Oct 28th 2019, 11:25:04
Clan GDI may or may not be a good thing, it will really depend on what is actually deployed. I will however caution on MMRs if done incorrectly it will push All-xers to start hitting bots, dropping all available bots into much deeper DRs thereby tempting much more aggressive players to hit non-bot countries. top countries rarely care how they achieve land goal in x amount of turns and will adjust accordingly. If bots become nonviable they will find alternate means.
Personally I feel growing the player base would solve many issues... but it would take few things to accomplish.
the community as a whole would need to be more helpful toward newer players, teach them how to play the game. guide them thru what works and what does not work.share your experiences openly.
let the past go, it happened, it's over done and gone, you cannot change it so move on toward a more positive mode of game play. basically just enjoy the game and allow others to do the same.
next is the big one -- do we have a graphic artist in house ??? alternately get a quote from freelance.com then use gofundme / indiegogo to fund the project.
make it so players click on a picture of a building and get action submenus and small report boxes for the building they clicked on.
place the buildings on an isometric grid, and make it so buildings change as you get more of that type of building. maybe something like 12-15 seperate designs per building type and it changes based on number of acres built with this building.
take a look at forge of empires and Elvenar they are basically the same as what we have here in that they are still at their core text based games the wrapping is just prettier to look at.
sub menus in the building can be like:
Enterprise Zones
-- Build Ent: ------- |____|
-- Teardown Ent: ---- |____|
-- Explore Land ----- |____|
-- Cash Turns: ------ |____|
-- Tech Turns: ------ |____|
-- Buy Biz Tech: ---- |____| -- Public |____| -- current Price on market
-- Sell Biz Tech: --- |____| -- Public |____||____|-- $ amount to sell at
-- Buy Food: -------- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
-- Buy Military: ---- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
-- Build Res ------- |____|
-- Teardown Res: --- |____|
-- Explore Land ---- |____|
-- Cash Turns: ----- |____|
-- Tech Turns: ----- |____|
-- Buy Res Tech: --- |____| -- Public |____| -- current Price on market
-- Sell Res Tech: -- |____| -- Public |____| -- |____| -- $ amount to sell at
-- Buy Food: ------- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
-- Buy Military: --- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
Industrial Complexes
-- Build Indies ---- |____|
-- Teardown Ind: --- |____|
-- Explore Land ---- |____|
-- Cash Turns: ----- |____|
-- Tech Turns: ----- |____|
-- Buy Ind Tech: --- |____| -- Public |____|
-- Sell Ind Tech: -- |____| -- Public |____|
-- Buy Food: ------- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____|
-- Sell Mil Units -- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____|
-- Buy Military: --- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____|
etc and similar for:
Military Bases
Research Labs
Oil Rigs
Construction Sites
create multiple animations for each of the various actions -- display based on size of action
allow player to toggle animations on and off
I can basically do the Use Cases, and maybe some rudimentary artwork for a pro to look at as a starting point.
aS for my ability to document this -- here is an example:
EarthEmpires UserManual (draft) -- this is from a few years back but should still work for new players:
Personally I feel growing the player base would solve many issues... but it would take few things to accomplish.
the community as a whole would need to be more helpful toward newer players, teach them how to play the game. guide them thru what works and what does not work.share your experiences openly.
let the past go, it happened, it's over done and gone, you cannot change it so move on toward a more positive mode of game play. basically just enjoy the game and allow others to do the same.
next is the big one -- do we have a graphic artist in house ??? alternately get a quote from freelance.com then use gofundme / indiegogo to fund the project.
make it so players click on a picture of a building and get action submenus and small report boxes for the building they clicked on.
place the buildings on an isometric grid, and make it so buildings change as you get more of that type of building. maybe something like 12-15 seperate designs per building type and it changes based on number of acres built with this building.
take a look at forge of empires and Elvenar they are basically the same as what we have here in that they are still at their core text based games the wrapping is just prettier to look at.
sub menus in the building can be like:
Enterprise Zones
-- Build Ent: ------- |____|
-- Teardown Ent: ---- |____|
-- Explore Land ----- |____|
-- Cash Turns: ------ |____|
-- Tech Turns: ------ |____|
-- Buy Biz Tech: ---- |____| -- Public |____| -- current Price on market
-- Sell Biz Tech: --- |____| -- Public |____||____|-- $ amount to sell at
-- Buy Food: -------- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
-- Buy Military: ---- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
-- Build Res ------- |____|
-- Teardown Res: --- |____|
-- Explore Land ---- |____|
-- Cash Turns: ----- |____|
-- Tech Turns: ----- |____|
-- Buy Res Tech: --- |____| -- Public |____| -- current Price on market
-- Sell Res Tech: -- |____| -- Public |____| -- |____| -- $ amount to sell at
-- Buy Food: ------- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
-- Buy Military: --- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____| -- Unit dropdown with price
Industrial Complexes
-- Build Indies ---- |____|
-- Teardown Ind: --- |____|
-- Explore Land ---- |____|
-- Cash Turns: ----- |____|
-- Tech Turns: ----- |____|
-- Buy Ind Tech: --- |____| -- Public |____|
-- Sell Ind Tech: -- |____| -- Public |____|
-- Buy Food: ------- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____|
-- Sell Mil Units -- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____|
-- Buy Military: --- |____| -- PM |____| / Public |____|
etc and similar for:
Military Bases
Research Labs
Oil Rigs
Construction Sites
create multiple animations for each of the various actions -- display based on size of action
allow player to toggle animations on and off
I can basically do the Use Cases, and maybe some rudimentary artwork for a pro to look at as a starting point.
aS for my ability to document this -- here is an example:
EarthEmpires UserManual (draft) -- this is from a few years back but should still work for new players:
Happy Hunting