
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2020, 0:21:11

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
30 is a wild guess but it's probably not as inaccurate as you think.

In PA for example, we had a filing for a stay in vote counting until observers could stand closer. Court ruled they could stand closer but votes should continue being counted. That case paused vote counting for a few hours.

We had a court case on election day that Alito ordered on to segregate some ballots. This was the 2nd time a similar case was in a court.

A lawsuit was filed soon after the election saying there was voter fraud in 7 counties. This marked the 5th case in just PA.

On last monday trump filed a lawsuit to stop the vote certification citing a lack of oversight of the mail in ballots. Number 6.

And that's just 1 state. Nevada has one about stopping machine verification, one about processing of mail ballots. I know Georgia has one about them counting ballots that came in after 7pm. Michigan has one about poll watchers etc.

It might not be 30 but I'd believe it to be more or less around there. It's an estimate but I dont believe it's a horrible one.

So now you're basically admitting to pulling numbers out of your ass hole....

The number of lawsuits trump filed? Absolutely. I said "about 30" and I stand by my guesstimate of there being "about 30" cases. If I thought there were exactly 30 cases, i wouldnt have said "about 30."

Do you have a better estimate? I can actually count but I guarantee it's less than 40 cases and greater than 20. Off the top of my head I can think of 20, but I cant imagine there being 40. In my world we call that "about 30." Sorry that's confusing.

I guess you know you've lost when rather than answering the question of which case you think will go to SCOTUS which was my question, you argue that my relatively accurate estimate is not exactly correct. Hint. It's probably not exactly right, but it's in the neighborhood. That's how estimates work.

When I tell someone how to oil destock and tell them to have about 8 food for every one oil, I've yet to be told I'm wrong for not telling them the exact accurate amount of 7.78 bushels per oil. Because again...I said about 8. Like roughly.

Point is moot tho. I'm still curious what trump people who think this will go before the court which needs to happen in what....the next 2 to 3 weeks (also an estimate. December 8th is EXACTLY not 2 or 3 weeks away. But it's close. Again. Estimates. I know. Crazy fluff.)? What do people in the trump-verse think the supreme court will be making an opinion on?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 22nd 2020, 0:33:51
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