
AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 23rd 2013, 15:36:29

I've been looking around. Some people are better than I at finding early targets.

I looked for people that had 0 defense and attacked without spying to maximize turns building CS. As a result I gained between 90 and 200 acres per turn, I also failed 3 attacks out of 20. So out of the 40 turns I used to attack I averaged 60 acres per turn.

Looking at #228 he was much more efficient. It hurts to be a commie because you can't keep your NW Low and buy defense after the attacks.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 23rd 2013, 11:52:01

for all that is good in the world, don't eliminate more tech supply.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 22nd 2013, 18:49:50

Originally posted by Requiem:
Andrew if your first 20 attacks were as good as exploring you're not grabbing the right targets.

maybe. I think that It would have been better to batch explore to 3800 though.

The biggest issue is I wasted a lot of future targets attacking them when they were 2000 acres. Even though they had 0 defense at the time I now have to live with a lower target population.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 22nd 2013, 14:04:02

Originally posted by Donny:
nope no cheap mil either. i got 150b to spend

there will be. wait a few days.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 22nd 2013, 14:03:14

your welcome all. Now buy my food at $37

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 21st 2013, 20:48:08

???I think you have the wrong forum here???

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 21st 2013, 19:58:56

Originally posted by AzNiZe:
I blind hit.. who needs spies

My first 20 attacks this set were blind. I only failed 3. At that point I would have been better off exploring if I had to spy. In hindsight I probably was better off exploring anyway (I only averaged a bit more land).

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 21st 2013, 18:59:27

Stryke, thats not going to happen. I have to destock now, and others are going to have to destock in the next few days. So you might as well start selling for $36/$35 because we will never eat through the $37's already on the market.

Those that started selling a few days too soon ruined it for the rest of the server :( At least there should be cheap military available at the end of the set due to all the reselling.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 12:18:53

i agree with both jedioda and serp. that will make target finding much easier.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 20th 2013, 2:41:05

It's not relevant for me this set...but what % above 1k do you need to make it worth your while. 5%?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 19:50:47

Ok, so you are the one undercutting!

I think somebody big held turns or something because the volume of food sold each day dropped significantly yesterday.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 19th 2013, 4:27:10

quick, everyone sell your stock while the price is still 36, tomorrow it may be 32.

There must be farmers with decay bonus, that never stopped selling.

A 50k acre country with a 13 day destock should jump >330M...Is that what is happening ?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 20:24:33

I agree, and I have said this before. The cash flow for producers is always 1 day behind cashers and it makes things difficult. Especially on servers where you can play a lot of turns at one time like express.

I think it would even be worth making something for purchases on the private market as then you don't have to worry about displaying the SO price. I bet techers would find that very useful to buy defense after sale of tech.

Only in very large mature markets do the SO prices matter. The majority of units shouldn't be priced based on what the SO is at.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 16:47:14

All explore top 10.

163 3 Swamp Guardians(#64) 14,308 $24,489,924 RG

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 14:06:29

This is a big rainbow... you need to specialize and use the public market to buy and sell for everything that you are not producing.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 2:03:52

must be fixed. I just got the free GDI bonus

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 23:49:43

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Can someone buy it out back up to 48-50?


not until someone buys the 50M pts i have on the market. Even then i cant buy the 11B i saw at $46

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 23:47:36

I bought it up to 50 originally. but there are spokesman countries with lots of stock that are dumping. Either that or the farmers that should be stocking are now undercutting in a fury to buy the tech that is now dirt cheap.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 20:47:15

Seem to be some early destocks going on now. Quick, everyone unload there stock and undercut eachother

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 3:32:05

It is telling me my countries have new sales, but it is wrong.It is nice to be able to glance at this and know which country's to run turns on.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 3:26:44

I don't think it exists on the mobile version. I had to go to a country and then found the portal link. Not a big deal, but am easy fix,

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 3:24:04

yeah, i am surprised farmers are still selling. i would have expected you to be stocking now.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 16th 2013, 13:38:02

need two more cash tech starts.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 16th 2013, 3:08:59

Im looking for 3 RAs to do a tech start. I can play an indy or casher (I will let you pick). if you are a full set techer I will be teching about 80 turns between turn 300 and 400. After you have teched that much you can drop the pact for a full set techer.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 16th 2013, 0:36:09

Originally posted by Angryjesus:
this is actually the exact reason i was asking about the login from accessing the ffa control panel in my thread. If you can buy/sell from the panel without 'logging in' you could grow your private market much larger.

