
Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 2:18:15

I haven’t been banned I just don’t want anything to do you with you guys and I said that very clearly when I quit posting. My beliefs will never change. My ancestors and people have had our beliefs passed down since way before 1776 and we will have them way after the next empire comes. Welcome to America.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2024, 2:21:35


I don't need you to welcome me into my own country.

Can you stop with your hate and racism? As a forum patron and someone that financially contributes to the game, Im disappointment to see such hate and vitriol in this game. Please refer to this rule before or I will report you to a game staff:

-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference. Trash talk is fi

Thank you for your cooperation Deezy

-Game Patron Coalie

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 2:24:33

Are you going to keep repeating yourself and pretending I know your race so you can play the victim? How typical. Such childish behavior. Grow up man.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2024, 5:55:00

Clean up on aisle five please, clean up on isle five....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 12:35:37

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Clean up on aisle five please, clean up on isle five....

Funny how this is never an issue until I respond.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2024, 13:38:30


Well you came back from your ban and you started responding to my old messages

I am just reminding you the cause for your ban. And I am glad to see that it has done you some good.

Thank you for suddenly forgetting my race and nationality as it is irrelevant to the game. I won’t quote your old posts where you insulted my ethnicity because that was from your pre-ban. Theres no need to bring it up again. This is a fresh start for you

-Game Patron Coalie

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Hessman123 Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 13:52:24

So…. Round 89 is pretty good so far right guys

Primary server.. gotta love it

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 14:37:52

Originally posted by Coalie:

Well you came back from your ban and you started responding to my old messages

I am just reminding you the cause for your ban. And I am glad to see that it has done you some good.

Thank you for suddenly forgetting my race and nationality as it is irrelevant to the game. I won’t quote your old posts where you insulted my ethnicity because that was from your pre-ban. Theres no need to bring it up again. This is a fresh start for you

-Game Patron Coalie

I think you just want to say that so you can play the victim and try and have me banned. It’s very transparent and manipulative behavior. I cannot imagine going and trying to exert control over someone in such an underhanded way.

Have you noticed that despite all of the trash you guys talk I have never once asked for your voice to be silenced?

Isn’t that funny.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 14:40:01

And again I wasn’t banned. No idea why you lie so constantly. I simply don’t want to talk to you guys so I quit posting. Quit posting messages directed at me and I will quit responding.

Crazy concept I know.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 14:43:20

And I am Aware coalie you claim
To be an Malaysian and also claim to be an American who opposes the founding fathers lol

I have no idea what race you are and I don’t care. You were very clear that was your nationality and not your race when you were berating the other posters over that same topic over on alliance.

They also pointed out your dishonest word game on this topic if I remember correctly.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 14:45:19

Even though I disagreed with what you said I respected your right to have a voice. That’s why I said welcome to America. Maybe you should look into this idea and respect the rights of others.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2024, 14:57:56



Please refer to this rule when you start going on your passive aggressive racist rants.

-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference.

Thank you. Deezy (free to play player)

-Game Patron Coalie
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Bablo Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 15:12:55

So....who's going to welcome me to the message board or should I go back to my corner and hide....
My dog eats ants

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 15:22:16

Originally posted by Coalie:


Please refer to this rule when you start going on your passive aggressive racist rants.

-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference.

Thank you. Deezy (free to play player)

-Game Patron Coalie

Originally posted by Coalie:


Please refer to this rule when you start going on your passive aggressive racist rants.

-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference.

Thank you. Deezy (free to play player)

-Game Patron Coalie

I don’t think I did any of those things. My point was you claim to be so many things there’s no way to know what you are and frankly I don’t care what you are. I cannot make that any more clear. You trying to twist things to play the victim to silence others is anti American to its core. You should quit bringing up this topic if you don’t want it talked about. I’m done. I highly doubt you are.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 15:58:51

Originally posted by Bablo:
So....who's going to welcome me to the message board or should I go back to my corner and hide....

Give us the ring, precious. It's ours. It's our birthday present.

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 16:41:26

All Cathankins does is seeth. Claims he wants no part of the community but can’t help himself and keeps coming to spew his Verbal diarrhea.

