
Buch Game profile


Feb 7th 2022, 0:23:53

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Doug:
$38 bushels? You cowards! I’m ready to set the building on fire. You do realize for MOST of you once you hit $36 after 6% or %10 market costs you’re at $33.84 and $32.40 respectfully. $37 is pushing it. Then y’all run to the private market for $34. Make the game interesting and quit undercutting because you stocked 500 million and are pissing your pants the last 2 days. Guuuuurl

This is why netterz suck. Boo hoo poor me. Why are you undercutting. Why did you hit me. Where's my safe space? We should all get to be number 1.

Wow I actually agree with 1 thing you said. Buch I was hardly in on the hits, yes I did hit you. A: for being a fluffburglar spying on me all set. B: For bad form hitting, and killing a brand new player to EE last set on the very last day of the set the very last hour, and she will not return to the game. C: I just wanted to penetrate you. Uhhh I mean with jets… umm yeah and lastly Captain pillow biter, I’ve never tried being an enemy of yours or anyone else’s. I actually want to see people play and enjoy it.

Oh and D: Gains and SOF were holding the blow up doll of my Nick carter Backstreet Boys blow up doll hostage and made me. 😘

I didn't kill any one last set. So your dumb.

I'll even bet you. If you're right I won't mess with anyone next set.

If I'm right PDM wars Laf.