
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 1st 2019, 7:53:59

The angle at which it flipped to an organized religion discussion in 4 messages after that opening message is like actually hard to keep up with.

I'm a naturalistic pantheist (god is everything and nothing etc) but i do sympathize with more pessimistic philosophy like that of Jidda Krishnamurti. Although he's almost too disappointed, i align with those beliefs in conjunction with believing energy and matter are holy. Contrary to sin's point, I've found the unitarian church to be a rather fulfilling alternative. Agnostics have bake sales too. But damn.... that started and where we are now i cant even think to write 12 paragraphs like usual.....

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 1st 2019, 7:58:58
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