Paging Galleri; can you please ban this jabroni again for another 3 weeks?????


SuperFly Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 18:11:51

Oh Cathankins is this you?

2024-09-27 17:58:59 PS Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) I R WoG SuperFly I ROR (#20) 219A (350A)
2024-09-27 17:58:39 PS Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) I R WoG SuperFly I ROR (#20) 225A (387A)
2024-09-27 17:58:29 PS Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) I R WoG SuperFly I ROR (#20) 242A (413A)
2024-09-26 22:07:49 PS I R WoG SuperFly I ROR (#20) Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) 458A (653A)
2024-09-26 22:06:37 PS Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) I R WoG SuperFly I ROR (#20) 166A (312A)

you are always that snake in the grass who hides his country until he is ready to strike. coward pos...

i already know its you based on your techs. You are so butt hurt over not retaling me last set that your only intention is to grief me all around. Hopefully soon you will earn yourself a game ban for being a toxic cancer to the game....

Edited By: SuperFly on Sep 27th 2024, 18:16:24

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2024, 19:07:52

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 20:10:32

insane Cath is confirmed!

Says he wants nothing to do with me and that I am obsessed with him and he proceeds to flood my inbox lol

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:14
Report this message
I retal on retal bud... just being cool
like you shooting your motuh off in the
threads and please dont hit me namwes
etc... lol Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:15
Report this message
You and your mouth are the cancer that
is why I now hunt superflies Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:17
Report this message
ooooooh if you are my ally I wont hit
you etc

come on dude.

I am not alone in a how a lot of people
feel about you and your mouth and posts Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:18
Report this message
I have not cheated AT ALL. I re4tal on
retal I wanted to be like superfly Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:19
Report this message
I am just acting out your mouth in the
forums and your names Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:20
Report this message
If they delete me they better delete you
as I am just acting like you and your
mouth and all your crap talk. Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:27
Report this message
When you retal on retal it is all GOOD.
When I do it to you, it is cancer? lol Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:28
Report this message
Honestly my man... I hope they look at
this situation truly. You shoot your
mouth off constantly about stuff like
this. wqhen it is you. It is all fun and
games! not cancer eh Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:30
Report this message
I do not dicriminate. I RETAL ON RETAL!
Just like superfly ;) Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:30
Report this message
Look through your posts and honestly ask
your self who is speweing cancer in
forums lol and in game style Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:38
Report this message
when someone plays like YOU

they are cancer...

One day you may get it my man lol Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 19:45
Report this message
I am actually bewildered if you can not
process how this is basically what you
do. I mean there is quote after quote
from you about retal on retal, farming
people, etc. It is a war game blah blah.
Honestly..... So you just set it up so
you can do this stuff a lot later in the
game. It is no better. It is hilarious
you were triggered by this and consider
it cancer. lol...... Dude go read your
post form the last 2 years LOL. you are
cancer. You are no better than this. And
that is all from me. Best wishes Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 20:09
Report this message
Life is beautiful

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 20:13:35

i swear this insane old dude acts like this game and obsessing over myself and Coalie is the only thing that he has going on in his life.

Would be nice if you could block / mute / ignore users on the forum and in game like many of us have asked in the B&S board. What a sweet feature that would be to block all the crazy with one click of a button.

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 20:44:22

Maybe is was not Cat? :) NIN back for some RORs. It is a war game after all. And if anyone retals and I can farm them forget about it. I might pick and choose some people to let it go, you know. But not super fly. Del he is cool. Just pretending to play cat since your message and posts were so convinced it was them. Not too mention your retal within one minute when someone with more land and just as easy as a break still left aside and picked Cat lol. Clearly cat triggers you. And you can call me all kinds of names.... it is alright. I do not really do the name calling too too much. cheers :)
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 21:00:08

my outmost apologies for Cath. I jumped the gun on blaming you.

Nice to see I have another guy obsessing over me. Cool, welcome to the party. I do really trigger alot of old men with my presence dont I?

dont you people have better things to do in life than to obsesses about me?

the nice thing about NIN is that he is a weak former LaF baby who will be in COOP soon enough and rage quitting again as he did earlier this year lol

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 23:06:07

Originally posted by SuperFly:
my outmost apologies for Cath. I jumped the gun on blaming you.

