
AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 9th 2013, 22:13:18

There are some of you who clearly don't check the market prices. I want to thank you.

When you place Agri/Bus/Res/Military Tech 20% below the market price I get to buy it and then resell it with the rest of the tech I produce at the market price.

Now please stop this practice as there will be some times when those Farmers and Cashers get to it before I do. And that will not benefit any of us Techers.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 9th 2013, 16:44:34

Just sell at $39, when you start to stock it won't matter what the prices are.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 18:41:48

you will have to wait a long time to sell at 40 if it is FFA you are referring to.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 13:56:05

Originally posted by VivaNick:
Originally posted by Hopeless:
hey viva, why you didn't break 30 mil? your big theo techer buddy didn't play this set? Ne free tech sux aye?

No food at the end
No, big techer buddy play Reps
Free tech make not much diff, if u know the mechanism for express

Even if you are buying your tech on Sunday for $1200 a pt, free tech still makes a big difference.

I could have made $2M more if I had sold my stock for $50 instead of $39. I didn't realize food would have been so scarce that last day.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 13:51:49

Originally posted by Kingme:
All-x is all about efficiency. Also , I was a casher so teching warfare wasn't an option. I wasn't looking for a war, otherwise I could have bought it I suppose. I just don't see the point of his actions.

I think it is a legitimate strategy. So long as you don't make any one person too angry. I wouldn't do it myself (I have an open profile). But when you are taking 5k pts per turn while producing another good or cash, that is a large advantage over just cashing.

Looks like he got a NM because of it, but that probably wasn't enough to make it not worth his while. Next time I will send one or two missiles myself.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 11:09:52

when the set ended, I thought i had won.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 0:05:29

he stool 50k + tech from me

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 0:01:07

which country were you?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 3rd 2013, 20:51:28

the alliances control page still says that it hasn't been implemented yet. That would be a useful tool for techers that have to setup all of those pacts.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 3rd 2013, 19:35:21

Originally posted by Havoc:
Yay me. Thanks for providing lackluster competition this set guys:p

Congrats Havoc!

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 3rd 2013, 17:22:30

BOTE calculation...

Cashers will need 70 tech pts per acre (20 bus/res, 20 military, 10 weapons)
Farmers will need 70 tech pts per acre (20 agr, 10 bus/res, 20 military, 10 weapons)
Indys will need 58 tech pts per acre due to their 120% bonus

Assuming 40% Indies, 40% Cashers, 20% Farmers (I don't know if farmers are needed that much) that is an average of 65 pts per non-techer.

So if a techer produces .34*1.3 pts per acre and stocks for 1000 turns... Each teching acre can support between 6 and 7 in equilibrium.

I must admit I thought the ratio would be more like 1:10. Did I mess something up there or does that make sense?

Of course if you removed the RAs the ratio would shrink by 30%.

edit. Obvious error here is that techers only tech 1000 turns a set... I'm not sure what that number really is but a significant portion of those turns are before the stocking process.

Edited By: AndrewMose on Jan 3rd 2013, 17:54:59
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 17:49:29

Never too early to start looking for good allies. PM me if interested. I will be running a C/I (without the tech start), so it would be nice if you plan on growing fast.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 13:43:36

I need 1 more RA.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 1:59:50

[quote poster=blid; 21480; 410461]I think Andrew was the only techer that sold on time. So most techers spent the whole time buying for $55 and then had to sell for cheap. The second someone put 200m bushels for sale the market collapsed. I finally ended up getting my food sold mostly for about $44 but I lost probably ~20m networth to topfeeders that didn't even have the right type of buildings. Hey, turns a techer has to spend rebuilding are turns not spent teching. Have some respect. "=[ [/quote] I'm not sure why 200m bushels would make the prices drop any faster. farmers only need to undercut by 1. obviously the prices did drop to far, but I don't fully understand the mechanics of why it dropped so fast if nobody else was dumping stock.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:06:11

congrats Crest on the top techer

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 13:46:00

Crest, are you going to make top ten? I don't expect to.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 10:59:23

I would have thought military prices would have risen higher also.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 21:34:28

its possible to finish with $5B NW in one set of FFA. It would skew the rankings quite a bit.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 14:17:16

testing the pang factor?

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 14:13:26

12k-18k per steal beats cashing if you are a farmer or indy...probably a casher too. Not a bad tactic if you don't mind making enemies. Any chance a Dictator farmer with a SPAL over 30 could do that so well that nobody would know who is doing it?

not that I am implying that I would ever legitimize that strategy.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 2:45:31

I agree it would be better if RAs were removed. But as long as they are available, any techer needs the best RA's they can find.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 29th 2012, 1:29:12

too much randomness. This is worse than earthquakes. Having strong defensive allies is very important for every country. Having strong research allies is one of the most important things for techers. Earning these alliances is part of the game.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 15:56:13

There will need to be some late set Public Market jumps. That will help me recover some.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 15:52:29

I bought all my turrets off my private market. Those prices are ridiculous.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 15:45:57

I have been keeping all my mil strat to myself. I will sell it now.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 15:27:22

I now feel silly. It appears that there is quite a bit of stock left to be sold though. Either way I would have been wise to have waited. I wasted >200 turns.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 26th 2012, 20:54:20

Good BPT.

