
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 1st 2020, 3:29:50

My thing rn with this administration is, despite everything else, Trump struggles to pass good legislation.

One of his 2016 campaign promises was that medicare would be able to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to lower drug prices against the ACA (obviously not articulated the same way because trump but that's how I interpreted him "making deals" with drug corps). As someone in the middle class who cant afford my medicine for a genetic disorder I have (Marfan Syndrome if you care), I was very excited this was part of his plan. As a pragmatic politcal leader, I also know nervous nancy Pelosi wants this very same thing. Trump was set up for success to make my individual experience better by doing something he was blessed with the right congress to make happen. I was like THAT CLOSE to being able to afford my medicine.

Instead, idk, I'm still gonna have to die young because I guess neither of them are adult enough to get along and pass tangible legislation aside from a forced tax bill. If seriously either of them quit being an asshole for 10 minutes they'd realize they want the same thing, and I wouldnt have to be disappointed anymore or expecting to die in the next 10 years anymore.

But because I dislike trump for his inability to quit being an asshole long enough to save my life, I'm just an anti-trumper. I'm just a dem. Even though I'm pissed at nancy for her inability to quit being an asshole too. And it's so personal to me my heart is going to literally explode. And that's how I feel about it. I hope the next guy at least has the common decency and respect to get me my medicine. That's all I'm really looking for while my life is on the shelf with a preexisting condition that cannot be claimed as a disease. I'm stuck in Obama limbo, and apparently all I need is respect to return to politics.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 1st 2020, 3:33:07
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