Nice to see I have another guy obsessing over me. Cool, welcome to the party. I do really trigger alot of old men with my presence dont I?

dont you people have better things to do in life than to obsesses about me?

the nice thing about NIN is that he is a weak former LaF baby who will be in COOP soon enough and rage quitting again as he did earlier this year lol

You are a little into your Ego there, pal. That is it really. <3

Edited By: now im nothing on Sep 27th 2024, 23:39:56
See Original Post
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 27th 2024, 23:13:54

Rage quit? I have been busy with life dude. It was and is as simple as that. I have a very deep path I follow. In which anyone who knows me knew, I was leaving to focus on my path. It was not just less time playing earth but time away from a lot of everyday things. T.V, internet, etc. Very minimal on many such fronts that last while. I popped in here a few times as I do still enjoy seeing what is going on just not investing much time in it.

I wont argue back and forth about things. I certainly wont call you a baby etc. And I only returned to you what you said cat was. Or me. Cancer. As of course it is me, not cat. and I still see a huge irony reading over your posts and what I did was cancer but you can not see how YOU are. And it is all great and unique at the end of the day. It is a bloody game. But yah, still some irony there.

If you really want a block user feature you need to learn discipline. Depth of control, and understanding if you constantly interact, call people losers, crazy, this and that. You do not truly want to ignore them or greatly lack the basic skill to do so. It would seem to me the easiest method to ignore someone. Is to do just that. Don't read it. Don't reply to it.

Edited By: now im nothing on Sep 27th 2024, 23:47:49
See Original Post
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 0:22:42

Cool another spiritual dude.

Welcome back bro! I am glad your mystic path has brought you back to SuperFly. Every spiritual dudes obsession…..

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2024, 0:37:46

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Maybe is was not Cat? :) NIN back for some RORs. It is a war game after all. And if anyone retals and I can farm them forget about it. I might pick and choose some people to let it go, you know. But not super fly. Del he is cool. Just pretending to play cat since your message and posts were so convinced it was them. Not too mention your retal within one minute when someone with more land and just as easy as a break still left aside and picked Cat lol. Clearly cat triggers you. And you can call me all kinds of names.... it is alright. I do not really do the name calling too too much. cheers :)

Okay, I didn't see that coming, lol.

Remind me, didn't you leave after some sort of war? I almost want to say it was a war with Cath too (not to say that was your reason for leaving or not).

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 0:46:43

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by now im nothing:
Maybe is was not Cat? :) NIN back for some RORs. It is a war game after all. And if anyone retals and I can farm them forget about it. I might pick and choose some people to let it go, you know. But not super fly. Del he is cool. Just pretending to play cat since your message and posts were so convinced it was them. Not too mention your retal within one minute when someone with more land and just as easy as a break still left aside and picked Cat lol. Clearly cat triggers you. And you can call me all kinds of names.... it is alright. I do not really do the name calling too too much. cheers :)

Okay, I didn't see that coming, lol.

Remind me, didn't you leave after some sort of war? I almost want to say it was a war with Cath too (not to say that was your reason for leaving or not).

The set was planned as my last. Until 2025. it is that simple. This was known at the end of the previous set to my last. We can all make assumptions etc or what we think of what was when in reality we could just be honest with ourselves we have no idea. But that is the truth. It was not much of a war with Cat as I was never expecting him to let me PS him several times before he tried something. I also then went to war with Superfly at the same time. And hey guys, I finished top 10. these late wars are trash anyway really. I mean have a war 14 days in vs 14 days left and see if you can top ten. I started that with cat way before but he let me hit him 9 PS one each day before he tried anything. And I realllly have no idea where the "rage quit" came from. Honestly just more assumptions on nothing of any remote ground. Same for all this LaF talk... lol. I went over all that last set I played and I am not even gonna get back into it.

Edited By: now im nothing on Sep 28th 2024, 1:02:11
See Original Post
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 1:04:44

You quit over Cath. I even thanked him for making you quit. That was what 3 rounds ago wasn’t it?

