
deepcode Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 0:32:16

Granted I had a poor performance myself, but why all the low finishes, is this customary for primary? Doesn't set the bar too high now :P.

Anyway, rank 16 Rishadan.

snawdog Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 0:49:41

No one quite understands all the new formulae was sick.
ICQ 364553524

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 2:50:39

I didn't log in enough, and I didn't have enough SDI. Finished 10th.
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

Grimstad Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 7:44:19

2010-03-29 18:30:09 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 486B
2010-03-29 18:17:46 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 500B
2010-03-29 16:46:04 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 514B
2010-03-29 16:45:49 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 529B
2010-03-29 16:45:40 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 544B
2010-03-29 16:45:21 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 560B
2010-03-29 16:45:07 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 576B
2010-03-29 16:44:57 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 591B
2010-03-29 16:44:44 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 608B
2010-03-29 16:44:25 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 625B
2010-03-29 16:44:13 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 642B
2010-03-29 16:44:03 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 660B
2010-03-29 16:43:50 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 678B
2010-03-29 16:43:12 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 661B
2010-03-29 16:42:58 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 679B
2010-03-29 16:42:46 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 699B
2010-03-29 16:42:32 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 720B
2010-03-29 16:42:20 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 740B
2010-03-29 16:41:04 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 733B
2010-03-29 16:40:50 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 753B
2010-03-29 16:40:18 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 775B
2010-03-29 16:39:47 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 765B
2010-03-29 16:39:21 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 786B
2010-03-29 16:39:08 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 807B
2010-03-29 16:38:56 CM jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 1317B 25340 C
2010-03-29 16:38:29 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 857B
2010-03-29 16:38:17 CM jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 1318B 26414 C
2010-03-29 16:38:09 CM jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 1318B 26414 C
2010-03-29 16:38:02 CM jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 1319B 26414 C
2010-03-29 16:37:52 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) DH
2010-03-29 16:37:33 AB jobwhatsthat (#65) bONDe (#148) 965B

When there's retards like #65 in the game, a low NW finish is what you get. If I had grabbed him during the set it would have made some sense, but he wasn't hit at all.

Thanks to my allies "Third Stone from the sun", and especially "Wizards first rule" who sacrificed a top 10 spot to send me FA during the last hours. Would have finished slightly below 65 M NW (2nd) otherwise.

And thanks to the rest of the kill raid party that took out lifewhatsthat.

Edited By: Grimstad on Apr 30th 2010, 11:43:46
aka maxmanus

afaik Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 10:18:17

lol wait, weren't YOU #148 Grim?

I got top commie anyway but should really have put it in the top 3 - could almost have pushed for the win if I'd stocked a bit earlier. The new changes really help.

Grimstad Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 11:48:13

afaik, omg thanks for pointing that out lol! Edited my post now.

Nice commie, despite pretty low military prices! I can imagine the new tech/govt changes made a big difference for commies :)
aka maxmanus

feilo Game profile

New Member

Apr 30th 2010, 11:59:12

what happened to Political Ponerology (#13)?

He was reselling at 67m+ already with 1 day left in the set..

est salohcin (#216) here. those nukes at the end really hurt

afaik Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 15:04:13

Yes I expected #13 to jump again. I don't know if the date changed mid-set but I had thought that the last day of the set was today (30th)... I had another $5M nw in the bank. Perhaps the same happened to Political Ponerology?

nw's were much higher than last set but still low overall... here's the ranks anyway

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2010, 17:10:46

As I understand it you were sending out messages telling people that they weren't allowed to retal you, Grimstad. What would have happened if they done so?

Can we please not pervert primary into a clan based game with kill teams and last minute FA packages? I'd like to see the best individually skilled player win instead of the one with the most friends.

Grimstad Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:42:58


Your first statement is true if you're talking about people who have spied upon me. But if you mean sending out many messages in a massive spam message campaign trying to protect myself by making some kind of syndictate you're completely misinformed.

There are two times I've done this:

1. Once to Hash in Express
2. Once to jobwhatsthat in this reset in Primary.

Both had commited spy ops on my country, which I obviously took as a sign they would attack. So I messaged ->that country doing the spy op<- telling I would retal if they grabbed. Since you're in the development: Where have you been telling that this is bad/wrong? And if I told them "weren't allowed" to, then what does that mean? That they would be removed from the server? I only warned them that they would be retaled if they hit me.

