
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2020, 18:24:11

It's that whole thing that people say these things pay for themselves. I disagree and I think history shows they are wrong aside from one instance. The reason why trickle down worked so well for Reagan was timing moreso than strategy, imo. At that time, corporate america wasnt so entrenched in and reliant on the global economy. Lowering corporate tax by 10% ish now didn't actually make any sense because it only increased stock value and the amount of money corporate executives make. Since the corporations were already solvent, making record returns, and growing at a record pace, cutting tax on them merely increased their value without increasing the average workers wages or number of workers they employ. In the stagnant economy Reagan inherited, growth especially from corporations needed to be stimulated to create more jobs, so it's just going to end up, as we've seen, with Bezos taking in another 40 billion and the normal middle class about as employed and making about as much.

The dems unfortunate reaction to this is, as hawk pointed out, to increase the wealth tax and hit the very rich with harder taxes. But that's still obviously the enemy of getting it right. You cant tax the fluff outta the middle class, let corporations scoot with record numbers and 9% tax rates, and then tax the fluff out of their executives to give money back to the middle class in the form of social programs and defense spending lol. That's a completely absurd way to go about attempting to fix this multi-trillion dollar deficit lol.

Both sides are so wrong. Bob was so right lol.