Either way; I am just every spiritual dudes obsession. And I only accused you of being Cath cuz of the 11 messages you sent after I said you were a cancer to the game was pretty Cath of you. You guys brothers or something?

Edited By: SuperFly on Sep 28th 2024, 1:07:35

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 1:15:41

Here is the thread

NIN vs Cath and then vs me lol

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 1:38:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You quit over Cath. I even thanked him for making you quit. That was what 3 rounds ago wasn’t it?

Either way; I am just every spiritual dudes obsession. And I only accused you of being Cath cuz of the 11 messages you sent after I said you were a cancer to the game was pretty Cath of you. You guys brothers or something?

You really need to be honest with yourself. How could you know this? even if it was true? You can pretend all you want to know what was happening with another person and their decisions but this does not mean you do. Especially when you do not know anything about their actual life and what they were doing.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 2:10:30

Superfly couldn't even retal my PS on him that last set we went to war. So he broke GDI on failed attacks on me. Big bad superfly

Edited By: now im nothing on Sep 28th 2024, 9:23:33
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2024, 4:10:27

/me eats popcorn
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 9:16:56

I quit because cat let me ps him 9 times over like 9 days' attacked another "laf" player first instead of me and then superflu gave me his wrath breaking GDI on his failed attacks on me (which I gladly replied to also break GDI) because HE couldnt retal me, and I was done man. I got 9th place I was raging 😤 it took me 6 months to settle down over all that :)

Haha. You gotta just be fooling around dude. Either way it's not near as entertaining as my last set but decent

Edited By: now im nothing on Sep 28th 2024, 9:31:56
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 9:36:09

Big bad superfly couldn't even get the retal on me my last set. Ha. Smacked him for 4k acres. And all he could do was fail some attacks to break GDI which I gladly also then broke. It is all so fun and entertaining. But my fun here is done as it's just getting carried away now so I'll go quiet. Cause supefly is owning me here......
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 9:50:12

Standard strikes at that. Wasn't even like he failed a legit PS as he knew I was the much better country.

But i'm the real weak laf player of course laf trash lol

Edited By: now im nothing on Sep 28th 2024, 9:53:34
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself



Sep 28th 2024, 10:21:55


SuperFly Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 10:28:40

Are you sure you aren’t Cath? You guys both make multiple posts to reply to one post. You send 11 messages in game in a row. You are both some sort of enlightened spiritual beings.

Similarity is uncanny between both of you guys…..

now im nothing Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 10:58:34

Yes I'm cat. We are all connected supefly lol. You can't do much in game but you are great at comparing, judging etc. Name calling and so on :)
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 13:29:26

Originally posted by SuperFly:
insane Cath is confirmed!

Says he wants nothing to do with me and that I am obsessed with him and he proceeds to flood my inbox lol

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:14
Report this message
I retal on retal bud... just being cool
like you shooting your motuh off in the
threads and please dont hit me namwes
etc... lol Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:15
Report this message
You and your mouth are the cancer that
is why I now hunt superflies Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:17
Report this message
ooooooh if you are my ally I wont hit
you etc

come on dude.

I am not alone in a how a lot of people
feel about you and your mouth and posts Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:18
Report this message
I have not cheated AT ALL. I re4tal on
retal I wanted to be like superfly Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:19
Report this message
I am just acting out your mouth in the
forums and your names Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:20
Report this message
If they delete me they better delete you
as I am just acting like you and your
mouth and all your crap talk. Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:27
Report this message
When you retal on retal it is all GOOD.
When I do it to you, it is cancer? lol Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:28
Report this message
Honestly my man... I hope they look at
this situation truly. You shoot your
mouth off constantly about stuff like
this. wqhen it is you. It is all fun and
games! not cancer eh Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:30
Report this message
I do not dicriminate. I RETAL ON RETAL!
Just like superfly ;) Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:30
Report this message
Look through your posts and honestly ask
your self who is speweing cancer in
forums lol and in game style Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 18:38
Report this message
when someone plays like YOU

they are cancer...

