
Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Apr 11th 2012, 9:28:59

Glad I bought up loads of oil when it was down around $50/barrel. Haven't had to need to buy more for sometime.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Apr 8th 2012, 1:34:34


Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 25th 2012, 12:46:26

12.5 hrs to go...

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 21:41:23

Playing farmer as usual. Prices are sad there too. It's like there is no cashers out there right now. Tempted to switch or just delete and start fresh. For now, buying up oil and waiting to see if the prices will jump up ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 13:25:26

dum dee dum dum dum

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 15:39:12

I am planning on doing something similiar to someone else pretty soon here. Waiting for the turns to build up so that I can dump about thiry some odd missiles on some random victim.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 3rd 2012, 15:53:26

32 hours to go and sitting on 22 missiles atm. hmmmmm... who to target. Not in GDI, I can target almost anyone. One guy hit me 6 times and was saving the missles for the end of set for him alone, but he got deleted or killed according to the search :(

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 3rd 2012, 3:11:40

Back in game C. The guys in game A didn't like me and kicked me out ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Mar 1st 2012, 22:28:48

grrr. forgot to use the dozen missiles I have before set ends. Next bonus is in like 2 hours and the set ends sooner than that. O well. Next time....

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 20:32:11

I know people preach that the casher strat sucks no matter what. Well, looking at the at the tech and military prices so far, being a casher this set wouldn't be all that bad of an idea...

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 0:02:13

He hit me a few more times and said he was done. Sigh. It hurt.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 2:02:16

he is x5 my size. did 30 some odd GS, but I bet he will just by troops and block that. Not much I can do while he just farms off of me a I suppose. Can always try to stock missiles all set and just unload on him later...

Not going to game A again anytime soon after this set I suppose....

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 1:41:35

Randomly declaring war on me?!?! Picking on me in order to rape me of my land? I did nothing to you to provoke such hostilities.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 20:59:45

Food on the way folks. Gonna have to pay for it though ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 9th 2012, 18:23:51

lol, I know I had an extremely miniscuale effect, but it was fun to pretend.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 1:36:25

the rest of may land is set up for standerd dict/farmer. Running a solid 10% IC for 100% spies to slow down the number off landgrabs from those triple my NW. I am pulling in more land than losing while growing in power, I am happy.

blid is right, I was messing around for fun and seeing if I could help the oil market to crash. Not only would oil be cheaper to buy outright this way, but the oilers would be gaining less cash this way, thus easier competition in the end ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 2:03:51

As we all noticed, oil jumped up in prices and stayed there for some time. In response, I built 600 acres out of my 10K into rigs and started selling all my excess at least $100 dollars below default price. The idea was to see if I could help encourage the prices to drop back down. Doubt I can claim all the credit so far, but I like to pretend I am influenceing the market and encouraging people to price slash one another.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 13:53:08

glad I am no longer there for this set ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 25th 2011, 3:29:53

Then go out there and start some wars please. I tried oiler for the first time thinking it would be cool to sell over 200/barrel for most of the age and the rest at lest over a 100. Sigh, guess I wasn't the only on with that same though process. Watch there not be enough oilers next reset so that oil prices will just skyrocket, lol

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 24th 2011, 4:34:30

I think this will be the first and last time I play oiler. Only once did I manage to sell some oil over 200/barrel. Even stocked some up for a while hoping it would go back up. Some fool or two keeps heavily slashing the prices. Guess there is too many oilers this round for so few coutries.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 24th 2011, 4:32:28

I was randomly hit repeatively by just bored (#87) too. I haven't even attacked anyone and I login in after visiting family to a long list of attacks. Thankfully still alive and joined GDI right away.
I will repeat my PM to him here,

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 19:35:44

Good question about oil. Haven't been around long enough to know the trends for the pricing on it. Does the oil tend to be cheap early in the set and more expensive as the set moves along?

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 5th 2011, 8:09:40

I read the warning, but what country am I avoiding?

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 3rd 2011, 3:06:22

are you talking about the classic light bulbs or the newer funny looking spiral ones? The newer ones require a lot less watts for the same amount of light. Granted they take a few seconds to warm up and get to full strength, but well worth it in the long run.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 2nd 2011, 10:38:17

Okay. Currently in 1st. NO ONE GROW! Want to pretend I rock at this ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 2nd 2011, 10:15:14

Originally posted by TNTroXxor:

Guide does not work well intoxicated.


Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Dec 1st 2011, 9:55:33

Noob alert!
So now what? I ranked #8 in game C. If I understand it right, I will be in game A next round. Do I just sit tight and wait? I think I read somewhere that someone made the mistake once with hitting "Create Country" and was sent back to game C.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 30th 2011, 8:37:26

this late in the set, it doesn't even matter anyways. A few weeks ago, I would have sent one nuke just to be funny and to destroy the land you took from me since I can't retal you ;) No hard feelings here :)
Besides, my first complete set. Usually get bored or raped at least half way through primary anyways. Tried Tourney and now love it. I don't have to track alliances. Spy, do some easy math, hit or no hit, move on. Pretty easy.

Oh, if I had more missiles....

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 21:37:39

I did nothing to this guy. Nothing. I try not to mess with those who are bigger than me. And I find this guy trying to sab my missiles and then hits me. Seeing as there is on 26 hours left in the reset, I figured he just likes missiles. So....
PS Nov 29, 20:48 Easy Money Charlie (#11) Mundania (#44) 469 A
NM Nov 29, 21:29 Mundania (#44) Easy Money Charlie (#11) DH
NM Nov 29, 21:29 Mundania (#44) Easy Money Charlie (#11) 926 A
NM Nov 29, 21:29 Mundania (#44) Easy Money Charlie (#11) 880 A
NM Nov 29, 21:29 Mundania (#44) Easy Money Charlie (#11) 836 A
CM Nov 29, 21:30 Mundania (#44) Easy Money Charlie (#11) 608 B
17,540 C
CM Nov 29, 21:30 Mundania (#44) Easy Money Charlie (#11) 583 B
16,414 C

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 11:09:04

Only 30 some odd hours left anyways. Watch there be a short on tech next set ;)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 26th 2011, 6:47:03

I am currently running a farmer. My bushels are selling well and loving the low tech prices. Soaking up what I can before things change. In a few more days, I will have enough for the rest of the set I think :)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 15th 2011, 10:41:02

My turn for bonus!

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 10th 2011, 7:54:53

Loved the food prices for a while there. Managed to make some cash fast as farmer :)

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Nov 2nd 2011, 6:37:58

I don't know about your area, but where I live, the law states the min settings for heat included rent. I think it's something like 65 degrees here. You can talk with your landlord about it being lower for reduced rent, but always get that in writing.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Oct 28th 2011, 19:54:49

I have no intention of storming off. I do like the game. Just don't like the jerks who farm over and over again while using all 16 of their countries on me.
As for making a 16 country clan myself, I don't have the time to manage that many. I have to keep three solid ones going at most. I use Earth as a filler while I wait for things to happen in my other games that I focus on.
@mrford, thank you for the suggestion for the other servers. Guess I just didn't read the descriptions well enough. It's just too easy to piss of a random person and then have a 100+ member clan kill off all three countries because they are allies in the game. Sucks. So I deleted to stop the farming and will check out the other servers.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Oct 27th 2011, 6:37:45

I was actually expecting condescending replies. Dibs made me chuckle (can never keep a country long enough so I went for it early for the fun of it) and blid has given me something to look into. Thanks.
As for playing on a clan server, there is always clans everywhere no matter the game or server. It's just a matter of them being open about it or not. Earth is open, so you know you are walking in to a trap if you are untagged like I play.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Oct 26th 2011, 5:18:43

Every time I think, lets give Earth another try, I remember why I don't commit to this game. I simply like playing a reselling techer who plays the market. I have no interest in clans or even dealing with others. For the first time I managed to create country at the start of the Reset and jumped up into the top ten. Stayed there for a while and just chilled out as I dropped down in the ranks. No big deal for no one is hitting for land since I am ranked so high. I am happy.
As for my farmer country that started later on, I figured, hey, I need another country to try things different. Some jerk has decided all 16 of his countries needs to farm off me. Now he has decided to kill this little farmer off.
Last time I played this game, it was still on and had several thousand players on the Free for All server. I do not even see 3K now. The above story is one of the biggest reasons why people stop playing this game. Why bother when someone is just gonna kill you off? And I don't want to hear about stronger defense or playing smarter for there is always someone out there that is bigger. Always.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Oct 23rd 2011, 3:07:57

I knew others hit the math hard for their games. Right down to how many seconds spells will last to such and such a dps, but this game brings it all to whole new levels.

Almighty_Zarc Game profile


Oct 14th 2011, 20:08:51

This thread beat me to the question. thanks