And about the killing of jobwhatsthat: Every other country I did the kill run with were not allies and not even people I knew! I was asked by political ponerology if I wanted to join the killrun and I accepted with joy and gratitude because the idiot had destroyed 23k of my farms for absolutely no reason. This is not clan activity at all! I'm not even a clan member on any clan server!

The abscence of clans is the -->major<-- reason I play primary so you're missing the point by miles. Had two allies (already mentioned in a prev post) and didn't know any of them when sending them offers.

The FA i got was controversial I admit. I never asked for it, wizards first rule gave it to me without warning telling beforehand, but messaged me he wanted me to win. Might be a good idea to remove FA from primary to avoid his problem. I'd gladly support this idea.

You last statement is kind of weird. Are you aware of how much NW can be produced with 40k farms with 30 days left in the game with fasc fully teched? WAY more than 68 mill NW that's for sure. Thought you might know the game when you're one of administrators and all. Sorry for sounding rude, but your post is sort of sickening. If you want to challenge me in netting some time then let's go. I'm ready.
aka maxmanus

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2010, 18:55:25

I am referring to messages that you sent out like this:

"FYI, I only accept retals land:land so you should cross fingers that there won't be a buyout of turrets if you decide to retal. I will take back every acre until we're even again, so if you want a war for your 244 lost acres, then go ahead and do it."

If you tried to enforce such a ridiculous policy on me personally, I would war/suicide on you. I hope you'd have enough integrity not to complain about it on the boards and order a kill run, because to be frank, sending out messages like that pretty much guarantees that you'll get suicided on.

As for individual skill in primary, part of it knowing when to stop grabbing.

Grimstad Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:29:49

I've played this game long enough to know that a war country vs country in most cases will result in a destruction of BOTH countries. I'm very aware of the fact that I could get suicided on. On the other hand, by sending out that message, my opponent runs the same risk. Most importantly though, it worked. He didn't grab me. And nothing in the rules says I'm not allowed to do this.

And what does this have to do with clan politics? You have been claiming that I'm "perverting" primary into a clan server and you can't even prove that I've done anything clan related.

"order a kill run"

When did I order a kill run? I was invited to a kill run!

"As for individual skill in primary, part of it knowing when to stop grabbing."

This statement is pointless as the guy who suicided on me was never hit by me. And secondly where were you this set since you're such an expert netter?

3 things Mr. "administrator":

1. Don't accuse people falsely

2. Having access to my ingame messages would give you a clear advantage as an admin. Or maybe you received it from the player I sent it to? I'm not even going to speculate about any clan activity involving you and your friend since I don't want to accuse anyone without proof (like you have).

and then the worst by far:

3. Posting my private message in the PUBLIC FORUMS: is this how we are supposed to trust admins in this game? Seriously, where's the privacy? Not that it matters for me, because I stand by that message 100%. It's worse for someone who is supposed to be trustworthy, like a member of the game staff.

You're an --->admin<---! Get a grip, Slagpit.
aka maxmanus

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2010, 23:18:50

All messages, except those reported as inappropriate by players, are private between the sender and the receiver. In this case, the receiver, who happened to be my ingame ally, sent me the message.

Since you can't seem to have a normal conversation with someone with "administrator" in their game, I'll refrain from commenting further.

NOW3P Game profile


May 5th 2010, 4:54:33

lol - no wonder you got AB'ed into the ground. I woulda done the same thing if you had sent me that message....After I retalled you, that is....cuz I'm a prick like that

Lemme guess, you were sitting on about 100k tanks or less when it happened too?

aponic Game profile


May 5th 2010, 23:01:09

Grimstad: I still would have won with 70.5m nw if Sl****t had not suicided me in the final 3 hours. (Political Ponerology)

BobbyATA Game profile


May 16th 2010, 1:45:40

ah Grimstad I was wondering how someone could be owning me so bad this set. I was Planetary I think, I was killed midset probably had second best country to you at the time.

Oh shoot and now I just read the stuff between slagpit and grimstad. Calm down guys you are two of my favorite players. I was the player in the middle that you grabbed and then you sent that reply message to me hahahaha. This is very very funny to me in retrospect