One day you may get it my man lol Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 19:45
Report this message
I am actually bewildered if you can not
process how this is basically what you
do. I mean there is quote after quote
from you about retal on retal, farming
people, etc. It is a war game blah blah.
Honestly..... So you just set it up so
you can do this stuff a lot later in the
game. It is no better. It is hilarious
you were triggered by this and consider
it cancer. lol...... Dude go read your
post form the last 2 years LOL. you are
cancer. You are no better than this. And
that is all from me. Best wishes Reply

Message from Sweet and Salty Balls (#50) sent on Sep 27, 20:09
Report this message
Life is beautiful

65 IQ on full display

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 13:34:17

Originally posted by SuperFly:
my outmost apologies for Cath. I jumped the gun on blaming you.

Nice to see I have another guy obsessing over me. Cool, welcome to the party. I do really trigger alot of old men with my presence dont I?

dont you people have better things to do in life than to obsesses about me?

the nice thing about NIN is that he is a weak former LaF baby who will be in COOP soon enough and rage quitting again as he did earlier this year lol

Apology rejected. Your behavior is an absolute disgrace. I don’t want to ever have anything to do with you. I cannot make that any more clear. Quit speaking my name and I’ll be happy to quit responding. You are just making a fool of yourself at this point. That was always the end result. It always is when you act like that.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 13:35:46

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Yes I'm cat. We are all connected supefly lol. You can't do much in game but you are great at comparing, judging etc. Name calling and so on :)

You could never be me get your mind right boy

SuperFly Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 14:09:12

Originally posted by Cathankins:

Apology rejected.

hey, at least I admit when i am wrong unlike a high iq guy i know...

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 28th 2024, 15:37:21

Admit you were lying about all the other stuff you lied about and I may consider it. You caused all kinds of drama over on alliance and still are not man enough to say it. You apologized this time because it was proven you are lying.

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 1st 2024, 21:14:02

I am being very honest there that you superfly contribute something very unique to the game, including your forum style/banter etc. And that pretty much everyone does. The only true issues this game has, is it has been going for over 25 years. The lack of players can not in totality be pinned on any one thing. In my opinion. But because the influx of new players, retention of old ones is so low. The very dynamics that can make things fun (unique personalities, playing style, beefs, difference of opinions, TRIGGERS etc) can also hinder the player count, but not to any super relevant degree as the true issue is just TIME. Things come and go in popularity and EE is no different. I must say I was pretty impressed with the quick action buttons this set. I mean very. So simple but it blew me away. I feel also it could help guide noobs to a degree but that just might be because I am not a noob. It is trippy as hell for me to think I played this game first in 1998. I know some people are upset with the way it has gone... but it was better than any effort I could have ever dreamed to try and keep something so nostalgic to me, with so many awesome memories playing the game over the year. One of the reasons I glady PAY to play. Anyway> Just felt like a little rant :))

Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 1st 2024, 21:25:11
See Original Post
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 1st 2024, 23:28:31

Is there anyone who truly thinks there is a greater issue than TIME with a 27 year old text based strategy game. Just games in general. Of course there are exceptions to everything. I think the biggest issue is QZJUL slag and crew didnt get this on gaming consoles with graphics, actually.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 3rd 2024, 4:26:04

Sell oil you damn hippies! Peak oil is a myth! Drill baby drill!

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 4th 2024, 22:00:06

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Sell oil you damn hippies! Peak oil is a myth! Drill baby drill!

999 for oil is a little rude, I’ve been forced to build my own oil rigs. I aint paying that and will shortly undercut to more respectable prices.

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 4th 2024, 23:57:24

Just pay the $999 it’s gotta be cheaper than building the rigs yourself

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 5th 2024, 0:27:26


Edited By: now im nothing on Oct 5th 2024, 0:30:21
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Cumorah Game profile


Oct 5th 2024, 1:50:15

Originally posted by Hessman123:
Just pay the $999 it’s gotta be cheaper than building the rigs yourself

Maybe, $999 is pretty steep. I can also sell the surplus. Normally as I grab I leave any oil rigs I collect and destroy all other buildings and build CS. Call it my side hustle.