If I Sell on the FFA panel, does it reset the TGAL and begin the unit decay?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 15th 2013, 21:08:15

There are a few players that look to have good sets in store (>300M ANW), but in total I would expect the finishes to be down from the past few sets.

It all depends on where food prices end up though. If they are sustained at or above $50 for a week or so it will hurt the cashers and techers.

I can count 5 or 6 groupings that should be > $200M for each country. So I would expect that the top 100 is all >$200M but $400M may get top 10, and $250M may get top 50.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 15th 2013, 17:05:17

Indy starts are difficult in this tech market. I can't tell you how many times I have logged in with 0 tech available.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 15th 2013, 13:59:36

Zip if you buy my 15M military tech on the market now, I promise to buy all of your $47 food.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 15th 2013, 12:02:09

doesnt seem to be many cashers this set. With tech prices this low,techers wont be buying much from here on out.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 13:29:19

Any farmers still selling? Or has everyone began to stock?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 12:44:25

At these prices techers should grow as fast or faster than indys.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 0:03:47


I had 180k tech on the way to market that would have taken me up a bit. If i had finished a but more carefully I would have been >25M all explore.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 20:28:13

i was hoping to use the tech as a stocking strategy. instead i just ate corruption

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 20:26:57

no trying to maximize size of private market. I was able to buy most of my military as troops which are the best NW/$. i got unlucky with tech, but there were turrets <140 stop that helped the destock.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 20:23:57

I forgot to cancel my pacts before running my last 330 turns. that cost me $160,000x330. there wasnt cheap tech or food so I just ate corruption costs instead of stocking.

This wasn't a great set for cashers

Edited By: AndrewMose on Jan 16th 2013, 13:49:46
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 17:28:47

yeah if i had these last set i could maybe have broken 30

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 15:59:28

If anyone dumps tech in the last hours, I will buy 100k pts of each and sane you 2.5% over the auto buy price. win/win

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 1:06:34

stocking in express is never straight forward. well see what i decide to do. taking corruption for 366 turns may not be the end of the world. you never know what food prices will do though.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 18:27:14

How high will the price go? Anybody got guesses?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 16:07:25

There are a lot of MG tech starters right now...There must have been a memo I missed.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 13:47:14

Tech was a bit more expensive than usual at this point in the set $2650 on average. And I was grabbed 6 times last night for a total loss of 200 acres...that set me back 8 to 10 turns probably.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 13:12:59

Originally posted by NightShade:
I didn't feel like camping the market, so I set up standing orders for seven countries to buy 400k units for $2400 or below. :)

Techers are dumb... no need to have priced it that low.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 4:53:59

Only if the production you get will reimburse you for the price difference of where it will be.

For example. $6000 industrial will benefit you $20 per turn.
You expect it to be priced around $3000 in 200 turns.

Well 200 * $20 > $6000-$3000 and therefor it is worth it.

However tech prices tend to drop much faster than that from $6000, and there may very well be a better investment for your money at that time.

But that is the concept.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 10th 2013, 22:56:06

I am going to need about 60k pts of Bus and 65k pts of Res to play my next set of turns.

When do you expect that much tech to be on the market?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 10th 2013, 16:10:27

Any thoughts on this cash start? I bought more business tech than Residential because it was much cheaper at the time. I am wondering...
1) Is this better than a tech start?
2) Are there any cash starts that are better than this?

I thought I had selected somewhere that my military won't be shown...If anyone grabs me I will retal, it won't be worth it for you.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 10th 2013, 15:18:02

Originally posted by bstrong86:
whoever is about to put tech on market sees current price and doesnt bother changing it.

That is the thought process. As a techer I despise the practice and I only hope that someone buys that 1 pt before anyone sells again. Too many people are too lazy to check what the average prices have been.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 10th 2013, 15:03:05

Anyone interested, shoot me a pact offer. Swamp Guardians is the country name.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 10th 2013, 10:52:49

Originally posted by TroyTiger:
just dumped almost 800K between 2900-3200!

example of correct pricing

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 9th 2013, 22:15:03

FYI the Average prices for the past 24 hours has been between $2800 and $2900. That is a good price point to work with.