Here are a few suggestions:
1) Focus on building Enterprise Zones and Residences (111:100 ratio)
2) Destroy the Research Labs and Military Bases
3) When you begin to receive extra cash (after building expenses) then buy Turrets before logging out each time.
4) When you have enough turrets (this is relative to other countries with similar land) use your extra cash to buy business and residential tech.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 26th 2012, 13:57:26

I am playing again this set. Looking for 2 strong DA's and IA's.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 25th 2012, 11:39:28

Originally posted by oldman:
sigh, you guys dumping food are killing each other. $60 to $43 in a matter of days? The cashers are just laughing at you now.
we don't have a choice. too many techers dumping stock. Even if we put only enoigh for the Cashers and indys to buy, each techer would only be selling 1/10 of their stock each day.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 24th 2012, 14:29:49

I think it is good that all of the different types of countries have different mechanics. Because of the cash button a casher is less likely than a commie to explore while stocking. Because a demo farmer doesn't benefit as much from cashing it is more likely to build CS's while stocking and convert more easily to DMBR. The cash button doesn't put the cashers at an advantage, because the extra supply of cash balances the demand on the market. The cash button vs a theoretical farm button, does tweak some of the game play tactics. I think its a good thing.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 23rd 2012, 21:12:47

It was a good set for Indys. Someone will jump ahead of me though. this is my first all explore. i appreciate Bakkus scores more now. Even mistake free, I'm not sure I make 25M.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 23rd 2012, 19:10:16

sleep is more important Rob

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 23rd 2012, 17:42:36

whats up with the late attack? that was a bit of a cheap shot. I'm glad i started my jump with turrets on accident.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 23rd 2012, 11:23:35

25 will top my all explore.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 15:33:53

is food and or upkeep expenses consumed by military units stored on the market?

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 13:43:19

Originally posted by Xinhuan:

If you are reading off the day number in EEStats graphs, be aware the graphs are woefully wrong

Yep thats what I was doing. Thanks for the correction.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 2:19:27

historically the food peak is the 47th day. today was the 45th. nobody has a 14 day destock.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 15:54:00

I'm not sure why you would C) want to buy back military as a CI. Definately if you destock on the public you lose another 10% selling food.

The gain is that you are running turns with fewer expenses and you are making some money because bushels appreciate.

I think you are correct Xin. A commies best strategy is just to grow until the end of the set. If one were to stock though, it would be best to do it early.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 14:15:50

Looks like someone was stocking when military was high and bushel prices were lower. And is now growing quickly to prep for the destock. Should be interesting to see where they finish. It is creative, and from the back of the envelope calculation appears superior to me when bushel prices get this large.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 22:50:51

I am going to be testing an all X strategy. I will be producing 93% turrets 7% spies so my SPAL and defense should be very goody throughout the set. Send me a message if your interested.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 17:52:46

I doubt there is a techer with more than 200M bushels stocked. $12B +/- some won't take long to spend and will waste quite a bit of turns. Of course the other option is to get to 350M stock and sell for $36. :) The choices a techer has to deal with. At this point it is just the pride of being the top techer at the end.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 16:04:02

How high will they go this set? $65? $70?

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 1:31:16

if you are starting your destock, and you plan to switch to theo. You should first switch to monarchy to sell all of your bushels at a higher price on your private, then switch to theo without any cost of the switch. Of course this isn't at all helpful if you sell on the public market.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 12th 2012, 22:37:29

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
@blid Your calculations only hold if food was $50 all set long, and only if you actually stock food.

Flaw 1) Food isn't $50 all set long. Food is typically 40ish in the first 30-40 days of the reset, and turret prices a lot more than 117, so it isn't remotely near worth it to get any farms before food closes in on $50, and turrets drop to $117.

Flaw 2) You haven't accounted for the fact that after selling turrets to buy food, you still have to sell the food at a later date at ANOTHER 10% commission loss (You still incur this 10% if you built farms for the food to sell). Also food depreciates in value, the $50 food would drop, causing an even further loss. Based on all this alone, a commie shouldn't stock at all, and should just grab until it is time to tech up and cash out.

The farms wouldn't save any money, especially if it's only producing at $33-34 per food in the last 5 days of the set.

I agree that the farms wouldn't be beneficial for stocking. But I think that Blid has a point when you consider your per turn food usage. I don't know the numbers in how much food a 60k commie would use. I imagine quite a bit. So it may pay for the 1B in the 20 or so days it is a relevant strategy. You would also sell the agri tech at the end of the set to accumulate some of that 1B back (probably less than 25%).

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 12th 2012, 0:40:58

the most difficult part of a republic is not becoming am easy target. keep more turrets than you think you need.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 12th 2012, 0:36:16

Ive always thought that one of the aspects that made tourney unique was the politics. you can't hide behind a new name each set. That coupled with fewer targets makes things complicated.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 12th 2012, 0:31:52

Is virgin not a farmer?

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 21:16:09

The farmer could win this set. At this point he should be have as much or more income as the cashers and as food rises he will have the better opportunity to grow and a better destock. I don't see how a techer can make top 10 unless prices rise $200+ or food hits $55+ at the end.

AndrewMose Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 12:39:24

well the tech supply is done growing and will be constant for the next weeks. Demand should still rise.