Feb 28th 2022, 12:32:19
There are only a few really useful pages on the wiki. I keep copies of certain pages in Microsoft OneNote for quick reference. For example, the game formula page. This is information that should be easily accessible by everyone.
Game Formulas
These formula may not be entirely accurate. Use at your own risk!
This page contains a listing of various formulae for Earth Empires.
Note: Some of these are old formulas, and need to be updated. This list does not include every formula either. Those highlighted in green are as accurate as possible. Anything in red is known to be incorrect. A good player does not have to know all the formulas, but a basic understanding helps.
Most formulae use standard rounding, but some, like networth, use truncation.
General Formulas
Calculating Formula
Per Capita Income (PCI) 22.5 * (1 - Taxrate) * (1 + ((Networth/Land)/90000)) * (1 + (2 * (Ent/Land))) * BusTech * GvtPCIBonus
Revenue PCI * Pop * Taxrate
Construction Cost 3 * Land + 1500 3*(max(1,land-750)^1.03)+1500
Destruction Cost 0.2 * (3 * Land + 1500)
Rebuilding Cost
Oil Consumption (Troops + Jets + Tanks)/25
Buildings Per Turn (CS/4 + 5) * GvtContrBonus
Military Upkeep ((Troops * .11) + (Jets * .14) + (Turrets * .18) + (Tanks * .57) + Spies) * MilTech% * (1 + Networth/40000000) * GvtBonus * MilBaseFactor
MilBaseFactor has a lower limit of .61 and is calculated as follows:
MilBaseFactor = 1 - 1. 3 *(MilBases/Land)
Alliance Upkeep (NumOfDef/OffAllies * 4 + NumOfIntel/ResAllies * 3 + NumOfTradePacts) * ( Networth / 2000 )
If a member of GDI, add: Land * 3 * GvtPenalty
If a war is declared, add: Land * 10
Or, broken out into individual Ally costs:
Defensive Allies: DefAllies * Networth * 0.002 (0.2% of NW each)
Offensive Allies: OffAllies * Networth * 0.002 (0.2% of NW each)
Intelligence Allies: IntelAllies * Networth * 0.0015 (0.15% of NW each)
Research Allies: ResAllies * Networth * 0.0015 (0.15% of NW each)
Trade Pacts: TradePacts * Networth * 0.0005 (0.05% of NW each)
GDI Costs (Theocracy): Land * 8
GDI Costs (All Others): Land * 4
Declare War Costs: Land * 10
GDI Penalty Because of the defensive nature of the alliance, one side effect of GDI is 10% lower gains from your attacks.
Total Expense Military Upkeep + Alliance Upkeep + Land Upkeep
Land Upkeep If land < 1500: (7 / 1500) * (Land^2) + (3 * Land)
Otherwise: 10 * Land
Networth (Troops * 0.5) + (Jets * 0.6) + (Turrets * 0.6) + (Tanks * 2) + (Spies * 1) + (Tech * 2) + (Land * 45) + (Buildings * 35) + (Money / 20000) + (Food/1000) + (Missles * 2500) + (Pop/6) + (Oil/100)
This formula does not specify whether each term is to be rounded or truncated, which varies.
Food Production (Farms * 5.3) + (Unused Acres*0.4) * GovFoodBonus * AgriTech
Food Consumption (Pop * 0.03) + (Spies * 0.005) + ((Troops + Jets + Turrets) * 0.001) + (Tanks * 0.003)
Food Decay Bushels Before Turn is Taken = BBT
Bushels Consumed During Turn = Cons
Bushels Produce During Turn = Prod
( BBT - Cons + Prod ) / 1000
Technology Percentages The technology percentage for countries is determined by the following formula:
With the variables C1, C2, GvtTech and GvtEff listed below. The base and maximum for tech is listed in the table on Technology.
Variable Values
Normal Techs 192
Military Tech 780
Medical Tech 1650
Normal Techs 6.795
Military Tech 5.75
Medical Tech 4.62
Normal 1
Democracy 1.1
Theocracy 0.65
Theocracy, Military Tech 0.65 (unverified)
Normal 1
Communism 1.2
Tech Per Turn TechPerTurn=Round(0.17*Labs*(1+Labs/Land)+3,0)
Military Formulas
(Spies Per Acre Land) (Spies*GovtBonus*Spytech + 1/4 AlliesSpies)/Land
Standard Strike Strength WeaponsTech% * GovtBonus * Readiness * (Troops + Jets*2 + Tanks*4) + min(WeaponsTech% * GovtBonus * Readiness * (Troops + Jets*2 + Tanks*4), 0.25 * (AlliesTroops + AlliesJets*2 + AlliesTanks*4)) where min(value1,value2) = lower of the two values
Planned Strike Strength SS Strength * 1.5
Switching Governments
If your current government is a Monarchy then there is no penalty for changing to another form.
When changing from any other form of government, there is are losses incurred to your countries resources during the change.
This loss is a percentage of all cash, military, technology and buildings. Starting at 14%, this number increases based on your networth (NW) with the following formula:
NW < 10.5M: 14% losses
12M < NW < 30M: (14+25*(NW-10.5M)/18)% losses
NW > 30M: 39% losses
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This page was last edited on 28 May 2014, at 22:29.
