
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 15th 2020, 5:46:21

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
When the guy saying you ran with a guy running multies also ran with a guy who ran multies during the reset I broke the pact. Pot meet kettle.

Sorry the truth hurts beer. Yall guys roll over faster than a dog with an itchy belly pre-nbk coming back. I mean you let 1 guy tag kill the clan solo... wth is up with that.

Hold up, who ran multies with me? No one ever just making fluff up now? People have fluff histories from RD and such, is that what you mean? I didnt a multi into a war and then not claim his countries as part of my numbers while being fully aware they play 2 strings lol. You mean cuz like donny was in the war? Ive played with donny lots on 1a. He wasnt multying when he played with me ever and he isn't banned like the player you're attempting to play with. I'm not down for that. I play it square and call my shots like willie Mays baby. You know that. You also know my word is good on pacts.

Only cowards and bad players and eternal losers who have no business warring because they dont have a chance hide. Fortunately players like me offer decent wars you deny. Its frankly a mechanic that needs changed. But either way. I'm still down to do something enjoyable instead of you just griefing me and hiding like a coward and the only explanation being an inaccurate attack on my personal life with your purple friends.

I dont dislike you hawk. I actually dont understand it. Did I do something to you personally that the only thing you have to say is an attack on my personal life, and you're going to choose to spend your time with a person who is still mad at me over being banned 6 months ago for calling me a pedophile? You could at least come up with something I did in the game man. That's whack.

I dont wanna be attacked repeatedly by someone because they are mad they got banned for calling me a pedophile. That's objectively just not a good look for the game. Nor do I think anteing up the personal fluff here is a good look. Keep it civil boys.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 15th 2020, 6:08:22
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