
HellraZor Game profile


Feb 15th 2018, 14:33:19

I thought if you sent a 1/3 of forces you lost min. readiness. We'll in alliance I did that and dropped to 89. Now just before that in Express I sent all I had which was just enough to win and only dropped 1%?

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 15th 2018, 17:16:14

Tyrannies will lose 3% more readiness each attack, because they only use one turn for attacking, consequently demos lose 3% less readiness. I can't be sure, but there may even be a scenario where a demo gains readiness as it attacks. PS/SS loses more readiness than war attacks if I'm not mistaken. Additionally, you lose more readiness if defenses hold than if you get through.

HellraZor Game profile


Feb 15th 2018, 17:35:01

Now does the 1/3 include total standing military or just the the type of unit your sending? Thanks Zorp.

Marshal Game profile


Feb 15th 2018, 21:12:42

demo doesn't lose readiness unless it sends alot military on attack so demo can send more than 1/3 of forces w/o losing readiness.

if you do 10 gs attacks with 1/3 of your troops then your readiness loss is same as it'd be if you did 10 br attacks at 1/3.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

drkprinc Game profile


Feb 16th 2018, 0:40:18

3% regained per turn so demo regains 9% per attack when you lose 7% min so you don't lose as demo on sending around 2/7 being the closer number to min then 1/3.

tyr you use 1 turn so you will lose total 4% on min.

other govs 2 turns you lose 1% on min. 7 minus 6
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drkprinc Game profile


Feb 16th 2018, 0:41:41

Originally posted by HellraZor:
Now does the 1/3 include total standing military or just the the type of unit your sending? Thanks Zorp.

SS/PS its based on total offensive power

1m troops 1m jets and 1m tanks is 7m offensive power so if you send 1m jets that 2m offensive power or min readiness loss.

BR/AB/GS are based on unit sent for attack.
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Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 16th 2018, 13:46:41

Also fails will increase losses of readiness.