Game Formulas
These formula may not be entirely accurate. Use at your own risk!
This page contains a listing of various formulae for Earth Empires.
Note: Some of these are old formulas, and need to be updated. This list does not include every formula either. Those highlighted in green are as accurate as possible. Anything in red is known to be incorrect. A good player does not have to know all the formulas, but a basic understanding helps.
Most formulae use standard rounding, but some, like networth, use truncation.
General Formulas
Calculating Formula
Per Capita Income (PCI) 22.5 * (1 - Taxrate) * (1 + ((Networth/Land)/90000)) * (1 + (2 * (Ent/Land))) * BusTech * GvtPCIBonus
Revenue PCI * Pop * Taxrate
Construction Cost 3 * Land + 1500 3*(max(1,land-750)^1.03)+1500
Destruction Cost 0.2 * (3 * Land + 1500)
Rebuilding Cost
Oil Consumption (Troops + Jets + Tanks)/25
Buildings Per Turn (CS/4 + 5) * GvtContrBonus
Military Upkeep ((Troops * .11) + (Jets * .14) + (Turrets * .18) + (Tanks * .57) + Spies) * MilTech% * (1 + Networth/40000000) * GvtBonus * MilBaseFactor
MilBaseFactor has a lower limit of .61 and is calculated as follows:
MilBaseFactor = 1 - 1. 3 *(MilBases/Land)
Alliance Upkeep (NumOfDef/OffAllies * 4 + NumOfIntel/ResAllies * 3 + NumOfTradePacts) * ( Networth / 2000 )
If a member of GDI, add: Land * 3 * GvtPenalty
If a war is declared, add: Land * 10
Or, broken out into individual Ally costs:
Defensive Allies: DefAllies * Networth * 0.002 (0.2% of NW each)
Offensive Allies: OffAllies * Networth * 0.002 (0.2% of NW each)
Intelligence Allies: IntelAllies * Networth * 0.0015 (0.15% of NW each)
Research Allies: ResAllies * Networth * 0.0015 (0.15% of NW each)
Trade Pacts: TradePacts * Networth * 0.0005 (0.05% of NW each)
GDI Costs (Theocracy): Land * 8
GDI Costs (All Others): Land * 4
Declare War Costs: Land * 10
GDI Penalty Because of the defensive nature of the alliance, one side effect of GDI is 10% lower gains from your attacks.
Total Expense Military Upkeep + Alliance Upkeep + Land Upkeep
Land Upkeep If land < 1500: (7 / 1500) * (Land^2) + (3 * Land)
Otherwise: 10 * Land
Networth (Troops * 0.5) + (Jets * 0.6) + (Turrets * 0.6) + (Tanks * 2) + (Spies * 1) + (Tech * 2) + (Land * 45) + (Buildings * 35) + (Money / 20000) + (Food/1000) + (Missles * 2500) + (Pop/6) + (Oil/100)
This formula does not specify whether each term is to be rounded or truncated, which varies.
Food Production (Farms * 5.3) + (Unused Acres*0.4) * GovFoodBonus * AgriTech
Food Consumption (Pop * 0.03) + (Spies * 0.005) + ((Troops + Jets + Turrets) * 0.001) + (Tanks * 0.003)
Food Decay Bushels Before Turn is Taken = BBT
Bushels Consumed During Turn = Cons
Bushels Produce During Turn = Prod
( BBT - Cons + Prod ) / 1000
Technology Percentages The technology percentage for countries is determined by the following formula:
With the variables C1, C2, GvtTech and GvtEff listed below. The base and maximum for tech is listed in the table on Technology.
Variable Values
Normal Techs 192
Military Tech 780
Medical Tech 1650
Normal Techs 6.795
Military Tech 5.75
Medical Tech 4.62
Normal 1
Democracy 1.1
Theocracy 0.65
Theocracy, Military Tech 0.65 (unverified)
Normal 1
Communism 1.2
Tech Per Turn TechPerTurn=Round(0.17*Labs*(1+Labs/Land)+3,0)
Military Formulas
(Spies Per Acre Land) (Spies*GovtBonus*Spytech + 1/4 AlliesSpies)/Land
Standard Strike Strength WeaponsTech% * GovtBonus * Readiness * (Troops + Jets*2 + Tanks*4) + min(WeaponsTech% * GovtBonus * Readiness * (Troops + Jets*2 + Tanks*4), 0.25 * (AlliesTroops + AlliesJets*2 + AlliesTanks*4)) where min(value1,value2) = lower of the two values
Planned Strike Strength SS Strength * 1.5
Switching Governments
If your current government is a Monarchy then there is no penalty for changing to another form.
When changing from any other form of government, there is are losses incurred to your countries resources during the change.
This loss is a percentage of all cash, military, technology and buildings. Starting at 14%, this number increases based on your networth (NW) with the following formula:
NW < 10.5M: 14% losses
12M < NW < 30M: (14+25*(NW-10.5M)/18)% losses
NW > 30M: 39% losses
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This page was last edited on 28 May 2014, at 22:29.