
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 28th 2021, 22:51:25

Hawk hits loc every set except one in a year then threatens to hit loc every set for a year. I would suspect we were already anticipating that because you generally hit us 5 out of every 6 sets unless you find a 1 year war with NBK. We do absolutely have respect for any 1v1s people have time for with you. Or wars or whatever. I'm not shy about saying I really dont have time for ya atm and I would absolutely wish you the best in not hitting us. There just isnt a historical precedent for that. You hitting us is the norm.

Thing is, unless you want to get absolutely smacked by NBK, if no one has time to do 1v1 with you, the obvious choice for someone who hits every set is probably us. I don't think its naive to think that, considering the complete lack of options and players currently. It's almost positively sure you will hit someone, ICD is too small rn to present a real challange in your building because you'll be warbuilds and they wont, and NBK war would be over before it even started. Essentially you are going to hit, and we're the only clan worth hitting.

I'd be likely to accept a 1v1 with ya sometime in the winter, but I'm working 6 14s at the moment and it isnt realistic. All things considered I think it's totally appropriate for us to assume you will hit us every set as you have done in something like 15 of the last 22 sets. I suppose we could have our minds changed, but I dont think threatening us with hitting us for a year when you already do that anyways will really change our thinking that much. That's already what we assume will happen if we do not hit you ever as weve done for years while recieving attacks from you in nearly every set consistently.

We would all rather raz finds time for you, or that you find some good wars with parity with the other war players on the server such as 2s or 4s with NBK. Plenty of good wars out there for ya. Noting that those never happen tho....I mean...I think we're making a pretty sound assumption. I would assume negative money on a bet of whether or not you'll hit us this round. I'd put money on it honestly and be borderline shocked if you did not hit us. I'd wager around a 90-95% chance of you hitting us if we left you alone the rest of the set. There's a historical precedent for that for sure considering you've already lost countries and have no netting future this round... Tho if something I'm saying is incorrect, I'd love to hear why. Again. My mind can be changed...just generally not with threatening to do what you already have been doing.

Our actions seem to do little to dictate whether or not you will hit us for the next year. Your actions make us assume you will hit us every set for the next year regardless of what we do. And I'd generally put the odds at around 90 or 95% in a net set we do not hit you.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 28th 2021, 23:14:42
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