
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 26th 2021, 19:38:19

I'm certain you know that median spy count is lower than troop count. And I'm certain you know the reason for that is expenses.

That said, I agree with everything else you're saying. It would make the war meta better for the top builders. Absolutely. But in the event they are chem rushed 1 time, restarts were still able to be viable.

I'm not of the thinking that destroying all viability for restarts, (which is often the majority in a war because the best builds get chem rushed), is a good way to achieve that tho.

I mean....really think about where a restart fits into this way compared to now. I agree this helps better builders, but for sure at the expense of the majority of those playing. I think its incredibly short sighted to think only of how to benefit the very best players in a war, because if they're too hard for restarts to touch, the war just ends with like 2 left on each side.

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 26th 2021, 19:41:47
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