14,959 $45,440,512 HG
2 Finite Simple Group of Order Two (#4) 10,565 $40,207,464 HG
3 Swamp Guardians (#2) 17,274 $27,093,360 CG
4 Dun Bhlathain (#9) 18,807 $27,090,200 CG
5 Wind (#11) 24,025 $26,348,580 RG
6 Ufo full of nefilim landed (#1) 15,594 $25,239,978 DG
7 Table legs (#5) 10,363 $23,038,107 HG
8 Dead Poets Society (#7) 14,790 $20,400,653 RG
9 ASTRAL (#10) 14,969 $20,320,784 CG
10 Yodal33t (#14) 18,222 $16,610,990 FG

AndrewMose Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 16:05:17


AndrewMose Game profile


Aug 24th 2023, 21:00:27

Congrats Ashe & Cat last set. As for this set, I think #9 is in a prime position to win unless there are some techers out there that have destocked at peak bushels.

AndrewMose Game profile


Aug 23rd 2023, 14:03:13


AndrewMose Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:45:07

A plan is only a plan. Cath executed it perfectly. Ironically I botched my destock by burning oil before dropping land ... so it's a very good thing we were weren't pumping up my country.